by Somya Devi | Feb 25, 2021 | Astrology
Full Moon February 2021
The Moon waxes towards fullness this Friday night for a Full Moon in sidereal Leo Saturday morning at 3:17 am ET. Opposite the Sun and Venus in sidereal Aquarius, the Moon is illuminated in Purva Phalguni nakshatra, “the former reddish one,” near Regulus, one of the brightest stars in the night sky. With Mercury now direct, all planets are moving forward for the time being.
Leo Full Moon
As the Sun transits sidereal Aquarius, we find our power center connected to ideas of service, community, and the greater good. The Vedic symbol for Aquarius is someone pouring a pitcher of water. We often think of this as the ascetic pouring holy water to bless the earth. But we cannot pour and share with the world unless we have found a way to fill our own cup. Aquarius’ opposite, Leo, is a place where we embrace our individual power, and purify our own heart so that it can radiate outward to everyone around us.
If you’ve been spending a lot of time in service, community, or contemplation of your contributions to the world, this full Moon can help you reflect a bit more on your personal kingdom. Is it in order? Is your cup full? Are you feeling radiant? The Leo full Moon is a time to celebrate your inner radiance, as the Sun reflects through all of us as the life-giving source.
Purva Phalguni
The middle of Leo comprises Purva Phalguni nakshatra, ruled by Bhagha, the god of delight. It is controlled by Venus and is a star that relates with luxury, decadence, and sexual passion. Symbolized by the front legs of a bed, or a hammock, this star elicits relaxation and other bed pleasures. If you have been burning inside in order to fulfill your duties or please others, take a break! This full Moon is a time to have fun, relax, and enjoy life a bit.

Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury
Lightening up during this time is perhaps easier said than done while Saturn still commands rule over much of the celestial energy. He remains strong in his own sign of Capricorn, bringing us down to earth and reminding us of our responsibilities and need for structure. Jupiter and Mercury join him there, coloring our analytical as well as philosophical sides with a rather austere palette. He rules over the Sun, and Venus, both in Aquarius.
Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury all remain in Shravana nakshatra, a star of listening. Despite the outward nature of the full Moon it is still a good time to listen to the inner voices that are trying to teach us something.
Mars and Rahu
Mars joins Rahu now in sidereal Taurus, a combination that can create volatile passions and flare-ups of all kinds. Mars aspects the full Moon (and thus Rahu’s energy gets caught up as well), which could light a fire in our hearts or minds this weekend. This could add to the romantic passions but also let some hot-headedness get the best of us if we aren’t careful.
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by Somya Devi | Oct 30, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Events, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Full Moon and Election Astrology
This week’s full Moon reaches maximum opposition to the Sun at 10:49 am EDT on Saturday, October 31st, in sidereal Aries. The Moon will be full in Bharani nakshatra, “the bearer,” a Vedic star-sign that relates to both birth and death. The energy of the full Moon here creates a powerful portal between the realms of the living and non-living, a potent setup for both Halloween and the Mexican Day of the Dead celebrations.
Bharani Nakshatra
Bharani spans the middle of sidereal Aries, with the Full Moon at 14° this month. It is known as “the bearer” and is represented by the womb, but its deity is Yama, the Lord of death. People with planets here, especially the Moon, often work in fields relating to either birth or death. It is a creative nakshatra that allows us to birth visions into being, and also a powerful spiritual sign that allows us to let go and compost the old in order to rebirth it into something new.

Aries Full Moon
The full Moon in Aries is opposite the debilitated Sun in sidereal Libra. Sun has been traveling through its sign of debilitation this month, which usually coincides with the onset of cold and flu season in the northern hemisphere, where 90% of humanity lives. The Sun relates with our vitality and strength, and when it is in Libra, a sign of balance and compromise, we may find that we become depleted as we attempt to create more harmony in the world around us and pay less attention to our personal strength. Self-care routines are most important during the Libra Sun cycle, which is running this year from October 16th through November 14th.
At the full Moon point of this cycle, the Moon becomes illuminated in Aries, the opposite of Libra. Ruled by Mars, Aries is a sign of personal strength, empowerment and action. It reminds us of our inner strength and gives us the opportunity to bring forth the light of individualism during the Sun cycle of Libra, a sign of partnership and compromising with others. The Aries full Moon time is a point of balance, where we learn to harmonize the desire to compromise with the ability to retain autonomy in a healthy way.
Mars and Mercury Retrograde
Both Mars and Mercury are still traveling in retrograde motion, through Pisces and Libra, respectively. Mercury will come to a station before beginning direct motion on November 3rd, election day. As the planet of the intellect, he will give us a sharp, discerning ability to make rational choices that are balancing. This bodes well for the U.S. election in terms of bringing more balance and practicality into the minds of voters in this polarized and radicalized democracy… though in the short-term, it could indicate an abundance of “balance” in terms of a close race in terms of numbers.
Astrological Presidential Potential
Joe Biden has at least as good a chance of Trump at being president, according to his astrology. A Scorpio rising with Sun in the first house, his tenth house is Leo, the house of career landing in the sign of government and kingship. His Rahu is also in the sign of Leo, indicating strong ambition in those arenas (and his career as a politician aligns with this natural tendency). Four of the last five presidents had either Leo rising (Trump, Obama, G.H.W. Bush), Rahu in Leo (Obama, G.H.W. Bush, as does Biden), Rahu in 10th (Trump, as does Biden) Sun in Leo (Clinton) or Sun in the 10th (G.H.W. Bush, Trump; Biden’s Sun rules the 10th). An association between Sun and Rahu with either the 10th, Leo, or the 1st are the common threads that we see in this group relating to the ability to take on the large governmental leadership role of President.

Of these men, only Trump has Rahu joining the Sun, which is also his lagna lord (ruling planet), bringing him fame while creating a kind of extremely intense personality that plays out in his professional life. Trump was elected just at the beginning of his Jupiter mahadasha (planetary period), a planet that indicates wealth in his chart and also activates some status elevation simultaneously. Trump also has a debilitated Moon afflicted by Ketu, and though full, creates many internal challenges to the mind.
Biden is in his Jupiter>Rahu bhukti, the last phase of his Jupiter mahadasha. In his chart Jupiter is also a strong planet (stronger than Trump’s, with its dual exaltation and retrograde status), also positioned to indicate wealth and success. Rahu is in his 10th house, Leo, indicating a strong desire and ability to come into a position of leadership. As the last bhukti of one mahadasha, this phase a lead-up to his Saturn mahadasha that begins in 2022. Saturn is also a strong planet for Biden, with double natural strengths (positional and retrograde), opposite both its ruler Venus and the Sun.
To see how the current transits affect and interplay with your chart and karma, you can request a personal reading here.
by Somya Devi | Sep 2, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Full Moon September 1st, 2020
The full Moon this cycle peaked at 10:22 pm PDT on September 1st, in sidereal Aquarius, opposite a Leo Sun. We continue to experience the Sun, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter all strong in their own signs, with Jupiter aspecting both Mars and Sun to create some powerful energies across the globe. This offers many auspicious moments during the day for initiating certain activities (specific to your activity and location), but also keeps the fire element high in the atmosphere, sparking aggression or literal fires if we do not channel it into dharmic action.
Aquarius Full Moon
The Aquarius full Moon is the peak of the Leo cycle. This cycle started strong with the Sun in his home sign, inspiring us to let our inner power shine forth into activity. Power is often corrupt, however, and the fire of the Sun often burns, and we have seen an amplification of political vitriol, violence, and wildfires over the last two weeks.
The opposite of Leo is Aquarius, or Kumbha, “the pitcher.” This Saturn-ruled sign emphasizes service to society more than individual power. It is this service that is actually the higher manifestation of what we can do with that individual power. People in positions of leadership (Leo energy), including government authorities or the leaders of a family, have a responsibility to use that power to take care of others. While the full Moon is illuminated here, we can reflect on how to pour our power into the world in ways that benefit all, rather than keeping it for selfish or abusive means.
Shatabisha, Star of Healing
The Moon aligns with the Vedic nakshatra of Shatabisha, “the hundred physicians,” or “hundred medicines.” This star-sign encourages us to source all means of healing, physical, emotional and spiritual, drawing on our various inner and outer resources. We may find that it is an alternative healing method that yields the most progress for us. Its deity is Lord Varuna, god of the cosmic waters. Water medicine signifies cleansing, in a much more deep and gentle way than the purification by fire offered on the opposite end of the zodiac. It is a potent antidote to the firey energy of this month.

Mars and Jupiter, Retrograde/Direct
Mars and Jupiter are both slowing towards apparent stationary “stops,” as Mars prepares to turn retrograde on September 9th (through November 13th), and Jupiter prepares to turn direct on September 12th. These stationary dates add strength to both planets, as their reflected light shines directly at us in a very focused way. Within Aries, and amplified by Jupiter, this Mars could result in some explosive energy around the 9th, but also offers a lot of horsepower for launching a new venture. Philosophical movements, and clashes, could be high around the 12th as Jupiter stations and begins to move forward again.
Nodal Shift
The nodes, Rahu and Ketu, are nearing the end of their journeys through Gemini and Sagittarius, respectively. They will transit into the next signs, Taurus and Scorpio, on September 23rd (mean node calculation; it happens on September 19th using a true node calculation). This will shift the subconscious churning and “shadow work” that we need to do into a new area of life for the next year-and-a-half, also shifting the houses over which we will experience the eclipses during this time. This is a good time to check in with your own chart to see where this transit will be affecting you, personally.
To see how these transits affect and interplay with your chart and karma, you can request a personal reading here.
by Somya Devi | Aug 18, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Events, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Tonight’s Dark Moon brings the Sun and Moon together in early sidereal Leo, at 7:42 pm PDT, close to Mercury, initiating a cycle of solar power where we are driven by the solar energy within as well as externally. This New Moon occurs within the Vedic sign of Magha, “the mighty,” bringing forth a regal energy that empowers us and begs the question of how to use our privilege and strength most effectively. Mars is also strengthening now, as he moves into his own sign of Aries for the next several months.
Leo Cycle
Leo is the sign ruled by the Sun, the literal source of power for all of us living in this solar system. The Leo cycle can help us to feel strong and inspired as we connect to source energy. When you’re feeling “in your power,” what do you then do with that energy? It’s a good time to check in with that especially as the northern summer draws towards an end. Take advantage of the light and all that you can do with the freedom that the long days offer. September 21st will bring the equinox wherein the days become shorter than the nights and the period of darkness rapidly descends.
Within Leo, Sun and Moon join to begin this lunar cycle in the Vedic nakshatra of Magha, “the mighty.” Symbolized by a throne, this star-sign brings forth a regal energy, gesturing towards achievement, status, and responsibility as well as privilege. It can be identified by the bright star Regulus within the constellation of Leo. Its deities are the Pitris, the ancestors of humanity, and indicates an important time to connect with our own ancestors and lineage. Ancestral karma could be at play in your life more than you realize, and this is a good time to pay attention to what is yours and what may be inherited.
Mars has also moved into his home sign of Aries now, and will transit here with great strength through October 3rd, when his retrograde journey (September 9th through November 13th) takes him back into Pisces again, before returning to Aries December 23rd through February 21st. With both fire planets, Mars and Sun, strong and in their home signs, we have the opportunity now to really harness and direct our creative energy. Be aware also, however, that your pitta could also be aggravated during this time, sending passions and irritability on a dangerous rampage if you are not using that fire for personal purification and strengthening. If you notice your pitta is getting out of hand, be sure to take in cooling activities, breaths, and foods…and avoid your hot yoga for a while.
Since the two fire planets gained strength by entering their own signs on August 16th, we have seen extreme heat waves and deadly wildfires sweeping the West. Watch out for these continuing through at least mid-September while the two are both strong.

A Month for Social Movements
Both Mars and Sun are aspected by a strong and bright retrograde Jupiter, also in his own sign, which could augment their firepower. This aspect could also offer inspiration towards our actions this month, helping them to align with our belief systems. The strong and bright retrograde Saturn, also in his own sign, adds to these four to create a powerful royal yoga that will create many auspicious muhurta (times for taking specific actions) throughout the day.
With Mars and Aries on the ascendant (as it will be in the Eastern U.S. at this New Moon time, and in other locations throughout the day for the coming month), We find the first, fifth, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th lords all in their own sign. The houses of dharma as well as the houses relating to society and higher purpose are all strong from their lords’ sva nature at this time. With the interplay of Jupiter’s aspect as mentioned above, this could contribute to a lot of ideologically-motivated actions on both personal and societal levels. Remember that Saturn’s influence can be stern and discerning, however, so we will have to acknowledge and incorporate the responsibility and hard work that comes with the passionate actions that spring from our belief systems.
Ganesh Chaturthi
The celebration of Lord Ganesha, who is known as both the creator and destroyer of obstacles, is this Friday/Saturday depending on your location. May he clear the way to a more peaceful and harmonious planetary experience
Praying for positive change.
To see how these transits affect and interplay with your chart and karma, you can request a personal reading here.
by Somya Devi | Mar 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
The full Moon in sidereal Leo is on March 9th at 10:47 am PDT. This is the height of an Aquarius cycle that began with the New Moon on February 22nd.
Full Moon in Leo
The Leo full Moon highlights our individual power center, amidst a cycle of Aquarius wherein we’ve been drawn to really consider the whole, and what is best for the world at large. Though Aquarius energy can be very beneficial in this way, promoting universal good acts and attitudes of service, it can also sometimes cause us to sublimate some individual qualities and yield personal power for “the greater good.”
Under the full Moon in Leo, we are reminded that the two are not exclusive. Under this Moon, the heart is illuminated on Leo’s throne, the place of unlimited personal power, where we can feel our individuality and autonomy and simultaneously know that we can do great service from this place of personal strength. If you’re in the midst of an election decision, this is a great time to feel into your heart for what is right, while already contemplating what is best for the whole.
Purva Phalguni
The Full Moon’s nakshatra is Purva Phalguni, spanning the late middle of Leo, and known as the “former red one.” It is a star of recreation and relaxation, symbolized by a swinging hammock or the front legs of the bed, reminding us that leisure is a necessary part of life even amidst service and leadership. Ruled by the planet Venus and by Bhaga, the god of delight, this star carries a sexual energy and in general draws us towards beauty and luxury.

Mercury is at the end of his retrograde cycle, stationary-retrograde during the full Moon, turning stationary-direct some hours later. This brings a lot of intellectual focus to this full Moon, and you may find you are able to work something out — or communicate something through with someone — that you have been wanting to finalize the details around for a while.
Mars and Saturn
On March 22nd, Mars will join Saturn in Capricorn. Mars is exalted here while Saturn is sva, in his own sign. The combination of these two planets here could help us to channel great focus and discipline, especially around hard work that needs to be done. On the other hand, if you have certain planets here such as the Moon, the transit of the two malefics could bring a lot of psychological stress and pressure. Mars will travel here through May 4th. The two will be in a planetary war from March 29th through April 4th, weakening one or both, likely Mars being that it is Saturn’s own sign.
This full Moon is also Holi in India, the “festival of colors.” It is the last full Moon coming before the Spring Equinox. This is a joyful festival of renewal, best-known for its colorful celebration in which people throw bright powders at each other. The playful combat is a way to let go of any past aggression held over the past year and start anew with forgiveness and friendship.
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