by Somya Devi | Sep 25, 2015 | Astrology, Eclipses, Events
The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Uttara Bhadrapada will coincide in sidereal Pisces on the night of Sunday, September 27th, with the peak of the eclipse around 7:47 pm PDT (and the peak of the full Moon at 7:50). This is the final eclipse in a series of eclipses since Rahu and Ketu, the north and south nodes of the Moon, have been in sidereal Virgo and Pisces for the last year. During these eclipses we have been unearthing the shadows of our subconscious drives towards the moods represented by these two signs. The mood of Virgo compels us to organize the details of life and our material surroundings, to perform hard work responsibly in order to avoid conflict, and to iron out imperfections in ourselves and others. Pisces, on the opposite side of the zodiac, draws us to let go of the material world and surrender into the unknown, embracing imagination and life’s mysteries, or sometimes escaping into fantasy or other outlets to avoid the drudgery of life.

The eclipses around this astronomical axis have drawn our attention to these opposite compulsions. As the “shadow planets” align with the Sun (our inherent divine power) and the Moon (our emotional bodies), we may see what is normally subconscious but drives us to one or both of these extremes. There could arise distress around our desire to keep everything materially organized, or our tendency to be overly responsible and meticulous. This is put in glaring contrast for us when we see Pisces’ need for us to surrender to the flow and be more fluid in life’s waters. On the other hand, one’s shadow tendency to escape and avoid may arise, often in chaotic and confusing ways, to show us that we better need to integrate our dreamy idealism with practical management of life’s details. The period surrounding the eclipses can often feel turbulent, stressful, and confusing, but there are always deeper lessons being offered so that we can learn truer ways to bring forth the empowerment of our spirit and the comforting of our hearts.
This full Moon is a Supermoon–one that occurs with the Moon at it’s closest orbital point to earth (perigree). The Moon will look up to 14% larger than usual! During a lunar eclipse, the Moon takes on a dim red coloring, and is often referred to as a “blood moon” because of this. Why doesn’t the moon totally disappear behind the earth’s shadow? During solar eclipses, the Moon’s orb (directly between Earth and the Sun) appears as a black disc that almost completely covers the Sun’s light for a few minutes, save for a thin bright ring around the outside of the disc (in a total solar eclipse). The light we see as moonlight, however, is actually the light of the Sun being reflected off of the Moon. The Sun’s rays pass through the atmosphere of Earth before reaching the Moon, and are refracted in many directions. This is why the Moon does not completely disappear during the lunar eclipse — sunlight is still reaching it, but through indirect, scattered rays bouncing through the atmosphere and around the earth.
This phenomenon corresponds to the astrological idea that eclipses often cause confusion and may make us feel scattered. Furthermore, it can be hard to get in touch with the emotions of the heart (Moon energy) during a lunar eclipse, as the divine light of the Sun is reaching the emotional body only through shadowy twists and turns, not directly or with its full potency. As such, a lunar eclipse can feel especially heavy on the heart, and we may feel all twisted up inside. At the same time, we can see and feel the twisty things that are normally dormant, hidden or overlooked, but nevertheless are molecular paths making up part of our inherent experience. This is a good time to face the things that are unpleasant, or that cause us confusion or heartache, so we can let go and realign. We can look at where we have been sidestepping our way to emotional nourishment (especially through avoidance) instead of taking action by the most direct routes of self-care. Applying conscious effort and prayer, we can let go of unsupportive patterns and make way for the most authentic ways of nourishing our hearts and minds.
The fullest part of the Total Lunar Eclipse will be from 7:11pm – 8:23 pm PDT. The beginnings and ends of the eclipse will be visible from 5:11pm to 10:22pm. Within the region of Pisces, Vedic Astrology further divides the sky, and we see that this eclipse is in the nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada. This star-sign lies in the area of Pegasus and Andromeda, directly above the constellation of Pisces. The deity of this nakshatra is Ahirbudhnya, the serpent from the depths, and thus this constellation relates to kundalini as well as deep emotional waters. Much wisdom is available here. As we feel into the depths of the emotions, Saturn’s rulership of this sign makes us face our fears, and strengthen our connection to divine consciousness as we loosen our attachment to the material.
Uttara Bhadrapada also relates to the funeral cot and the process of death and dying. With the Moon eclipsed here, we may feel like we are dying, or may desire to retreat and escape from the world temporarily. We may need to allow the death of something whose time has come, our attachment to which has been holding us back from living in our highest alignment with spirit. Also a Harvest Moon (the full Moon closest to the fall equinox, accompanied by many nights of bright moonlight in the evening), it is time to cut down and allow the death of what we have been cultivating, and permit it to transform into its next purpose. This may involve letting go of some of our desire to organize the material world (the mood of Virgo, where the Sun lies). The approach of this eclipse has likely brought up a lot of conflict and confusion around this issue, and the Solar eclipse on September 12th likely disturbed the other end of the spectrum (material stability). We may also be called to find more balance in our Virgoan pursuits, and be more meticulous with our own spiritual practices rather than with everything and everyone in the world around us.
The shakti of Uttara Bhadrapada is the power to bring rain. Call upon the cleansing energy of rain to help wash away the old and stale and nourish the soil of decay to make it fertile for new life. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and brings us closer to death, helping us to see that the material clinging we experience through life is not what is eternal. As we release our holding and consciously embrace the unknown–rather than simply falling into the escapist potential of Pisces energy–we come in contact with the abundance of divinity that lies within the great mystery. We can awaken the serpent power of Ahirbudhnya and invite new wisdom to circulate through our free-flowing channels. The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Uttara Bhadrapada on September 27th offer us the chance to see into our own depths and expand our capacity for conscious surrender as we continue into the next chapter.
by Somya Devi | Sep 9, 2015 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Events, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
The New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Purva Phalguni on September 12th will bring the shadow energy of the planet Rahu to the forefront, revealing to us things that are usually hidden in the subconscious. The New Moon occurs in sidereal Leo, around 11:41pm PDT. This begins a Leo cycle for us, which raises the energy of inspiration and compels us to tap into our source power and share it with others. Leo is ruled by the Sun, the archetype of divine masculine energy in the heavens. The source of all life on earth, Sun energy reminds us of the divine spark that we all share, and encourages us to purify ourselves and to care for our surroundings (or kingdom), offering our power forward. During this month we may feel an urge to purify ourselves and purge what is unneeded–maybe a cleanse to prepare for the changing of seasons. Take stock of where you allocated your energy this summer, what type of kingdom you’ve created, and what you can do to strengthen your connection with source as you continue to manage your responsibilities.
On the night of September 12th (Pacific time), Sun, Moon, and Earth are all in close alignment near the northern lunar node, known as Rahu. Earth will experience a partial solar eclipse at this time, but it will only be visible from very southern regions (southern Africa and Antarctica). When the Moon’s orb passes in front of the Sun, and the shadow emerges, this brings otherwise hidden energies and knowledge to the surface. In the sign of Leo, this eclipse will help us to examine our relationship with power, how we approach our responsibilities, and where we feel powerless. At the eclipse time, the Sun’s light (representative of our inherent power and connection to the soul) is temporarily blocked out. This can elevate our awareness of where we feel powerless, and at the same time directs us to find that connection with source and soul power. It ultimately leads us to the realization that God/Goddess energy is in fact present with us in all our movements and actions.
Looking deeper into the sign of Leo, we see that the New Moon and Solar Eclipse occur in the Vedic nakshatra (constellation) called Purva Phalguni. The symbols of this star sign are a couch, a hammock, or the two back legs of a bed. As such, this sign represents rest and relaxation, as well as recreation. Its energy will encourage us to take it easy and have some fun. This sign is also associated with a Shiva lingam, and is sometimes translated as “the former reddish one.” In this way Purva Phalguni is related to procreation.
It is a good time to remember that in order to be creative, we must also spend time being inactive and restful. The period of rest is what assists us in rejuvenating our creative energies in order to have the strength to be active and producing output again. In the generally active sign of Leo (a fire sign, ruled by the Sun), this nakshatra reminds us that part of tapping into our inherent strength and divinity is sitting back and enjoying life. The deity for this nakshatra is Bhaga, who relates to enjoyment, wealth and prosperity (he also relates to the Sun). Venus is the ruling planet of this star, which naturally draws an emphasis towards pleasurable activities, art and beauty, as well as makes it a social constellation. This could be a great weekend to enjoy some art and music, as well as relaxation and romance. Bhaga also relates to the morning star, which is currently Venus, who rises in the east a little while before the Sun.

Venus, who was in retrograde (backwards) motion for the last 6 weeks or so, is now stationary, and will soon be starting to move forward slowly through the zodiac. During this time we may have felt backed up around relationships, or around how we relate with pleasure and seeking happiness. By this time we should have had some realizations and some clarity about which direction to move forward and how. The New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Purva Phalguni on September 12th give us a boost of energy towards letting loose around Venus things–slowing down, relaxing, and letting our pleasure centers indulge a little. Purva Phalguni reminds us about the importance of recreation.
Of course, there is also a shadow side to each sign that can send us too far in one direction. When amplified by the eclipse, Purva Phalguni energy could lead us to slip out of balance into a place of excessive indulgence or laziness. Especially with the procreative power of this nakshatra, make sure that your romantic affairs don’t go further than you’re ready for! Jupiter is very close to the Sun during this eclipse as well, which can amplify things and bring on a big optimistic nature. Feeling hot under the Sun’s rays, however, Jupiter’s position here could make us doubt our current belief systems and want to purify them as well. This gives us an opportunity to freshen our value systems and decide what teachings to hold onto, sorting out what serves our highest purpose and what does not.
Eclipses in general tend to amplify everything, and though it can feel like a lot of upheaval is going on, the result is usually a revelation of wisdom. We may get to realize where we have been denying ourselves the inherent goodness found in resting, relaxing, and having fun. We could get a good look at the shadow side of our pursuits of indulgence (or over-indulgence). The nodes themselves are still on the Virgo/Pisces axis (through all of the eclipses this year), so we’ve been called to look at and balance in ourselves the side of us that wants to keep everything organized (Virgo) versus the side of us that is willing to let go into the unknown (Pisces). Examine what these themes mean to you, and where you’ve been struggling with that dichotomy. We’ll see another eclipse (Lunar, this time) in two weeks on the September 27th full Moon, so it’s likely that we’ll be really feeling what is coming up around this through then. Wherever Pisces and Virgo are in your chart (based on Vedic rising sign), the motifs of those houses are what will be calling your attention through this time.
So, during this New Moon, take some time to relax and enjoy your surroundings, reveling in the kingdom that you’ve built for yourself to live in (whatever that looks like). Take pleasure in the work that you’ve done, and let that happiness rejuvenate your creative energies before the next steps must be taken. Saturn also aspects this New Moon and eclipse, so that will assist the purification process by helping us to commit to the responsibilities and values we find most beneficial towards our goals and soul purpose. It could still be hard work, especially as we proceed with relationships after reevaluating them through Venus retrograde. The balance between letting go and organizing everything will still be on our minds through the next eclipse, and we’ll get some time to review it when Mercury goes retrograde on the 17th. For now, with Sun and Moon in Leo, bask in the last rays of summer offered by that warm, generous headspring that fuels us all, remembering the atman that it also symbolizes.
by Somya Devi | Aug 27, 2015 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Retrograde
The Full Moon occurs this Saturday, August 29th, at 11:35am PDT. The night of the fullest waxing Moon is Friday night, August 28th. This Full Moon will be in the nakshatra Shatabisha, the healing star, in sidereal Aquarius. Translated as “the hundred physicians,” this star sign relates to medicine and healing, often through many modalities, and this Full Moon brings this potential to the forefront. It’s a good time to visit your healers or dedicate some time and attention to your own self-care routine. Ruled by Rahu, the shadowy north node of the Moon, Shatabisha relates to hidden powers and mysteries. This is a good time to probe deeply into your own heart, or for researching things in general.
The Full Moon in Aquarius is opposite the Sun in Leo, and it shines a light on the dichotomy between the two signs. Leo, ruled by the Sun, is where our personal power is strong, as well as our sense of responsibility and our connection with source energy. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and relates more to austerities and service to others, where we often renounce our individual will in favor of the greater good. This full Moon calls us to
balance the energies of the two signs, working on our understanding of how we can use our individual strengths to be of service to others without feeling our light diminished. This is a time for letting your juices flow freely from wherever you find your inspiration, in ways that will in turn benefit society and inspire others. Saturn’s rulership of Aquarius helps us to direct our personal power towards actions that create valuable long-term results, not just immediate gratification — i.e., things that will be good for the world around us in which we live.
The task at hand may feel a bit overwhelming, however, because of Jupiter’s close alignment with the Sun. This “combust” Jupiter could be causing us to feel a lack of hope, or a lack of support from our higher teachings or teachers. Our philosophies (the energy of Jupiter) may be feeling burnt up in the proximity to the solar giant, who reminds us that only the soul is eternal. Jupiter and Sun are also feeling the pressure of Saturn’s glare as he aspects them from Scorpio. Be careful not to let pessimism overrun you if you feel like things just aren’t gong your way right now. Use this instead as part of your call to healing and to connecting with your inner strength, the brightness of the everlasting divinity within. Take things one step at a time and remember that divine grace is always there, even though it could feel blocked up right now because of Jupiter’s combustion. On the other hand, you may be strongly connecting with your philosophies, but frustrated in the attempt to put them into action.
Another reason actions may still feel held up is because Mars remains in its debilitated placement in Cancer. Mars wants to take action and be courageous, but the sideways-moving crab rashi (sign) slows and waters it down. Over the next few days we’ll see a close alignment of Venus and Mars, which could harmonize masculine and feminine energies. They are joined in the star sign Ashlesha, relating to serpent energy and kundalini, so sexual appetites could be high now. These two may struggle for dominance in our energy fields in the beginning of next week, however, as they pass over each other in the sky. This means our desires and instincts can feel at odds. Venus is still retrograde, pushing us to review our relationships and pursuits of happiness. Call forth your higher power for wisdom to help guide you.
The intellect may be an ally for us this month, as Mercury is now in its sign of exaltation, Virgo. This earth sign brings some grounding to the quickly-moving planet of curiosity, and helps us to sort out the details of life and focus the mind on what is most practical. As Mercury is also joined with Rahu in Virgo now, the intellect may be able to make connections to otherwise hidden information, as Rahu is a shadow planet. His connection here could also cause us to obsess over details a bit, however, or add an element of anxiety to the mind. We will experience the energy of Rahu in Virgo more acutely as we approach the upcoming eclipses on September 12th (partial solar) and 27th (total lunar)–report on those to come! Eclipse cycles are a good time to receive a personal reading, as we can feel a lot of upheaval and uncertainty in the area of life where the nodes fall in our individual charts.
Overall this is a good time for personal healing, as well as healing in the relationships in our lives as Mars and retrograde Venus are so close during this Shatabisha Full Moon. It’s a time to integrate our sense of personal power with our will to serve society. Call on your healing practices and your inner strength to achieve equilibrium. Find peace in the heart through service, especially if your usual teachers or philosophies are feeling hard to reach or to engage. Have faith in yourself and the inner-abiding source, even if outward circumstances seem unmanageable. Eclipse cycles can be stressful, and as we are approaching that window, remember that it too shall pass, after giving us the opportunity to do some deep inner transformation, reorganization, and healing.
by Somya Devi | Aug 12, 2015 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
The New Moon will occur in Ashlesha nakshatra in sidereal Cancer, at 7:54am PDT on Friday, August 14th. This means that the darkest night, beginning this new cycle, is the night of Thursday, August 13th. New Moon nights are a great time for inner practice and ritual, fully releasing everything from the last cycle and preparing for the new.
Ashlesha (or Aslesha) nakshatra and Cancer are both related to the water element, which correlates with our emotions and second chakra. This cycle will call us to explore the depths of our emotions. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the feminine reflective principle in the cosmos. While the Sun represents the primordial source that fuels all life, the Moon is that wherein Sun’s power is reflected on another body. Moon is therefore the planet that feels what it is like to be a material body animated by divine consciousness. The Cancer cycle will allow us to tap in to our emotional and feminine side, as Moon is the archetype of the divine feminine principle. Examine and honor the waves of feelings as they come up for you throughout the month.
The potency of this cycle is enhanced by Ashlesha nakshatra, found in the constellation Hydra, the water snake. The snake represents kundalini energy, which often lies coiled in a dormant state at the base of the spine. In this cycle there is the potential for that coil to unwind and for kundalini energy to rise, as flow energy is enhanced and blockages dissolve. This is a time for emotional transformation.
The deities for Ashlesha are the Nagas, the serpents of wisdom. We have the opportunity to receive guidance from these serpents and receive more wisdom about our own hidden emotions. In your practice time, you can ask yourself what is coiled within? Where in your body do you feel a coil or a knot that can be loosened? Around what themes in life do you feel stuck? Probing into these matters and calling upon the water element or the Nagas can help to bring you more fluidity around them.
Mars is currently sitting in sidereal Cancer, where he is debilitated (at his least strong position in the cosmos). This means that our energy towards taking actions could be low right now. All the more reason to tap into that feminine, internal reflective principle, in order to loosen the emotional joints so that we can act with more clarity when Mars has more power again.
Jupiter is settling nicely into sidereal Leo, where he began his year-long transit a few weeks ago. Around this time we saw in the world a sudden righteous crusade towards celebrating lions (Cecil) and the rest of the wildlife kingdom. Leo, or the lion, is indeed the monarch of this realm, and Jupiter is a planet that relates to our values and principles. The worldwide value of these things suddenly surged when Jupiter took his seat on this zodiacal throne. During his transit here we may see many principle-based movements rise, in which large groups of believers will be pushing to get their values to the seat of power.
Venus continues his retrograde transit, now backtracking into the sign of Cancer. This is a time for reviewing relationships in our lives, and how we compromise and maneuver while seeking happiness. He continues retrograde motion until September 6th, after which time things should start moving forward again around those themes. With Venus retrograde so close to this New Moon, coupled with Ashlesha energy relating to the depths of our emotions, a lot could be coming up in our minds and hearts about past relationships. Remember to allow the flow and let the purifying waters of Cancer and Ashlesha wash away what is ready to move on, and nourish that which needs more unconditional love.
Mercury is joined with Jupiter in Leo right now, so we could easily feel the temptation to talk a lot. Like any serpent, Ashlesha has the power of venom within its tongue as well, so take heed to speak slowly to avoid harmful remarks. As with any purification process, we may feel the sting of that poison in ourselves as we release unwanted energies from our system. Be nourishing towards yourself, and drink lots of water to enhance the flow and cleansing. This will be a sensitive time, but a potent one for diving deep into the depths of our sensual bodies, and emerging from those waters with stronger emotional health and clarity.
by Somya Devi | Jul 30, 2015 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
The Full Moon in sidereal Capricorn occurs tonight, in the early hours of July 31st, at 3:43 am PDT. It is called a “blue moon” in the West since it is the second full moon within a Gregorian calendar month (July). In Hindu culture this full Moon is celebrated as Guru Purnima. Purnima refers to the fullest-Moon lunar day each month, and in the lunar month of Ashadha (around June or July each year), it is called Guru Purnima. This is a day for celebrating our teachers (like Teachers’ Appreciation Day!), academic, artisanal, and especially the spiritual teacher or sat guru.
Guru is often translated as “remover of darkness,” and sometimes as “one who is devoid of form or qualities.” By imparting knowledge that we did not already possess, a teacher removes ignorance or darkness from our minds. An enlightened master or sat guru is one who has gone beyond all qualities where he or she perceives themselves as separate from the rest of creation. One who fully identifies with oneness is beyond the ego, and therefore fit to help guide others along the path to freedom from it. The goal of freedom from the ego is one way of describing the quest for happiness that is shared amongst all humans. When we become free from the grips of the small ego that separates everything into good and bad, my and mine, that leaves space to experience creation as the miracle of unity and love that it is. This ultimately fosters more bliss, peace, compassion and service, spreading happiness across the world like a bright beaming light.
We all have teachers that have helped illuminate the way to bliss, and tonight under the full Moon we celebrate them! Often, when we look up to someone as a spiritual teacher or sat guru, it is because we see in them the unity consciousness that we would like to feel within ourselves. They are a reflection of our own heart in its most open state. Last year on Guru Purnima, my teacher Amma put it beautifully: “Our inner relationship or bond of love with the guru is actually the unity we feel towards our own True Self—the Atman. So, we should not mistake the love or closeness we have towards our guru as mere external closeness. We are turning inwards and getting closer to our True Self because the guru is not the mere body. The guru is also the pure God consciousness that is beyond all names and forms. This is why attraction to the guru leads us to freedom” (Mata Amritanandamayi, July 12, 2014, Toronto).
This Guru Purnima falls in the Vedic nakshatra of Shravana. The symbolism of this star-sign is very fitting for Guru Purnima. One symbol of the star is the ear, which represents hearing, listening (especially for wisdom), and learning. Under the brightness of the Full Moon in this sign we can listen closely for the knowledge that is being offered from the universe and our teachers, both external and internal. Take some time in meditation this evening to see what you hear from the ethers.
The deity for Shravana is Lord Vishnu, and its other symbol is a set of three footprints, referring to Vishnu’s footprints. In one particular story, Vishnu took the form of a small boy called Vamana and went to visit Bali, a demon (asura) king who had taken over the three worlds. Bali was still devoted to the Lord and traditions, however, and so during a festival he upheld the rule that he would grant the wishes of any Brahmin who came to him.
Vishnu appeared as Vamana and requested three paces of land from Bali. When his wish was granted, he transformed from his small size to his true enormity that could cover the three worlds. With his first step he paced off earth and the underworld, with his second he covered heaven, and with his third he stepped on Bali’s head, who offered it in humility at that point. For this humility Vishnu offered him immortality. Shravana helps remind us, on Guru Purnima, the importance of humility to God and the grace that can be achieved through it. When we remember the power of the supreme divinity behind everything, and do our best to uphold dharma, only then can we be freed from the small self and gain immortality.
This full Moon is also the midpoint of a Cancer cycle which began with the New Moon on the cusp of Gemini and Cancer earlier this month. Watery, moon-ruled Cancer compels us to look into our nurturing, motherly sides, and may bring to our attention themes of the home and where we find our comfort emotionally. With the full Moon in Capricorn, on the opposite side of the zodiac, we feel the contrast of this energy with the Saturn-ruled earth sign, which compels us to be practical. Both signs are feminine and concerned with family. The Capricorn full Moon helps us to remember our responsibilities and how to go about them in a practical way, compelling us to seek a balance between earthy sensibility and our watery emotional body.

Mars moved into his debilitated placement in Cancer today, so we may feel a bit of the fire taken out of our guts while he transits this relaxed, tender sign. Venus is making his retrograde course back towards Jupiter in early Leo, where we’ll see the two meet again on August 3rd, bringing up a contrast between our values and desires. Saturn, who has been retrograde in sidereal Scorpio since mid-March, is stationing now and will slowly start moving forward again tomorrow, August 1st. His retrograde course gave us a chance to really look at and re-evaluate our commitment to transformation, and see what possible changes we needed to make in order to achieve our long-term goals within that realm. It’s likely that we have seen where we need more discipline, or detachment, in order to achieve the goals of our inner spiritual warrior (Scorpio). This is another great reason to celebrate our teachers right now, as we begin moving forward with the knowledge we have gained through retrograde Saturn.
Cancer and Capricorn represent a certain house axis for each Vedic rising sign, and the themes of this axis will be particularly potent in your own self-reflection this Full Moon. As well, it’s a good time to re-examine what houses Saturn rules for you, as well as what house Scorpio is in your chart. You’ll likely feel stronger clarity with the themes of these houses now, and they may feel “unstuck” compared to how they have been the last few months. Career energy as well as spiritual commitment may feel like they are back in forward-motion for many of us now. Take this time to give thanks for all your teachers, tune in with your inner ear for wisdom, and bask in the lovely moonlight of the Cancer-Capricorn axis tonight.