New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini

The Sun and the Moon align once again, near the end of sidereal Gemini, for a New Moon at 7:48 pm PDT on Thursday, July 12th. Shortly after that, at 8:01 PDT (3:01 am UTC on Friday the 13th), a partial solar eclipse will reach its maximum, over the Southern Ocean between Australia and Antarctica. The partial eclipse will be somewhat visible from southeastern Australia, Tasmania, and the southern tip of New Zealand, but its shadow effects will stir the energetic pot all over the world.


new moon solar eclipse

Image from NASA

Eclipse Energy

Eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon align with each other (on a New Moon / Solar eclipse), or opposite each other (on a Full Moon / Lunar eclipse), while also in close proximity with the nodal axis (Free Eclipse E-Book Here). The nodes, Rahu and Ketu, are astronomical points in the sky determined in relation to these eclipses, and are the points where the Sun’s and Moon’s paths appear to cross. When the nodes come into close alignment with the Sun and Moon, we have eclipses, and we see the shadows cross in front of those heavenly bodies.

Since ancient times, the nodes have been known to bring forth shadow energy—the subconscious and latent forces that drive us but that are hardest for us to understand or see clearly. They, along with the seven visible bodies (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn), are known as the grahas, or “forces that grab us.” We can see the other grahas clearly on a regular basis, and are more aware of the ways in which they influence us. But the nodes are largely invisible, driving us at subconscious levels.

Around the times of eclipses, however, we are more able to see the shadows. This can be both disruptive, if we are not prepared to handle our challenging internal forces, but also revelatory. When our own shadows come to light and become visible, this is our opportunity to work with them, embrace them, and grow through awareness of our own challenging tendencies. The period of time leading up to and throughout “eclipse season” can show us what we really need to work on, and gives us an opportunity to realign some things in our lives that are out of balance.

The current “eclipse season” began a couple of weeks ago (usually the effects can be felt 2-4 weeks before the first eclipse), and will last through the lunar eclipse of July 27th and the second solar eclipse on August 11th.

Gemini Eclipse

This eclipse occurs on a new Moon in Gemini, with Sun and Moon aligning at 26° sidereal Gemini. Gemini is the outward sign ruled by Mercury, where we let our curiosity, playfulness, and intellect lead our actions. This often leads to a lot of socializing, investigating, and communicating. Gemini is one of the most flexible signs, in its dual nature and represented by a pair of twins. With the lunar cycle beginning in Gemini, this curious, flexible, and outward nature will rule as we move forward into the month.

With the Sun being eclipsed here, however, the shadows of our Gemini nature come to light. Perhaps we lean too much towards flexibility and playfulness, and fail to take a stand for what we believe in. This new Moon / solar eclipse also aligns with the Vedic nakshatra Punarvasu, a star of renewal. There is a great energy of abundance here, and the lunar cycle beginning here is usually auspicious for bringing in many blessings. Under the eclipse energy, we must be more aware of what we call into our lives. This star-sign is often represented by a bow or a quiver of arrows, showing that we must be careful as we take aim.

During this new Moon, Saturn casts his gaze on the Sun and Moon from his opposing position in Sagittarius. His transit there is putting on the pressure for us to really commit to our beliefs, and discern the course of action that is most in alignment with our highest ideals. Wherever we might be a bit “wishy-washy,” this is likely to be revealed during this eclipse cycle. Whichever houses Gemini and Sagittarius are in your chart, they are likely to be effected by this eclipse, and you will see where your life is out of balance and in need of re-calibration.

new moon solar eclipse

Rahu in Cancer

Though Sun and Moon join near the end of Gemini, Rahu, the shadow planet influencing this eclipse, is positioned in early Cancer. Though his energy will disrupt themes of the Gemini-Sagittarius axis during this eclipse, he is also grinding away at the shadows of Cancer throughout his year-and-a-half long transit here. (If you have not yet read my full report and forecast for your sign, you can download it for free by joining my free list). Whichever areas of your life are indicated by sidereal Cancer and Capricorn (and by any planets that you have there) are the places where you’re doing a lot of internal work during this nodal transit.

Mars and Ketu

Mars and Ketu are in extremely close proximity again, as Mars has appeared to move backward in retrograde motion since June 26th. They are now within one degree and will have another exact conjunction on July 18th. The combination of these two warrior-like planets can bring a lot of violence and upheaval, especially in the area of your life indicated by Capricorn in your Vedic natal chart, and the areas ruled by Mars. You may find your courage weakened yet also feel enraged throughout this conjunction.

Mars will continue in retrograde motion through the end of August, causing those areas of life to slow down or change direction for us. After moving direct, he will then pass by Ketu once more on September 22nd. The two will not part signs until November 5th. This is an important time for sadhana, especially if Mars is prominent in your chart.

Jupiter Direct

Jupiter turned stationary-direct on July 10th. This may have beneficial effects for the education industry at large, which has faced a lot of upheaval since he went into retrograde motion on March 8th. Moving forward again in sidereal Libra, the sign of balance, we can hope to see some more equality in this area in the coming school-year. Areas of your life ruled by Jupiter may have slowed down or taken a turn during this time as well, and will begin to have more forward-moving momentum soon.


*With all of the intense influences happening right now, this is a very useful time to receive a personal reading to see the effects on your individual natal chart, to better understand how each planet is affecting your life specifically.

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