Eclipse Season, Venus-Jupiter Conjunction, and Akshaya Tritiya

Eclipse Season, Venus-Jupiter Conjunction, and Akshaya Tritiya

Eclipse Season, Venus-Jupiter Conjunction, and Akshaya Tritiya

There is so much going on in the sky right now, this is an exciting time for astronomers and astrologers alike. Tonight brings a Dark Moon as Sun and Moon approach each other for an exact New Moon conjunction on April 30th at 4:28 pm ET. They join in sidereal Aries, where Sun is exalted and Rahu is currently transiting as well. This meeting of Sun, Moon and Rahu stimulates a solar eclipse around the time of the New Moon, the first eclipse of this spring’s eclipse season, with the lunar eclipse following on the Full Moon of May 15th-16th. Additionally, Venus and Jupiter are having their closest conjunction of the year on April 30th as well!

Aries Moon Cycle

The Aries Moon cycle begins when Sun and Moon join in sidereal Aries. If you’ve forgotten the difference between sidereal and tropical systems, here it is! I just re-read this article and definitely recommend checking it out if this is a concept you strive to understand. The Sun is exalted as it travels through Aries, bringing forth a strong sense of vitality and energy as we emerge into the growing season in the northern hemisphere. The Aries cycle is a time for beginning and giving birth to things, just as we see reflected in nature.

Bharani Nakshatra

This Moon cycle begins literally with Sun and Moon in the Vedic nakshatra Bharani, “the bearer,” the star of birth and death. It is represented by a womb, associated with fertile Venus, ruled by death deity Yama, and opens a portal between the worlds of living and dying. This moon cycle is an opportune time to plant the seeds you are wishing to cultivate, both literally and figuratively.

Akshaya Tritiya

Three days after the New Moon in Aries, on Tuesday, May 3rd, the Moon travels through its sign of exaltation as well— Taurus. A sign of exaltation is the place where a planet is considered extremely well-placed, supported by the ruler of that sign, and in good relationship with its home sign. It’s where the planet is most likely to be able to express itself positively through us. With the Sun exalted in Aries, it is supported by its ruler Mars, a planet that adds courage and strength to Sun who seeks to express power and vitality. With the Moon exalted in Venus-ruled, earth-sign Taurus, it gets to rest on fertile and stable ground, an excellent place for our watery, emotional and often changeable mind to reside in the feminine.

With both Sun AND Moon exalted at the same time, this signals that our minds, bodies, and spirit are extremely well-supported. For this reason, this “tritiya” (third waxing Moon) day is thought to be a day that offers only auspicious, prosperous, everlasting results. Hence it is deemed Akshaya Tritiya, “akshaya” being that which is without loss, that which never diminishes. In India this is a major moment for investments, new beginnings, and large purchases, especially of gold and silver. It is thought that your returns will be “never diminishing.”

Although usually I like to offer specific Muhurta selections based on one’s individual natal chart, this day is generally considered auspicious in general for new endeavors, purchases, and investments.

Solar Eclipse

April 30th, the New Moon, itself brings with it a solar eclipse that will be visible from parts of South America and Antarctica. Its effects, however, can be felt across the globe. You may have already noticed tensions rising in your life this week, especially around certain areas where you have felt stuck. Eclipses are when the shadow energy becomes visible (we literally see a shadow when the grahas Rahu and Ketu align with Sun, Moon and Earth). They tend to bring to light areas that require our attention and change, whether it be by eliminating limiting beliefs or patterns, or by stepping into something we have resisted.

This is the first eclipse of a 1.5-year cycle that began when Rahu and Ketu transited into the Aries-Libra axis on April 12th, after their year-and-half transit of Taurus and Scorpio before that. This longer cycle and the biannual eclipse seasons within it are likely to “bring stuff up” for you in whatever areas of life are indicated by Aries and Libra in your Vedic natal chart, and may stimulate other karma depending upon what other planets are there in your chart.

As in many traditional cultures, in Vedic thought eclipses are considered inauspicious times, because the natural order of the universe is turned on its head. It is best not to plan any important activities or new beginnings during the hours of the eclipse itself (2:25 PM – 6:38 PM ET, with maximum eclipse at 4:42). Instead, spiritual practice such as prayer or meditation is advised, as these are the best remedies for dealing with the disruptive, confusing and often virulent energy of the nodes, Rahu and Ketu. Hindu culture advises against eating, drinking or being outside during the eclipse hours as well, especially if you live in its visible path.

This is the first eclipse of two that are coming this eclipse season, the second being a lunar eclipse on the Full Moon of May 15th-16th, which will be visible from most of the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. After that the eclipse season ends until the next set which will come in October-November of this year.

Some astrologers advise people to do things around an eclipse as these can be transformative times. They can definitely be transformative, but I always caution clients that if you are to make a major decision during an eclipse season, be sure that it comes from a place of clarity, after much reflection and introspection, and that it is not based out of stress, fear, or overwhelm with your current situation.

Jupiter-Venus Conjunction/War

In addition to the New Moon and Solar Eclipse, Saturday also brings the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, at 5:14 pm ET in sidereal Pisces. The two will be traveling together in this sign from April 27th through May 23rd, when Venus moves into Aries. Jupiter is the ruler of Pisces, while Venus is exalted there, giving the two brightest planets a lot of power right now. It will be a beautiful sight to behold on the early mornings of April 30th and May 1st, while they can be seen extremely close together rising a little while before the Sun. (EarthSky has some great visuals on what to look for in the early morning eastern sky.)

The intense proximity of the two, however, creates what is known as a graha yuddha or planetary war in Vedic astrology. This happens whenever two planets come within one degree of each other, as these two do from April 29th through May 1st. When this happens, both planets are considered to be weakened because they must vie with each other for power and our attention. Thus the areas ruled by Jupiter (inspiration, hope, beliefs) and Venus (happiness, romance, art, beauty, nature) in general and in our personal charts, may suffer during this time.

The war between Jupiter and Venus can be particularly difficult as these two are quite inimical to each other, Jupiter being the guru of the Gods and Venus that of the Asuras (demons). Jupiter or Guru guides us to acquire our higher belief systems, knowledge, and wisdom, while Venus or Shukra motivates us mainly towards pleasure. It is for this reason that Venus becomes exalted in Pisces, because when under Jupiter’s influence, in this other-worldly water sign, we are often able to align our desires with a higher power or purpose.

So enjoy the spectacle of the two brightest planets this weekend, but consider the highest potential of the two as you feel the waves of emotion that may come as they battle it out, with the Moon and eclipsed Sun joining Rahu in fiery Aries. Overall I do believe this whole setup offers a lot of potential for inner growth, if we take the time to go inward and seek insight around our highest purpose, desires, and intentions for this season’s new beginnings.

Full Moon in Pisces

Full Moon in Pisces

The Moon will complete his full waxing phase in sidereal Pisces for a full Moon at 7:53 pm Pacific time on Monday, September 24th, just after rising in the East. This full Moon falls in Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra, the latter “one with lucky feet.” Deep in the twelfth rashi, this nakshatra relates to the depths of kundalini and fertility, and can help us to take a deep dive into ourselves.


This Moon waxes into fullness in sidereal Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac that helps us to move away from the material world and into the realm of spirit, magic, and dreamland. With the Moon fully illuminated here, we can let our imaginations run wild, and follow them playfully into a whimsical exploration of ourselves.

Jupiter rules Pisces, and brings forward inspiration, luck, and a sense of purpose and believing in something. Under the full Moon in Pisces, we have the potential to truly let go and surrender to a higher power, and let loose a bit on the reins of control that we attempt to use to wield our lives. The Pisces full Moon is opposite the Sun in Virgo, the grounded earth sign that keeps us tied to the mundane tasks and activities of organization and planning that help us to live in the material world. During this opposing full Moon, we reflect on how to balance the right amount of control and attention to detail, with the right amount of surrender and faith in something bigger than ourselves.

Without an inspiring motivator or dedicated purpose, however, Pisces can promote escapist tendencies. We may let our imagination lead us into a world of fantasy, where we neglect  our earthly responsibilities. There is also the possibility for substance abuse as a means of escape here, so be sure to keep one foot on the ground if you have this tendency. With a healthy internal guidance system, however, this can be an exploratory full Moon that takes you to new levels of self-understanding and surrender to the flow.

Uttara Bhadrapada

Following Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada is represented by the back legs of a bed or funeral cot, symbolizing the final end of this life where the body is (traditionally, in India) burned and we are completely released from this phase of existence. This star therefore ushers forth the energy of purification, especially purification by fire ritual. The ruling deity, Ahir Bhudhnya, is a serpent with the potential to raise kundalini energy. Our internal power could light up under this full Moon. It is best if we can do some intentional planning or meditation beforehand to cultivate a space for achieving our desired results, and be sure to hold space for integration during the waning phase.

Venus Retrograde

Desires are heightened due to Venus’ sva position, standing strong in his own sign of Libra this month. We will feel more inspired by music, nature, and the arts during this time, and relationships may be coming to the forefront for many of us. Whether intimate or friendly, this transit is a time where we’ll examine our relating style, how we compromise, and what paths we choose to take to achieve personal happiness.

Venus will come to a halt and enter retrograde motion soon, appearing to move backwards through the zodiac from October 5th through November 15th. This happens once about every 18 months, and gives us a chance to reset our relationships and re-evaluate our desires and our plan for happiness. In Libra, this will send us deep into a self-examination of our relating style, and it’s a great time to learn some new tools for compromise and communication with others. You may find people from the past coming forward with unfinished business during this transit, and will need to negotiate a new balance.

Watch out around October 15th, when Mercury and Venus come within one degree of each other for a planetary war. This could pit our desires against our intellect, with passion ruling out over practicality. This is a danger for some through the whole Venus transit, which can heighten our sensual nature and lead towards more indulgence all-around.

Mars & Ketu

Mars has just passed over Ketu for the third time this year, but will remain within one degree of him until just hours before the full Moon on Monday. There may be a sense of achievement and courage rising with this last conjunction. Mars has been in Capricorn, his sign of exaltation, since early March. Mars in Capricorn is when we learn to channel our strength and fire towards our goals and responsibilities, our self-development and self-discipline, and the things that will bring us lasting value.

During this long transit or Mars, he has been joined with Ketu the entire time, showing us the shadow side of ourselves in how we wield our strength, and also how we fight. This may have brought out some aggression, arguments, and accidents earlier this year, but if we were committed to seeing the lessons of Ketu (especially through the eclipse cycle this summer), we may have come out with a deeper understanding of our warrior within. As Mars finishes his transit here over the next six weeks, we have the chance to stand with our own internal strength, knowing where, when, and how to fight, and how to discipline ourselves, in light of the dark spots that have shown themselves over the last few months.

Jupiter Changing Signs

On October 11th, Jupiter will transit from sidereal Libra into Scorpio. He has been in Libra since September of last year. As he travels through Scorpio for the next thirteen months, our inner warrior will be inspired, and the vulnerable spots inside will be inspired by the planet of purpose. This is a great time to study psychology, mysticism, and whatever inspires you in your personal self-development. This will also light up particular areas of your life depending on your Vedic rising sign.


Stay tuned for a personal forecast or sign up for an individual chart reading to see how these current transits will affect your life.

New Moon in Leo, Venus in Libra, & Ganesh Chaturthi

New Moon in Leo, Venus in Libra, & Ganesh Chaturthi

The Sun and Moon will reach exact alignment for a New Moon in Leo at 11:02 am PDT this Sunday, September 9th. In sidereal Leo they join Mercury and begin a lunar cycle directed by the Sun himself, the ruler of Leo. Saturday night brings the darkest Moon phase as the Moon wanes to total obscurity, and is the best time for letting go of the past lunar cycle and preparing for the new.

new moon in leoLeo Cycle

The Sun is the graha (celestial body or being that grabs us with its force) that we see and experience the effects of the most frequently. Each day he rises and sets, bringing light by day to go out and move out energy through the world, disappearing at night as our energy descends and go into a temporary hibernation. During the Leo cycle, the Sun’s energy is even more powerful, as he is currently seated in his throne, or transiting his own sign of Leo, we could say.

As we begin to notice the hours of the day shortening (or lengthening, depending on your location), as we approach the equinox, awareness of the importance of this light becomes more apparent, and it may be a time where we strive to harness it and more through life as energetically as we can. The Leo cycle makes us aware of our inner light and strength, symbolized by the source energy offered to us from the Sun.

As we go through this cycle it is a time to examine our power and how we are using it. The great strength of kings and queens allows them to be either great samaritans or great tyrants. The highest calling of Leo is to use our power for the good of others, making sacrifices in our personal lives for the duty or responsibility to a larger cause. Four out of five of the last U.S. Presidents had Leo rising or Sun in Leo.

Rising to great power is not generally easy on the individual, however, but it can be purifying. The Sun is considered a krura or cruel planet in Jyotish, meaning he teaches us life’s lessons through more difficult processes. He is also a sattvic planet, however, helping to bring us towards a state of greater peace and alignment. The bright fire of the Sun both illuminates our power and our weakness, our strengths and our shortcomings, and helps to purify us by burning away what is not needed.

Purva Phalguni

This new Moon cycle begins with Sun and Moon joined in Purva Phalguni, the Vedic nakshatra (star-sign) that spans the middle of sidereal Leo. This star, called “the little fig tree” is a star of recreation and relaxation, symbolized by a swinging hammock or the front legs of the bed. In the center of Leo, it shows the leisure that can and should be endured at times in the midst of being busy using our power to take care of our responsibilities. Ruled by the planet Venus and by Bhaga, the god of delight, this star carries a sexual energy and in general draws us towards beauty and luxury.


Venus is now out of sidereal Virgo, his sign of debilitation, and transiting his own sign of Libra, making the pleasure principles even more enhanced this cycle, and for the next several months. Venus will go into his cycle of retrograde motion from October 5th through November 11th this year, remaining in Libra the entire time, and will not leave this sign until January 1st, 2019. The last time we had a long stretch of Venus in one sign, including his retrograde cycle, was with Venus in Pisces from January 27th through May 30th of 2017.

This long stretch of Venus in his own sign will bring positive influence to relationships in general, as well as happiness and prosperity (of course other factors in your individual chart will affect this, but this will be more of a societal trend). We are likely to see a flourishing of the arts, or you may find more interest in art, music, or nature in your own personal life. Like the prior long-stint of Venus in Pisces, his sign of exaltation, it is possible that we will tend towards an over-indulgence in sensory pleasures during this transit, but perhaps less likely. With Venus sva, established in the sing of his self, more stability is possible, as we learn the lessons of appropriate compromise offered by Libra.

Mars, Saturn Direct

Mars and Saturn have become stationary-direct in recent days, with Mars coming to an apparent stop and now slowly beginning direct motion since September 27th, and Saturn stationing fully on September 6th, and will soon begin to make his forward progress through Sagittarius once again. For those of you ruled by either of these planets, or having important issues in your lives ruled over them, you will begin to see things moving in a forward direction again soon.

Mars, however, is still in Capricorn and now once-again approaching Ketu, meaning he will make a third and final exact conjunction with him again on September 22nd. Mars has been in Capricorn, his sign of exaltation, since May 2nd, and will not leave this sign until November 5th. He passed directly over Ketu on June 13th and July 18th, and has been in retrograde motion since July 10th.

Kaala Sarpa

Along with two eclipses resulting from the nodal alignments, July also brought the return of the Kaala Sarpa yoga cycles. This indicates an alignment of the planets during which all grahas are on one side of the Rahu-Ketu axis. As the Moon cycles in and out of this half of the zodiac monthly, we experience the kaala sarpa cycles for roughly two weeks at a time throughout this period. We are currently in one of these cycles from September 5th through the 21st. This period can bring up intense shadow work, especially in the realms that have been stirred up for you by this year’s nodal transit and the location of the eclipses in relation to your chart.

Ganesh Chaturthi

Thankfully, we celebrate the birth of the remover of obstacles this week, with Ganesh Chaturthi, on September 12th. The chaturthi or fourth day of this lunar cycle commemorates the birth of Lord Ganesha, whom we can call about to create a more clear path in our lives. On this day we can celebrate him through puja and prayer, and it is often customary to build a statue of Ganesha (out of natural clay), for our worship, and then release him into a body of water on the tenth day of prayer.

Because of an old dispute between Ganesha and the Moon, Chandra, it is advised not to look at the Moon on Ganesh Chaturthi.

New Moon in Pisces :: Deep Surrender

New Moon in Pisces :: Deep Surrender

New Moon in Pisces

This Saturday the Sun and Moon join in Pisces to begin a new lunar cycle, at exactly 6:12 a.m. PDT on March 17th. They coincide in Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra, the Vedic star-sign that bridges Aquarius and Pisces. This is truly a turning point in the zodiac, and in the year, as we really start to feel the ices of winter melting away, and the rains of spring washing out the old and nourishing the earth for a new cycle of life to begin.



Pisces is the natural twelfth sign, a place where we complete a cycle, having gone through all the stages of it from beginning to end. Pisces is a sattvic (pure) sign ruled by Jupiter, which guides us towards the highest form of letting go and facing an ending — surrender to a higher power or purpose. It is also a water sign, which brings forward our emotional intuition. It has to do with the most ethereal planes of our existence, awakening the dream world and the subconscious.

This month could really help you to tap into your subconscious landscape and creative potential. The atmosphere is ripe for deepening our intuition and cleansing energetic impurities. Though it is a place of endings, the twelfth sign also relates to the pre-natal state, coming before the first sign of Aries where physical manifestation takes place. Through a practice of meditation, a trance state, or conscious inward investigation, now is a time to discover what lies below the surface and is ready to be birthed during the coming season.


Purva Bhadrapada

The new lunar cycle begins under the nakshatra Purva Bhadrapada, a sign that bridges Aquarius and Pisces and has to do with the fires of purification (specifically, the funeral cot, where our physical body is burnt away and we truly merge back into spirit). As we approach the spring and summer, the times for heightened activity where we put our goals and dreams into action, we may first need to burn away the last remnants of the previous cycle. As we approach the Aries cycle, which comes next, this new Moon is a great time to cleanse and purify ourselves, especially energetically or spiritually, and let go of what we no longer need so we have our full strength available for the next journey.


Venus & Mercury

Venus and Mercury are both joining the Sun and Moon in Pisces as we begin this lunar cycle. We will experience their influences as the tone is set for the coming month. With Venus exalted in Pisces, we have an opportunity to purify our desires, and bring them into alignment with our higher principles and purpose. With Mercury neecha bhanga (debilitated, but modified by its conjunction with exalted Venus), our intellect and reasoning ability can also help us towards this goal.

Mercury is slowing down at the moment, however, and Mercury and Venus will enter into another planetary war on Sunday the 18th, through the 20th, while they travel within one degree of each other. Both the intellect and the pleasure-center can feel a bit fatigued during this occurrence, though Venus and the desire body are likely to come out stronger due to Venus’ brightness. Mercury will reverse course and go into retrograde motion on March 22nd, through April 15th.

Saturn & Mars

Saturn and Mars are currently in conjunction, transiting the same sign of Sagittarius. There can be an internal discomfort when this happens, as Mars, the planet of impulse and action, approaches Saturn, the slow giant who gives us patience and commitment. It can feel like the gas and the breaks are going at the same time (especially if you are Vedic Sagittarius rising or have prominent planets here). Moreover, the four areas of your life ruled by Saturn and Mars in the natal chart could be in noticeable conflict this month, especially when the two enter a planetary war on March 31st that will last through April 4th.

Jupiter Retrograde

Jupiter has appeared to be at a near stand-still the last few weeks, stationing completely in early 29° sidereal Libra, and entering retrograde motion on March 8th. Since Jupiter entered the sign of balance and relationships in September of last year, we have seen wide-spread philosophical attention on gender equality. The full stop coincided with International Women’s Day, when many women made a stand by stepping out of the workforce temporarily.

These weeks have also had a lot of slowing-down and renegotiating the balance of power in the education field, as teachers and students alike have walked out in protests for justice. Jupiter is the ruler of this field, and coming to a stop in the sign of balance, then turning around, could lead us to see some major changes here.

In your personal life, Jupiter retrograde may lead to things slowing down or reversing in the areas of life ruled by Jupiter in your personal natal chart. Full forecast and personal readings available here.


The vernal equinox will fall on March 20th this year, when we will have equal hours of night and day all over the world. The northern hemisphere enters the warmer half of the year, while the southern hemisphere enters the colder. The life cycle is waxing in the north and waning in the south, yet at the time there is an evenness that spreads across the globe.

pisces new moon

This equinox occurs during the Pisces Sun cycle, calling upon us to really rise and embrace a higher principle, to awaken to spirit and universal equality, and detach from mundane details and differences. Many people think of the spring equinox as Aries time, which it is the marker of in Western astrology and the tropical zodiac. In the astronomical/sidereal zodiac, however, the Sun is still at 5° Pisces during the equinox (see screenshot from Cosmic Watch app). This is due to what is called the precession of the equinoxes, whereby the wobble of the earth has caused our perspective of the zodiac to shift ever so slightly over thousands of years, and thus the spring equinox now occurs with Sun in Pisces.


On this New Moon in Pisces, embrace the opportunity to let go, cleanse, and purify, before the oncoming season of action is upon us.


Harvest Full Moon in Pisces – Time for Letting Go

Harvest Full Moon in Pisces – Time for Letting Go

The full Moon in sidereal Pisces peaks tomorrow morning at 11:40 am (PDT), and aligns with the very last of the 27 Vedic nakshatras, Revati. This energy brings forth a wave of open-hearted surrender and ushers us to let go of everything from the past season, as we enter the dark and inward months of the year.

Harvest Moon

The full Moon falling closest to the autumnal equinox (September 22nd), is known as the Harvest Moon. For farmers this has traditionally been an optimal time to harvest the crops of the season, not only because of their readiness, but because of the bright and glowing Moon that appears in the evenings at this time. During this time of year, close to the equinox, the time of the moonrise is very close to the time of the sunset (moonrise today is at 6:36 pm PDT, and tomorrow at 7:11, while sunset is at 6:47 today and 6:46 tomorrow). The Moon looks the largest around its rising and setting times, because of the way light refracts through the lower portions of the atmosphere, and when it occurs near to sunset, the Moon will catch the bright orange sunset rays and take on a hearty glow.

Pisces Full Moon

It is apt that at this time of year the full Moon is also in Pisces, the last of the twelve major zodiac signs, and Revati, the last of the 27 Vedic signs, both of which elicit imagery of closing a chapter. Pisces, an introverted water-sign ruled by Jupiter, opens the depths of our emotional bodies and calls us to connect them with our higher belief systems. It is a sign of surrender, where we let go of material attachments, and even the material world at times, and allow ourselves to give in totally to spirit and divine flow. It is a powerful sign for meditation, dreamwork, and inward journeys. It can also invoke an energy of escapism, so be careful not to go down any rabbit holes unconsciously.

The Pisces full Moon illuminates the contrasting energy to Virgo, where we began this lunar cycle on the New Moon of September 19th. Virgo is a grounded and practical earth-sign, ruled by Mercury, the planet of the intellect. Virgo energy compelled us to get our ducks in a row, do the final accounting of the season and make sure we have things neatly squirreled away before the change of seasons. Pisces’ energy reminds us that we can’t account for or control everything, and at the final moments of our outward effort, we can only surrender to divine will to carry us the rest of the way.

Revati Nakshatra

Revati, the nakshatra where this full Moon falls, is a star of journeys. We can see this ultimately as the journey to the other side, if the progression of energy through the signs is symbolic of our progression through life. The last and final nakshatra begs us to let go of all efforts and worldly attachments as we merge into the infinite, ultimately giving up even this waking life. We can still apply this metaphor while embodied, however, by loosening our grip on the striving to be in control, and dissolving into the sea of divine light.

Revati is translated as “the wealthy” and is ruled by Pushan, the deity of nourishment as well as journeys. He is often depicted standing at the beginning (or end) of a path and can be seen as a celestial shepherd, ushering us safely along the many roads through life, and beyond. People born under Revati nakshatra tend to have a very kind and loving disposition, and a distinct affection for animals. Though it is a star of wealth, there is an incredibly generous nature here, reflecting abundant spiritual wealth as well as material is possible.

Venus and Mars

Venus and Mars remain tightly aligned, around 25 degrees of sidereal Leo, engaging in a planetary war this week (from Tuesday through Saturday). It is as if the forces of Mars and Venus are fighting for dominance within us. Our desires and relationships may feel at odds with our ability to exert strength an a strong will at the moment. Venus’ energy is probably winning out (more giving in to desires, less willingness to fight), both because of his brightness over Mars and because the full Moon is in Venus’ sign of exaltation (Revati). Desires can seem heightened with Venus in Leo, as they take their seat on the throne and their importance is temporarily amplified.

Venus will soon transit into Virgo, however, his sign of debilitation, where we’ll become much more analytical over our desires as well as relationships. With Venus currently in Leo, we can tend to relate our power with these things, but once he transits into Virgo, we’re likely to become much more grounded and practical. It will be an interesting experience, after Venus was exalted in Pisces, the opposite sign, for four months earlier during this year. The high that we may have experienced then will finally come down to a place we will be looking at our relationships and desires through a very intellectual lens.


Enjoy the powerful medicine of this Pisces full Moon, which has the potential to open our hearts and deepen our surrender. Magic, mysticism, and meditation are easily accessible, so be sure to spend some time going inward and feel what arises.

Om Namah Sivaya




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