by Somya Devi | Nov 5, 2018 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde, Uncategorized
The Moon is waning towards total darkness as he approaches the Sun in late sidereal Libra. The dark Moon night of November 6th will precede the “new Moon” moment at 9:02 am PST on Wednesday, November 7th, when Sun and Moon align exactly in late Libra, in Vishakha nakshatra. This will begin a lunar cycle in the mood of Libra, and also bring in Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights. With Venus already powerful in the sky right now, this lunar cycle will cause us to focus even deeper on relationships, harmony, and happiness in our lives, and examine closely how we seek to fulfill our desires and find love on the human plane.
Libra is called Tula in Sanskrit meaning “scale” and is depicted as such in both eastern and western astrology. The natural seventh sign, opposite Aries, Libra is where we recognize our reflections, seeing the other who is opposite to us, and learning how to travel through life balancing our individual instincts with our need to create harmonize with those around us, often people with opposite will or nature.
Venus is the ruler of Libra, and Venus governs the human nature within us that seeks pleasure and happiness. While Mars gives us an instinct to assert ourselves strongly and survive, Venus brings in awareness of our pleasure centers and what is sensually pleasing in our field or bodies. A large part of the happiness we seek comes in the form of other people, coinciding with Libra’s “seventh sign” placement.
The problem with other people, however, is that they don’t always want exactly what we want. If it is a loved one, family member, or someone with whom we need to deal on a regular basis, we begin to notice that if we meet our individual desires completely at the expense of their happiness, we won’t actually be happy in the end. We need to learn how to compromise some so that both parties will be happy enough with a situation (and this is easier said than done). The flip-side is when we over-compromise, putting another’s desires entirely before our own, and ending up just as miserable as if we had completely ignored theirs.

During this Libra cycle, Libra’s lord, Venus, is joining the Sun and Moon from the onset. He is strong as he travels through his own sign (sva), and even stronger due to his retrograde position (albeit only visible for a short time in the morning currently, since he is traveling so closely to the Sun). This position will give us extra support as we try to navigate the waters of compromise, and insight to be able to reflect back on what we are doing to try to attain happiness. It will help us to see what isn’t working, and gives us the opportunity to try to forge a new path moving forward.
It’s important to look at our own part in conflict and disharmony, and adopt a new attitude or method towards finding happiness and harmony. Venus comes to a halt and turns direct on the 15th, so be sure to take notice of all the insights being offered now and make your plan for how you will move forward.
The Sun and Moon are coming together at 21° sidereal Libra for this New Moon, which aligns with the Vedic star-sign known as Vishakha, “the forked branches.” This star is sometimes represented by a set of forked branches, but often as a triumphal archway, indicating that success is possible after doing the difficult work of deciding between two paths. This is even often interpreted as a marriage archway. This star is ruled by the deities Indra and Agni, the chief of the gods and the fire deity, respectively, and can give us quite a bit of power and determination. Under Jupiter’s influence, this nakshatra can be helpful in learning to overcome conflicts and refining our method of compromise and success. Be aware, however, there can be some self-righteousness here due to Jupiter’s and Indra’s influences.
The Sun is considered neecha or naturally debilitated as he travels through Libra. Since the Sun relates to our sense of strength and vitality, and Libra is the sign of compromising (or over-compromising) with others, it is natural that our individual power can sometimes feel lessened while we elevate the level of energy and attention we give to those around us. Caring for others doesn’t necessarily translate to depleted health, but it can when we overemphasize the outer world and others to the point of neglecting our own self-care. This is a very important time of year to nourish ourselves, and our inner light, as the outer light is descending. Venus’ coincidence in Libra can help us to navigate this balancing act.
Hindu culture recognizes this descending light outside, and it is on this New Moon (in the Hindu month of Ashwin) that we celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights. It is a time to invite more light into our lives, our hearts, and our world. This festival celebrates the symbolic victory of light over darkness. At this time we commemorate Lord Ram’s and Sita’s return from exile after fourteen years (story from the Ramayana). Lord Ram embodies the highest qualities of dharma, devotion, compassion, courage, and leadership. It is also a powerful time to connect to the Goddess Lakshmi, calling in her blessings for both material and spiritual prosperity.
Diwali (also seen as Divali, Deepawali or Deepavali) comes from the Sanskrit words deepa (light) and avali (row). It is traditional to light candles throughout Diwali, inviting the highest light into our homes and hearts. The candles are lit to remind us of the inner divine light in us all. Though one flame can be used to light many others, it is not diminished by sharing its power of illumination. We can pray for the peace and happiness of all beings, and each one’s awareness of their inner light.
Monday, November 5th precedes Diwali with the holiday known as Dhanteras or Dhanvantari Tryodashi (commemorating the birth of Lord Dhanvantari). It is the thirteenth day of the waning Moon in the Vedic month of Ashwin. Lord Dhanvantari is known as the “father of Ayurveda” and the “physician of the Gods.” (Ayurveda is the system of natural medicine from India that is a sister science to yoga and Jyotish.) If you practice any healing tradition, especially Ayurveda, this is a good day to give thanks and call in auspicious blessings to your healing path or practice.
This day also marks Dhanteras, the first day of the Diwali festival. It commemorates the day that Lakshmi emerged from the milk ocean in Vedic lore. In India, it is customary to purchase metals on this day — anything from jewelry to new statues to kitchenware (excluding iron), especially silver and gold — as a part of celebrating Lakshmi and calling in more prosperity. The metals can then be offered to your altar and will absorb and amplify the benefits of worship performed over the few days of Diwali.
Mars-Ketu Separation
After six long months of conjunction in sidereal Capricorn, Mars and Ketu are finally separating. On November 5th Mars leaves Capricorn and crosses over into Aquarius. This has been a complicated transit, as Mars journeyed through his sign of exaltation, strengthening our courage and will, but was simultaneously plagued by Ketu’s fear and confusion.
With a retrograde stint topped with a set of three eclipses in the summer, we had a lot of time to try to understand our deepest fears and how they influence our courage and will (especially in areas of your life ruled by Mars or aligned with Capricorn). Moving forward, we will feel some of the pressure lift from these areas, and hopefully we were able to glean a lot of learning from the visible shadows presented throughout this transit.
Personal readings are available here to help you to better understand your relationship with each planet and how the current transits may affect you.
by Somya Devi | Oct 23, 2018 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
The full Moon will come directly opposite the Sun at 9:45 am PDT tomorrow, October 24th. With the Sun at 7° sidereal Libra and in Swati nakshatra, the Moon waxes to fullness at 7° sidereal Aries, in Ashwini nakshatra. The energy of this full Moon will help us to focus our energy, and may inspire us to get our bodies moving, shedding some layers from the past season.

Aries-Libra opposition
With the Sun currently transiting sidereal Libra (October 17th- November 16th), he is in his sign of debilitation. The Sun is literally the source of our power here on earth, and relates to our physical strength and vitality as well as our spiritual strength and awareness of connection to source. When he is in Libra he is weakened, as Libra is ruled by Venus, turning our attention towards pleasures and indulgences, which can take a toll on our health and reduce the Sun’s ability to help us to purify ourselves. Likewise, the Sun in Libra also causes us to relate our personal strength with that of our partners and other people, since Libra signifies relationships. We may find ourselves drained of energy this month as we try to take care of others around us, neglecting personal power and self-care.
As the Sun shines his light into Aries, his sign of exaltation, he illuminates the full Moon here and we are offered the chance to elevate and capture more of the Sun’s energy. Around the time of this full Moon we may take notice of our own bodies, and the possible depletion we have encountered during the Sun’s trip through Libra. This is a time to harness his strength and create more balance between self-care and care of those around us. Coinciding with the change of seasons, this is a great time to put some energy into a cleanse or a new physical or spiritual workout routine.
The full Moon also aligns with Ashwini nakshatra, the first of the 27 Vedic star-signs. This asterism always offers the energy for a fresh start, so with the full Moon here it also supports shedding some energy from the past season and setting our focus in a new direction. Ruled by the Ashwin Kumaras, the horse-headed physicians of the gods, in Vedic lore, there is a potent healing energy here. Working with medicines or healing ceremonies around this full Moon can be especially potent.
In Libra, the Sun’s energy is under Venus’s rulership. As Venus also currently transits Libra, this may help to increase the general sense of strength and Sun energy available, but with Venus increasingly combust every day, both continue to be challenged. This full Moon certainly highlights for us whether we are giving too much energy to our relationships or others, and neglecting our own strength and health simultaneously, or vice versa.
Venus is also in retrograde motion at the moment, since October 5th and through November 15th, which is causing us to slow down and take a closer look at our relationships, and relating styles. People or patterns from the past may be resurfacing, and it is important to examine how we approach compromise and conflict, taking the opportunity to forge new patterns by the time Venus goes direct again. Venus enters retrograde motion about every 18 months, so it will not occur again until 2020.
Jupiter in Scorpio
Jupiter is settling into his position in sidereal Scorpio, illuminating this mystic and transformational part of the sky for the next year. Whatever houses he rules and transits in your chart may receive some particular affects this year, as you dive into your fears and feelings, waging the inner war to come out stronger than you were before in specific areas of your life. In general, this year can be a good time to study the mystic arts, such as astrology, yoga, tantra, or tarot.
Personal natal chart readings are available here.
by Somya Devi | Oct 4, 2018 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
I love this time of year. Having passed the equinox on September 22nd, the dark of night comes noticeably earlier. The air temperature, moisture and barometric pressure have taken a definite turn. And the instinct to nest and cozy up at home is on.
From now through the spring equinox, we in the northern hemisphere are in the yin portion of the year, where nighttime exceeds day, and our energy is more naturally directed inward. With fewer hours to be out in the world acting, there is more time to spend still and being. This is a time for the mystic feminine to thrive.
Monday, October 8th will bring a dark Moon night to start the first lunar cycle fully in the yin season. At 8:47 pm PDT, the Sun and Moon align at 21° sidereal Virgo, in Hasta nakshatra. This is a great way to start a season of grounding into ourselves, nurturing our feminine essence and our creative potential. Fittingly, this cycle brings with it the Navaratri festival, the nine nights of celebrating the goddess in her many forms.

Virgo Cycle
Virgo is the feminine earth sign ruled by Mercury. In Sanskrit, Virgo is Kanya, literally the “girl” or the “maiden.” This sign relates to fertility, as well as a pure feminine being. Virgo’s nature compels us to try to take care of everyone and all the details, and as the Sun moves into Libra, his sign of debilitation, later this month, we must be careful not to overexert ourselves and become depleted.
With exalted Mars and Ketu still transiting the fifth from Virgo, this month will call us to explore our creative potential, and what fears and resistance we may hold around that. With Saturn transiting the fourth and Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in the second, there is a lot of energy going towards the home and family this month.
Within Virgo, the Sun and Moon align in Hasta nakshatra to begin this lunar cycle. Hasta is “the hand,” and implies all things crafty. We find potential to take up any number of manual skills or projects this month, as well as utilizing the intellect (Mercury) to craft our situations towards our goals. Ruled by the Moon, this star brings forth our feminine nature and guides us from the heart, so be sure to listen in the stillness of the dark Moon nights.

I just love this Warhol image for Retrograde Venus!
Venus has come to a stop and is entering retrograde motion on October 5th. For all of us, this will be an opportunity to slow down and retrace the steps we have taken towards happiness, as well as look closely at our relationships and our styles of relating. It may feel like a slow-down our happiness or relationships are challenged right now, but every challenge is an opportunity for our own self-development. It’s a good time to work on developing new skills in relating, whether by a communication class, couples’ workshop, or any personal development coaching work.
You may also experience things slowing down in the areas of your life ruled by Venus in your natal chart, different for each Vedic rising sign.
For a few more days, Jupiter and Venus are joined in sidereal Libra, but Jupiter will complete his transit here and move into sidereal Scorpio on October 11th. This next Jupiter transit will last through November 4, 2019. Jupiter in Scorpio can expand our opportunity to connect with the mystic. The depth of self-inquiry and self-development practices will grow during this period. Passions can be heightened and intensified, and our philosophical warrior will be strong.
The nine nights of the goddess is a festival celebrated by Hindus worldwide. Navaratri will begin on the first night of the waxing Moon this lunar cycle, starting October 9th. On each of nine consecutive nights (nav + ratri), we can worship the goddess, Devi, through her many forms. Most notably this festival celebrates the goddess Durga in nine of her forms, but in other parts of India the festival commemorates Durga/Kali, Lakshmi, and Sarasvati for three nights each.
Devi is the creatrix, the warrioress, the nurturer, the purifyer, the protector. She can be found in the innocent and fertile maiden as well as the wise and learned crone. She is both the nurturing mother, and the one who gives “tough love.” The impassioned lover, the devoted bhakta, the disciplined yogini. We see Devi appear through us in innumerable manifestations. Through her many forms, she teaches us and offers us countless blessings–love, compassion, courage, learning, discipline, surrender, success, enlightenment, and bliss.
This festival is a time for honoring and celebrating the supreme feminine power in all her glory, and the many blessings she bestows upon us. Stay tuned for daily updates on how to connect with the many forms of the Goddess.
by Somya Devi | Sep 22, 2018 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Events, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
The Moon will complete his full waxing phase in sidereal Pisces for a full Moon at 7:53 pm Pacific time on Monday, September 24th, just after rising in the East. This full Moon falls in Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra, the latter “one with lucky feet.” Deep in the twelfth rashi, this nakshatra relates to the depths of kundalini and fertility, and can help us to take a deep dive into ourselves.
This Moon waxes into fullness in sidereal Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac that helps us to move away from the material world and into the realm of spirit, magic, and dreamland. With the Moon fully illuminated here, we can let our imaginations run wild, and follow them playfully into a whimsical exploration of ourselves.
Jupiter rules Pisces, and brings forward inspiration, luck, and a sense of purpose and believing in something. Under the full Moon in Pisces, we have the potential to truly let go and surrender to a higher power, and let loose a bit on the reins of control that we attempt to use to wield our lives. The Pisces full Moon is opposite the Sun in Virgo, the grounded earth sign that keeps us tied to the mundane tasks and activities of organization and planning that help us to live in the material world. During this opposing full Moon, we reflect on how to balance the right amount of control and attention to detail, with the right amount of surrender and faith in something bigger than ourselves.
Without an inspiring motivator or dedicated purpose, however, Pisces can promote escapist tendencies. We may let our imagination lead us into a world of fantasy, where we neglect our earthly responsibilities. There is also the possibility for substance abuse as a means of escape here, so be sure to keep one foot on the ground if you have this tendency. With a healthy internal guidance system, however, this can be an exploratory full Moon that takes you to new levels of self-understanding and surrender to the flow.
Uttara Bhadrapada
Following Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada is represented by the back legs of a bed or funeral cot, symbolizing the final end of this life where the body is (traditionally, in India) burned and we are completely released from this phase of existence. This star therefore ushers forth the energy of purification, especially purification by fire ritual. The ruling deity, Ahir Bhudhnya, is a serpent with the potential to raise kundalini energy. Our internal power could light up under this full Moon. It is best if we can do some intentional planning or meditation beforehand to cultivate a space for achieving our desired results, and be sure to hold space for integration during the waning phase.
Venus Retrograde
Desires are heightened due to Venus’ sva position, standing strong in his own sign of Libra this month. We will feel more inspired by music, nature, and the arts during this time, and relationships may be coming to the forefront for many of us. Whether intimate or friendly, this transit is a time where we’ll examine our relating style, how we compromise, and what paths we choose to take to achieve personal happiness.
Venus will come to a halt and enter retrograde motion soon, appearing to move backwards through the zodiac from October 5th through November 15th. This happens once about every 18 months, and gives us a chance to reset our relationships and re-evaluate our desires and our plan for happiness. In Libra, this will send us deep into a self-examination of our relating style, and it’s a great time to learn some new tools for compromise and communication with others. You may find people from the past coming forward with unfinished business during this transit, and will need to negotiate a new balance.
Watch out around October 15th, when Mercury and Venus come within one degree of each other for a planetary war. This could pit our desires against our intellect, with passion ruling out over practicality. This is a danger for some through the whole Venus transit, which can heighten our sensual nature and lead towards more indulgence all-around.

Mars & Ketu
Mars has just passed over Ketu for the third time this year, but will remain within one degree of him until just hours before the full Moon on Monday. There may be a sense of achievement and courage rising with this last conjunction. Mars has been in Capricorn, his sign of exaltation, since early March. Mars in Capricorn is when we learn to channel our strength and fire towards our goals and responsibilities, our self-development and self-discipline, and the things that will bring us lasting value.
During this long transit or Mars, he has been joined with Ketu the entire time, showing us the shadow side of ourselves in how we wield our strength, and also how we fight. This may have brought out some aggression, arguments, and accidents earlier this year, but if we were committed to seeing the lessons of Ketu (especially through the eclipse cycle this summer), we may have come out with a deeper understanding of our warrior within. As Mars finishes his transit here over the next six weeks, we have the chance to stand with our own internal strength, knowing where, when, and how to fight, and how to discipline ourselves, in light of the dark spots that have shown themselves over the last few months.
Jupiter Changing Signs
On October 11th, Jupiter will transit from sidereal Libra into Scorpio. He has been in Libra since September of last year. As he travels through Scorpio for the next thirteen months, our inner warrior will be inspired, and the vulnerable spots inside will be inspired by the planet of purpose. This is a great time to study psychology, mysticism, and whatever inspires you in your personal self-development. This will also light up particular areas of your life depending on your Vedic rising sign.
Stay tuned for a personal forecast or sign up for an individual chart reading to see how these current transits will affect your life.
by Somya Devi | Sep 7, 2018 | Uncategorized
The Sun and Moon will reach exact alignment for a New Moon in Leo at 11:02 am PDT this Sunday, September 9th. In sidereal Leo they join Mercury and begin a lunar cycle directed by the Sun himself, the ruler of Leo. Saturday night brings the darkest Moon phase as the Moon wanes to total obscurity, and is the best time for letting go of the past lunar cycle and preparing for the new.
Leo Cycle
The Sun is the graha (celestial body or being that grabs us with its force) that we see and experience the effects of the most frequently. Each day he rises and sets, bringing light by day to go out and move out energy through the world, disappearing at night as our energy descends and go into a temporary hibernation. During the Leo cycle, the Sun’s energy is even more powerful, as he is currently seated in his throne, or transiting his own sign of Leo, we could say.
As we begin to notice the hours of the day shortening (or lengthening, depending on your location), as we approach the equinox, awareness of the importance of this light becomes more apparent, and it may be a time where we strive to harness it and more through life as energetically as we can. The Leo cycle makes us aware of our inner light and strength, symbolized by the source energy offered to us from the Sun.
As we go through this cycle it is a time to examine our power and how we are using it. The great strength of kings and queens allows them to be either great samaritans or great tyrants. The highest calling of Leo is to use our power for the good of others, making sacrifices in our personal lives for the duty or responsibility to a larger cause. Four out of five of the last U.S. Presidents had Leo rising or Sun in Leo.
Rising to great power is not generally easy on the individual, however, but it can be purifying. The Sun is considered a krura or cruel planet in Jyotish, meaning he teaches us life’s lessons through more difficult processes. He is also a sattvic planet, however, helping to bring us towards a state of greater peace and alignment. The bright fire of the Sun both illuminates our power and our weakness, our strengths and our shortcomings, and helps to purify us by burning away what is not needed.
Purva Phalguni
This new Moon cycle begins with Sun and Moon joined in Purva Phalguni, the Vedic nakshatra (star-sign) that spans the middle of sidereal Leo. This star, called “the little fig tree” is a star of recreation and relaxation, symbolized by a swinging hammock or the front legs of the bed. In the center of Leo, it shows the leisure that can and should be endured at times in the midst of being busy using our power to take care of our responsibilities. Ruled by the planet Venus and by Bhaga, the god of delight, this star carries a sexual energy and in general draws us towards beauty and luxury.
Venus is now out of sidereal Virgo, his sign of debilitation, and transiting his own sign of Libra, making the pleasure principles even more enhanced this cycle, and for the next several months. Venus will go into his cycle of retrograde motion from October 5th through November 11th this year, remaining in Libra the entire time, and will not leave this sign until January 1st, 2019. The last time we had a long stretch of Venus in one sign, including his retrograde cycle, was with Venus in Pisces from January 27th through May 30th of 2017.
This long stretch of Venus in his own sign will bring positive influence to relationships in general, as well as happiness and prosperity (of course other factors in your individual chart will affect this, but this will be more of a societal trend). We are likely to see a flourishing of the arts, or you may find more interest in art, music, or nature in your own personal life. Like the prior long-stint of Venus in Pisces, his sign of exaltation, it is possible that we will tend towards an over-indulgence in sensory pleasures during this transit, but perhaps less likely. With Venus sva, established in the sing of his self, more stability is possible, as we learn the lessons of appropriate compromise offered by Libra.
Mars, Saturn Direct
Mars and Saturn have become stationary-direct in recent days, with Mars coming to an apparent stop and now slowly beginning direct motion since September 27th, and Saturn stationing fully on September 6th, and will soon begin to make his forward progress through Sagittarius once again. For those of you ruled by either of these planets, or having important issues in your lives ruled over them, you will begin to see things moving in a forward direction again soon.
Mars, however, is still in Capricorn and now once-again approaching Ketu, meaning he will make a third and final exact conjunction with him again on September 22nd. Mars has been in Capricorn, his sign of exaltation, since May 2nd, and will not leave this sign until November 5th. He passed directly over Ketu on June 13th and July 18th, and has been in retrograde motion since July 10th.
Kaala Sarpa
Along with two eclipses resulting from the nodal alignments, July also brought the return of the Kaala Sarpa yoga cycles. This indicates an alignment of the planets during which all grahas are on one side of the Rahu-Ketu axis. As the Moon cycles in and out of this half of the zodiac monthly, we experience the kaala sarpa cycles for roughly two weeks at a time throughout this period. We are currently in one of these cycles from September 5th through the 21st. This period can bring up intense shadow work, especially in the realms that have been stirred up for you by this year’s nodal transit and the location of the eclipses in relation to your chart.
anesh Chaturthi
Thankfully, we celebrate the birth of the remover of obstacles this week, with Ganesh Chaturthi, on September 12th. The chaturthi or fourth day of this lunar cycle commemorates the birth of Lord Ganesha, whom we can call about to create a more clear path in our lives. On this day we can celebrate him through puja and prayer, and it is often customary to build a statue of Ganesha (out of natural clay), for our worship, and then release him into a body of water on the tenth day of prayer.
Because of an old dispute between Ganesha and the Moon, Chandra, it is advised not to look at the Moon on Ganesh Chaturthi.