by Somya Devi | Jul 30, 2015 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
The Full Moon in sidereal Capricorn occurs tonight, in the early hours of July 31st, at 3:43 am PDT. It is called a “blue moon” in the West since it is the second full moon within a Gregorian calendar month (July). In Hindu culture this full Moon is celebrated as Guru Purnima. Purnima refers to the fullest-Moon lunar day each month, and in the lunar month of Ashadha (around June or July each year), it is called Guru Purnima. This is a day for celebrating our teachers (like Teachers’ Appreciation Day!), academic, artisanal, and especially the spiritual teacher or sat guru.
Guru is often translated as “remover of darkness,” and sometimes as “one who is devoid of form or qualities.” By imparting knowledge that we did not already possess, a teacher removes ignorance or darkness from our minds. An enlightened master or sat guru is one who has gone beyond all qualities where he or she perceives themselves as separate from the rest of creation. One who fully identifies with oneness is beyond the ego, and therefore fit to help guide others along the path to freedom from it. The goal of freedom from the ego is one way of describing the quest for happiness that is shared amongst all humans. When we become free from the grips of the small ego that separates everything into good and bad, my and mine, that leaves space to experience creation as the miracle of unity and love that it is. This ultimately fosters more bliss, peace, compassion and service, spreading happiness across the world like a bright beaming light.
We all have teachers that have helped illuminate the way to bliss, and tonight under the full Moon we celebrate them! Often, when we look up to someone as a spiritual teacher or sat guru, it is because we see in them the unity consciousness that we would like to feel within ourselves. They are a reflection of our own heart in its most open state. Last year on Guru Purnima, my teacher Amma put it beautifully: “Our inner relationship or bond of love with the guru is actually the unity we feel towards our own True Self—the Atman. So, we should not mistake the love or closeness we have towards our guru as mere external closeness. We are turning inwards and getting closer to our True Self because the guru is not the mere body. The guru is also the pure God consciousness that is beyond all names and forms. This is why attraction to the guru leads us to freedom” (Mata Amritanandamayi, July 12, 2014, Toronto).
This Guru Purnima falls in the Vedic nakshatra of Shravana. The symbolism of this star-sign is very fitting for Guru Purnima. One symbol of the star is the ear, which represents hearing, listening (especially for wisdom), and learning. Under the brightness of the Full Moon in this sign we can listen closely for the knowledge that is being offered from the universe and our teachers, both external and internal. Take some time in meditation this evening to see what you hear from the ethers.
The deity for Shravana is Lord Vishnu, and its other symbol is a set of three footprints, referring to Vishnu’s footprints. In one particular story, Vishnu took the form of a small boy called Vamana and went to visit Bali, a demon (asura) king who had taken over the three worlds. Bali was still devoted to the Lord and traditions, however, and so during a festival he upheld the rule that he would grant the wishes of any Brahmin who came to him.
Vishnu appeared as Vamana and requested three paces of land from Bali. When his wish was granted, he transformed from his small size to his true enormity that could cover the three worlds. With his first step he paced off earth and the underworld, with his second he covered heaven, and with his third he stepped on Bali’s head, who offered it in humility at that point. For this humility Vishnu offered him immortality. Shravana helps remind us, on Guru Purnima, the importance of humility to God and the grace that can be achieved through it. When we remember the power of the supreme divinity behind everything, and do our best to uphold dharma, only then can we be freed from the small self and gain immortality.
This full Moon is also the midpoint of a Cancer cycle which began with the New Moon on the cusp of Gemini and Cancer earlier this month. Watery, moon-ruled Cancer compels us to look into our nurturing, motherly sides, and may bring to our attention themes of the home and where we find our comfort emotionally. With the full Moon in Capricorn, on the opposite side of the zodiac, we feel the contrast of this energy with the Saturn-ruled earth sign, which compels us to be practical. Both signs are feminine and concerned with family. The Capricorn full Moon helps us to remember our responsibilities and how to go about them in a practical way, compelling us to seek a balance between earthy sensibility and our watery emotional body.

Mars moved into his debilitated placement in Cancer today, so we may feel a bit of the fire taken out of our guts while he transits this relaxed, tender sign. Venus is making his retrograde course back towards Jupiter in early Leo, where we’ll see the two meet again on August 3rd, bringing up a contrast between our values and desires. Saturn, who has been retrograde in sidereal Scorpio since mid-March, is stationing now and will slowly start moving forward again tomorrow, August 1st. His retrograde course gave us a chance to really look at and re-evaluate our commitment to transformation, and see what possible changes we needed to make in order to achieve our long-term goals within that realm. It’s likely that we have seen where we need more discipline, or detachment, in order to achieve the goals of our inner spiritual warrior (Scorpio). This is another great reason to celebrate our teachers right now, as we begin moving forward with the knowledge we have gained through retrograde Saturn.
Cancer and Capricorn represent a certain house axis for each Vedic rising sign, and the themes of this axis will be particularly potent in your own self-reflection this Full Moon. As well, it’s a good time to re-examine what houses Saturn rules for you, as well as what house Scorpio is in your chart. You’ll likely feel stronger clarity with the themes of these houses now, and they may feel “unstuck” compared to how they have been the last few months. Career energy as well as spiritual commitment may feel like they are back in forward-motion for many of us now. Take this time to give thanks for all your teachers, tune in with your inner ear for wisdom, and bask in the lovely moonlight of the Cancer-Capricorn axis tonight.
by Somya Devi | Jul 15, 2015 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs
The New Moon initiates our next lunar cycle tomorrow, July 15th, at 6:25pm PDT, from the very end of sidereal Gemini (29 degrees). Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars will all be joined in the lunar mansion (nakshatra) called Punarvasu, a star-sign that symbolizes renewal and abundance. This energy accompanies Jupiter’s very recent transition from Cancer into Leo, whence he will shine for the next year or so, bringing grace and hope to a powerful position in the heavens.
Punarvasu comes from the root words “Punar” meaning “again” or “repeatedly,” and “vasu” meaning “light” in this instance. Therefore this nakshatra’s cycle is a place where we can find “light again,” (which follows naturally as Punarvasu comes after the nakshatra Ardra, a place of storms, tears and raindrops). It symbolizes the renewal and regrowth that comes after a storm or heavy rain. The ruler of Punarvasu is Jupiter, who brings optimism and expansion. Its deity is Aditi, the mother of all the Gods in Hindu mythology, who symbolizes wealth and abundance. In this cycle we may feel a lot of ambition and drive, and it is a great time to harness the opportunity for a fresh start and renewed abundance in most pursuits.

In addition to Punarvasu’s graceful energy, Jupiter transitioned from Cancer into Leo on Monday, July 13th, where he will serve a powerful dose of energy to us for the next year. Leo is ruled by the Sun, the primordial, pure life-force behind all consciousness, and is a place of power in the zodiac. Jupiter, another sattvic planet, is well-placed here. Sun in his highest sense offers us illumination and the opportunity for embodying our higher potential. Under Sun’s rulership, Jupiter may be able to direct much positive expansion and philosophical influence to us from Leo. If well-channeled and applied, this dose of philosophy and optimism could yield wisdom, abundance and generosity. On the other hand, we may experience people getting really heated over their beliefs, as this position strengthens Jupiter’s potential for dogmatism. Jupiter will have a particularly strong influence on people with rising fire-signs (Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries) this year, and will be enhancing specific activities for every individual, depending on your Vedic rising sign and which houses he rules for you.
Venus also moved from Cancer to Leo, last week, but faces a more strained relationship under Sun’s rulership than Jupiter does. The highest side of Sun compels us to freely share our love, like the Sun does endlessly without request for anything in return, (in his awareness of himSelf as an infinite source of energy). Venus, on the other hand, drives the part of us that seeks pleasure for ourselves, especially in relationships. Venus in Leo could compel us to act like a king or queen in our relationships, as it struggles to get past the immensity of power encountered here, and perhaps forgets the usual methods of compromising (since one person’s happiness can’t really come at the cost of another’s in relationships, at least not for long). If we stay on a course of self-inquiry, it will be possible that this placement could help illuminate more self-love, which in turn can be shared abundantly with all those around us. Saturn is also casting his gaze on Jupiter and Venus as long as they are in Leo, bringing us more ability to look at these planets’ energies with long-term vision.
Watch for Venus to turn Retrograde on July 25th. At this point we may really start looking at our relationships and the way we go about seeking beauty and pleasure in life. Love relationships could slow down a little, or the power-tripping could if that is an issue that arises for you with Venus in Leo. Now is a great time to harness the Sun’s illumination on both Venus and Jupiter (who informs our philosophies and most valued teachings). While this source energy is strong, tap into it in your meditations and reflect on how you can do the most good with the power you have been given. Venus will cross directly over Jupiter again on August 6th, which will be beautiful but may cause us to feel the dichotomy between relationships and personal philosophy again.
Be aware that Mercury is both combust and tightly conjunct with Mars during this New Moon in Punarvasu. This tight a conjunction makes a planetary war that can cause stress between the two forces within us, where intellect and instinct struggle for dominance. It could make for some heated discussions. Try to wait a day or two if you’re feeling hot-hearted or -headed, for these two to separate a little, before launching into anything you feel torn up about. On the 16th, Sun and Moon tip over the Gemini-Cancer line (still in Punarvasu nakshatra) into Cancer, and Mars and Mercury will be starting to separate. This will be a good time to start putting your renewal efforts into action, before Mars goes debilitated (into Cancer) on July 30th. In this water-sign, with so much comforting, nurturing, motherly-love energy, it can be harder to call forth Mars’ courage and assertiveness into our endeavors and actions.
Overall, we will be feeling a surge of optimism, effort, and drive towards abundance this cycle. With the start of Jupiter’s new year in Leo, we are all likely to feel a major shift as the teacher of the Gods moves into the all-powerful Sun’s house, which could shine a lot of light, energy, and clarity on our hopes, dreams and beliefs. Each rising sign will experience this strength in a particular area of life (or three). Sign up for a reading today to find out which of your strengths are ripening for an extra juicy harvest this year!
by Somya Devi | May 17, 2015 | Astrology
The New Moon happens tonight at 9:13pm Pacific time. Sun and Moon join in Taurus, beginning the new lunar cycle in the Vedic nakshatra (star-sign) of Krittika. Krittika is known as “the cutter” and is represented by a razor or an axe. It is also associated with a flame, as the deity for this star is Agni, the fire God. This is the birthstar (Moon’s star-sign) of the guru Amritanandamayi Devi (or Amma, “the hugging saint”). Guru literally means “remover of darkness,” or ignorance.
Like Krittika, a good guru has the ability to cut away the illusion or darkness that does not serve, in order to help us see clearly. The quest of spiritual aspirants is to experience universal truth both internally and externally. This lunar cycle will be a great time for cutting away ignorance and illusions in order to deepen our understandings of Self and purpose. It is a good time to clarify our intentions for the year. The Aries cycle before this gave us a boost of energy, but may have been headstrong without considering the long-term benefits. Taurus is more grounded and slow-moving than Aries, so we may be able to come to terms with what is more practical in our plans for this year now. It is ruled by Venus and relates to our hearts, comforts, values and surroundings.
Taurus or “Vrisha” is the sign of the bull. This large, four-footed creature has a strong will, and Taurus is a fixed sign. This is a time to stay focused on our goals, especially as related to our surroundings, and also be careful not to be too stubborn about them. This new cycle begins with Sun and Moon joined with Mercury and Mars (in Taurus), and opposite Saturn (in Scorpio). This may bring a strong tendency to over-analyze (Mercury) and then over-react (Mars) to things this month. Saturn’s influence, opposite Mars, could bring frustration to the impulses to vocalize and act out. We may want to go forward based on our gut feeling and analysis of the situation, but may feel caught up by fear or stress that keeps us from taking action. When you feel that stagnation, turn to practices that can help you engage the Taurus energy one task at a time. This could include a little redecorating of your home space, cooking a meal or tending to the garden. Since Venus is the ruler of Taurus, fulfilling small desires in the realm of aesthetics will be satisfying. Sketch or paint something to allow that Venusian energy to flow.

Venus relates to earth, water, and air, so bring these elements into your spiritual practice. Feel into your rocks and crystals to study the energies that are coming up inside of you. Keep a fountain bubbling or visit a nearby body of water to let your prayers flow. Burning some incense, sage, or palo santo will help purify your home or altar space for this new cycle, and will also bring in the air element and the fire element (the deity of Krittika). Pray for the Divine Universe to cut away what you don’t need this cycle, and allow your purest goals and visions to manifest. Despite the challenges of the Mars/Saturn opposition, Taurus can bring us the determination needed to follow our hearts. Taurus is the sign of the Anahata or heart-chakra.
Heads up! Mercury goes retrograde tomorrow, until June 11th. It may be a time to reorganize our thoughts and revisit communication that needs to be clarified, but watch for the influence of Mars and Saturn bringing heat and pressure to your desire for coherence.
by Somya Devi | Apr 20, 2015 | Astrology, Planets Changing Signs, Uncategorized
From today through Wednesday morning (PDT) there is a really graceful alignment of planets in the sky. Five planets are either in their own signs or their signs of exaltation. This combination or “yoga” in Vedic astrology is a powerful one, and grants auspiciousness to activities undertaken during this time. Mars and Venus are in signs that they rule (Aries and Taurus, respectively), and the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter are in their signs of exaltation (Aries, Taurus, and Cancer). This means that we will find it easier to connect with our courage and strength for acting (Mars), with spirit and illuminated consciousness (Sun), with peace and contentment in our hearts (Moon), with finding happiness and beauty in life, and through compromise and relationships (Venus), and with our senses of higher purpose, hope and optimism (Jupiter). We will have five exalted or sva planets (in their own signs) again when Moon passes through his own sign, Cancer, from Friday through Sunday morning. For the next two days, however, with the Sun and Moon exalted, we are in the auspicious Hindu holy days of Akshaya Tritiya. The “tritiya” refers to the third day of the waxing moon, and each year on the third day after new Moon in Aries, both Sun and Moon are exalted (Sun in Aries and Moon in Taurus). “Akshaya” means “never diminishing” and is associated with prosperity and wealth. This is a good time for beginning both material and spiritual ventures. With Mars and Sun in Aries, we already have a lot of potency for initiating activities, and with Moon also exalted, this aligns us with our heart’s truest contentment. Moon is exalted in Taurus because the emotions are able to rest peacefully in that fixed earth sign. It is a Kapha dosha sign, which supports the emotional body because it is less prone towards restlessness and anxiety. With a full spirit and peaceful heart, and a strong connection to your strength, pleasure and purpose, do some work these days on manifesting your dreams.
Some times of day are even more potent than others for setting your goals in motion, and as well you may find this window especially graceful for activities related to the specific houses affected in your chart.