by Somya Devi | Aug 29, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses
On September 1st at 2:03 am (P.D.T.) we will have a New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Leo. The Sun and the Moon converge in the middle of sidereal Leo, in close conjunction with the shadow planet Rahu. This will cause a solar eclipse, visible from most of Africa, Madagascar, and the southern Indian Ocean (maximum eclipse at 9:06 U.T.).
The Nodes
Rahu is known as the “north node” of the Moon in western astrology (and the ascending node in astronomical terms). There is no actual planetary body here. Rather, Rahu is located at the point where the path of the Sun and the path of the Moon (as viewed from earth) intersect. He is not a visible planet, but when the Sun and the Moon align with one of the nodes, we do see a shadow that becomes visible for a short period of time. The lunar nodes are therefore known as shadow planets.
They are designated grahas (“grabbers”) in Vedic Astrology, just like the other planets, because their energy grabs us and drives our karma in a similar way (or even more strongly). Rahu and Ketu indicate where we have some of our most deep-seated psychological karma, where we are least mature and where we have done a lot of work already. Because of their shadowy nature, we are often confused about the areas of life that they affect, but it is here that we can do a lot of inner work. Rahu is dark, meddling, and childish, but also deeply psychic, radically original, and hungry for spiritual growth.

Wherever Rahu and Ketu are when we have eclipses (e.g. sidereal Leo and Aquarius at the moment), these areas of your life will be particularly affected. Since their transit into these signs at the beginning of this year, we have been working on examining our shadows around how we relate to personal power and service to others. If we tend to go to extremes in either of these areas, or have any hang-ups that need work, the eclipses of this year are giving us a great opportunity to view these subconscious patterns, when the shadows literally become visible. Download the Free 2016 Rahu-Ketu Forecast for Your Sign To See How you Are Affected
Feeling Eclipsed
Whichever area of your life is indicated by Leo in your Vedic birth-chart, this is where you will be feeling the most profound influence of the eclipse this week. It will be an interesting contrast to the general mood of this year, wherein we felt more power and drive than usual in this area of life. Rahu’s presence in Leo (who also joined with Jupiter there all year, until recently) exaggerated our quest for personal empowerment, especially around the karma indicated by Leo in your chart (e.g. relationships for Aquarius rising, home-life for Taurus rising, career for Scorpio rising). You may have come up against some confusing bumps in the road here this year.
At the time of the eclipse, however, as the shadow obscures the Sun, we may feel cut off from our power momentarily. The Sun is the graha that helps us to feel our power most fully. As the source of all life, he illuminates things so that we can feel our own inherent divinity and our connection to source. He is the ruler of Leo, and the planet that gives us the confidence to take charge in our lives, follow our dharma, and take responsibility.
With Rahu in Leo, this drive to purify and be responsible may have become somewhat distorted this year. Maybe our quest for power became aimed at selfish motives, whereas the Sun’s power is truly best used selflessly. Maybe we faced perplexing challenges that appeared to come out of nowhere, as the shadow energy hindered our path towards purification and illumination. Rahu’s presence here may have darkened our feeling of inherent potency and our ability to feel self-love.
This week, don’t be discouraged if you suddenly feel your inner fire diminish. It is possible to feel a bit fatigued around a solar eclipse. It is likely that this eclipse will give you the opportunity to see how you can better support your internal strength and your connection to source. Health and vitality are indicated by the Sun, so this is a good opportunity to see where you can improve on self-care and self-love. It is also a good time to examine how you are using your power–whether you are being responsible and selfless, and doing the work to purify your own being, or just acting like a little bossy-pants.
Meditation, introspection, and journal-writing are some of the best ways to help you truly explore the shadows that are arising for you. In thinking about these themes, write about whatever comes up for you. Then examine it to see if it is true, and something that needs work, or a limiting belief that you are ready to discard. The lunar eclipse in a few weeks is a great time to cut cords with what is no longer needed.
To assist in reconnecting with the dharmic and illuminating power of the Sun (Surya), make an effort to practice some Sun salutations at the beginning of each day. You can augment this practice by reciting mantras for the Sun, either silently along with your breath throughout your practice, or in a sitting posture. You can even make an altar to the Sun, or make some sun tea with rejuvenative herbs. We can directly invoke the Sun through repeating the mantra “Om Suryaya Namaha,” or through the powerful Gayatri Mantra, “Om bhur, bhuvah, svaha, tat savitur varenyam, bhargo devasya dhimahi, dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.”
Like all New Moon times, September 1st also commences a new month-long lunar cycle, where we will be really exploring the energy of Leo. This is a time to examine what inner power means, and how we express it in our lives. This Leo cycle will be especially potent and transformative because of the added effects of the eclipses. At the time of the full Moon and lunar eclipse on the 16th, we will deeply explore the apparent contrast between personal power (Leo) and universal service (Aquarius). Seeing our shadows here and cutting off any negative attachments, we will work on harmonizing these two aspects of our lives.
The Sun and Moon are also receiving added pressure at the time of this eclipse, as Saturn casts his glance (aspect) at them from Scorpio, still joined with Mars there. With three planets in Virgo (Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus), we will be feeling a strong drive to become more practical and organized this month. Watch out for retrograde Mercury, however, and debilitated Venus this month. Be sure to follow my page to get more updates on how this will affect you!
*You will feel this eclipse very deeply if you are Leo or Aquarius rising, or have any planets in Leo in your Vedic Astrology chart. For each planet that you have in Leo, this eclipse will affect up to three major areas of your life. *Book a personal eclipse reading here to find out how.*
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by Somya Devi | Jun 29, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Eye of the Storm on the Gemini New Moon
We enter the eye of the storm on the Gemini New Moon this July 4th. With Sun and Moon in Ardra nakshatra, the Dark Moon night of July 3rd offers an opportunity for cleansing and renewal. Ardra nakshatra is a stormy and transformational place in the zodiac. The new lunar cycle begins on July 4th at 4:01am PDT. Ardra (also called Arudra) is a Vedic star-sign known as “the moist one.”
Ardra is related to the deity Rudra, the fierce and destructive form of Shiva. Rudra is often depicted in a violent storm. When the clouds part, the time after intense rains is a period of renewal. The storm washes away the old and makes the ground fertile for something new to sprout.
A teardrop is another symbol related to Ardra nakshatra, signifying sorrow, but also the process of emotional purification. Tears can be very cleansing. Rudrakshas are the sacred seeds seen in malas (prayer beads) worn by Shiva. They are translated as “the tears of Rudra.” On this Dark Moon night, what calls you to shed your tears in order to clear a path and nourish the grounds for something new to grow?
Amidst the sorrow and destruction brought forth by this transformative deity, there remains a stillness at the center of the storm. Shiva is well known as the greatest of yogis, because of his ability to abide in peaceful meditation despite any chaos happening around him. He remains still in the midst of the ongoing destruction and renewal happening throughout the cosmos. By tuning into our own center, we can awaken pure consciousness, which helps us to weather any storm.
A third image relating to Ardra is the diamond, a clear and luminous gemstone formed after enduring intense heat and pressure. Like the diamond, Ardra reminds us that we are warriors who can withstand any austerity and challenge and come out clearer and more brilliant. This is definitely a warrior nakshatra. Ardra is related to Rahu, the planet who connects us to our deepest psychological shadows. By facing these, he helps us to grow and mature.
This New Moon initiates a lunar cycle abundant with Gemini energy. It begins on Monday with the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury all in sidereal Gemini. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, brings a playful and versatile energy to our lives. We begin this month in a collective energy of curiosity and flexibility. This is a great time to explore some new interests or skills. With Mercury in Gemini we are feeling very open-minded. We are ready to explore many different possibilities and look at life from a new angle. With Venus in Gemini, our desires are diverse as well, and we may seek satisfaction through many avenues.
One caveat to all this Gemini energy: be conscious of the elevated air element and vata dosha in the atmosphere. This can lead us to can easily feel overstimulated, in the mind, body, and nervous system. You may notice you have been hyperactive lately, which can quickly lead to exhaustion. Take time this month to connect with the earth and water elements. This will help to create balance with the prevalent air and fire elements. Six out of nine planets are in air signs at the time that this new lunar cycle begins, and Rahu and Jupiter remain in firey Leo. Also be aware that Mars turned direct on June 29th, and is now moving forward, giving us more fire-power, strength and courage.
The upcoming Full Moon of this cycle, on July 19th, is Guru Purnima. This is the traditional day for honoring our teachers, or gurus. The guru is literally the dispeller of darkness, and darkness is the cloak of ignorance. If we have been blessed to find someone who has helped to remove darkness or ignorance from our lives, today is a great day to offer our thanks to them.
Definitely take some time to sit on the ground and connect with the earth on this airy New Moon in Gemini. Find your heart center and call on the water element, letting the rains (or tears) wash over you in order to help you to purify and make fertile grounds for a new chapter of growth in your life. Gemini relates to the arms, shoulders and chest, so doing some heart- and shoulder-opening exercises or asanas will be helpful in this time. You can connect with Ardra’s deity, Rudra, and call in the consciousness and peace of Lord Shiva by chanting “Om Namah Shivaya.”
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by Somya Devi | Jun 2, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Retrograde
The next lunar cycle begins with an exalted New Moon of love and abundance on June 4th. The Sun, Moon, and Venus will all join in sidereal Taurus, in Rohini nakshatra. The new lunar cycle begins at 8 p.m. PDT on Saturday, June 4th. This dark night is the time to allow yourself to go inward, reset, and let your heart enjoy the fertile ground offered by Taurus and Rohini.
Of all of the 27 lunar mansions, Rohini is the one where the Moon is considered “exalted.” This means that while Moon is here, we can most easily access peace in our hearts and minds. The position of the Moon relates to our ever-changing thoughts and emotions. He is the planet of the inner heart center, where we find and radiate compassion and selfless love (as long as the heart is at peace). The Moon finds a place to rest in Taurus, the fixed-earth sign ruled by Venus. It is here that the flowing emotions are able to feel grounded and stable and let us enjoy life.
As the Moon transits the zodiac each month, he visits each of the twenty-seven lunar mansions for one night. Our emotions ebb and flow by the mood of each star along the journey. In Vedic lore, these nakshatras were considered the wives of the Moon.
Of all the twenty-seven, Rohini was said to be his favorite. Rohini is known as “the reddish one,” due to the warm glow of this red giant star (called Aldebaran by astronomers), which is over forty-four times as wide as the Sun. The heart enjoys peace here because of the abundantly nourishing and fertile quality of this star.
Rohini is associated with fertility, commerce, productivity and abundance. Its deity is Brahma, the Lord of Creation, indicating the inspired productive potential of this nakshatra. Its symbols are an ox-cart or a chariot, which both relate to the Taurean ideas of comfort and material stability. This could be a very productive month, materially. The planet who works with Rohini is the Moon, and Venus’ rulership over Taurus doubles this star’s feminine planetary influence, indicating ample love and nourishment coming from this part of the sky. Calling forth your feminine qualities, such as sensitivity and receptivity, will help you to achieve your goals this month.
With Sun and Moon aligned here as we begin this lunar cycle, we embark upon it with a full heart and a sensation of love, compassion, and abundance. Our focus will be on material stability, values, and family. Venus closely joins Sun and Moon (within ½ a degree!) and is highly combust at the time of the New Moon. This instills us with an overflowing, but perhaps frustrated, desire for pleasure, beauty and harmony. We’ll feel more sensually focused this month, and will tend to lean towards the luxurious and hedonistic. It’s a time to watch out for overindulging (in food, sex, or other desires), especially if this is a known tendency.
On the opposite side of the sky, Mars and Saturn remain retrograde and conjunct in sidereal Scorpio. This casts a double aspect of intensity onto the loving lineup of Sun, Moon and Venus in Taurus. Saturn may curb our Venusian indulgence, by reminding us of the bigger picture and adding some pressure and restraint. Mars, on the other hand, may intensify our desires. He also offers the positive potential of giving us the courage to embrace transformation (being situated in Scorpio), instead of clinging too tightly to the material stability being emphasized by the Sun and Moon in Taurus.
In sidereal Leo, the 4th house from this new Moon alignment, Rahu and Jupiter are still conjunct. This inspires more emphasis on heart and home this lunar cycle. Opposing these two, Ketu is in the 10th house from Taurus, so we may shy away from being in the spotlight this month. You will feel your inward-dwelling nature calling to you even more than usual. Don’t worry if you feel the need to take a break from work and care for your inner world and home. This is totally natural given the planetary lineup.
With all planets (except Mercury) aligned on this square axis of fixed signs, this lunar cycle will cause you to really focus on whatever house axis this is in your chart.* Enjoy the exalted new Moon of love and abundance on June 4th.
*You can receive personal coaching on how to understand and work with the planets affecting you through a personal vedic astrology reading.
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Aries Forecast from Saturn Retrograde guide
by Somya Devi | May 2, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Retrograde, Uncategorized
Friday, May 6th, 2016 brings the new Moon in Bharani nakshatra, the womb star, a portal of life and death. Bharani is one of the 27 divisions of the sky visited by the Moon each lunar cycle, and is known as “the bearer.” Its symbol is the yoni (the female reproductive organs), and its deity is Lord Yama, the god of death. This star brings the strong potential for death and rebirth this lunar cycle. (Side note… any Game of Thrones fans?) The dark Moon night is Thursday in most places, and is an excellent time to contemplate what in your life is ready for its death, or composting, and what seeds you are ready to nurture with your energetic womb medicine.
The new cycle begins at 12:29 P.D.T. on Friday, with Sun, Moon, and Venus all in Bharani nakshatra, which falls in the middle of sidereal Aries. This will bring out our creative and nurturing energy, as well as our sexuality and passion. Mars’ influence on Aries makes this is a very willful nakshatra, which will make us very headstrong this month. It also brings the courage and the will to purify ourselves and follow our hearts. Now is the time to birth your passions into being, and nurture what you want to see grow this season.
Bharani is also known as the “star of restraint,” due to Yama’s influence. “The bearer” is both the one who creates and nurtures, and the one who endures or bears hardships. Lord Yama relates to death as well as to spiritual discipline, which we often choose to undertake when the awareness of our ultimate death dawns in our consciousness. This is an excellent time to adopt and endure some self-discipline aimed at self-purification, as part of the process of nurturing your goals and creations.
You could synthesize these energies of Bharani by designing a new sadhana practice for yourself to support your goals, especially one that includes yogic regimens of self-restraint, such as a cleansing diet or a new exercise routine. With Sun exalted in Aries, we are compelled to purify ourselves, using Mars’ courageous energy to strengthen our health and our connection with source. It’s not too late for a spring cleanse (you may actually have more impetus to do one now than before). With Sun in Aries, we remember our inherent strength and connection, and our power to share that light by putting it into action. Aries gives us the courage to step into our power and shine our brightest.
Since Jupiter and Rahu are both still in the Sun’s sign of Leo, this also adds potency to the heated ideological debates still happening in the U.S. political campaign. Jupiter directs his aspect onto Sun, Moon, Venus, and retrograde Mercury, all in Aries on this new Moon. Don’t be surprised if some of the passions being birthed right now are sprung from extremist philosophical convictions. Because Jupiter is retrograde, many people have recently had a change of heart around their belief systems, and because Rahu is joining him, many of the philosophies recently adopted are radical and revolutionary.
Saturn and Mars are also both in retrograde motion, joined in sidereal Scorpio. This has been causing more than a few disruptions, and has shaken us into awareness of our fragility and the sudden changes that seem to keep happening throughout life. Since this is the 8th house from this new Moon in Aries, this just adds to the transformative energy for death and rebirth offered in this cycle.
Mars and Saturn will be joined in Scorpio through most of the summer, which is an unusually long conjunction for these two planets. It could be challenging, as both Saturn and Mars help to teach us the hard lessons in life. This Saturn retrograde transit is showing us where in life are reevaluating our long-term goals, and Mars adds the explosive fire of transformation to this process.
Last but not least, Mercury is also in retrograde motion, and joins Sun, Moon and Venus in Aries on this new Moon. This means we have the chance to go back and finish some communication or correspondence that was not yet finalized. On the other hand, it can also mean that some of your Mercurial efforts get a bit jumbled or delayed (missed appointments or overlooked messages). If that’s the case, try to tap into the patience that retrograde Saturn is trying to teach (after all it’s only 3 more weeks). You can bring forward the best that these planets have to offer, by engaging in quiet meditation or service for Saturn, and self-discipline for #Mars. This can help you to replace fear, anxiety and anger with wisdom and courage.
To help you understand how this awesome lineup of planets is affecting your chart, I’m offering personal Vedic astrology chart readings with an extra emphasis on the retrograde planets’ effects in your life.
by Somya Devi | Apr 4, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Events, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
The new moon in Pisces and Hindu New Year will fall on the early morning of April 7th, 2016 (at 4:24 a.m. PDT), initiating a lunar cycle that will connect us deeply with our emotion and intuition, and allow us to choose where and how we will direct our energy through the coming year.
This new Moon begins the first month of the Hindu calendar year (called Chaitra), during which the Sun makes his transition into Aries sign (or Meesha rashi, in sanskrit). Sun enters sidereal Aries on April 13th, a good three weeks after the equinox. (The western, Tropical zodiac aligns the spring equinox with zero degrees Aries. The sidereal zodiac, used by most Vedic Astrologers, marks the position of the planets as they align with the constellations as viewed from Earth.) From our vantage point, this lunar cycle begins with the Sun, Moon and Venus in the Piscean section of the sky.
We will feel a surge of emotions stirring this month, because of the strong watery nature of Pisces, which is the only purely water-going rashi (sign) in the Vedic zodiac. Your intuition will be strong, as your heart and mind (Moon), soul (Sun), and desire-nature (Venus) align in the “self-abiding” sign of the twin fishes. Jupiter’s rulership over Pisces helps us to connect these with our higher purpose and most optimistic beliefs. Venus is the planet that drives us to seek happiness and pleasure (usually sensual). With Venus in Pisces, it’s possible for our desire-nature to expand, so watch out for over-indulging. At the same time, the sattvic nature of Pisces gives us the opportunity to elevate our desires into things that support our values and our path to spiritual liberation.
In the environment, our bodies are engulfed in the watery flow of winter’s melting ice and spring’s rushing rivers. Internally, our minds and emotional bodies have begun to thaw out of the static quietude of winter, as the nourishing rains create fertile beds for our hopes and dreams to grow. Pisces’ energy will draw us deeply into our imaginations and our mystical power of psychic awareness. Through these, we can discover our most purposeful visions for the coming year, and Pisces’ flexibility will give us the power to change directions if necessary. This is a prime time to orient ourselves in the direction we want to go this year, so that when Sun transits into Aries and we speed ahead into activity, we will be facing the direction that we want to go.
Where do you want to steer your precious life-force this year? The dark Moon time (mostly on Wednesday, April 6th, before the new cycle begins on the 7th) is a potent night to go inward and reflect on what you learned during the last lunar cycle (and the last yearly cycle through the seasons). The most recent moon cycle brought two eclipses, which revealed a lot of our subconscious patterning, whatever was holding us back or calling for our attention. After the illumination of these shadows, we saw where we need to make some changes in our lives, either by throwing out limiting beliefs, or by realigning ourselves towards our highest potential with more clarity and purpose.
The new Moon in Pisces offers us the chance to enter deeper states of meditation, and brings forth our sattvic nature (the part of us that is most aligned with universal spirit). This new Moon is in the Vedic nakshatra (constellation) called Revati, “the wealthy.” This star relates to Goddess Lakshmi’s abundance (both material and spiritual wealth). Though we often think first of her material blessings, this star actually has a great deal to do with unlocking spiritual wealth and wisdom. It is the last of the 27 nakshatras, symbolizing the spiritual maturity that can be achieved as one nears the end of life (or a cycle) in the material realm. It is a place of letting go of earthly attachment, and preparing to enter the mystery of the next unknown chapter.
The ruling deity of Revati is Pushan, who ensures safe journeys (including those into the next realm), and the care of livestock and pastures (also symbolic of wealth). As you follow your intuition and psychic awareness, you may feel called to embark upon a new venture this year. This dark Moon time is a good night to gather your energy and your prayers, and call in divine support for a prosperous journey. Pisces, like the small fish in the vast ocean, evokes the energy of surrender and faith. After we have chosen our direction (with cues from the intuitive silence of meditation), and offered our prayers to the universe for guidance, we must also surrender to the flow and have faith that it will carry us where we are meant to go.
Rahu and Jupiter remain joined in sidereal Leo, exaggerating the general sense of the importance of one’s own beliefs right now. At the time of this new Moon, these planets will be in the sixth house of task-oriented hard work, selfless service, and dealings with enemies and opponents. If you’re feeling political, this month’s energy may inspire you to get involved and do some 6th-house “chores” of service to support your beliefs and challenge your opponents (like fundraising and sharing information about your favorite candidate, or getting on the phone bank to encourage supporters to go out and vote on caucus days). Be aware of the potential to face some serious clashes with those who disagree with you philosophically.
The new Moon joins Venus in Pisces as well, aligning our heart and soul with our desires and relationships. We may really bond with people over dreams and visions this month, especially when Venus enters Revati (on the 14th), his nakshatra of exaltation. Here our normally sensory-bound desire bodies reach for a more emotionally and spiritually based satisfaction. There could be some strong psychic connections. In partnerships we could be feeling especially romantic and optimistic right now, and may be coming together around shared principles, hopes, and dreams. Be mindful of overindulging, however, or going too far into the dream-world, especially if you have a tendency to try to escape from reality.
Saturn has recently turned retrograde, where he appears to move backwards through the sky from our viewpoint on earth. This will last through the summer, and will give us all a good look at our long-term goals, especially in the area of life where Saturn is currently transiting (sidereal Scorpio) over our personal chart. If you have planets in sidereal Scorpio, you may feel like the pressure is on to do some serious reflection in that area of your life. He may also disrupt things in the two houses that he rules for us individually. For a deeper look at how Saturn Retrograde is affecting you, be sure to sign up for my mailing list so you’ll be the first to get the free Saturn Retrograde Forecast for Your Sign.
The first nine days of this lunar month, Chaitra, comprise Vasanta Navaratri, a springtime festival for honoring the many forms of the Goddess (the Maha, or “Great,” Navaratri is observed in the fall)–Jai Ma Durga!. The ninth day of Chaitra is Ram Navami, the celebration of the birth of Lord Ram. Chant the name of Ram! Then the birth of Hanuman, Ram’s greatest devotee, is celebrated on purnima tithi, the full Moon phase of the month. This is called Hanuman Jayanti, and falls on April 21st in North America. It is a powerful holy day to offer prayers to Lord Hanuman, to summon personal devotion and strength, and invoke the grace to calm and tame our restless minds so that we may live in blissful awareness of divine presence. Jai Hanuman!