New Moon of Cosmic Waters Begins the New Year

The New Moon cycle begins on the night of December 28th, at 10:53 p.m. PST. Sun and Moon coincide in sidereal Sagittarius in Purva Ashada nakshatra, joining a retrograde Mercury. Purva Ashada is a Vedic constellation that translates as the “invincible one” or the “undefeated.” There is a powerful energy of victory associated with this star-sign, which falls in the middle of the powerful sign of Sagittarius.

The Sagittarius cycle brings an energy of optimism, as this sign is the outward expression of the planet Jupiter. Jupiter guides our philosophy and beliefs, as well as hope and optimism, so in Sagittarius we feel inspired to put our values into actions. This can inspire a lot of charitable work and humanitarian efforts. Sagittarius is also a fire sign, so we can get incredibly passionate about working for our beliefs here.

water goddessPurva Ashada nakshatra represents the middle of the Sagittarius constellation, and is associated with both power and fluidity. The deity for this star is Apas, the deification of water. The energy of this New Moon of the cosmic waters begins the new year for us a few days later.

In 2016 we experienced a wide-scale rising of struggles for water rights even here in the “first-world” United States. Scientists and spiritual leaders alike have told us that wars will be waged over this vital natural resource, and sadly we have reached the point where that is a reality. On the Dark Moon night of December 28th may we go inward and deeply contemplate our relationship with this elemental life-giver. Connect with Apas as the living embodiment of water if this helps you to strengthen your connection and prayers.

This could be a tough month for relationships as well as societal power struggles, because Venus, Mars, and Ketu now all join in Aquarius, opposite from Rahu in Leo. Ketu brings forth a lot of shadow energy and the combination of Ketu and Mars can be explosive. The affect of these two together with Venus could take a toll on our relationships, bringing up a lot of latent unspoken grievances and arguments about them. This is a time for self-scrutiny, as we are now approaching the last set of eclipses with Rahu and Ketu on the Leo-Aquarius axis. These eclipses will be coming in February.

Personal shadow work may be arising now, especially as we are in the middle of the last kala sarpa yoga cycle that we will experience until late next year. A kala sarpa alignment is indicated when all of the planets are on one side of the nodal axis (Rahu and Ketu are always opposite each other, forming this axis). This alignment usually brings a lot of intensity and upheaval, especially on the inner scale.

There is a range of interpretation as to whether a kala sarpa yoga occurs only when the planets are in between the nodes and not in the same sign as them, or also when they are in between the nodes and joining them within the same sign. That is to say, the current alignment may be considered a looser kala sarpa by some, or not at all by others, because Venus and Mars are in the same sign as Ketu, and Mars will soon be passing Ketu. Nevertheless, the strong proximity and association with the nodes still make for the “heavy times” energy that a kala sarpa yoga tends to bring.

This New Moon joins the Sun along with a retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius. Mercury will be retrograde until January 8th. If you’re making any travel arrangements or other plans during this period, leave yourself extra time for unexpected delays and schedule changes. It’s also a good time to go back and finish conversations that were previously unresolved.

All in all, this is a time where self-awareness is very important, largely because of the strong influence of Ketu. Ketu is one of the planets of the subconscious, so a lot of the energy arising now, in our actions, arguments, and relationships, is from a place that we do not completely understand. There is much wisdom to be gained here, however. The dark Moon time is a great time to meditate and listen to your own inner voice.Remember also to honor the water element, within and without.


*Personal 2017 Readings are available now and are being scheduled throughout the month of January. Be sure to join my mailing list to stay up-to-date with the latest 2017 forecasts

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