by Somya Devi | Jun 13, 2022 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Full Moon in Scorpio, June 2022
Tonight the Moon waxes into fullness into sidereal Scorpio, coming fully opposite the Taurus Sun, both at 29 degrees 16 minutes, one of the three gandanta points in the zodiac. The Moon receives an aspect from both Jupiter and Saturn, while Sun joins Mercury. Saturn is currently in retrograde motion and will soon head back into Capricorn for several more months before finishing its final transit there. We also approach the solstice on June 21st, the brightest day of the year.
Full Moon in Scorpio
Scorpio is the sign where the Moon is considered debilitated, because the fickle and sensitive mind feels a lot of intensity in the watery sign ruled by warrior Mars. At the same time, a full Moon is always a strong Moon, so this is an opportunity to raise our courage when confronting that difficulty. Scorpio is a sign of change, being the natural eighth sign, and under this full Moon we can strive to embrace change and find some freedom amidst the Sun’s cycle of Taurus, which compels us towards a more grounded, fixed and secure existence.
Gandanta Point
Being in this particular last degree of Scorpio, however, the Moon finds itself in the gandanta degree which is somewhat of a cosmic and karmic “knot.” We pay feel particularly locked into something that is challenging us, even though we know that we must push through to allow the change. Under this full Moon, search for your inner warrior, strength, and courage, and call upon your guides to help you in evolving into the next phase of your life.

Jyestha Nakshatra
The full Moon lies in Jyestha nakshatra, the Vedic sign known as the “eldest.” This star asks us to be responsible, like its deity Indra who is the chief of the gods. Where in your life are you responsible for others, perhaps those with lesser abilities or privilege? Generosity and charity are encouraged by this star at the end of Scorpio who is the last before we enter the charitable and righteous sign of Sagittarius.
Aspects of Jupiter and Saturn
Both Jupiter and Saturn aspect this Moon. Jupiter is sva in his own sign of Pisces at the moment, and his aspect of the Moon brightens our optimism and idealism, bringing our principles and beliefs into the fold as we strive to allow some inner transformation. Saturn, in turn, adds more energy of responsibility, and gives us an awareness of the future consequences of our action. Together the two can add a discerning influence on the decisions that we make at this time.
Retrograde Saturn
Saturn has been in retrograde motion since June 4th, and now appears to be making his way backwards through Aquarius before he heads back into Capricorn again on July 12th. He rules both Aquarius and Capricorn, so he maintains strength through this time, and will be getting brighter and brighter each night over the next month. The powerful Saturn of this time continues to put pressure on society at large, adding a crushing weight of the awareness of consequences, as we consider what type of structures need to be in place for us to advance into the next era.
The summer solstice is the peak of what we might call the Sun’s waxing cycle, as it is the day with the most daylight and the fewest dark hours, in the northern hemisphere. This is the most outward time of year for most people, when we are literally outside, and filling our schedules with social interactions, barbecues, and activity. It is a time to celebrate life! If you’re more of a natural introvert, this time of year can become exhausting, so be sure to pace yourself. It is a beautiful time to commune with nature and experience the fullness of what the light and life cycle has to offer.
Sadhana suggestions for tuning in with the Scorpio full Moon:
- Fast or meditate this Tuesday (the actual day of the full Moon, and the day ruled by Mars, Scorpio’s ruler)
- Make an altar that includes water and fire elements, connecting with your emotions and warrior
- Spend some time outside checking out ground insects, watching how they move and work
- Utilize red crystals on your altar or for japa (mantra chanting)
- Chant a Moon or Mars mantra, or both
Personal readings available here
by Somya Devi | Nov 3, 2021 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Holy Days
Diwali New Moon 2021
Thursday, November 4th brings a New moon at 5:15 pm ET and marks the celebration of Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights. As the world outside darkens, we clean our houses and light candles and lamps to celebrate the light, calling in the auspicious blessings of goddess Lakshmi and Lord Rama, gathering with family and friends to share warmth as the season becomes cold.
New Moon in Libra and Swati
This Diwali is marked by the New Moon in sidereal Libra, as Sun and Moon join with both Mars and Mercury there. Libra is a sign about balance, where we seek to bring balance and harmony into our relationships and the outer world. The sky is very imbalanced at this time, however, with eight out of nine grahas clustered on one side of the sky, towards the galactic center.
The four planets join in the Vedic nakshatra of Swati, symbolized by a young sprout blowing in the wind. With Sun debilitated here, it can be easy to lose our center and fall out of balance, especially as the cold vata winds are increasing in the outer atmosphere. This time of year self-care is of utmost importance!
Saturn and Jupiter
Saturn and Jupiter are together again in sidereal Capricorn, with Saturn aspecting the New Moon and putting on the pressure to constrict pleasures and focus on responsibilities. The two together can bring power to some situations, but despite the neecha bhangha yoga being created, Jupiter will be much more comfortable and able to offer more expansive blessings when he transits once again into Aquarius on November 20th.

This New Moon actually brings us straight into an eclipse period, with a lunar eclipse occurring on the coming full Moon of November 18th-19th, and a total solar eclipse on the next New Moon of December 4th. Eclipse periods stir up energy from the shadows, making red flags wave bright and bringing the opportunity to navigate discomfort with grace or clumsiness. Depending on your natal chart this could be stimulating change in one particular area of life.
On the new Moon of the Hindu month of Ashwin (this month), we celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights. The festival began this year on November 2nd (North America), on the 13th waning Moon phase of the previous cycle. This day is known as Dhanteras, or Dhanvantari Tryodashi, the celebration of the birth of Lord Dhanvantari, the father of Ayurvedic medicine. If you practice any healing tradition, especially Ayurveda, it is a good day to give thanks and call in auspicious blessings to your healing path or practice. Diwali is strongly associated with the Goddess Lakshmi, and is a powerful time to connect with her, calling in her blessings for both material and spiritual prosperity.
We celebrate Diwali while the days are getting noticeably shorter and darker, and it is a time to invite more light into our lives, our hearts, and our world. This festival celebrates the victory of light over darkness, which is something to rejoice in and have faith in, even if we can’t outwardly observe it sometimes. Creating positive vibrations internally is the best way to begin growing and spreading them externally.
Diwali also commemorates Lord Ram’s and Sita’s return from exile after fourteen years (a story from the Ramayana). Lord Ram embodies the highest qualities of dharma, devotion, compassion, courage, and leadership. Diwali is also the start of a new lunar cycle, so it’s a great time to go within and summon these qualities to awaken and live through you.
Diwali (also seen as Divali, Deepawali or Deepavali) comes from the Sanskrit words deepa (light) and avali (row). It is traditional to light candles throughout Diwali (opt for electronic tea lights if you’re in a fire danger zone!), inviting the highest light into our homes and lives. The candles are lit to remind us of the inner divine light in us all. Though one flame can be used to light many others, it is not diminished by sharing its power of illumination. We can pray for the peace and happiness of all beings, and each one’s awareness of their inner light.
Personal Chart Readings with Coaching Are Available Here
by Somya Devi | Jul 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
Guru Purnima Full Moon July 2021
The full Moon waxes to full brightness tonight, July 23rd at 10:37 pm. Fully opposite the Sun in sidereal Cancer, the full Moon in sidereal Capricorn joins a retrograde Saturn in his home sign. This particular full Moon is the auspicious one known as Guru Purnima in India, and is a day for honoring our teachers and gurus, who bring forth the light and knowledge that guides us.
Full Moon in Capricorn
Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn. It inspires us very much to create structure. With a strong retrograde Saturn on this full Moon, while simultaneously ruling over it, we may feel a certain weightiness right now that compels us to consider serious matters. The full Moon is opposite a Cancer Sun, wherein we find our power through the heart, seeking comfort in the heart space and quite often the literal home or sanctuary. The full Moon in Capricorn reminds us of the outer world and makes us take notice of the whole. At the same time, it complements the attraction to the heart space and home by reminding us of the hard work it takes to sustain it, reinforcing our commitments to our responsibilities.
Uttara Ashada
The full Moon is in the Vedic nakshatra of Uttara Ashada, the latter “invincible one.” There is a lot of power here, one that is often used for achieving dharma both on a personal level and for humanity at large. Service and spirituality are inspired by this star. It is ruled by the ten Vishvadevas, the lords of dharma, and is also associated with the Sun, the sattvic purifyer. This full Moon is a time to let impurities burn away as we align ourselves with purpose and principle, orienting ourselves towards spiritual as well as worldly victory. This nakshatra’s animal symbol is the male mongoose, making it the only nakshatra (of the odd 27) that does not have a female counterpart.

Retrograde Jupiter and Saturn
The large and powerful outer planets are on their farthest course away from the Sun right now, making them loom bright in the night sky and wield a potent yet slow and pointed force over our lives, as they appear to move backwards through the zodiac.
Saturn’s retrograde trip has been from May 23rd and stretches through October 10th, while Jupiter’s lasts from June 20th until October 17th. Jupiter will once again travel back into sidereal Capricorn, joining Capricorn there for the final month of his retrograde journey, before once again entering Aquarius on November 20th. While these two transit together Jupiter becomes neecha bhanga, a position that can both challenge and augment his expansive power in different situations, and also creates opportunity for some auspicious muhurta moments.
Personal Chart Readings with Coaching Are Available Here
by Somya Devi | May 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse
The Full Moon rises in sidereal Scorpio on the night of May 25th, reaching exact opposition to the Sun on Tuesday, May 26th at 7:14 am ET. Its proximity to the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, stimulates a total lunar eclipse, spanning from 4:47 am until 9:49 am, with the maximum eclipse at 7:18 am ET. This eclipse along the Scorpio-Taurus axis could have particularly strong effects on those areas of your life indicated by these signs, dependent on the natal placements of the nodes.

Scorpio Full Moon
The full Moon in Scorpio occurs when the Sun is in sidereal Taurus, a steady earth sign ruled by Venus. When the Moon is illuminated by this light in the opposite sign of Scorpio, an insect-like water sign, the part of us that has a protective shell and likes to scurry into dark places may peak its head out and stand confidently in the light for a moment. Thus, inner strength is available for unfurling, as we allow ourselves to go beneath the surface and accept of the strong emotions that can be found there. Vulnerability is a keyword here, as we realize that we must relax our guard a bit in order to live as our fullest selves.
Anuradha Nakshatra
This full Moon is in Anuradha nakshatra, a star of success and friendship. Ruled by the god Mitra, one of the Adityas, he can bring forth friendship, harmony, and good faith. There is a lot of devotion available under this nakshatra, related to goddess Radha. Those with a natal Moon here may find this full Moon stimulating effects relating to the Moon in your personal chart.

Super Flower Blood Moon
This full Moon and lunar eclipse is being referred to buy many as the Super Flower Blood Moon. The “blood” moon part refers to the red color that will appear as the earth’s shadow passes over the Moon. The map above shows where on earth you will be able to view part or all of the eclipse. The “flower” indication is a western name given to the full Moon occuring during this time of year when many flowers are blooming. The “super” term refers to the Moon’s proximity to earth at this time, making it appear slightly larger and fuller than most other full Moons of the year.
Total Lunar Eclipse
An eclipse of any sort is considered inauspicious in Hindu culture, and many others as well, as the light that usually guides us becomes obscured temporarily. As the Moon relates with our mind and hearts, the mind may feel particularly cloudy as the lunar node, Ketu, casts his energetic shadow over Chandra. The nodes can bring forward “shadows” in our minds, parts of ourselves that we are not normally able or willing to see. This can be a disruptive energy for many people as stress seems to rise and confusion often follows. It is best not to make any rash decisions during the eclipse, especially those based out of stress. But with dedicated spiritual practice that helps one to come to clarity, some large realizations can sometimes occur.
In Hindu culture it is recommended not to look directly at the eclipse, nor to be outside in its light, and neither eat nor drink during the eclipse. Chanting, praying, or meditating are the optimal choices for passing through the eclipse period. This is the first of two eclipses that will occur this cycle, with the second, a solar eclipse, occurring on June 10th. After that the intense energy brought on by the eclipse cycle may dissipate, and we can work on integrating the lessons learned during this time.
by Somya Devi | Apr 26, 2021 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Holy Days
Full Moon April 2021
The Full Moon in sidereal Libra is tonight, Monday, April 26th at 11:31 pm ET. Opposite the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries, the Libra Moon illuminates how we relate to and balance our outer relationships while pursuing our individual goals. In Swati nakshatra, we can take heed not to be blown off course by our environment or by trying to manage too much at once.
Libra Moon
Libra is a masculine (outward/yang) air sign, ruled by Venus. It is the opposite of Aries, the natural first sign of individual action, and is where we learn to compromise and balance our relationships and outer activities. The Aries Sun cycle is very much about finding our own course, taking care of our health, and diving into the activities we want to pursue in the coming season. The Libra full Moon reminds us that we need to work with others and, to a certain degree, harmonize our happiness with theirs in order to have an overall positive outcome.
Swati Nakshatra
The full Moon resides in the Vedic nakshatra of Swati, “the sword,” represented by a young plant shoot blowing in the wind. Ruled by Vayu, the Lord of Wind, and associated with Rahu, this nakshatra can bring forward both flexibility and possible instability. Make sure to find ways to ground and keep your roots firmly planted under this full Moon. This nakshatra also translates as “the independent” and brings forth an independent nature.
Mercury-Venus War
Mercury and Venus are in the midst of a planetary war, traveling within one degree of each other, from April 24th until the 26th (ending just a few hours before the full Moon). In this war our desires are pitted against our intellect, and both Mercury- and Venus-related matters may suffer for a few days, with neither winning out much since both are also very close to the Sun and not visible in the night sky.
Hanuman Jayanti
Today’s full Moon also brings in the Hindu holy day of Hanuman Jayanti, celebrating the birth of Lord Hanuman, Ram’s greatest devottee. Hanuman is the greatest embodiment of devotion, and shows us the incredible strength we possess that emerges from within when we practice great faith, humility, and service. In addition to traditional pujas (prayer ceremony), you can chant, sing, meditate, and especially, find some way to be of service, in order to honor Hanuman on this full Moon. The most fitting mantra/song is the Hanuman Chaleesa.