by Somya Devi | Jul 24, 2015 | Astrology, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Venus will come to a complete stop at 2:22 am PDT tonight (in the early hours of July 25th), around 6°42′ sidereal Leo, from our perspective here on Earth. Venus and Earth both orbit the Sun at different rates. Venus’ orbit takes only about 225 days compared to the Earth’s 365-day year. As we view the backdrop of stars in the zodiac behind Venus, it will soon appear to change directions, making it look like Venus is moving the other way. This is its retrograde motion. It will move backwards for a time before coming to a stop again and beginning its forward motion on September 6th. Venus retrograde only happens about once every two years.

We will feel the energetic results in our lives here on Earth, as Venus themes (relationships and desire pursuits) seem to slow down, causing us to reflect back on them. When planets go retrograde, it is a time to review the things they rule in our lives. Think of it like looking at the negative of a photo, where you can see the skeleton outline of how everything is laid out, viewing it all from a different perspective. It’s a chance to look at the blueprint, so you can see in more detail where you may need to make some adjustments.
Venus governs our relationships, especially romantic partnerships. He also rules our pursuit of sensual pleasure, art and beauty. During Venus retrograde, we’ll likely feel a slowing down of our forward thrust towards these things, as we turn our attention inward and reflect on how we follow desire in our lives. Inward-turning is another result of retrograde motion. Instead of focusing on gratifying the senses, we can lessen our attachment to them for a moment and examine how to better nourish our heart and spirit. Venus’ highest potential is to grace us with the desire for devotion and service, when we realize that our happiness is ultimately connected to the overall amount of happiness and peace on earth.
During this retrograde cycle, we can take time to look at the ways we have been seeking pleasure and compromise through relationships. Have we been over-compromising, or not generous enough? We might recognize ways that we have been pursuing pleasure without regard for the other sides of life, like our values, health, or long-term goals. Wherever your tendency to indulge lies — whether in relationships, partying, sex, alcohol, food — it is likely that this time will help you to look at that and back up a few steps, before recalibrating your Venusian side with more balance. Outward embellishment my change to inward beautifying this month. As Venus can relate to food and diet (as well as other physical and energetic consumption), it can be good time to review and allow changes in what you intake and imbibe.

Venus begins his retrograde motion in Leo, a position where his energy feels amplified by the ruling power of the mighty Sun. Leo may have been making Venus a little extra aggressive in seeking sense-satisfaction for the last couple of weeks, leaving us frustrated with anything less than letting the senses take power. This retrograde motion will give us a new opportunity, where we can harness the Sun’s light for its purifying capacity, letting it illuminate the blissful and generous light of the spirit that is our true essence.
Venus will pass over Jupiter again on August 3rd (first conjunction was on June 30th). When these two bright beauties are conjunct, Venus energy can be amplified, and can also struggle against Jupiter’s energy (our principles, values, and beliefs). This time, however, with Venus retrograde, we have a strong chance of applying those Jupiterian principles to our lives and relationships, and better seeing how the two can complement each other. This is a great opportunity for strengthening our devotion. Since Venus seeks happiness, its conjunction with Jupiter, our higher teacher, can help guide us to seek happiness in that which brings lasting, spiritual bliss, rather than just temporary pleasure.
On August 13th Venus backs up into Cancer (ruled by the Moon), which can compel us to be a little over-nurturing. Because of the retrograde motion, however, we can step back and look at that tendency. Venus then joins Mars on the 31st, which lets us see our Venus energy in contrast to Mars’ assertive, warrior-like quality. Mars is debilitated here in Cancer, so we may see Venusian impulses win out during the few days of conjunction when these two struggle through a war for dominance.
By the time Venus stations and then starts slowly moving forward again on September 6th, we will have had many opportunities to look at how his energy creates desire impetus within us, and how that affects our lives. The transits through Leo and Cancer puts Venus under Sun and Moon rulership, the archetypes of masculine and feminine energy. This cycle also brings planetary wars with Jupiter and Mars. Under so many extreme conditions, we could actually count this as a very favorable retrograde opportunity… Because when we are reflective upon our energy in such extremes, we can gain a lot of insight as to how we can grow. We want to learn how to work with desires that arise, rather than be ruled by them.

Look for ways that your desire-pursuits fall short of lasting happiness, and consider changes that will leave you feeling more balanced, and not depleted. It’s also important to note that each Vedic rising sign will experience this retrograde cycle differently, because Venus rules two distinct houses for each of us, and is transiting two more. The themes of these houses will be areas to pay particular attention during the next six weeks. Give thanks for Venus, which allows us to experience beauty, romantic love, and devotion, and step back from sense-attachment for a minute to consider how these things can best be integrated into your happy, healthy lives and relationships.
by Somya Devi | Jul 15, 2015 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs
The New Moon initiates our next lunar cycle tomorrow, July 15th, at 6:25pm PDT, from the very end of sidereal Gemini (29 degrees). Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars will all be joined in the lunar mansion (nakshatra) called Punarvasu, a star-sign that symbolizes renewal and abundance. This energy accompanies Jupiter’s very recent transition from Cancer into Leo, whence he will shine for the next year or so, bringing grace and hope to a powerful position in the heavens.
Punarvasu comes from the root words “Punar” meaning “again” or “repeatedly,” and “vasu” meaning “light” in this instance. Therefore this nakshatra’s cycle is a place where we can find “light again,” (which follows naturally as Punarvasu comes after the nakshatra Ardra, a place of storms, tears and raindrops). It symbolizes the renewal and regrowth that comes after a storm or heavy rain. The ruler of Punarvasu is Jupiter, who brings optimism and expansion. Its deity is Aditi, the mother of all the Gods in Hindu mythology, who symbolizes wealth and abundance. In this cycle we may feel a lot of ambition and drive, and it is a great time to harness the opportunity for a fresh start and renewed abundance in most pursuits.

In addition to Punarvasu’s graceful energy, Jupiter transitioned from Cancer into Leo on Monday, July 13th, where he will serve a powerful dose of energy to us for the next year. Leo is ruled by the Sun, the primordial, pure life-force behind all consciousness, and is a place of power in the zodiac. Jupiter, another sattvic planet, is well-placed here. Sun in his highest sense offers us illumination and the opportunity for embodying our higher potential. Under Sun’s rulership, Jupiter may be able to direct much positive expansion and philosophical influence to us from Leo. If well-channeled and applied, this dose of philosophy and optimism could yield wisdom, abundance and generosity. On the other hand, we may experience people getting really heated over their beliefs, as this position strengthens Jupiter’s potential for dogmatism. Jupiter will have a particularly strong influence on people with rising fire-signs (Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries) this year, and will be enhancing specific activities for every individual, depending on your Vedic rising sign and which houses he rules for you.
Venus also moved from Cancer to Leo, last week, but faces a more strained relationship under Sun’s rulership than Jupiter does. The highest side of Sun compels us to freely share our love, like the Sun does endlessly without request for anything in return, (in his awareness of himSelf as an infinite source of energy). Venus, on the other hand, drives the part of us that seeks pleasure for ourselves, especially in relationships. Venus in Leo could compel us to act like a king or queen in our relationships, as it struggles to get past the immensity of power encountered here, and perhaps forgets the usual methods of compromising (since one person’s happiness can’t really come at the cost of another’s in relationships, at least not for long). If we stay on a course of self-inquiry, it will be possible that this placement could help illuminate more self-love, which in turn can be shared abundantly with all those around us. Saturn is also casting his gaze on Jupiter and Venus as long as they are in Leo, bringing us more ability to look at these planets’ energies with long-term vision.
Watch for Venus to turn Retrograde on July 25th. At this point we may really start looking at our relationships and the way we go about seeking beauty and pleasure in life. Love relationships could slow down a little, or the power-tripping could if that is an issue that arises for you with Venus in Leo. Now is a great time to harness the Sun’s illumination on both Venus and Jupiter (who informs our philosophies and most valued teachings). While this source energy is strong, tap into it in your meditations and reflect on how you can do the most good with the power you have been given. Venus will cross directly over Jupiter again on August 6th, which will be beautiful but may cause us to feel the dichotomy between relationships and personal philosophy again.
Be aware that Mercury is both combust and tightly conjunct with Mars during this New Moon in Punarvasu. This tight a conjunction makes a planetary war that can cause stress between the two forces within us, where intellect and instinct struggle for dominance. It could make for some heated discussions. Try to wait a day or two if you’re feeling hot-hearted or -headed, for these two to separate a little, before launching into anything you feel torn up about. On the 16th, Sun and Moon tip over the Gemini-Cancer line (still in Punarvasu nakshatra) into Cancer, and Mars and Mercury will be starting to separate. This will be a good time to start putting your renewal efforts into action, before Mars goes debilitated (into Cancer) on July 30th. In this water-sign, with so much comforting, nurturing, motherly-love energy, it can be harder to call forth Mars’ courage and assertiveness into our endeavors and actions.
Overall, we will be feeling a surge of optimism, effort, and drive towards abundance this cycle. With the start of Jupiter’s new year in Leo, we are all likely to feel a major shift as the teacher of the Gods moves into the all-powerful Sun’s house, which could shine a lot of light, energy, and clarity on our hopes, dreams and beliefs. Each rising sign will experience this strength in a particular area of life (or three). Sign up for a reading today to find out which of your strengths are ripening for an extra juicy harvest this year!
by Somya Devi | Jun 30, 2015 | Astrology, Conjunctions
If you’ve been watching Venus approach Jupiter in the evening sky over the last month, tonight will be the night not to miss! Last night the two appeared very close together from Earth, and tonight they will be at almost the exact same degrees in the sky (about 27 1/2 sidereal Cancer), appearing like a bright double-star. These are always the two brightest planets from earth’s perspective, so together this will be an incredibly beautiful light to behold. Look for the conjunction in the west from around sunset until the two planets set around 10:45 pm PDT. The best view will be just after it gets dark. They will also be quite close but beginning to separate tomorrow evening, setting in the west as the full Moon is rising in the east. (Check back for the Full Moon Report!)
In Vedic astrology and mythology, Jupiter and Venus are two benefic planets (saumya grahas), meaning they bring gentle energies and often boost our happiness. Jupiter is the planet of hope and optimism, while Venus is the planet of beauty and pleasure. The tight conjunction of these two may be elevating our happiness and expanding our positivity right now. It may even feel like the heart is overflowing. Jupiter brings us higher philosophy and belief systems, and our ability to discriminate or judge what we value. The supreme court decision to expand marriage rights in the US is totally aligned with this Jupiter-Venus meet-up– love wins! In this time we may really believe in our relationships, or whatever it is that is driving our pursuit of happiness. This conjunction is on the first house for sidereal Cancer rising folks, and aspects Scorpio and Pisces ascendants.
These two are in the Vedic nakshatra (star-sign) of Ashlesha, “the entwiner.” This star has to do with the coiled serpent of kundalini energy, and heightens our senses of intuition and sexuality. The ruling deities are the Nagas, the serpents of wisdom. Our hearts and minds may be guided towards unveiling deep hidden wisdom from the realms beyond the veil of illusion. It is really the Sun’s light that we see reflected off of these two beauties, Jupiter and Venus, and the Sun is the source of all life and the planet of pure consciousness. At this time you can offer yourself up, with gratitude, for heart-mind expansion and invite in the source energy to brighten your beliefs, desires and relationships. Remember that in Ashlesha, as with a serpent’s bite, some poison may come up as part of the process of illumination. This can also result because Jupiter and Venus so close together can create friction as they fight over whether values or desires will come out on top.
A close conjunction of Jupiter and Venus also occurred around 2 B.C.E., and may have been the phenomena dubbed the “Star of Bethlehem.” Overall, this is a time to enjoy the incredibly beauty being offered from the cosmos. Bask in the lovelight of Jupiter and Venus tonight — it is on!

by Somya Devi | Jun 21, 2015 | Astrology, Holy Days
Today is the longest and brightest day of the year in the northern hemisphere (and the shortest in the southern). This is the peak of the Sun’s ascending cycle, or the solar year, which began for northerners on December 21st of last year. From now on the Sun will be on its southern course from Earth’s perspective, and the hours of daylight will gradually decrease until the completion of the cycle and the darkest day of the year on the coming December solstice. This is a great day to celebrate and honor Surya, the Sun, the source of energy and consciousness that is offered to us with endless love from the center of the solar system.

The Sun represents higher consciousness, and the illumination that dawns within us through awareness of the source (spirit, or the atman in Vedic thought). The Sun has the power to reveal this atman to us if we seek to understand our universal power (which is selfless and generous) rather to yoke his power to support the ego. His function is to purify us with his radiant light, shining consciousness on any areas within that are dark or confused. The Sun helps us to see our true nature and how we can live in integrity with the world around us.
In Vedic mythology and astrology, the Sun represents pure masculine (or yang, creative and upward/outward-moving) energy. (The Moon, on the other hand, embodies pure feminine, yin, inward reflective energy.) With the increasing hours of daylight during the first half of the solar year, we’ve likely moved more outward into the world and its activities, creating new projects and undertakings, and putting our offerings into the world. With the luminous strength of the Sun offered to us abundantly, it’s been a time of synthesizing and allowing it to regenerate through us into activity that is helpful to others. As a sattvic planet, the Sun’s energy is most beneficial to us if we share it with others. If one attempts to harness the immense power of the Sun for oneself only, the heat and fire of it can burn us. The principle of a loving father or a leader is demonstrated through the Sun; a leader who attempts to lead as an oppressor of others usually faces opposition and struggle, whereas a leader who supports those below him as a team or family is able to move forward with greater success, simultaneously benefiting the whole.
Give thanks for this time of abundant light! Today is a time to celebrate the gifts of divine energy and consciousness given freely by the source that supports our lives here on Earth–Surya, the Sun. As June 21st has also been declared the International Day of Yoga, this is a great time to offer some sun salutations (Surya Namaskar) to this beloved planet and deity. The potency of this prayer (like any) is enhanced greatly if you are offering it with a large group! Fittingly, this is also Father’s day, when we honor the same qualities of selflessness, strength, and supportive love in fathers that we honor in the Sun. These principles are the embodiment of the Divine Masculine. Om Suryaya Namaha!

by Somya Devi | Jun 15, 2015 | Astrology, Planets Changing Signs
The New Moon will occur Tuesday morning at 7:05am PDT, in early sidereal Gemini (Sun and Moon at 1 degree 3 minutes Gemini). This begins the Gemini Moon cycle for the next month. Mercury rules Gemini, so we will deal with the themes of the intellect a lot this cycle. We may see our thinking accelerate and new ideas synthesize, as well as a deeper exploration of communication. It’s a time to look out for vata, as the swiftness of Mercury and its air-sign Gemini can elevate that dosha in the mind and body. Staying hydrated and well oiled is important (internally and externally), as well as doing grounding practices that connect you to the earth. Applying oil to the bottoms of the feet will be very nourishing, or to the entire body before you shower.
It’s also a time to be aware of high pitta, the fire-dosha, as the Sun and Mars are also tightly conjunct right now. This is what we call a highly combust Mars, as it is only half a degree away from the Sun in early Gemini at the time of the New Moon. This can be incredibly aggravating, as these two fire planets joined increases the heat in our bodies and minds and can cause us to feel easily provoked and prone to anger and explosions. To alleviate pitta imbalances, we can avoid spicy foods during this time, and eat cooling ones such as cucumber, coconuts, and watermelon. Make sure to intake enough liquids and use coconut oil rather than more heating oils for internal and external use. Lavender, tulsi, and rose essential oils are all calming and cooling to the body-mind, and can be used for aromatherapy by placing a drop or two on the pillowcase at night or in a diffuser in your home or office. You can also make a tea from the dried petals and leaves of these aromatic plants.

Rose is especially helpful in this time because of its ability to soothe and balance the heart and emotions, which could feel overwhelming right now. With New Moon so close to Sun and Mars, there is the potential for their fire to weigh on the heart in the form of passion or frustration/anger. At the same time we have Venus joined with Jupiter in Cancer, which expands Venus’s potential for love and happiness, and also raises the importance we place on it and makes us weigh it closely against our values. Jupiter is our potential for wisdom and higher thought or spiritual understanding. With these two in the feminine Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, we can really tap into some Divine Mother/heart-energy if we seek happiness and through spiritual practice. If we let Jupiter’s expansive quality push us to seek material pleasures too much, we will inevitably be disappointed as time goes on, as these are all temporary. Tulsi can help us to orient our love towards a place of devotion. Jupiter and Venus will be really close in the sky for most of the coming month (very tightly conjunct around June 30th), and incredibly beautiful to witness in the night sky. They will be close with the Moon in Cancer at the end of this week… a great time for open-hearted prayers.
There is the potential to feel an urgent sense of seeking during this New Moon, which falls in the Vedic nakshatra Mrigashira, located around the star Bellatrix, (on the shoulder of Orion, in the region of the sky bridging Taurus and Gemini). Mrigashira is the star of the deer’s head, often referred to as “the wanderer,” continuously searching with curiosity. Though there is a beauty and innocence to this, the restlessness of
this star can also interfere with our ability to stay focused and one-pointed. Its deity is Soma, a name for the Moon, and the Moon as it relates to our emotional mind can be easily changeable. Mrigashira also represents many positive qualities of the Moon, which is beautiful, gentle, calming, and full of compassion and Divine Mother energy. This star is also associated with Parvati, the wife of Shiva in Hindu mythology and a powerful representation of the goddess. This is a great time to get in tune with all aspects of the goddess, from the most gentle, motherly form, to the strong-willed warrior aspects of Durga and the fierce and compassionate nature of Kali (both forms of Parvati).
In Vedic thought Soma also refers to the nectar released through meditation. In this we can again see this New Moon as a call to stay hydrated in order to nourish the water element in our bodies, which is the conduit for the flow of all nutrients, including the physical and the spiritual. We can follow the searching nature of this star and the present alignments on a path to find new experiences, relationships, or temporary pleasures, or on a search for higher knowledge, wisdom, and heart-opening. Call forth the gentle energy of Mrigashira to appease the heat of combust Mars. Stay cool as much as possible and nourish the heart during this month of powerful celestial combinations.