Jupiter and Venus Converge Tonight! Turn on Your Lovelight

Jupiter and Venus Converge Tonight! Turn on Your Lovelight

timthumbIf you’ve been watching Venus approach Jupiter in the evening sky over the last month, tonight will be the night not to miss! Last night the two appeared very close together from Earth, and tonight they will be at almost the exact same degrees in the sky (about 27 1/2 sidereal Cancer), appearing like a bright double-star. These are always the two brightest planets from earth’s perspective, so together this will be an incredibly beautiful light to behold. Look for the conjunction in the west from around sunset until the two planets set around 10:45 pm PDT. The best view will be just after it gets dark. They will also be quite close but beginning to separate tomorrow evening, setting in the west as the full Moon is rising in the east. (Check back for the Full Moon Report!)

love lightIn Vedic astrology and mythology, Jupiter and Venus are two benefic planets (saumya grahas), meaning they bring gentle energies and often boost our happiness. Jupiter is the planet of hope and optimism, while Venus is the planet of beauty and pleasure. The tight conjunction of these two may be elevating our happiness and expanding our positivity right now. It may even feel like the heart is overflowing. Jupiter brings us higher philosophy and belief systems, and our ability to discriminate or judge what we value. The supreme court decision to expand marriage rights in the US is totally aligned with this Jupiter-Venus meet-up– love wins! In this time we may really believe in our relationships, or whatever it is that is driving our pursuit of happiness. This conjunction is on the first house for sidereal Cancer rising folks, and aspects Scorpio and Pisces ascendants.

kundalini-snakesThese two are in the Vedic nakshatra (star-sign) of Ashlesha, “the entwiner.” This star has to do with the coiled serpent of kundalini energy, and heightens our senses of intuition and sexuality. The ruling deities are the Nagas, the serpents of wisdom. Our hearts and minds may be guided towards unveiling deep hidden wisdom from the realms beyond the veil of illusion. It is really the Sun’s light that we see reflected off of these two beauties, Jupiter and Venus, and the Sun is the source of all life and the planet of pure consciousness. At this time you can offer yourself up, with gratitude, for heart-mind expansion and invite in the source energy to brighten your beliefs, desires and relationships. Remember that in Ashlesha, as with a serpent’s bite, some poison may come up as part of the process of illumination. This can also result because Jupiter and Venus so close together can create friction as they fight over whether values or desires will come out on top.

A close conjunction of Jupiter and Venus also occurred around 2 B.C.E., and may have been the phenomena dubbed the “Star of Bethlehem.” Overall, this is a time to enjoy the incredibly beauty being offered from the cosmos. Bask in the lovelight of Jupiter and Venus tonight — it is on!

lovelight tasha marie

Full Moon in Scorpio Vedic Astrology

Full Moon in Scorpio Vedic Astrology

The Moon will be full in sidereal Scorpio on Tuesday, June 2nd, at 9:19 am PST, in the Vedic nakshatra of Jyeshtha. The full Moon (Purnima) is when we see the light of the Sun (the higher Self) fully illuminating the Moon (our emotional bodies). This cycle, which began on the May 17th New Moon in Taurus, compels us towards solidifying our material surroundings, including home, family and possessions. We are working towards our goals as reflected by our values. The Full Moon brings our soul’s reflection to the opposite zodiac sign, Scorpio, where we must work to strengthen and stabilize the emotional body, in its awareness of life’s ultimate uncertainty. With the radiant Sun shining on it from Taurus, there is the potential for much growth around this now.

scorpio constellationJyeshtha translates as the “eldest” or “Seniormost,” and in the sky we locate it as Antares, a red supergiant (a star many times bigger than the Sun). It is known as the “heart of the Scorpion.” There is much power associatedbuddha rahu umbrella with this star, as its deity is Indra, the chief of the Gods in Hindu mythology. Indra was known for letting his ego get carried away and being drunk with power (and Soma), which caused him to lose his status as a primary godhead. Through penance, or devoted practice, however, he was able to gain prosperity. The symbol for Jyeshtha is an umbrella, and Indra is also associated with raindrops. This symbolizes the idea that we are able to benefit from the divine Universal power in a positive way, if we engage our knowledge of its mystic qualities through spiritual practice.

Scorpio is a watery (emotional) sign ruled by Mars (strength, passion and intensity). It is a feminine sign, meaning self-reflective. It relates to the reproductive organs, which naturally symbolize rebirth and transformation. Full Moon in Scorpio, therefore, gives us the potential to be spiritual warriors, as the Sun’s light shines on the deepest most intense parts of our emotional bodies, usually kept hidden. Feeling into this illuminated Scorpio energy, we will face the place in ourselves that is most open to profound transformation–which we can experience if we allow it. Whichever house is Scorpio in your chart will be an area to pay particular attention now.

Because Scorpio is a fixed sign, there can be some resistance and fear around feeling difficult emotions, and they can sometimes get bottled up. This full Moon joins retrograde Saturn in Scorpio, as well, which can bring added feelings of fear and pressure, but a good opportunity to seek inner wisdom. The well of emotion found in Scorpio can be overwhelming to face in general, but with the radiance of the Sun (the higher Self) brightening it for us, this full Moon is a time for powerful introspection and insight. Only through facing ourselves fearlessly can the emotions flow to stable ground, rather than staying dammed up.

Saturn’s influence on the Moon causes pressure by compelling us to look at the long term and make decisions with wisdom rather than momentary compulsions. We are feeling these compulsions too, however, because Mars (the planet of the gut) is directly aspecting this full Moon from Taurus. Retrograde Mercury also joins Mars and the Sun in aspecting the full Moon, so watch out for mental agitation and communication challenges. This whole lineup could cause some intense emotional upheaval as we process the opposing energies.
june 2 2015 full moon in scoThe Mars-Saturn-Moon positioning may reveal a discrepancy if our short-term goals for material stability are not in alignment with what is beneficial in the long-term. Feel into it through your heart to see. It takes the emotional courage of Mars turned inward to face our emotions and change course if needed. Offer yourself to the process by being willing to self-examine and listen to the inner voice of your heart’s wisdom.

At the time of the fullest Moon, Venus and Jupiter in will be on the horizon in Cancer. Venus moved into sidereal Cancer on Saturday, joining Jupiter there. Though it will be beautiful to see these two planets coming close together in the sky over the next month, the energies of Jupiter and Venus can sometimes conflict with each other, so it is best to be mindful of them. The house themes of wherever Cancer is in your chart will come up during this time.

Venus, especially Venus in Cancer, is the part of us that wants pleasure, happiness, and comfort. We may feel very lovey this month with Venus in this water sign, ruled by the Moon (nourishing heart/Mother energy). Jupiter’s confluence with Venus, however, raises awareness of our beliefs and values, and how these align with our pleasurable pursuits (or do not). For example, if we are making too many compromises on our values in an attempt to secure happiness, this could become apparent this month and around the full Moon, when our emotions are lit up. On the other hand, it could also be a great time to integrate your values and beliefs into your relationships, as the Moon (heart energy) is the ruler of both Jupiter and Venus for the time being. Having satsang (spiritual discourse) and doing spiritual practice with your loved ones could bring you closer together right now.

scorpio artDeep introspection and transformation are possible right now, though we must be brave to navigate the waters of the current alignment. Call upon your teachers and teachings for wisdom to guide you, as Jupiter is aspecting this full Moon. Call on Mars for inner strength and courage to reflect on your deepest emotions, and watch out for impetuousness or aggression that could come from him if the energy is projected outwards. Invite Saturn to help you see how your feelings relate to your long-term goals, or might be interfering with them. Engage retrograde Mercury’s energy to re-examine issues with mindful scrutiny, rather than trying to forge ahead with things that require more reflection. Though this Scorpio full Moon could cause us to question a lot about our current situation, remember that the amplified emotions are temporary, and offered as a tool for us to self-reflect to move forward stronger, not to retreat in fear. Through mindful practice and meditation you can harness the spiritual warrior potential of Scorpio.

Full Moon in Libra in Swati

Full Moon in Libra in Swati

The Full Moon will be in sidereal Libra tomorrow, Sunday May 3rd, at 8:42 pm PST. Moon is in Libra already today, hemmed between Saturn and Rahu (Saturn is to one side of the Moon in the sky, in Scorpio, and Rahu is on its other side, in Virgo). This alignment has been happening monthly as the Moon transits through the Zodiac, passing through this Virgo-Libra-Scorpio portion of the sky for about a quarter of each month. When this happens, we may feel our emotional body influenced first by the planet of intense, obsessive attachment (Rahu), and then by pressure, and potential stress and fear (Saturn).

During the full Moon, our emotional body (Moon) passes through the sign opposite from the our higher self and soul power (exalted Sun). Sun is now in Aries, where we started this cycle on the new Moon, two weeks ago. The Aries cycle is about tapping into our personal power and energy (Sun) to get moving and start new projects, putting that illuminated energy into actions. We may have felt a big spurt of energy and enthusiasm for projects and plans, and put those in motion over the last couple of weeks.

Every energy has a contrasting and complementary opposite energy from which we must learn. With this full Moon in Libra, we are probably feeling the influence that our relationships have on our emotional bodies. These may help or hinder the efforts we are making from that place of personal power, in Aries. Libra is ruled by Venus and seeks to balance the scales, and make everyone happy, not just ourselves. So if some of the projects or plans we have started are not working well for our close friends, business partners, or significant others, our emotional body will be feeling that discrepancy. We may need to reexamine the course.


The influence of Saturn and Rahu could make this feel really stressful, so do your best not to submit to fear, or the need to control all the details. The light of the full Libra moon can show us a fuller path to compromise and support those around us in conjunction with our illuminated efforts. As always, meditation and spiritual practice support the higher energies of the planets–well-constructed compromises and actions that benefit the whole, not just ourselves. The lower potential of the Aries-Libra axis is holding too tightly to or giving away too much of our personal power.

In the Vedic Zodiac, this full Moon falls on the nakshatra (star-sign) of Swati, related to Lord Hanuman and the wind. Swati has the power to scatter our energy like the monkey mind is often scattered. With the pressure of Rahu and Saturn on either side of the Moon, it is important to do your best to root yourself through grounding practices. Working with the earth, practicing asana yoga, sitting at your altar, and applying oils to the soles of the feet will help. Care for your hips as well, as these relate to the sign of Libra, and a lot of emotional energy can get stuck there. Chanting the Hanuman Chaleesa will be a great way to orient that monkey mind towards one-pointed higher purpose.

Venus moved from sidereal Taurus into Gemini Saturday morning, May 2nd. This could lighten the desire for stable physical comfort, and bring more flexibility and curiosity to our ideas about relationships and happiness. Mars also changes signs this weekend, moving out of Aries and into Taurus at 11am on Sunday, just hours before the full Moon. It is still in the sign of Krttika, “the cutter,” and may help us cut away more of what we don’t need. In Aries it may have been making us a little hot-headed and prone to arguments.

The full moon will be fullest just after it has risen on the Pacific coast of North America. Jupiter will be directly overhead at this time. It’s a great night for sitting up, chanting, and calling in a higher understanding of ourselves and how we relate with others. Specific themes will be illuminated for each individual related to whatever house Libra is in your Vedic chart.

Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on Hanuman Jayanti: April 4, 2015

Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse on Hanuman Jayanti: April 4, 2015

Transformative energies are running high as we are still in an eclipse cycle, with a Total Lunar Eclipse occurring in sidereal Virgo this Saturday, at 5am PDT. It is also the Full Moon, which is the only time when a total lunar eclipse is possible. This eclipse will be visible from most of Asia and Australia, at moonrise, and from most of North and South America, at moonset. The eclipse will begin around 3:15am PDT, will the total eclipse occurring for just five minutes, from 4:58-5:03 am, finishing just before moonset at 6:59, a few minutes after sunrise. The tail end of the earth’s shadow covering the moon will be visible in the twilight hours of dawn on the West Coast of North America.

lunar eclipse 2015 april 4

Though the shadow is physically caused by the earth centering between the Sun and the Moon, it is also when the Moon is closely aligning with the shadow graha called Rahu, or the North Node, an astronomical point on the lunar orbit. When Rahu and Ketu (the South Node) are directly perpendicular with the earth’s orbit around the sun, during new and full moons, solar and lunar eclipses occur. This alignment with the nodes can feel like an unsettling force, as it brings to the surface a lot of energies that are often lurking in the shadows of our subconscious.

On the new moon in Pisces, two weeks ago, we experienced the Solar Eclipse, as the sun and the Moon aligned with Ketu, as well as with Mars. This brought staunch beliefs and opinions to the surface, which may have come out in an explosive manner. It began the Pisces cycle where we really started examining our tendencies towards fantasy and escapism, or felt ourselves getting lost in the vast emotional ocean, as Pisces is a water sign ruled by Jupiter. In its higher capacity, Pisces helps us to surrender and let go into the spiritual unknown, following creativity and intuition. This eclipse likely made visible certain areas of life that we were avoiding dealing with, especially areas where we tend to be critical and overly certain of ourselves (Ketu). It also brought the opportunity to let go and surrender. Mars’ conjunction here brought the possibility for confrontation around these issues during this process. Inward reflection has been necessary during this time, to clean out the dusty corners of our own psyches and murky emotional pools.

Now, with the full moon of this cycle occurring in Virgo, we examine the opposing energy to Pisces, which is the need to be practical and down-to-earth in our routines and fulfillment of desires. Virgo, on the other side of the zodiac, is an earth sign ruled by Mercury. Virgo energy likes to be discriminating, practical and organized. With the full Moon here, we feel in our emotional bodies this drive to do practical work, create or maintain solid daily routines, and to be responsible and efficient in our actions. With Rahu’s alignment bringing earth’s shadow over the Moon, however, we may feel disconnected from our emotional bodies during this time, and frustrated in our efforts to be grounded. The stress and eagerness associated with Rahu may disturb the coolness of the mind (the Moon), and our efforts towards practicality may take on a hot-headedness. Furthermore, Mercury, the ruler of this Virgo eclipse, is now joined Ketu in its sign of debilitation, Pisces. This further frustrates Mercury’s ability to be truly discriminating and impartial, as it is overwhelmed by the emotionality of Pisces and the gut cynicism of Ketu.

Reaching_HandThis eclipse occurs in the lunar nakshatra Hasta, “the hand,” ruled by the Moon. Hasta is a star whose energy brings efficiency with writing, drawing, and all dextral and industrious pursuits. With Rahu here we feel an overwhelming urge to master these things, and to implement some effective handiwork, both literally and figuratively. With the Moon being eclipsed, however, this desire becomes unconscious, and may be a accompanied by fear and illusion (Rahu), and not as rational as Virgo energy tends to be. We need to examine closely what kind of maneuvering and strategizing we are practicing with our hands, as our minds may be motivated in part by Rahu’s obsessive exaggeration, and we may be trying too hard to control the structures and routines we wish to implement.

Pisces and Virgo fall on certain houses in each individual’s chart. Whatever houses these are for you, the themes they represent will be ones that you are examining in particular during this time, and where you may be experiencing tension, disruption, and/or revelation. We will have another set of eclipses in these signs during September of this year, so there is a great opportunity to refine ourselves and our energies around these house themes between now and then, and to examine them closely again when the eclipses return.

As always, a powerful remedy for the disruptive aspects of the eclipse is spiritual practice, which will also help us to harness the positive potential of refinement and transformation that it brings. Meditation and mantra will help us to fall into the positive Piscean virtue of surrender to divine flow, as well as to cool the mind that feels disturbed and obscured in its conjunction with volatile Rahu (which began today). During this time, watch for where you feel a compelling but frustrated desire to organize everything around you. Take time to reflect and do personal grounding practices instead, like some gardening, walking or sitting on the earth, or re-organizing your energy with crystals. Earth element also relates to the sense of smell, in Ayurveda, so burning some sage or incense regularly will also help you to ground and to clear the hazy energies.

As many Hindu holidays are aligned with the lunar calendar, this full moon brings the celebration of Hanuman Jayanti, the birth of Lord Hanuman. Hanuman is Lord Rama’s greatest devotee, and symbolizes the qualities of strength and devotion. He is the son of the wind which represents prana, the breath of life and vehicle of yogis. We can learn from Hanuman, especially on this Pisces cycle eclipse in Virgo, the power of surrendering to the Lord and using our skills and hands for service to higher purpose. It is through this that we find our greatest strength. Hanuman’s monkey form represents the restless or “monkey mind” in humans, but his devotion shows us that through one-pointedness and repetition of the Lord’s name, we have the ability to tame the mind and achieve our divine potential. Hanuman was said to have been born at sunrise, the same time we will experience this eclipse in the Americas, so it will be especially potent to call in his energy by reciting the Hanuman Chalisa throughout this eclipse.


This full moon also coincides with the Jewish holiday Passover, which is also aligned with the lunar calendar. This celebrates the time when God freed the Israelites from slavery under the Pharaoh of Egypt. We can also see this as a symbol for the liberation within that is attained by virtuous rather than unprincipled actions. Friday is also Good Friday in the Christian calendar, commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus, two days before Easter Sunday, celebrating his resurrection. (These holidays are also calculated according to the lunar cycle, being observed on or after the first full moon of spring, after the equinox.) We see here symbology of the rebirth we can attain when we allow the ego to die and Self-knowledge is born. This is a potent message around the eclipse, where we must call in faith, release doubts and ignorance, and discern higher truth in order to to overcome the negativities stirred in the mind by conjunction with the nodes.

Do your best during this eclipse to calm the mind through connecting to the earth in simple, practical ways. Examine where you desire more detailed structure in your life in contrast to where you have avoided it to go with the flow, and contemplate what balance might look like. Look at your fears that are being revealed around both sides of that spectrum, and orient your mind towards God or your higher Self. Wait until after the eclipse has passed to complete communication and implement any major changes, to harness some discerning distance from the pressure and illusion unveiled by the nodes. Next week Venus moves into Taurus, and Jupiter turns direct. This may bring more ease in our relationships and a new burst of clarity around our philosophies.

golden gate bridge lunar eclipse dec 2011

Full Moon in Cancer in Aslesha

Full Moon in Cancer in Aslesha

The fullest phase of the moon, Purnima, begins today, and culminates with the Moon at its fullest point tomorrow, February 3rd, in Aslesha (or Ashlesha) nakshatra at 3:09 pm in sidereal Cancer. Aslesha is known as “the entwiner” and is represented by a coiled serpent, referring to the powerful kundalini energy coiled at the base of the spine. This powerful nakshatra, residing entirely in the feminine water sign of Moon-ruled Cancer, can be seen in the sky in the constellation Hydra, the water snake. Because Cancer, Aslesha, and Hydra are all water-related, emotion and intuition will be heightened during this full Moon.

This is the mid-point of the Capricorn Sun cycle that began with new Moon (and Sun) in Uttara Ashada on January 20th, compelling us to stabilize the physical support structures we need to achieve victory in our long-term worldly goals and dharma. This full moon in Cancer will help to shine a light on the emotional and spiritual energies and challenges we are working with and bring insight to help balance our worldly pursuits with what is deep in our hearts. Right now there is more light shed upon where we are emotionally entwined and how that relates to the material structures we seek.

The ruling deities for Aslesha nakshatra are the Nagas, the serpents of wisdom. Lord Vishnu rests upon the thousand-headed serpent, Adishesha, while dreaming of the material universe. The serpent energy comes from realms beyond the illusory dream of maya. The insightful and mystical quality of this nakshatra brings the potential to gain a deeper understanding of some of the mysteries we find within ourselves and unlock hidden potency. Aslesha also has the power to bring up poison, however (like the snake’s venomous bite), so be prepared for potential turbulence, and create some space for meditation and self-reflection in order to harness wisdom from what is revealed from the depths. It’s very possible that during this time some blockages will surface, showing us underlying emotions or energies that have been keeping us from achieving our goals. This is an opportunity to strengthen our weaknesses.

Aslesha is ruled by Mercury, which brings the power to observe and discriminate about these things with a sharp intellect. Mercury is still retrograde, combust, and aspected by its ruler Saturn, as it joins the Sun in Capricorn opposite full Moon and Jupiter. We may feel some pressure or mental stress, as we re-examine past issues and seek structural supports for understanding them. It is a good time to slow down communication. Because of the potential poison that comes with Aslesha, try to use the intellectual and emotional insights for self-reflection, rather than potentially dangerous or harmful words or actions–write a journal! (Aslesha is also the placement where Mars is naturally debilitated, so not the strongest place for taking action.) The feminine water sign of Cancer is about nourishing our heart and emotional body.

We will also feel an added boost in the emotional and intuitive power of this Aslesha/Cancer full moon because of its auspicious conjunction with Jupiter, only 3 degrees from Moon at its peak of fullness. Jupiter, literally “guru” or the “shadow-disperser,” can shed light on many matters, by offering guidance through a philosophy or teaching to help us better understand what is otherwise confusing. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, giving hope, optimism, and the potential to tap into helpful philosophies to assist us. It is currently retrograde, which may cause us to question or reevaluate the ideas, teachers, or doctrines we usually rely on, and engage new ones instead.

Allow your feeling-sense to guide you during this Cancer full moon and get in touch with what is deep inside your heart. Take some time to sit with it and feel where it is entangled, and observe the insight that comes, which may be contrary to your usual pattern of thinking. Keep a journal nearby and write the thoughts and emotions you experience. Where are you emotionally entwined? Around what themes do you feel fearful or coiled and want to unwind? How do these relate with the goals and material structures you are working on solidifying in this Capricorn Sun cycle? What new teachers or teachings have appealed to your heart recently? How can you turn your emotions into allies that will help you to achieve your goals?

Consider making an altar to the water by placing a bowl of water as the centerpiece and adorning it with flowers, crystals (especially Pearl or Moonstone), incense, and your prayers. Add an image of something normally seen as terrifying to represent your fears, offer it some water and imagine liberating the darkness with love, humility, generosity and compassion. Take a purifying bath or jump into the nearest body of water. Tune in with the water element in your body by sitting or lying with your hands placed gently on your second chakra. You can chant the syllable “Vam” while doing this, silently, out loud, or as an internal vibration. Allow yourself to cry if possible. Be sure to drink lots of water to nourish that element in your body.

If you’re working with a spiritual partner, the power of this full Moon in Aslesha can lend the potential for greater depth in the union. Adding visualization or energetic mobilization practices to your love-making could be beneficial. The kundalini energy of this star, the heart-space of Moon-ruled Cancer, the added intensity of conjunct Jupiter, along with a Venus-Mars conjunction, offers a great opportunity for diving deep and opening more together. Be sure to maintain mindful and discriminating communication, because of the position of Mercury and the potentially sharp or poisonous quality of this nakshatra.

This full moon, honor the emotional currents that run deep and look for how you can balance these with the practical structures needed to reach your goals in the world.

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