by Somya Devi | Jul 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
Guru Purnima Full Moon July 2021
The full Moon waxes to full brightness tonight, July 23rd at 10:37 pm. Fully opposite the Sun in sidereal Cancer, the full Moon in sidereal Capricorn joins a retrograde Saturn in his home sign. This particular full Moon is the auspicious one known as Guru Purnima in India, and is a day for honoring our teachers and gurus, who bring forth the light and knowledge that guides us.
Full Moon in Capricorn
Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn. It inspires us very much to create structure. With a strong retrograde Saturn on this full Moon, while simultaneously ruling over it, we may feel a certain weightiness right now that compels us to consider serious matters. The full Moon is opposite a Cancer Sun, wherein we find our power through the heart, seeking comfort in the heart space and quite often the literal home or sanctuary. The full Moon in Capricorn reminds us of the outer world and makes us take notice of the whole. At the same time, it complements the attraction to the heart space and home by reminding us of the hard work it takes to sustain it, reinforcing our commitments to our responsibilities.
Uttara Ashada
The full Moon is in the Vedic nakshatra of Uttara Ashada, the latter “invincible one.” There is a lot of power here, one that is often used for achieving dharma both on a personal level and for humanity at large. Service and spirituality are inspired by this star. It is ruled by the ten Vishvadevas, the lords of dharma, and is also associated with the Sun, the sattvic purifyer. This full Moon is a time to let impurities burn away as we align ourselves with purpose and principle, orienting ourselves towards spiritual as well as worldly victory. This nakshatra’s animal symbol is the male mongoose, making it the only nakshatra (of the odd 27) that does not have a female counterpart.

Retrograde Jupiter and Saturn
The large and powerful outer planets are on their farthest course away from the Sun right now, making them loom bright in the night sky and wield a potent yet slow and pointed force over our lives, as they appear to move backwards through the zodiac.
Saturn’s retrograde trip has been from May 23rd and stretches through October 10th, while Jupiter’s lasts from June 20th until October 17th. Jupiter will once again travel back into sidereal Capricorn, joining Capricorn there for the final month of his retrograde journey, before once again entering Aquarius on November 20th. While these two transit together Jupiter becomes neecha bhanga, a position that can both challenge and augment his expansive power in different situations, and also creates opportunity for some auspicious muhurta moments.
Personal Chart Readings with Coaching Are Available Here
by Somya Devi | Jul 8, 2021 | Astrology, Retrograde, Uncategorized
New Moon July 2021
The Sun and Moon are coming towards exact conjunction as the dark Moon wanes tonight in sidereal Gemini. The exact New Moon moment is tomorrow, July 9th at 9:17 pm ET, with Sun and Moon joining in Punarvasu nakshatra, in late sidereal Gemini, to begin a new lunar cycle.
Gemini Cycle
The Gemini cycle begins a month where we are able to freely change direction when we need to, under the energy of this bipedal air sign. Mercury rules here, the planet of the intellect that compels us to ask “how does this work?” with a curious investigative attitude. Jupiter, however, is retrograde, bright and strong, and is casting his aspect of light onto the Sun, Moon and Mercury during the dark Moon period. This influence is strong and will create some judgmental opinions that may direct the normally impartial Mercurial-Geminian mindset.
Punarvasu Nakshatra
Sun and Moon will be joined in Punarvasu nakshatra, a Vedic star-sign that bridges the end of Gemini and the beginning of Cancer. Punarvasu means “becoming light again” and can bring an air of refreshment after the stormy nakshatra of Ardra. Its deity is Aditi, the goddess of the harvest, and this Moon often cycle guides us into a first major harvest of the year. It offers the opportunity of abundance, and it is good to meditate upon what it is we are growing and hoping to harvest this lunar cycle, and this season of the year or our lives.

Retrograde Jupiter and Saturn
Jupiter and Saturn remain retrograde, giving us a chance to slow down and reflect on a lot of the issues guided by these two in our natal charts. Jupiter rules over our philosophies and ideas, the teachings we have taken on and let guide our opinions and value systems. This period of retrograde may cause us to reflect on this, perhaps re-evaluating some opinions, or choosing new teachers or a new course of education that might begin once Jupiter is direct again. This can also influence the areas of life indicated by Jupiter in your natal chart and have more effects depending upon placement and dasha.
Saturn, likewise, rules certain areas for each of us, and for all of us guides our discrimination and determination, particularly when it comes to long-term goals and pursuits. His retrograde journey each year is a time to re-examine where our commitments lie, and to what we are truly committed that is in alignment with our lifelong pursuits and the underlying structures that support us.
Saturn’s retrograde trip is from May 23rd through October 10th, while Jupiter’s is from June 20th through October 17th.
Venus-Mars War
Venus and Mars are approaching each other in sidereal Cancer, entering a planetary war during which they are within one degree from July 11th through the 14th. Venus is far brighter than Mars, who is already debilitated in Cancer—although this debilitation is heavily modified by the strong direct aspect from his ruler, the bright, powerful, retrograde and sva (in-his-own-sign) Saturn. Nevertheless, Venus most likely wins the war and we may find that our desire nature, sensual indulgences, and attachment to romance and pleasure will beat out any strength in discipline and boundaries that we hope to hold over these few days. If keeping strong boundaries or discipline is a challenge for you in general, be sure to source all your resources to stay strong during this war.
by Somya Devi | May 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse
The Full Moon rises in sidereal Scorpio on the night of May 25th, reaching exact opposition to the Sun on Tuesday, May 26th at 7:14 am ET. Its proximity to the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, stimulates a total lunar eclipse, spanning from 4:47 am until 9:49 am, with the maximum eclipse at 7:18 am ET. This eclipse along the Scorpio-Taurus axis could have particularly strong effects on those areas of your life indicated by these signs, dependent on the natal placements of the nodes.

Scorpio Full Moon
The full Moon in Scorpio occurs when the Sun is in sidereal Taurus, a steady earth sign ruled by Venus. When the Moon is illuminated by this light in the opposite sign of Scorpio, an insect-like water sign, the part of us that has a protective shell and likes to scurry into dark places may peak its head out and stand confidently in the light for a moment. Thus, inner strength is available for unfurling, as we allow ourselves to go beneath the surface and accept of the strong emotions that can be found there. Vulnerability is a keyword here, as we realize that we must relax our guard a bit in order to live as our fullest selves.
Anuradha Nakshatra
This full Moon is in Anuradha nakshatra, a star of success and friendship. Ruled by the god Mitra, one of the Adityas, he can bring forth friendship, harmony, and good faith. There is a lot of devotion available under this nakshatra, related to goddess Radha. Those with a natal Moon here may find this full Moon stimulating effects relating to the Moon in your personal chart.

Super Flower Blood Moon
This full Moon and lunar eclipse is being referred to buy many as the Super Flower Blood Moon. The “blood” moon part refers to the red color that will appear as the earth’s shadow passes over the Moon. The map above shows where on earth you will be able to view part or all of the eclipse. The “flower” indication is a western name given to the full Moon occuring during this time of year when many flowers are blooming. The “super” term refers to the Moon’s proximity to earth at this time, making it appear slightly larger and fuller than most other full Moons of the year.
Total Lunar Eclipse
An eclipse of any sort is considered inauspicious in Hindu culture, and many others as well, as the light that usually guides us becomes obscured temporarily. As the Moon relates with our mind and hearts, the mind may feel particularly cloudy as the lunar node, Ketu, casts his energetic shadow over Chandra. The nodes can bring forward “shadows” in our minds, parts of ourselves that we are not normally able or willing to see. This can be a disruptive energy for many people as stress seems to rise and confusion often follows. It is best not to make any rash decisions during the eclipse, especially those based out of stress. But with dedicated spiritual practice that helps one to come to clarity, some large realizations can sometimes occur.
In Hindu culture it is recommended not to look directly at the eclipse, nor to be outside in its light, and neither eat nor drink during the eclipse. Chanting, praying, or meditating are the optimal choices for passing through the eclipse period. This is the first of two eclipses that will occur this cycle, with the second, a solar eclipse, occurring on June 10th. After that the intense energy brought on by the eclipse cycle may dissipate, and we can work on integrating the lessons learned during this time.
by Somya Devi | Feb 11, 2021 | Uncategorized
New Moon February 2021
Today the Sun and Moon join at the very end of sidereal Capricorn for a New Moon at 2:06 pm EST. By tomorrow both Sun and Moon will move into sidereal Aquarius, where the Sun will transit for most of this cycle. Both signs are ruled by Saturn, who is joining Sun and Moon in Capricorn as we begin this cycle. Jupiter, Venus, and retrograde Mercury are also there, bringing us a heavy dose of Capricorn energy in a very weighted chart, with all these planets between the two nodes who create a Kaala Sarpa yoga.
New Moon in Capricorn
Saturn has been in his own sign of Capricorn since January of 2020. This earth-sign is about being responsible, focusing on structure, family, and commitments. With Saturn here for the last year he has been strong in his own sign, putting the pressure on us to work hard for what is most important, and spend less time on the frivolous. Saturn pressures us to be mature but his heavy influence can feel like a restrictive weight. As we begin another cycle under strong Saturn’s influence, we may feel like life is a bit serious and difficult right now.

Planetary Pileup: Dhanishtha and Sravana Nakshatras
At the moment of this new Moon we have 6 of the 9 grahas in sidereal Capricorn, with Sun and Moon in Dhanishtha nakshatra and Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and retrograde Mercury all in Sravana nakshatra.
Dhanishtha is the star of wealth (dhana), and thus it does give us the opportunity to start this month with a mindset of prosperity. It is symbolized by the musical drum, showing that we must keep a steady beat, finding the rhythm that is right for us, in order to succeed. Symbolized by the female lion, we can be brave and fierce while also meeting the basic responsibilities of providing for our families. The deities who rule Dhanishtha are the eight Vasus, the elemental deities. This can be a good time to connect with these principles through the study of Ayurveda, especially examining how the elements are at play within each of us.
With four planets in Sravana nakshatra, the universe is asking us to “Listen!” The star of hearing, and symbolized by an ear, Sravana is where we can listen deeply to the lessons that are being taught by the cosmos. As with any New Moon, this is an opportune time of month to be more inward, tuning into the voice of the heart instead of the chatter of the mind and the external world. Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe, presides here, further encouraging us to maintain that which is around us as we seek inner wisdom.
With so many planets in both of these nakshatras this lunar cycle could be a good time to begin projects that require long-term commitment and hard work. Take note, however, of the planetary war going on between Jupiter and Venus…
Planetary Wars
Jupiter and Venus war when they come within 1 degree of each other in the sky, which they will be until 9:31 am EST on February 12th. Neither planet is incredibly strong and luminous already because of their proximity to the Sun — they rise and set during the daylight hours so are not currently visible. Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn (though neecha bhangha, somewhat helped due to ruler Saturn’s presence there). Therefore beginning any ventures ruled by these two would be less than ideal during the planetary war, and best to wait until after that time has passed. That would include ventures in the arts, music, love, children, education, learning or teaching.
Venus and Mercury will engage in planetary war from February 12th through 13th, and then Mercury will war with Jupiter from the 13th through 15th. After Mercury stations and ends his retrograde journey on the 20th, he will pass by Jupiter again for another war from March 2nd through the 6th.
Kaala Sarpa
With all planets clustered together right now (except for lone Mars, who transits his own sign of Aries), the nodes Rahu and Ketu cut the chart sharply in half with no planets on the other side of their axis. This creates the somewhat dreaded Kaala Sarpa yoga — the “black snake” or “serpent of time.” This adds a weight to the chart that compels all of us to dive deeper into sadhana in order to work with the energies at hand. A lot of what is going on may be subconscious or karmic, and requires looking at the aspects of our lives that are difficult to see or understand. The kaala sarpa energy will pervade until Mars enters Gemini on April 14th.
by Somya Devi | Nov 14, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs, Uncategorized
New Moon in Libra and Diwali 2020
The Sun and Moon will join at 29° sidereal Libra tonight, with exact alignment for a New Moon at 12:07 am EST. This Dark Moon night commemorates the Hindu holiday of Diwali, the festival of lights. Tonight will actually be the third but main night of the Diwali celebrations, which began on Dhanteras on November 12th. Be sure to light some candles tonight to celebrate light itself, as we move into the darkest part of the year in the north.
Scorpio cycle
The Sun and Moon again join at the very end of one sign, sidereal Libra, before both moving into Scorpio later the same day. Hence we are beginning the cycle of the Sun in Scorpio, but flavored with a certain Libran energy. The Scorpio Sun cycle is a time that compels us to look deeply into our own deep well of emotion, as Scorpio is both a water and insect sign, driving us towards the flow of emotions that is trapped within our external protective shell. Ruled by Mars, the warrior planet, we can see Scorpio as a spiritual warrior, and this time of year is an important one for exploring our personal vulnerabilities and sensitive places that may need more strength, courage, and healing.
Flavored by the Libra position of Sun and Moon as we begin this cycle, this investigation may lean heavily towards studying how we behave in relationships, what drives us to find balance and compromise, what wounds we are protecting that are keeping us from enjoying the happiness and balance that Venus wants to offer us.
Remembering that while Sun is debilitated in Libra, our sense of strength or our literal health may be weak this month. We continue to contemplate what it takes to maintain our personal strength and not become depleted while also relating with others and seeking outer balance. This is a very important time of year to nourish ourselves, and our inner light, as the outer light is descending. You can also make some herbal tea to nourish yourself during this vata (cold and dry) season. The nature of the Scorpio cycle will show us where we carry inner imbalance that requires some more harmonizing and lightening.
Vishaka Nakshatra
The Sun and Moon join in Vishaka nakshatra, a sign that bridges the end of Libra and the beginning of Scorpio. The “two-branched” sign is ruled by two deities, Lord Indra, the chief of the Gods, and Lord Agni, fire personified. This sign can harness a lot of power and leadership ability, but only once we choose the proper direction. You may find yourself at a crossroads this month and need to call in your guides to help you to choose the right direction, after which a lot of success is possible. The animal symbol for Vishaka is the male tiger.
On the new Moon of the Hindu month of Ashwin (this month), we celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights. The festival began this year on November 12th (North America), on the 13th waning Moon phase of the previous cycle. This day is known as Dhanteras, or Dhanvantari Tryodashi, the celebration of the birth of Lord Dhanvantari, the father of Ayurvedic medicine. If you practice any healing tradition, especially Ayurveda, it is a good day to give thanks and call in auspicious blessings to your healing path or practice. Diwali is strongly associated with the Goddess Laxmi, and is a powerful time to connect with her, calling in her blessings for both material and spiritual prosperity.
We celebrate Diwali while the days are getting noticeably shorter and darker, and it is a time to invite more light into our lives, our hearts, and our world. This festival celebrates the victory of light over darkness, which is something to rejoice in and have faith in, even if we can’t outwardly observe it sometimes. Creating positive vibrations internally is the best way to begin growing and spreading them externally.
Diwali also commemorates Lord Ram’s and Sita’s return from exile after fourteen years (a story from the Ramayana). Lord Ram embodies the highest qualities of dharma, devotion, compassion, courage, and leadership. Diwali is also the start of a new lunar cycle, so it’s a great time to go within and summon these qualities to awaken and live through you.
Diwali (also seen as Divali, Deepawali or Deepavali) comes from the Sanskrit words deepa (light) and avali (row). It is traditional to light candles throughout Diwali (opt for electronic tea lights if you’re in a fire danger zone!), inviting the highest light into our homes and lives. The candles are lit to remind us of the inner divine light in us all. Though one flame can be used to light many others, it is not diminished by sharing its power of illumination. We can pray for the peace and happiness of all beings, and each one’s awareness of their inner light.
We are now entering the “eclipse season,” as we approach two eclipses that will occur November 30th and December 14th. With the nodes having recently moved onto their new axis—Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio—this could activate some latent energy that has been lurking, unresolved in the shadows, in the areas of life that align with these two signs in your Vedic natal chart.
Be sure to watch for any disruptions, and any red flags, over the next month, and be sure not to make hasty decisions out of stress. Sadhana is very important, especially during the eclipses themselves, and doing inner work to investigate what is arising can serve in helping us to make important changes. This is the first eclipse cycle of three that will occur over the next year-and-a-half while the nodes transit this axis, so it is a jumping off point in seeing what work we need to do in these areas of our lives.
To see how the current transits affect and interplay with your chart and karma, you can request a personal reading here.
by Somya Devi | May 21, 2020 | Uncategorized
New Moon May 2020
The new moon cycle begins in Taurus on May 22nd at 10:38 AM PDT, in the Vedic nakshatra of Krittika, “the cutter.” Taurus is a feminine earth sign ruled by Venus, and Venus joins the Sun and Moon in Taurus on this dark moon tonight along with Mercury. Both Mars and Jupiter cast their aspects here, while Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus are all in retrograde motion.
Taurus Cycle
A Taurus cycle compels us to get into our physical bodies, focus on things close at hand, and find the simple beauty that comes from nature, foods, and pleasurable activities. Amidst the pandemic, the stars are supportive this month to help us focus on family and the simple pleasures around the home. Fitting with the season, this is a good cycle to work on gardening and to beautify your indoor and outdoor as well as inner landscapes.
On a spiritual level, Taurus helps us to forge ahead (sometimes with a stubborn, “bull-headedness”) in our chosen direction … it can sometimes be hard to change directions, however, so it is important to set some intentions and orient yourself properly on this dark moon night before the cycle begins. Mars’ aspect onto the new Moon adds some firepower to the mix, while Jupiter’s glance adds a breeze of wisdom and grace.
Krittika Nakshatra
Krittika means “the cutter,” and this star helps us to cut away that which we do not need. It is ruled by Agni, fire personified, which also helps us to cut and burn away the excesses that we may have been carrying. On this new Moon night it’s a great time to cut or clear away anything that is weighing you down or getting in your way. Literally cutting plants, hedges, foods, or hair are good activities we perform that also symbolize some of the inner cutting we must do on our vasanas (negative tendencies) and unnecessary attachments.
This star is symbolized by a razor, axe, or flame. There is also a feminine nurturing quality to this star, as it relates with Lord Kartikeyya who was suckled by six pleiades (this nakshatra is the cluster of seven stars known as the pleiades). This is the birthstar of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (“Amma”), a great saint who is known for her power to cut through negativities and also nurture endlessly as the divine Mother.

Three Retrograde Planets: Venus, Jupiter and Saturn
Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter are all traveling in apparent retrograde motion at the moment, giving them strength and an inward-oriented power. When Venus is retrograde we have an enhanced ability to reflect upon our relationships. This can include doing some work on your patterns (and creating better ones), as well as re-examining old relationships or reconnecting with people from your past. It also lends us the ability to examine our relationships with sensory pleasures in general, perhaps redefining our relationships with food, drink, or substance, or unearthing some of our creative energy that has been left dormant.
With Jupiter retrograde we must look deeply at the philosophies, creeds, and spiritual beliefs that guide us. It is a good time to reconnect with scripture or teachers, and really examine yourself inwardly for how your belief structures are working and supporting you. It can be a great time to re-commit to spiritual practice, as Jupiter is getting closer to earth and brighter in the sky during the first half of this retrograde cycle (the whole cycle is from May 14th through September 12th).
Under retrograde Saturn we examine our long-term goals, our work and the ways we commit to support ourselves, and the very structures under which we live. You may find this period is an opportunity to restructure or redefine the work you do in the world, or your understanding of what are the most important things that you are working for. Saturn retrograde can also teach us more about self-control and self-discipline, but also the need to let go of external attachments and rely more on our inner strength. Meditation is one of the greatest remedies for Saturn.
Saturn and Covid
Saturn is currently strong in his own sign as well as strong due to his retrograde transit, and, in Capricorn, is a large part of the force that is restructuring the outside world during this Covid crisis. He brings restriction and contraction, and in Capricorn, forces us to examine the structures that support us, particularly as a society. This retrograde transit could bring some relief but it asks us to choose new directions when he begins to move forward again, surrendering more to the greater good, rather than trying to hold onto systems of power that have been failing.
Personal readings are available here.