The new Moon cycle begins in the early hours of Friday, December 11th, at 2:30am PST. The Dark Moon night is December 10th, and is a good time to stay quiet and still and to prepare for the next cycle. Feeling introverted? With Sun and Moon in Scorpio, as well as Saturn, we’re likely to be feeling extra sensitive and inward both now and throughout this cycle, due to the nature of this sign.

Scorpio is a water sign–emotional, intuitive, and flowy, yet it’s also a fixed sign, which can keep us from surrendering to those waves of emotions at times. It’s ruled by Mars, a fiery planet, which adds intensity and passion to whatever we are feeling. It is also a feminine sign, which compels us to tune inward and reflect on our own energies and emotions. We’re more likely to keep them to ourselves and brew over them than to act out right now. With celestial energies gathered here, we’re not likely to take things lightly.

Scorpio energy is also potentially transformative, however. With Scorpio energies heightened we become aware of our vulnerability. We may feel intensely passionate towards some things (or people), but the emotional intuition and watery nature ultimately alerts us to the fact that everything ebbs and flows, and despite our desire to keep things fixed, there is always movement and change. The Martian energy of Scorpio helps us to face this awareness with courage, and to strengthen our capacity to go with the flow and accept our deepest desires and the emotional waves that accompany them.

skorpionoSaturn is also in sidereal Scorpio with Sun and Moon, adding his influence to the new cycle. Saturn has sat here for a little over a year now. He is the planet that makes us aware of time, and how our choices will reverberate into the long term. Saturn in Scorpio has made us face our commitment to our own process of emotional strengthening and personal transformation. Saturn also relates to fear and pressure, and his influence here brings awareness of how we handle these things. His transit here is a great opportunity to face our fear, our vulnerability, and where we are most deeply sensitive, and to find the courage to make changes that will help us in the long term. This Moon cycle will also highlight that opportunity for self-examination and our commitment to transformation. Now is a good time to re-commit to the tools and practices you have chosen to assist your personal growth process.

sudarshana chakraThis cycle begins with Sun and Moon joined near the end of sidereal Scorpio constellation, in the part of the sky called Jyeshtha in the Vedas. The deity for Jyeshtha is Indra, the King of the Gods, who is associated with storms and lightning, which also bring the power of purification and transformation. This star brings courage and the potential for great accomplishment. It also relates to Vishnu and his spinning disc (sudarshana chakra). While you are taking stock of your emotional body this month, consider how best to manage your own power. Personal health is still an important factor, as Sun joined with Saturn can put stress on our nervous system.

Venus remains in Libra, his own sign, which can add pleasantry and cooperation to our relationships. At the same time, however, Rahu and Mars are joined in Virgo, which can bring out anger or intensity with others when it comes to material organization (especially when the Moon transits here later this cycle). Jupiter in Leo is still bringing a lot of power to philosophical debates. He is now aspecting Mercury in Sagittarius as well, which will make us extra loquacious about this during the coming cycle. The new Moon in Jyeshtha nakshatra in sidereal Scorpio initiates a cycle where all of these energies are present.


The New Year is a great time to receive a personal reading to help you anticipate coming changes! It is also a great holiday gift to offer to loved ones.

  • Learn all of the major changes and transits to expect for your life in 2016.
  • See how the movement of the Nodes, Saturn and Jupiter will affect specific areas of your life.
  • Know what to expect in your life around the eclipses in March and September.
  • Learn if you are entering a new dasha (planetary period) in the coming year! 

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