by Somya Devi | Apr 29, 2022 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Events, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs
Eclipse Season, Venus-Jupiter Conjunction, and Akshaya Tritiya
There is so much going on in the sky right now, this is an exciting time for astronomers and astrologers alike. Tonight brings a Dark Moon as Sun and Moon approach each other for an exact New Moon conjunction on April 30th at 4:28 pm ET. They join in sidereal Aries, where Sun is exalted and Rahu is currently transiting as well. This meeting of Sun, Moon and Rahu stimulates a solar eclipse around the time of the New Moon, the first eclipse of this spring’s eclipse season, with the lunar eclipse following on the Full Moon of May 15th-16th. Additionally, Venus and Jupiter are having their closest conjunction of the year on April 30th as well!
Aries Moon Cycle
The Aries Moon cycle begins when Sun and Moon join in sidereal Aries. If you’ve forgotten the difference between sidereal and tropical systems, here it is! I just re-read this article and definitely recommend checking it out if this is a concept you strive to understand. The Sun is exalted as it travels through Aries, bringing forth a strong sense of vitality and energy as we emerge into the growing season in the northern hemisphere. The Aries cycle is a time for beginning and giving birth to things, just as we see reflected in nature.
Bharani Nakshatra
This Moon cycle begins literally with Sun and Moon in the Vedic nakshatra Bharani, “the bearer,” the star of birth and death. It is represented by a womb, associated with fertile Venus, ruled by death deity Yama, and opens a portal between the worlds of living and dying. This moon cycle is an opportune time to plant the seeds you are wishing to cultivate, both literally and figuratively.
Akshaya Tritiya
Three days after the New Moon in Aries, on Tuesday, May 3rd, the Moon travels through its sign of exaltation as well— Taurus. A sign of exaltation is the place where a planet is considered extremely well-placed, supported by the ruler of that sign, and in good relationship with its home sign. It’s where the planet is most likely to be able to express itself positively through us. With the Sun exalted in Aries, it is supported by its ruler Mars, a planet that adds courage and strength to Sun who seeks to express power and vitality. With the Moon exalted in Venus-ruled, earth-sign Taurus, it gets to rest on fertile and stable ground, an excellent place for our watery, emotional and often changeable mind to reside in the feminine.
With both Sun AND Moon exalted at the same time, this signals that our minds, bodies, and spirit are extremely well-supported. For this reason, this “tritiya” (third waxing Moon) day is thought to be a day that offers only auspicious, prosperous, everlasting results. Hence it is deemed Akshaya Tritiya, “akshaya” being that which is without loss, that which never diminishes. In India this is a major moment for investments, new beginnings, and large purchases, especially of gold and silver. It is thought that your returns will be “never diminishing.”
Although usually I like to offer specific Muhurta selections based on one’s individual natal chart, this day is generally considered auspicious in general for new endeavors, purchases, and investments.
Solar Eclipse
April 30th, the New Moon, itself brings with it a solar eclipse that will be visible from parts of South America and Antarctica. Its effects, however, can be felt across the globe. You may have already noticed tensions rising in your life this week, especially around certain areas where you have felt stuck. Eclipses are when the shadow energy becomes visible (we literally see a shadow when the grahas Rahu and Ketu align with Sun, Moon and Earth). They tend to bring to light areas that require our attention and change, whether it be by eliminating limiting beliefs or patterns, or by stepping into something we have resisted.
This is the first eclipse of a 1.5-year cycle that began when Rahu and Ketu transited into the Aries-Libra axis on April 12th, after their year-and-half transit of Taurus and Scorpio before that. This longer cycle and the biannual eclipse seasons within it are likely to “bring stuff up” for you in whatever areas of life are indicated by Aries and Libra in your Vedic natal chart, and may stimulate other karma depending upon what other planets are there in your chart.
As in many traditional cultures, in Vedic thought eclipses are considered inauspicious times, because the natural order of the universe is turned on its head. It is best not to plan any important activities or new beginnings during the hours of the eclipse itself (2:25 PM – 6:38 PM ET, with maximum eclipse at 4:42). Instead, spiritual practice such as prayer or meditation is advised, as these are the best remedies for dealing with the disruptive, confusing and often virulent energy of the nodes, Rahu and Ketu. Hindu culture advises against eating, drinking or being outside during the eclipse hours as well, especially if you live in its visible path.

This is the first eclipse of two that are coming this eclipse season, the second being a lunar eclipse on the Full Moon of May 15th-16th, which will be visible from most of the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. After that the eclipse season ends until the next set which will come in October-November of this year.
Some astrologers advise people to do things around an eclipse as these can be transformative times. They can definitely be transformative, but I always caution clients that if you are to make a major decision during an eclipse season, be sure that it comes from a place of clarity, after much reflection and introspection, and that it is not based out of stress, fear, or overwhelm with your current situation.
Jupiter-Venus Conjunction/War
In addition to the New Moon and Solar Eclipse, Saturday also brings the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, at 5:14 pm ET in sidereal Pisces. The two will be traveling together in this sign from April 27th through May 23rd, when Venus moves into Aries. Jupiter is the ruler of Pisces, while Venus is exalted there, giving the two brightest planets a lot of power right now. It will be a beautiful sight to behold on the early mornings of April 30th and May 1st, while they can be seen extremely close together rising a little while before the Sun. (EarthSky has some great visuals on what to look for in the early morning eastern sky.)
The intense proximity of the two, however, creates what is known as a graha yuddha or planetary war in Vedic astrology. This happens whenever two planets come within one degree of each other, as these two do from April 29th through May 1st. When this happens, both planets are considered to be weakened because they must vie with each other for power and our attention. Thus the areas ruled by Jupiter (inspiration, hope, beliefs) and Venus (happiness, romance, art, beauty, nature) in general and in our personal charts, may suffer during this time.
The war between Jupiter and Venus can be particularly difficult as these two are quite inimical to each other, Jupiter being the guru of the Gods and Venus that of the Asuras (demons). Jupiter or Guru guides us to acquire our higher belief systems, knowledge, and wisdom, while Venus or Shukra motivates us mainly towards pleasure. It is for this reason that Venus becomes exalted in Pisces, because when under Jupiter’s influence, in this other-worldly water sign, we are often able to align our desires with a higher power or purpose.
So enjoy the spectacle of the two brightest planets this weekend, but consider the highest potential of the two as you feel the waves of emotion that may come as they battle it out, with the Moon and eclipsed Sun joining Rahu in fiery Aries. Overall I do believe this whole setup offers a lot of potential for inner growth, if we take the time to go inward and seek insight around our highest purpose, desires, and intentions for this season’s new beginnings.
by Somya Devi | Nov 3, 2021 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Holy Days
Diwali New Moon 2021
Thursday, November 4th brings a New moon at 5:15 pm ET and marks the celebration of Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights. As the world outside darkens, we clean our houses and light candles and lamps to celebrate the light, calling in the auspicious blessings of goddess Lakshmi and Lord Rama, gathering with family and friends to share warmth as the season becomes cold.
New Moon in Libra and Swati
This Diwali is marked by the New Moon in sidereal Libra, as Sun and Moon join with both Mars and Mercury there. Libra is a sign about balance, where we seek to bring balance and harmony into our relationships and the outer world. The sky is very imbalanced at this time, however, with eight out of nine grahas clustered on one side of the sky, towards the galactic center.
The four planets join in the Vedic nakshatra of Swati, symbolized by a young sprout blowing in the wind. With Sun debilitated here, it can be easy to lose our center and fall out of balance, especially as the cold vata winds are increasing in the outer atmosphere. This time of year self-care is of utmost importance!
Saturn and Jupiter
Saturn and Jupiter are together again in sidereal Capricorn, with Saturn aspecting the New Moon and putting on the pressure to constrict pleasures and focus on responsibilities. The two together can bring power to some situations, but despite the neecha bhangha yoga being created, Jupiter will be much more comfortable and able to offer more expansive blessings when he transits once again into Aquarius on November 20th.

This New Moon actually brings us straight into an eclipse period, with a lunar eclipse occurring on the coming full Moon of November 18th-19th, and a total solar eclipse on the next New Moon of December 4th. Eclipse periods stir up energy from the shadows, making red flags wave bright and bringing the opportunity to navigate discomfort with grace or clumsiness. Depending on your natal chart this could be stimulating change in one particular area of life.
On the new Moon of the Hindu month of Ashwin (this month), we celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights. The festival began this year on November 2nd (North America), on the 13th waning Moon phase of the previous cycle. This day is known as Dhanteras, or Dhanvantari Tryodashi, the celebration of the birth of Lord Dhanvantari, the father of Ayurvedic medicine. If you practice any healing tradition, especially Ayurveda, it is a good day to give thanks and call in auspicious blessings to your healing path or practice. Diwali is strongly associated with the Goddess Lakshmi, and is a powerful time to connect with her, calling in her blessings for both material and spiritual prosperity.
We celebrate Diwali while the days are getting noticeably shorter and darker, and it is a time to invite more light into our lives, our hearts, and our world. This festival celebrates the victory of light over darkness, which is something to rejoice in and have faith in, even if we can’t outwardly observe it sometimes. Creating positive vibrations internally is the best way to begin growing and spreading them externally.
Diwali also commemorates Lord Ram’s and Sita’s return from exile after fourteen years (a story from the Ramayana). Lord Ram embodies the highest qualities of dharma, devotion, compassion, courage, and leadership. Diwali is also the start of a new lunar cycle, so it’s a great time to go within and summon these qualities to awaken and live through you.
Diwali (also seen as Divali, Deepawali or Deepavali) comes from the Sanskrit words deepa (light) and avali (row). It is traditional to light candles throughout Diwali (opt for electronic tea lights if you’re in a fire danger zone!), inviting the highest light into our homes and lives. The candles are lit to remind us of the inner divine light in us all. Though one flame can be used to light many others, it is not diminished by sharing its power of illumination. We can pray for the peace and happiness of all beings, and each one’s awareness of their inner light.
Personal Chart Readings with Coaching Are Available Here
by Somya Devi | Jun 11, 2021 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Retrograde
New Moon & Solar Eclipse June 2021
The morning of June 10th brought a New Moon, a conjunction of the Sun and Moon in sidereal Taurus, so close to the lunar nodal points Rahu and Ketu as to cause an annular solar eclipse. The exact Sun-Moon alignment was at 6:53 am ET and the eclipse maximum was at 6:41. This eclipse was visible from the northernmost latitudes and aligned with the Vedic nakshatra of Mrigashira.
Taurus New Moon
This begins a new lunar cycle in the energy of Taurus or Vrishabha, the bull. A four-footed feminine earth sign, Taurus helps us to root down and stand strongly, moving towards our goals with determination in an embodied manner. It is an inward sign, ruled by Venus, the planet of pleasure and happiness. This time of year can be one for enjoying life, connecting with nature and family.
Mrigashira is the “benevolent” star-sign symbolized by the head or face of a deer. There is a gentle, whimsical nature to this asterism, but there can also be an energy of skittishness, wandering and seeking. Embrace the energy by calling in your guides and looking within to learn what are you truly seeking? The answer often lies beyond the material realms.
Solar Eclipse
This morning’s annular solar eclipse was only visible to some in the most northern latitudes, but its energy takes affect over all of us. When the Sun’s light is obscured, it can make us feel cut off from our inner power, our source energy, and shadows of confusion over our true nature can arise. This is the second of two eclipses this cycle, so the confusing and chaotic energy should subside after this somewhat until the next set of eclipses in November-December. Depending on the natal placement of the nodes in your chart, this year’s nodal transit and eclipses may be taking a strong toll on your mental, physical or emotional well-being.

Retrograde Mercury
The Sun and Moon join a retrograde Mercury which may have contributed to a few internet mishaps, scheduling conflicts, or difficult conversations over the past few weeks. Mercury will station and turn direct again on June 22nd, allowing communication and intellectual endeavors to move ahead more smoothly.
Summer Solstice June 20th
The Sun will reach his northernmost course on June 20th, marking the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and giving cause to celebrate the light of divinity that fuels us. This is the most outward time of year for those in the north, and it is appropriate even for us introverts to spend more time outwardly active and social as we tune with nature’s rhythms.
Saturn Retrograde
Saturn is moving slowly backwards from our perspective now, in retrograde motion from May 23rd through October 10th. This could slow some things down in your life depending on your natal planetary placements, and in general gives us some pressure to reflect on our responsibilities and commitments, noticing where we need to put in the hard work to meet our goals.
Personal Chart Readings with Coaching Are Available Here
by Somya Devi | Dec 13, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses
New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
The Sun and Moon come together on this Dark Moon night, joining near the end of sidereal Scorpio as they come towards a full conjunction at 11:17 am ET on December 14th for a New Moon in Scorpio. Their conjunction is also aligned closely enough with the south node, Ketu, that it will cause a total Solar Eclipse from 8:33 am through 1:53 pm ET, with the maximum eclipse at 11:13 am ET. The eclipse will only be visible from South America and small portions of Africa and Antarctica.
Total Solar Eclipse
In a total solar eclipse the Moon passes between the earth and the Sun, causing a shadow to appear over the Sun. This only occurs when Earth, Sun, and Moon are also closely aligned with the nodes, Rahu and Ketu, who are thought of as the shadow planets for this reason. These planets represent our deepest subconscious drivers. They are like our blind spots because we are not able to see them. During “eclipse season,” however, the shadows begin to become visible. This is a very important time of year to pay attention to any shadow work / inner demons / red flags that are arising for you. Great transformation is possible if we pay attention and do the work to honor what is being revealed.

This is the first set of eclipses to occur with the nodes in their new positions. Rahu and Ketu entered Taurus and Scorpio, respectively, in September, and will transit here for a year-and-a-half, creating three eclipse cycles on this axis along their way. Whatever house-axis sidereal Scorpio-Taurus is in your natal chart, and whatever planets you have there, will be affected greatly by this eclipse cycles and the ones coming over the next year. This is where you have the most work to do and may be facing the most challenges currently.
On a global level, we experience this eclipse elevating the apparent tension between our desire for material stability (Taurus) and overhauling change, surprises, and even loss (Scorpio). We may find ourselves more dependent upon or obsessed with one of these areas, while not allowing enough room for the other in our lives. In a personal chart analysis we can apply these ideas to whatever is affected in the natal chart.
New Moon in Scorpio, Sun cycle in Sagittarius
The total Solar Eclipse naturally coincides with the alignment of Sun and Moon, thus begins a new lunar cycle with Sun and Moon in Scorpio. As they are currently at the very end of sidereal Scorpio, the Sun will spend most of this cycle in Sagittarius, so we will experience a Sagittarian cycle with some Scorpion flavor. In the Sagittarius cycle we feel the radiant power of the Sun, and our inner power, fulfilled by acts of service and charity aligned with our highest beliefs. Sagittarius is a fire sign (a sign for action) ruled by Jupiter (principles, beliefs, and higher teachings). The Scorpio flavor will remind us that all actions and principles are also vulnerable to change, and this could allow us to find some growth around our inner-most core beliefs.
Jupiter-Saturn War & Total Conjunction
On December 21st, the winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn will have an exact conjunction at 6 degrees 21 minutes of sidereal Capricorn, owned by Saturn himself. Though they align in the same sign every 20 years, this is the closest visible conjunction of the two in nearly 800 years. The last alignment was in May of 2000, a powerful transition point that ushered us into a new century, a new age of technology with the boom of the internet, and soon after a major change in the tone of society and world politics with the events of September 2001, including a major economic downturn.
The position of Saturn here in his home sign has put a lot of pressure on society already, and is largely related to the global pandemic and the continued constraint that we feel across the world and in our individual homes as well. With Jupiter entering Saturn’s sign, he attempts to bring some understanding, some learning, and some principles for us to work with as we navigate the stern imposition of Saturn in our lives. Can we learn anything from this? Can we check in with our beliefs and make sure that we are acting in accordance with them? Can we act in favor of these and in ways that are responsible towards our long-term goals, rather than frivolous?

The challenge is that, in Vedic thought, when two planets come very closely together, within one degree, it is considered a graha yuddha or planetary war. Who wins? Well, Jupiter is in fact much brighter in the sky, giving him a strong advantage at claiming our attention. But Saturn has proved incredibly strong right now being in his home sign of Capricorn. When two planets are at war, both will suffer to some degree, and their power in our lives may temporarily wane.
We may find that our principles, beliefs, and ideas don’t even feel like they are inspiring us or filling us with the faith we are seeking at the moment. And our efforts to stay strong, determined, and persevering through the shut down—and the other challenges in our lives— may feel depleted. Hold tight! The planetary war between these two runs from December 12th through December 30th.
Since this war is occurring in the 10th sign, hence the 10th house for a world chart, it relates strongly to government. The outright war for power between political figures in the U.S. may not subside until after December 30th, though we can admit it is hurting both sides and the governmental authority itself.
In our own lives, we may find things ruled by Jupiter and Saturn, the associated people, and the houses aligned with Scorpio, Taurus, and Capricorn may all be facing challenges during this month. Within all this there are learning opportunities offered by the planets, if we work to get to know them better and the highest purposes that they have to offer us.
Personal Chart Readings with Coaching Are Available Here
by Somya Devi | Nov 14, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs, Uncategorized
New Moon in Libra and Diwali 2020
The Sun and Moon will join at 29° sidereal Libra tonight, with exact alignment for a New Moon at 12:07 am EST. This Dark Moon night commemorates the Hindu holiday of Diwali, the festival of lights. Tonight will actually be the third but main night of the Diwali celebrations, which began on Dhanteras on November 12th. Be sure to light some candles tonight to celebrate light itself, as we move into the darkest part of the year in the north.
Scorpio cycle
The Sun and Moon again join at the very end of one sign, sidereal Libra, before both moving into Scorpio later the same day. Hence we are beginning the cycle of the Sun in Scorpio, but flavored with a certain Libran energy. The Scorpio Sun cycle is a time that compels us to look deeply into our own deep well of emotion, as Scorpio is both a water and insect sign, driving us towards the flow of emotions that is trapped within our external protective shell. Ruled by Mars, the warrior planet, we can see Scorpio as a spiritual warrior, and this time of year is an important one for exploring our personal vulnerabilities and sensitive places that may need more strength, courage, and healing.
Flavored by the Libra position of Sun and Moon as we begin this cycle, this investigation may lean heavily towards studying how we behave in relationships, what drives us to find balance and compromise, what wounds we are protecting that are keeping us from enjoying the happiness and balance that Venus wants to offer us.
Remembering that while Sun is debilitated in Libra, our sense of strength or our literal health may be weak this month. We continue to contemplate what it takes to maintain our personal strength and not become depleted while also relating with others and seeking outer balance. This is a very important time of year to nourish ourselves, and our inner light, as the outer light is descending. You can also make some herbal tea to nourish yourself during this vata (cold and dry) season. The nature of the Scorpio cycle will show us where we carry inner imbalance that requires some more harmonizing and lightening.
Vishaka Nakshatra
The Sun and Moon join in Vishaka nakshatra, a sign that bridges the end of Libra and the beginning of Scorpio. The “two-branched” sign is ruled by two deities, Lord Indra, the chief of the Gods, and Lord Agni, fire personified. This sign can harness a lot of power and leadership ability, but only once we choose the proper direction. You may find yourself at a crossroads this month and need to call in your guides to help you to choose the right direction, after which a lot of success is possible. The animal symbol for Vishaka is the male tiger.
On the new Moon of the Hindu month of Ashwin (this month), we celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights. The festival began this year on November 12th (North America), on the 13th waning Moon phase of the previous cycle. This day is known as Dhanteras, or Dhanvantari Tryodashi, the celebration of the birth of Lord Dhanvantari, the father of Ayurvedic medicine. If you practice any healing tradition, especially Ayurveda, it is a good day to give thanks and call in auspicious blessings to your healing path or practice. Diwali is strongly associated with the Goddess Laxmi, and is a powerful time to connect with her, calling in her blessings for both material and spiritual prosperity.
We celebrate Diwali while the days are getting noticeably shorter and darker, and it is a time to invite more light into our lives, our hearts, and our world. This festival celebrates the victory of light over darkness, which is something to rejoice in and have faith in, even if we can’t outwardly observe it sometimes. Creating positive vibrations internally is the best way to begin growing and spreading them externally.
Diwali also commemorates Lord Ram’s and Sita’s return from exile after fourteen years (a story from the Ramayana). Lord Ram embodies the highest qualities of dharma, devotion, compassion, courage, and leadership. Diwali is also the start of a new lunar cycle, so it’s a great time to go within and summon these qualities to awaken and live through you.
Diwali (also seen as Divali, Deepawali or Deepavali) comes from the Sanskrit words deepa (light) and avali (row). It is traditional to light candles throughout Diwali (opt for electronic tea lights if you’re in a fire danger zone!), inviting the highest light into our homes and lives. The candles are lit to remind us of the inner divine light in us all. Though one flame can be used to light many others, it is not diminished by sharing its power of illumination. We can pray for the peace and happiness of all beings, and each one’s awareness of their inner light.
We are now entering the “eclipse season,” as we approach two eclipses that will occur November 30th and December 14th. With the nodes having recently moved onto their new axis—Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio—this could activate some latent energy that has been lurking, unresolved in the shadows, in the areas of life that align with these two signs in your Vedic natal chart.
Be sure to watch for any disruptions, and any red flags, over the next month, and be sure not to make hasty decisions out of stress. Sadhana is very important, especially during the eclipses themselves, and doing inner work to investigate what is arising can serve in helping us to make important changes. This is the first eclipse cycle of three that will occur over the next year-and-a-half while the nodes transit this axis, so it is a jumping off point in seeing what work we need to do in these areas of our lives.
To see how the current transits affect and interplay with your chart and karma, you can request a personal reading here.
by Somya Devi | Jun 18, 2020 | Astrology, Eclipses, Retrograde
New Moon Solar Eclipse June 2020
This week’s New Moon coincides with an annular solar eclipse, the second in a set of three eclipses we are experiencing this summer, as well as the summer solstice. Tensions have been running hot under the pressure of the nodes, the eclipses, and the position of the planets. The exact New Moon time will be at 11:40 pm PDT on Saturday, June 20th, with the maximum eclipse occurring one minute later. This new Moon and eclipse align with sidereal Gemini, in the nakshatra called Mrigashira, and are accompanied by four retrograde planets.
Mrigashira is translated as “the dear’s head” or “benevolent,” and brings forward the gentle energy of the deer. Generally this could bring some relief, during turbulent times, but the fact that the Sun will be eclipsed here could cause us to feel cut off from our inner power and knowing. Mrigashira has been depicted as a deer at the edge of a burning forest (in The Book of Nakshatras, Trivedi), and if startled or confused may accidentally run towards the fire. This is something to be aware of during the eclipse period, which often causes anxiety and confusion. When I refer to the eclipse period I am counting the couple of weeks leading up to the first eclipse of the cycle (June 5th) through the final eclipse of the cycle on July 4th.

The deer and Mrigashira are known for searching and wandering, so if we are using the intelligence of this nakshatra and eclipse, it is possible to distill some answers and discern the proper direction to choose if we have been wandering. Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, is sva in his own sign and joining the Sun, Moon and Rahu during this eclipse, as well as retrograde, adding great intellectual strength and ability to sort out details during this time (if we are not overcome by Rahu’s shadow energy). Spiritual practice and meditation are the remedies we must utilize during this time, to find clarity and groundedness amidst the overwhelming shadows and turbulence that can be brought by the nodes.
Gemini Cycle
This New Moon will initiate a new lunar cycle in sidereal Gemini, compelling us to examine both sides of a situation, be come more flexible and light, and discern whether we need to stay still or change directions. Gemini is a bipedal (two-footed) air sign, offering a lot of mobility to us during this cycle. It is a masculine sign (directing energy outwards) ruled by Mercury, offering us the chance to speak out and let our words go forth into the world. With Mercury retrograde at the same time, we can slow down and deeply consider the way we speak. This is a supportive alignment for us to continue conversations on race and justice, reframing our language with consideration and self-reflection to aide in progress.
Four Retrograde Planets
Four planets — Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury — continue to travel in retrograde motion during this time, with Saturn, Venus and Mercury gaining double strengths by being in their own signs (sidereal Capricorn, Taurus, and Gemini respectively). This offers us the chance to harness intelligence from these planets as we do the inner work around their themes: responsibility and commitment, as well as society’s structures (Saturn), relationships, nature, boundaries, and compromise (Venus), and discrimination, equality and communication (Mercury).
As Jupiter is traveling in retrograde motion he will soon leave his debilitation in Capricorn and re-enter his own sign of Sagittarius, on June 29th. Joining Ketu, this will again offer us the opportunity to dive deeply into our ideas and philosophies, especially around justice, politics, and how we act on our beliefs. Dismantling these themes and their faulty paths through history will continue to be a theme, further uplifting a movement for change in support of #BlackLivesMatter and social justice in general.
The summer solstice is Saturday, June 20th as well, and marks the turning point in the Sun’s solar cycle this year. The Sun will be at his northernmost course, offering the longest days in the northern hemisphere and the shortest in the southern, and will appear to keep the same path in the sky for a few days before beginning to creep towards the southern sky again. The light is bright, and the opportunity to connect with our highest self and highest ideals is strong. The leadership and courage within is available… BUT, heed the eclipses! Make sure you are acting from a point of groundedness, clarity, and benevolence, not power-crazy arrogance, as the Sun is at this point in his cycle. The Sun’s powerful rays are able to help us to burn off our own impurities and negative tendencies if we use his light to look at ourselves and what needs to change, rather than focusing on what is wrong outside of us or in others.
Personal readings are available Here to help you navigate this time.