Vedic Astrology Relationship Compatibility Reading


  • 60 Minute Session
  • Readings are held live via Zoom, phone or Skype
  • Reveals how two people affect each other and relate; your general tendencies in relationships, what tools you have that support each other, and what buttons you push in each other. Advice for working with your strengths and challenges, as well as a look at the current transits and phases you are going through.
  • Please read Product Description below to see what info to include in your Order Notes


Vedic Astrology Relationship Compatibility Reading

In this Vedic Astrology Relationship Reading we’ll examine the birth charts of two people to assess the relationship. This could be romantic partners or any two family members, colleagues, etc. We’ll look at both individuals’ general tendencies in relationships–your capacities to receive and relate emotionally, the type of relationships you seek, and how you act while in relationship. We’ll look at the two charts to see which of your qualities work well together and act as “glue” or attraction, as well as what types of buttons you may push in one another (your strengths and challenges as partners). We also examine the current transits (how and where planets are moving in the sky right now), and how that is affecting you both individually and in relationship. I’ll offer insight as to how to approach your challenges in the relationship and what you can do on a personal level to work with your general tendencies in relating with others, and with this person specifically. We’ll also look at the dasha periods (stages of life) that you are going through according to the planets.

Please include in your Order Notes:

1. Birth Date, Time and Place (town & country) for both people (please note if exact time is not known)
2. Where you received the information about birth time (e.g. birth certificate, mother’s memory, astrologer, etc.)
3. Specific questions or issues for which you are seeking insight.
4. Your general availability (days/times).
5. Your time zone
6. Prefer Zoom or phone (include number)?

I look forward to helping you understand yourself and your relationships better! I will get back to you soon to schedule the consultation.

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Somya creates in depth vedic astrology reports so that you can navigate planetary influences with ease.

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