by Somya Devi | Jun 13, 2022 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Full Moon in Scorpio, June 2022
Tonight the Moon waxes into fullness into sidereal Scorpio, coming fully opposite the Taurus Sun, both at 29 degrees 16 minutes, one of the three gandanta points in the zodiac. The Moon receives an aspect from both Jupiter and Saturn, while Sun joins Mercury. Saturn is currently in retrograde motion and will soon head back into Capricorn for several more months before finishing its final transit there. We also approach the solstice on June 21st, the brightest day of the year.
Full Moon in Scorpio
Scorpio is the sign where the Moon is considered debilitated, because the fickle and sensitive mind feels a lot of intensity in the watery sign ruled by warrior Mars. At the same time, a full Moon is always a strong Moon, so this is an opportunity to raise our courage when confronting that difficulty. Scorpio is a sign of change, being the natural eighth sign, and under this full Moon we can strive to embrace change and find some freedom amidst the Sun’s cycle of Taurus, which compels us towards a more grounded, fixed and secure existence.
Gandanta Point
Being in this particular last degree of Scorpio, however, the Moon finds itself in the gandanta degree which is somewhat of a cosmic and karmic “knot.” We pay feel particularly locked into something that is challenging us, even though we know that we must push through to allow the change. Under this full Moon, search for your inner warrior, strength, and courage, and call upon your guides to help you in evolving into the next phase of your life.

Jyestha Nakshatra
The full Moon lies in Jyestha nakshatra, the Vedic sign known as the “eldest.” This star asks us to be responsible, like its deity Indra who is the chief of the gods. Where in your life are you responsible for others, perhaps those with lesser abilities or privilege? Generosity and charity are encouraged by this star at the end of Scorpio who is the last before we enter the charitable and righteous sign of Sagittarius.
Aspects of Jupiter and Saturn
Both Jupiter and Saturn aspect this Moon. Jupiter is sva in his own sign of Pisces at the moment, and his aspect of the Moon brightens our optimism and idealism, bringing our principles and beliefs into the fold as we strive to allow some inner transformation. Saturn, in turn, adds more energy of responsibility, and gives us an awareness of the future consequences of our action. Together the two can add a discerning influence on the decisions that we make at this time.
Retrograde Saturn
Saturn has been in retrograde motion since June 4th, and now appears to be making his way backwards through Aquarius before he heads back into Capricorn again on July 12th. He rules both Aquarius and Capricorn, so he maintains strength through this time, and will be getting brighter and brighter each night over the next month. The powerful Saturn of this time continues to put pressure on society at large, adding a crushing weight of the awareness of consequences, as we consider what type of structures need to be in place for us to advance into the next era.
The summer solstice is the peak of what we might call the Sun’s waxing cycle, as it is the day with the most daylight and the fewest dark hours, in the northern hemisphere. This is the most outward time of year for most people, when we are literally outside, and filling our schedules with social interactions, barbecues, and activity. It is a time to celebrate life! If you’re more of a natural introvert, this time of year can become exhausting, so be sure to pace yourself. It is a beautiful time to commune with nature and experience the fullness of what the light and life cycle has to offer.
Sadhana suggestions for tuning in with the Scorpio full Moon:
- Fast or meditate this Tuesday (the actual day of the full Moon, and the day ruled by Mars, Scorpio’s ruler)
- Make an altar that includes water and fire elements, connecting with your emotions and warrior
- Spend some time outside checking out ground insects, watching how they move and work
- Utilize red crystals on your altar or for japa (mantra chanting)
- Chant a Moon or Mars mantra, or both
Personal readings available here
by Somya Devi | Jan 12, 2021 | Astrology, Holy Days
New Moon January 2021
We have another Dark Moon tonight under which the Sun and Moon align at the very end of one sign (Sagittarius), setting the tone for a month that blends and bridges the energy of two signs as the Sun spends most of this cycle in sidereal Capricorn. The exact New Moon moment is at midnight Eastern time on January 13th (between January 12th and 13th), with the Sun and Moon coming together at 29 degrees and 6 minutes of sidereal Sagittarius. The last lunar cycle began in December with a solar eclipse as the Sun and Moon joined in the very end of sidereal Scorpio.
Sagittarius-Capricorn cycle
With the New Moon moment happening in Sagittarius, hours before both Sun and Moon transit into Capricorn, the coming month will carry the energy of both signs. Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, inspiring us to act on our beliefs and put these into the world through righteous action, standing up for what we believe in and aligning our actions with our vision.
This lunar cycle frees us from the energy of the eclipses of this cycle. When Sun moves into Capricorn, however, we will continue to feel the pressure of Saturn that has been strong over the last year while he has been transiting his own sign. Sun, Jupiter and Saturn will all be joined in Capricorn over the next month (with Mercury and Venus both spending much of it there as well). As Jupiter and Saturn become combust (they are now so close to the Sun as to be barely visible), they may lose some power… The sense of restriction that we feel could be alleviated this month, but our ability to be steadfast and endure difficulties is also weakened, as well as our sense of inspiration with Jupiter going out of sight.
Capricorn energy is about finding stability and the inner strength to work hard for our responsibilities and the structures that sustain us. A feminine earth sign, we can look towards our internal resources this month and make sure we are using our energy for what is most important.

US Politics
The solar eclipse of the last cycle led into a full Moon in Ardra nakshatra, a star that often brings violence and turbulence forward, especially when associating with the nodes or an eclipse. The violence at the US Capitol during the waning part of the last cycle could be associated with the tone under which the cycle began (dark eclipse energy in transformative Scorpio), combined with the subsequent full Moon in Ardra, still afflicted by the energy of the eclipse.
As the natural 10th sign, Capricorn in the world chart directly relates to government. With four planets here in the coming days (Juipter, Saturn, Sun, and Mercury), there is a lot of pressure (Saturn) on now to create a government, structures, and leaders that will sustain the world, be inspiring, and purify the energy of authority. This bodes well for the US presidential transition in general. On January 20th Moon will be in Ashwini, the first nakshatra, a good placement for transitions.
He will, however, be joining Mars, who is the brightest planet in the sky over the next few weeks. With Mars bright and Saturn and Jupiter nearly out of sight, there is definitely potential for more violence to come (especially having the Moon joined Mars on January 20th itself). Saturn becomes highly combust that day as he goes within 3 degrees of the Sun, which cripples authority structures a bit, as well as our ability to use restraint. Hopefully the powerful energy of the Sun itself in the 10th house of this day’s world chart (and Moon chart) is enough to bring a sattvic purifying energy to the realm of government, with help from Jupiter who is neecha bangha and slightly brighter than Saturn.
Makara Sankranti
The day the Sun goes into Capricorn (January 13th/14th) begins the Hindu solar month of Makara. There is a Hindu celebration in India in honor of “the return of the light,” as we begin the first month after the winter solstice. This is an auspicious time for new beginnings and calling blessings into our lives.
by Somya Devi | Dec 13, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses
New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
The Sun and Moon come together on this Dark Moon night, joining near the end of sidereal Scorpio as they come towards a full conjunction at 11:17 am ET on December 14th for a New Moon in Scorpio. Their conjunction is also aligned closely enough with the south node, Ketu, that it will cause a total Solar Eclipse from 8:33 am through 1:53 pm ET, with the maximum eclipse at 11:13 am ET. The eclipse will only be visible from South America and small portions of Africa and Antarctica.
Total Solar Eclipse
In a total solar eclipse the Moon passes between the earth and the Sun, causing a shadow to appear over the Sun. This only occurs when Earth, Sun, and Moon are also closely aligned with the nodes, Rahu and Ketu, who are thought of as the shadow planets for this reason. These planets represent our deepest subconscious drivers. They are like our blind spots because we are not able to see them. During “eclipse season,” however, the shadows begin to become visible. This is a very important time of year to pay attention to any shadow work / inner demons / red flags that are arising for you. Great transformation is possible if we pay attention and do the work to honor what is being revealed.

This is the first set of eclipses to occur with the nodes in their new positions. Rahu and Ketu entered Taurus and Scorpio, respectively, in September, and will transit here for a year-and-a-half, creating three eclipse cycles on this axis along their way. Whatever house-axis sidereal Scorpio-Taurus is in your natal chart, and whatever planets you have there, will be affected greatly by this eclipse cycles and the ones coming over the next year. This is where you have the most work to do and may be facing the most challenges currently.
On a global level, we experience this eclipse elevating the apparent tension between our desire for material stability (Taurus) and overhauling change, surprises, and even loss (Scorpio). We may find ourselves more dependent upon or obsessed with one of these areas, while not allowing enough room for the other in our lives. In a personal chart analysis we can apply these ideas to whatever is affected in the natal chart.
New Moon in Scorpio, Sun cycle in Sagittarius
The total Solar Eclipse naturally coincides with the alignment of Sun and Moon, thus begins a new lunar cycle with Sun and Moon in Scorpio. As they are currently at the very end of sidereal Scorpio, the Sun will spend most of this cycle in Sagittarius, so we will experience a Sagittarian cycle with some Scorpion flavor. In the Sagittarius cycle we feel the radiant power of the Sun, and our inner power, fulfilled by acts of service and charity aligned with our highest beliefs. Sagittarius is a fire sign (a sign for action) ruled by Jupiter (principles, beliefs, and higher teachings). The Scorpio flavor will remind us that all actions and principles are also vulnerable to change, and this could allow us to find some growth around our inner-most core beliefs.
Jupiter-Saturn War & Total Conjunction
On December 21st, the winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn will have an exact conjunction at 6 degrees 21 minutes of sidereal Capricorn, owned by Saturn himself. Though they align in the same sign every 20 years, this is the closest visible conjunction of the two in nearly 800 years. The last alignment was in May of 2000, a powerful transition point that ushered us into a new century, a new age of technology with the boom of the internet, and soon after a major change in the tone of society and world politics with the events of September 2001, including a major economic downturn.
The position of Saturn here in his home sign has put a lot of pressure on society already, and is largely related to the global pandemic and the continued constraint that we feel across the world and in our individual homes as well. With Jupiter entering Saturn’s sign, he attempts to bring some understanding, some learning, and some principles for us to work with as we navigate the stern imposition of Saturn in our lives. Can we learn anything from this? Can we check in with our beliefs and make sure that we are acting in accordance with them? Can we act in favor of these and in ways that are responsible towards our long-term goals, rather than frivolous?

The challenge is that, in Vedic thought, when two planets come very closely together, within one degree, it is considered a graha yuddha or planetary war. Who wins? Well, Jupiter is in fact much brighter in the sky, giving him a strong advantage at claiming our attention. But Saturn has proved incredibly strong right now being in his home sign of Capricorn. When two planets are at war, both will suffer to some degree, and their power in our lives may temporarily wane.
We may find that our principles, beliefs, and ideas don’t even feel like they are inspiring us or filling us with the faith we are seeking at the moment. And our efforts to stay strong, determined, and persevering through the shut down—and the other challenges in our lives— may feel depleted. Hold tight! The planetary war between these two runs from December 12th through December 30th.
Since this war is occurring in the 10th sign, hence the 10th house for a world chart, it relates strongly to government. The outright war for power between political figures in the U.S. may not subside until after December 30th, though we can admit it is hurting both sides and the governmental authority itself.
In our own lives, we may find things ruled by Jupiter and Saturn, the associated people, and the houses aligned with Scorpio, Taurus, and Capricorn may all be facing challenges during this month. Within all this there are learning opportunities offered by the planets, if we work to get to know them better and the highest purposes that they have to offer us.
Personal Chart Readings with Coaching Are Available Here
by Somya Devi | Nov 14, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs, Uncategorized
New Moon in Libra and Diwali 2020
The Sun and Moon will join at 29° sidereal Libra tonight, with exact alignment for a New Moon at 12:07 am EST. This Dark Moon night commemorates the Hindu holiday of Diwali, the festival of lights. Tonight will actually be the third but main night of the Diwali celebrations, which began on Dhanteras on November 12th. Be sure to light some candles tonight to celebrate light itself, as we move into the darkest part of the year in the north.
Scorpio cycle
The Sun and Moon again join at the very end of one sign, sidereal Libra, before both moving into Scorpio later the same day. Hence we are beginning the cycle of the Sun in Scorpio, but flavored with a certain Libran energy. The Scorpio Sun cycle is a time that compels us to look deeply into our own deep well of emotion, as Scorpio is both a water and insect sign, driving us towards the flow of emotions that is trapped within our external protective shell. Ruled by Mars, the warrior planet, we can see Scorpio as a spiritual warrior, and this time of year is an important one for exploring our personal vulnerabilities and sensitive places that may need more strength, courage, and healing.
Flavored by the Libra position of Sun and Moon as we begin this cycle, this investigation may lean heavily towards studying how we behave in relationships, what drives us to find balance and compromise, what wounds we are protecting that are keeping us from enjoying the happiness and balance that Venus wants to offer us.
Remembering that while Sun is debilitated in Libra, our sense of strength or our literal health may be weak this month. We continue to contemplate what it takes to maintain our personal strength and not become depleted while also relating with others and seeking outer balance. This is a very important time of year to nourish ourselves, and our inner light, as the outer light is descending. You can also make some herbal tea to nourish yourself during this vata (cold and dry) season. The nature of the Scorpio cycle will show us where we carry inner imbalance that requires some more harmonizing and lightening.
Vishaka Nakshatra
The Sun and Moon join in Vishaka nakshatra, a sign that bridges the end of Libra and the beginning of Scorpio. The “two-branched” sign is ruled by two deities, Lord Indra, the chief of the Gods, and Lord Agni, fire personified. This sign can harness a lot of power and leadership ability, but only once we choose the proper direction. You may find yourself at a crossroads this month and need to call in your guides to help you to choose the right direction, after which a lot of success is possible. The animal symbol for Vishaka is the male tiger.
On the new Moon of the Hindu month of Ashwin (this month), we celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights. The festival began this year on November 12th (North America), on the 13th waning Moon phase of the previous cycle. This day is known as Dhanteras, or Dhanvantari Tryodashi, the celebration of the birth of Lord Dhanvantari, the father of Ayurvedic medicine. If you practice any healing tradition, especially Ayurveda, it is a good day to give thanks and call in auspicious blessings to your healing path or practice. Diwali is strongly associated with the Goddess Laxmi, and is a powerful time to connect with her, calling in her blessings for both material and spiritual prosperity.
We celebrate Diwali while the days are getting noticeably shorter and darker, and it is a time to invite more light into our lives, our hearts, and our world. This festival celebrates the victory of light over darkness, which is something to rejoice in and have faith in, even if we can’t outwardly observe it sometimes. Creating positive vibrations internally is the best way to begin growing and spreading them externally.
Diwali also commemorates Lord Ram’s and Sita’s return from exile after fourteen years (a story from the Ramayana). Lord Ram embodies the highest qualities of dharma, devotion, compassion, courage, and leadership. Diwali is also the start of a new lunar cycle, so it’s a great time to go within and summon these qualities to awaken and live through you.
Diwali (also seen as Divali, Deepawali or Deepavali) comes from the Sanskrit words deepa (light) and avali (row). It is traditional to light candles throughout Diwali (opt for electronic tea lights if you’re in a fire danger zone!), inviting the highest light into our homes and lives. The candles are lit to remind us of the inner divine light in us all. Though one flame can be used to light many others, it is not diminished by sharing its power of illumination. We can pray for the peace and happiness of all beings, and each one’s awareness of their inner light.
We are now entering the “eclipse season,” as we approach two eclipses that will occur November 30th and December 14th. With the nodes having recently moved onto their new axis—Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio—this could activate some latent energy that has been lurking, unresolved in the shadows, in the areas of life that align with these two signs in your Vedic natal chart.
Be sure to watch for any disruptions, and any red flags, over the next month, and be sure not to make hasty decisions out of stress. Sadhana is very important, especially during the eclipses themselves, and doing inner work to investigate what is arising can serve in helping us to make important changes. This is the first eclipse cycle of three that will occur over the next year-and-a-half while the nodes transit this axis, so it is a jumping off point in seeing what work we need to do in these areas of our lives.
To see how the current transits affect and interplay with your chart and karma, you can request a personal reading here.
by Somya Devi | Sep 30, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Full Moon October 1st 2020
The Moon waxes into fullness tonight during this purnima (full Moon) moon phase, reaching exact opposition to the Sun on October 1st at 2:05 pm PDT. The Full Moon is in sidereal Pisces, opposite a Sun who is traveling through sidereal Virgo. It will be in the Vedic nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada, a sign that forces us to dive deep and find inner transformation through purification (or cremation) by fire. Jupiter and Saturn have recently gone direct, and Mars moves slowly on his retrograde course.
Pisces Full Moon
Pisces is a water sign ruled by Jupiter. This is a place of deep feelings, big inspiration, and a longing for the things of our dreams and imaginations. This lunar cycle began with Sun and Moon in Virgo, setting a tone of practicality and an earthly influence, ushering us to slow down and assess whether the details of our life are in order. Under the Pisces Full Moon, the opposite side of us is illumated, wherein we allow our hearts to open wide into inspiration and higher purpose. Our biggest dreams and visions may not always be practical, but here we welcome the possibility of the impossible.
Those with a strong watery side may feel especially sensitive under the Pisces Full Moon. It is also a good time to connect with the spirit realm, while psychic forces are strong. Abstract art and work on the subconscious will be especially supported now… while those with escapist tendencies may find themselves really wanting to check out. Since the full Moon is a balancing point in the cycle, allow the earthy Virgoan energy in, and connect with something solid (like the earth itself) to make sure you remain embodied while you dive into the dreamscape.

Uttara Bhadrapada
Uttara Bhadrapada is the nakshatra (Vedic star-sign) that indicates fire and transformation, such as that of a funeral pyre. It is a place where we must learn to let go of mundane attachments and relates with the mystical energy of kundalini. We must be careful not to get lost in the rabbit hole here, but to forge determinedly into the depths instead.
Jupiter and Saturn Direct, Mars and Mercury Retrograde
Uttara Bhadrapada is ruled by Jupiter, who stationed and began his direct motion on September 12th. With Jupiter moving forward again, you may find things in your life indicated by Sagittarius and Pisces in your natal chart are also beginning to progress after some delays. Jupiter is now on the tail end of his journey through his home sign of Sagittarius. Having traveled somewhat into Capricorn in the spring before beginning his retrograde motion, Jupiter will return to Capricorn once again on November 18th.
Saturn has also stationed and just barely begun direct motion, on September 28th. His gaze is still strong and pointed at the moment, as he barely appears to move, and this brings more pressure and restraint to us as a society, and especially in governmental affairs. We will feel his weight pressing down on us more soon … with a likely resurgence of Covid-19 cases and stricter measures on society. There was some lessening of the sensation of pressure during his retrograde journey, which began in mid-May.
Mars continues his retrograde transit and will soon leave Aries heading back into Pisces on October 3rd. This may lessen the intensity of the fire energy sweeping the American West at the moment… though he will gain power again when he comes to a station and turns direct on November 11th. Mercury will run his retrograde course from October 13th through November 3rd.
Nodes Change Signs
The lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, transited from Gemini and Sagittarius into Taurus and Scorpio, respectively, on September 23rd (mean node calculation; under true node calculation they progressed on the 19th). This is an important planetary movement as they will hold their new position for the next year-and-a-half, and will stir the pot along this axis particularly during eclipse periods which come twice per year. The next eclipse period is from mid-November to mid-December, with eclipses on November 29th/30th and December 14th.
With Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio, we will feel stuck in a struggle between trying to find earthly pleasure, and a sense of “grounding,” while continually facing constant change and a call to transform and let go of material attachments. This is a very broad sentiment, of course, and the nodes will take more specific effect on each individual depending on the rising sign and the planetary positions of one’s natal chart.
To see how these transits affect and interplay with your chart and karma, you can request a personal reading here.