Today is the 8th of the Nine Nights of Navaratri, the festival of the goddess. On these last 3 nights we worship and celebrate Sarasvati, the goddess of knowledge, music, arts and learning. In Hindu mythology, the main trinity of gods, or Devas, are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, representing aspects of divinity responsible for creation, preservation, and destruction (or transformation) in the cycle of life. The consorts, or feminine counterparts, to these three are Sarasvati, Laxmi, and Parvati (a form of Durga, as well as Kali). As Brahma represents the creative aspect of divine consciousness, Sarasvati represents the divine energy (or feminine Shakti) that gives life to the universe. In visual depictions she is accompanied by a swan, or Hamsa. A swan is the highest-flying bird, and represents our ability to ascend to great heights, reaching our divine potential through higher knowledge and freeing ourselves from samsara (the harrowing cycle of birth and death). The swan flies over the air, depicting a mastery of prana, the vital life-force breath that propels us. In Hindu lore, a swan is also said to be able to drink only milk if offered a mixture of milk and water. This illustrates the quality of discrimination associated with Sarasvati, which is necessary in spiritual pursuit as well as in practical worldly life. Her white dress portrays her purity, as does the river usually seen beside her, referencing the fluid and cleansing powers of the water goddess. It also represents the illuminating power of knowledge which is able to dispel darkness and ignorance. The peacock or peacock feathers often seen around her characterize her gift of artistry, as the veena in her hand denotes the gift of music. On these final days of Navaratri, we can call in these many qualities of Sarasvati to fill us with knowledge and light, to bring forth our divine energy gracefully into beautiful, sattvic creations. Om Aim Sarasvatyai Namaha

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