by Somya Devi | May 22, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Events
Did you see Mars rising right next to the Full Moon in Scorpio last night? It was epic! I wish I took a picture. You can still see the super-bright Mars opposition to the Sun today / tonight, just after the Moon rises. Mars is closer to the earth than it has been in over 10 years. He is directly opposite the Sun from earth, so we’re getting the brightness of what is basically a “full Mars.”
The Moon is passing over retrograde Saturn today as well. With Moon, the planet of our emotional body, still sandwiched between these two intense planets in Scorpio, you might feel a lot of emotional pressure and agitation. The window for transformation opened by this full Moon is still there!
This powerful Mars in Scorpio, though retrograde, gives us the chance to turn all of our courage towards strengthening our emotional vulnerability. Now is a great time to get in touch with your inner spiritual warrior to fortify your heart as you face your innermost fears.
Check out this awesome artists’ rendition at NASA.
by Somya Devi | May 18, 2016 | Uncategorized
The Full Moon on May 21st gives the power to explode, or to transform (Vedic Astrology). The Moon will be full in sidereal Scorpio, where we are compelled to strengthen our emotions and embrace transformation, rather than cling to material stability. Things could be extra volatile because Mars and Saturn are joining this full Moon, which peaks at 2:15 p.m PDT on Saturday (the brightest full waxing Moon will be Friday night).
This lunar cycle began with the Sun in sidereal Aries, where we feel most empowered and sure of ourselves. We were ready to birth our visions into the world. Since then, Sun has transited into Taurus, a sign where we seek to solidify our strength by getting grounded and relying on stable material structures around us. But the full Moon will be opposite Taurus, in the most emotionally vulnerable sign, Scorpio. In contrast to our quest for stability, we are reminded of our vulnerability and impermanence. We are challenged to embrace the flow of change and allow ourselves to transform as we step up to meet the evolving world around us.
This full Moon will feel especially intense on the emotions, because Moon is also joining firey retrograde Mars (very closely), and onerous retrograde Saturn. The conjunction of Mars with the Moon makes a potentially explosive situation for our hearts and minds. His fire elicits our anger, passion, jealousy, and our courageous warrior-like nature.
This could result in intense feelings of passion or rage, perhaps with a few emotional outbursts, but the Martian fire is also the element that aids in digestion and transformation. Instead of exploding outwardly, we have the opportunity to harness this fire and use it to process and digest the changes that have been taking place in our lives. It’s a conscious choice… let your mind find fault and anger towards others, and the outer situation, or, summon your inner warrior and use that strength grow and adapt.
The full Moon joins retrograde Saturn, also in Scorpio. We are in the middle of a 2.5-year-long process of transformation with his transit here. The pressure is on to re-evaluate our long-term goals, especially around our spiritual growth and material attachments. Whichever house is in sidereal Scorpio in your chart, this is the area of life where you have been facing the most change this past year. This full Moon highlights this transformation process, as you are beginning to follow a new long-term direction in that area of your life. Saturn’s presence here forces us to face our fears, while Mars offers us the strength to withstand and digest them.
The full Moon falls in the Vedic nakshatra Anuradha, at the beginning of Scorpio. This is a constellation of friendship and success, whose deity is Mitra, meaning “friend.” Its symbol is a lotus flower, or a staff, which its three stars resemble in the sky. Both of these symbols signify the ability to overcome a challenge despite opposition. The lotus reminds us that even amidst the muck of emotional disturbance, we still have the potential to access our most pure, beautiful sattvic nature, and rise towards the light. This will be important to remember while the Moon is sandwiched in between Mars and Saturn from Saturday through Sunday afternoon (Americas).
There’s some good news! After the full Moon, Mercury will be going direct again and out of retrograde. (Phew!) Making plans and having clear communications should get a little easier.
With Jupiter (now direct) and Rahu still close in sidereal Leo, zealous fervor continues at large, and radical beliefs are on the forefront for many. Once Jupiter moves on to Virgo in August, philosophical beliefs and debates will begin to sound more practical (hopefully). Right now they are really extreme and are fueling the quest for personal power. The balance between personal power and universal service will continue to be a widespread theme as long as Rahu transits Leo, through next summer.
We may be feeling a little self-centered in our power on this full Moon, because Venus is now very close to the Sun (combust) over the next several weeks. Our ability to compromise, offered by Venus, may be burnt up so close to the hot rays of the Sun, which could put relationships at odds. On the other hand, the purification and illumination offered by the Sun could help us to elevate our petty desires into higher ones that allow us to connect with universal spirit.
Meditation and self-inquiry help us to access the higher lessons that the planets have to offer. Take the opportunity to digest some emotions and embrace transformation on this full Moon, and unleash your spiritual warrior to help you ride the waves of change.
You can get specific tips and personal coaching on how to understand and maximize your relationship with the planets through a personal astrology reading and coaching session.
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by Somya Devi | May 7, 2016 | Events, Holy Days, Retrograde
Amidst all these
retrograde planets, (Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter) we can sigh a breath of relief this weekend with the onset of Akshaya Tritiya and Jupiter direct!
We’ve just entered an auspicious alignment and a window of abundance! Now through tomorrow night, the Sun and Moon are both in their signs of exaltation (sidereal Aries and Taurus, respectively). This means we are feeling the best parts of these planets shining through us. We feel empowered and generous, connected to source, and peaceful in our hearts and minds.
Tomorrow in particular (the third lunar phase of this month), is known as AKSHAYA TRITIYA, the day of “never diminishing.” Each year, on the third day after the New Moon in Aries, Sun and Moon are both exalted. This creates a powerful portal day for calling wealth, prosperity and abundance into your life (both on the material and spiritual levels). With a full spirit and peaceful heart, take advantage of this auspicious time and plant the seeds for manifesting your dreams! Anything you begin today will grow bountifully.
Sun is exalted in Aries because Mars’ rulership there brings a feeling of courage and strength to the planet of our vitality and spiritual illumination. Moon is exalted in Taurus because the often-turbulent and ever-flowing emotional body finds comfort and stable ground in this Venus-ruled earth sign.
Even more good news… Jupiter is finishing his retrograde motion and going direct on Monday! This will open another doorway to prosperity, and we will start feeling more clear about our purpose and beliefs, as well as around matters of education and teachers. Jupiter is Guru, and when he’s going backwards a lot of things can feel confusing as we question our philosophy and the teachings we value. With Akshaya Tritiya and Jupiter direct, the flow of grace feels less obstructed!
Remember though, Saturn, Mars and Mercury are still retrograde, so we need to reflect on our long-term goals, summon our courage, and double-check details with whatever you’re putting in motion. To enhance your receptivity to the best of what Sun and Moon have to offer, honor both in your practices today. You can do both surya namaskaras and chandra namaskaras, or try some nadi shodhana (alternate-nostril breathing) to harmonize the solar and lunar energies flowing through you. In the spirit of abundance, share your energy and your gifts through loving service or charity, and that karmic investment will come back to you multiplied.
by Somya Devi | May 2, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Retrograde, Uncategorized
Friday, May 6th, 2016 brings the new Moon in Bharani nakshatra, the womb star, a portal of life and death. Bharani is one of the 27 divisions of the sky visited by the Moon each lunar cycle, and is known as “the bearer.” Its symbol is the yoni (the female reproductive organs), and its deity is Lord Yama, the god of death. This star brings the strong potential for death and rebirth this lunar cycle. (Side note… any Game of Thrones fans?) The dark Moon night is Thursday in most places, and is an excellent time to contemplate what in your life is ready for its death, or composting, and what seeds you are ready to nurture with your energetic womb medicine.
The new cycle begins at 12:29 P.D.T. on Friday, with Sun, Moon, and Venus all in Bharani nakshatra, which falls in the middle of sidereal Aries. This will bring out our creative and nurturing energy, as well as our sexuality and passion. Mars’ influence on Aries makes this is a very willful nakshatra, which will make us very headstrong this month. It also brings the courage and the will to purify ourselves and follow our hearts. Now is the time to birth your passions into being, and nurture what you want to see grow this season.
Bharani is also known as the “star of restraint,” due to Yama’s influence. “The bearer” is both the one who creates and nurtures, and the one who endures or bears hardships. Lord Yama relates to death as well as to spiritual discipline, which we often choose to undertake when the awareness of our ultimate death dawns in our consciousness. This is an excellent time to adopt and endure some self-discipline aimed at self-purification, as part of the process of nurturing your goals and creations.
You could synthesize these energies of Bharani by designing a new sadhana practice for yourself to support your goals, especially one that includes yogic regimens of self-restraint, such as a cleansing diet or a new exercise routine. With Sun exalted in Aries, we are compelled to purify ourselves, using Mars’ courageous energy to strengthen our health and our connection with source. It’s not too late for a spring cleanse (you may actually have more impetus to do one now than before). With Sun in Aries, we remember our inherent strength and connection, and our power to share that light by putting it into action. Aries gives us the courage to step into our power and shine our brightest.
Since Jupiter and Rahu are both still in the Sun’s sign of Leo, this also adds potency to the heated ideological debates still happening in the U.S. political campaign. Jupiter directs his aspect onto Sun, Moon, Venus, and retrograde Mercury, all in Aries on this new Moon. Don’t be surprised if some of the passions being birthed right now are sprung from extremist philosophical convictions. Because Jupiter is retrograde, many people have recently had a change of heart around their belief systems, and because Rahu is joining him, many of the philosophies recently adopted are radical and revolutionary.
Saturn and Mars are also both in retrograde motion, joined in sidereal Scorpio. This has been causing more than a few disruptions, and has shaken us into awareness of our fragility and the sudden changes that seem to keep happening throughout life. Since this is the 8th house from this new Moon in Aries, this just adds to the transformative energy for death and rebirth offered in this cycle.
Mars and Saturn will be joined in Scorpio through most of the summer, which is an unusually long conjunction for these two planets. It could be challenging, as both Saturn and Mars help to teach us the hard lessons in life. This Saturn retrograde transit is showing us where in life are reevaluating our long-term goals, and Mars adds the explosive fire of transformation to this process.
Last but not least, Mercury is also in retrograde motion, and joins Sun, Moon and Venus in Aries on this new Moon. This means we have the chance to go back and finish some communication or correspondence that was not yet finalized. On the other hand, it can also mean that some of your Mercurial efforts get a bit jumbled or delayed (missed appointments or overlooked messages). If that’s the case, try to tap into the patience that retrograde Saturn is trying to teach (after all it’s only 3 more weeks). You can bring forward the best that these planets have to offer, by engaging in quiet meditation or service for Saturn, and self-discipline for #Mars. This can help you to replace fear, anxiety and anger with wisdom and courage.
To help you understand how this awesome lineup of planets is affecting your chart, I’m offering personal Vedic astrology chart readings with an extra emphasis on the retrograde planets’ effects in your life.
by Somya Devi | Apr 18, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Events, Holy Days, Retrograde, Uncategorized
It’s an auspicious full Moon and Hanuman Jayanti this week! This full Moon falls at 8 degrees of sidereal Libra, opposite the exalted sun in Aries, and brings the celebration of Hanuman Jayanti (the birth of Lord Hanuman!). In Vedic astrology, the sky is divided into 27 sections. These are constellations or stars called nakshatras, and there is one for each night of the moon’s transit in a lunar cycle (they were said to be the 27 wives of the Moon). The nakshatras are even more specific than the 12 major constellations we know from Western astrology. Each nakshatra has a special significance and brings a powerful energy that is related to both a Vedic deity and a planet.
This full Moon will occur at 10:24 p.m. PDT this Thursday, April 21st, in the nakshatra called Swati, “the independent one.” The symbol of Swati is a young plant blowing in the wind. The energy of this star evokes our sense of independence, but also represents the struggle that we can feel while trying to assert our place in the world. Its deity is Vayu (wind personified), who is the father of Lord Hanuman, also associated with this star. Swati is related to the shadow planet Rahu, adding a deep psychological quality and offering the chance to tap into our hidden power (Rahu is often related to kundalini energy).
There is a large vata quality to this star, which can cause a restless mind. With the full Moon here, we may have a sense of our great internal potency, but feel a good deal of nervousness about it at the same time. We can ease our sense of agitation by channeling that energy into worship, and contemplating the qualities of Lord Hanuman. He demonstrates that even our restless monkey minds can be tamed through one-pointed focus on devotional service, such as he has. Swati is also the nakshatra where Saturn, the planet of service, reaches exaltation.
How fitting that this full Moon also brings the Hindu holiday Hanuman Jayanti! This is a time for celebrating Lord Hanuman’s divine qualities. Hanuman is the greatest devotee of Lord Ram, and exemplifies loving selfless service. He embodies many virtues, including service, strength, devotion, courage, humility, and morality. In some places, the celebration of Lord Hanuman’s birth will be even greater than that of Lord Rama’s (last week). This is because of the value we see in the qualities that arise in a devotee’s heart and mind through practicing love for one’s deity. These lead us into actions of love and service, and spread peace and happiness throughout the world.
How can we celebrate Hanuman Jayanti? Begin at sunrise, if possible, because that is when Hanuman was born. It is customary to fast from sunrise until sunset on Hanuman’s birthday. You can offer him sweets, bananas, flowers, prasad, puja, or mantra. The Hanuman Chalisa is the supreme Hanuman mantra. Chant a few or many of these throughout the day. For times when you can’t do that, simply chanting the name Ram (aloud or silently) will also be a potent offering into the collective consciousness of prayer on this day. The power of prayer increases exponentially with more people joining in unison. You can also read passages from the Ramayana.
Many temples will be celebrating Hanuman Jayanti on the 21st (in North America), the actual Chaitra Purnima (the 15th moon phase of this lunar month, Chaitra), but some are hosting gatherings on the weekend to offer more devotees the chance to commune. (Note: In India, this year’s full Moon and Hanuman Jayanti falls on April 22nd.)
Other influences to be aware of this full Moon:
Moon is being lit from across the earth by an exalted Sun, who is now transiting Aries’ part of the sky. With sun in the powerful sign of Aries, ruled by Mars, we have the courage to share our light and our power, and to purify ourselves with the discipline of Mars and the inspiring energy of Sun. Purification can definitely include turning your attention onto your physical health this month. Now is a great time to reignite your exercise routine and do some dietary cleansing to strengthen your physical body. As yoginis know, the body is the vessel for the soul, so taking care of your temple will also create a purification of mind and heart, and a vibrancy of spirit. This placement also strongly supports cultivating some yogic discipline. The energy of the full Moon falling in Libra reminds us to find balance while pursuing energetic purification.
Expect some potential intensity, as well, because Aries’ ruler Mars has just turned retrograde, and is now headed back towards an also-retrograde Saturn (from our vantage point on Earth). Both are in sidereal Scorpio. This could create some conflicts, both internally and externally. Saturn puts on the pressure and tries to make us slow down, proceed with caution, and re-evaluate our commitment to long-term goals, especially around how we approach internal transformation. He urges us to seek enduring structure to support our deep-seated vulnerability. Mars, on the other hand, wants us to take courageous, warrior-like action, and immediately destroy anything that is standing in the way of overcoming our fears. The combination of these two is like pressing the gas and the brakes at the same time, creating a potentially explosive situation.
Rahu and retrograde Jupiter are still joined in Leo (you can see Jupiter there every night), and continue to foster a period of extremist beliefs on both personal and societal levels. Watch out for self-righteousness. For some good news, on the other hand, Venus is in his nakshatra of exaltation at the moment (Revati). This gives us the chance to elevate some of our earthly sensual desires into desires for spiritual upliftment and liberation from material focus. At the same time, if you have a tendency to escape reality or go overboard into dreamland, you may find yourself taking that to the extreme right now.

Vedic Astrology chart for Full Moon on April 21st/22nd 2016