by Somya Devi | Jan 12, 2021 | Astrology, Holy Days
New Moon January 2021
We have another Dark Moon tonight under which the Sun and Moon align at the very end of one sign (Sagittarius), setting the tone for a month that blends and bridges the energy of two signs as the Sun spends most of this cycle in sidereal Capricorn. The exact New Moon moment is at midnight Eastern time on January 13th (between January 12th and 13th), with the Sun and Moon coming together at 29 degrees and 6 minutes of sidereal Sagittarius. The last lunar cycle began in December with a solar eclipse as the Sun and Moon joined in the very end of sidereal Scorpio.
Sagittarius-Capricorn cycle
With the New Moon moment happening in Sagittarius, hours before both Sun and Moon transit into Capricorn, the coming month will carry the energy of both signs. Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, inspiring us to act on our beliefs and put these into the world through righteous action, standing up for what we believe in and aligning our actions with our vision.
This lunar cycle frees us from the energy of the eclipses of this cycle. When Sun moves into Capricorn, however, we will continue to feel the pressure of Saturn that has been strong over the last year while he has been transiting his own sign. Sun, Jupiter and Saturn will all be joined in Capricorn over the next month (with Mercury and Venus both spending much of it there as well). As Jupiter and Saturn become combust (they are now so close to the Sun as to be barely visible), they may lose some power… The sense of restriction that we feel could be alleviated this month, but our ability to be steadfast and endure difficulties is also weakened, as well as our sense of inspiration with Jupiter going out of sight.
Capricorn energy is about finding stability and the inner strength to work hard for our responsibilities and the structures that sustain us. A feminine earth sign, we can look towards our internal resources this month and make sure we are using our energy for what is most important.

US Politics
The solar eclipse of the last cycle led into a full Moon in Ardra nakshatra, a star that often brings violence and turbulence forward, especially when associating with the nodes or an eclipse. The violence at the US Capitol during the waning part of the last cycle could be associated with the tone under which the cycle began (dark eclipse energy in transformative Scorpio), combined with the subsequent full Moon in Ardra, still afflicted by the energy of the eclipse.
As the natural 10th sign, Capricorn in the world chart directly relates to government. With four planets here in the coming days (Juipter, Saturn, Sun, and Mercury), there is a lot of pressure (Saturn) on now to create a government, structures, and leaders that will sustain the world, be inspiring, and purify the energy of authority. This bodes well for the US presidential transition in general. On January 20th Moon will be in Ashwini, the first nakshatra, a good placement for transitions.
He will, however, be joining Mars, who is the brightest planet in the sky over the next few weeks. With Mars bright and Saturn and Jupiter nearly out of sight, there is definitely potential for more violence to come (especially having the Moon joined Mars on January 20th itself). Saturn becomes highly combust that day as he goes within 3 degrees of the Sun, which cripples authority structures a bit, as well as our ability to use restraint. Hopefully the powerful energy of the Sun itself in the 10th house of this day’s world chart (and Moon chart) is enough to bring a sattvic purifying energy to the realm of government, with help from Jupiter who is neecha bangha and slightly brighter than Saturn.
Makara Sankranti
The day the Sun goes into Capricorn (January 13th/14th) begins the Hindu solar month of Makara. There is a Hindu celebration in India in honor of “the return of the light,” as we begin the first month after the winter solstice. This is an auspicious time for new beginnings and calling blessings into our lives.
by Somya Devi | Dec 29, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions
Full Moon in Ardra Nakshatra
The full Moon peaks near 15 degrees sidereal Gemini, opposite a Sun and Mercury in sidereal Sagittarius, tonight at 10:28pm EST. The Moon is full in the Vedic nakshatra of Ardra, the “moist one,” a stormy and turbulent place in the zodiac. Saturn and Jupiter are still within one degree but growing further apart tomorrow, ending the planetary war they have waged since December 12th. The Moon will wane its way into the New Year before beginning the first lunar cycle of 2021 on January 13th.
Gemini Full Moon
The lunar cycle began with Sun and Moon at the tail end of Scorpio, in the gandanta zone that bridges Scorpio and Sag’, before moving into Sagittarius soon after for a Sun cycle with flavors of both signs. With the Sun in Sagittarius we try to find our power by aligning our actions with our beliefs, seeking higher purpose in a set of teachings or philosophy that speaks to and inspires us.
With the full Moon illuminated in Gemini, we check in with our Mercurial side, searching for what is practical and fun rather than more serious and “important” feeling. Gemini helps us to see both sides of the coin, or to step into someone else’s shoes, which can help us to see past our own staunch belief systems by which we try to live. It can help us to be a little more flexible, and a little bit less dogmatic, in an age that feels so philosophically polarized across the globe. Hopefully this can help set the tone in the new year, giving us the ability to both live by our beliefs while being willing to dialogue and consider those that are opposite.

Ardra Nakshatra
Ardra itself is a stormy and turbulent place in the zodiac. It is ruled by Rudra, a fierce form of Lord Shiva, and is associated with many violent and explosive moments throughout history. With the full Moon here we could see acts of outrage, or literal storms that may ravage some parts of the world tonight. Represented by a teardrop, this nakshatra elicits the sensation of grief… grief that must be processed in order for us to move forward. Under the illumination of this full Moon it is a good time to examine your own grief and allow the heart to churn it through so that something new may grow.
Jupiter-Saturn conjunction
The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction turned into a planetary war from December 12th through 30th, while the two planets transit sidereal Capricorn within one degree of one another. Both may have suffered because of this … Saturn, who has put the pressure on this year as he transits his own sign, was probably not able to hold most people in total “lockdown” mode this month as many broke free of his fetters and enjoyed the holidays, whether still in their homes/pods or associating with more friends and family. Jupiter, the giver of hope and inspiration, was also suffering due to the war, and is also debilitated under Saturn’s rule here. The two made a glorious visual in the night sky over the past few weeks, coming closer in conjunction than they have in 800 years.
They will continue to transit Capricorn in conjunction until Jupiter enters sidereal Aquarius on April 5th, until a retrograde cycle sends him back into Capricorn from September 14th through November 20th. Jupiter is debilitated here and though he gets a bit of a boost from Saturn, inspiration, hope, and education will flourish more while he is in Aquarius rather than with Saturn in Capricorn.
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by Somya Devi | Aug 3, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Full Moon August 2020
The full Moon peaks today at 8:59 am PDT, joining a bright retrograde Saturn in his home sign of sidereal Capricorn. This Moon is fully illuminated opposite the Cancer Sun, highlighting for us the contrast between Cancer (living in the heart’s compassionate nature, guided by the mind and emotions) and Capricorn (looking at the serious responsibilities and consequences of our choices on the earthly plane). This full Moon aligns with the Vedic nakshatra of Shravana, the star of listening.
Capricorn Full Moon
Capricorn is Saturn’s earthly feminine (inward-facing) sign, wherein we look deeply at what is most important for us in the long-run on the material plane. Health, home, family, and ultimately, the protection of our sacred spirits are things that we must work hard to protect and create enduring structures to help them sustain over time. Capricorn teaches us about responsibility and sacrifice. At a societal level, we are seeing Saturn’s strong influence here pushing us to create structural change in the bodies of governance and sustenance… paring down authority that is corrupt in favor of systems that actually nourish humanity more broadly.
This is in contrast to the energy of the Cancer lunar cycle that we are in, as Sun travels through sidereal Cancer. Cancer is the sign of the mother, the heart, the lungs, and the arms, and teaches us to welcome all into our embrace with compassion and care. On an earthly plane, however (and under Saturn’s gaze), we may realize that we need to be more discerning as to whom and what we welcome, and step into the role of the firm and disciplining mother who says no to things that are not for our highest good overall.
Shravana nakshatra is the star of “hearing,” symbolized by an ear. It relates to hearing and listening deeply. As Saturn takes his firm stance on our heads this month, what messages are you hearing under that weight? His tone is that of the old wise person encouraging us to grow up and step into a role of responsibility taking care of ourselves and whom and what we value the most. Sravana’s deity is Vishnu, the sustainer, and we can connect with his energy this full Moon as we listen for ways to become more sustainable in our own lives and as a society.

Venus with Rahu
Venus has transited into sidereal Gemini, leaving his long stint in his home sign of Taurus. As Venus joins Rahu, look for potential disturbances in romantic relationships, as well as mother nature. Both planets find themselves within one degree in Mrigashira nakshatra, a sign of wandering, so watch out for your desires wandering. There’s a chance you may encounter a voracious appetite for sensory indulgences—food, drink, sex, drugs—that are outside your normal range of consumption. If you can, channel this into an intense appreciation of nature, art, or music, or do some serious work on your relationships, to satisfy this combination.
Rahu-Ketu Transit Approaching
We are nearing the end of the transit of Rahu and Ketu through Gemini and Sagittarius, respectively, as the two will move into Taurus and Scorpio next month. Whatever house axis this is for you is where you have been most challenged to dig into your own shadows or blind spots over the last two years. These last few months are a time for integrating the lessons you have learned, as we prepare for a new axis to be stimulated by the nodal transit that begins in the end of September.
Gayatri Jayanti & Krishna Janmastami
Today is observed as Gayatri Jayanti in South India, the birth celebration of Goddess Gayatri, an embodiment of sunlight and the mother of the Vedas. It is a good time to chant the Gayatri mantra, especially around sunrise and sunset.
August 11th brings Krishna Janmastami, the celebration of the birth of Lord Krishna, the embodiment of divine love, kindness, compassion and playfulness.
by Somya Devi | May 6, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Full Moon May 2020
The full Moon peaks tonight at 3:45 am PT (early on Thursday, May 7th) in the nakshatra Vishaka near the end of sidereal Libra. This star is known as “the forked” branches which represent our finding ourselves at a crossroads where we must choose from two directions. In sidereal Libra, we are thinking strongly about balance and compromise, amidst an Aries Sun cycle that highlights individuality. In the coming week, we will see three planets head into Retrograde motion.
Libra Full Moon
Libra or Tula is the sign of the scales, representing the need to weigh and balance things to achieve an equilibrium in our lives. It is ruled by Venus, who is currently strong from his sva position, transiting his own sign of Taurus. Venus compels us to lead with the heart’s desires, to find beauty and happiness over all else. This could be a welcomed influence this week as we have been so heavily under the influence of a strong Saturn and Mars for the last several weeks.
The Full Moon in Libra is opposite a strong, exalted Sun in Aries. This position began an Aries cycle for us on April 22nd. The Aries cycle highlights strength and individuality, but with its ruler Mars in conjunction with Saturn (in Capricorn) for the last six weeks, that individuality took on a much more disciplinarian (and literally isolated) tone. There has been a tight grip of discipline over society through this time (since March 22nd), which may be easing up somewhat now that Mars has moved out of Capricorn (May 4th). Saturn will continue to reign there for the next two years, however, which could keep an air of restriction over society through that time.
Vishaka nakshatra bridges the end of Libra and the very beginning of Scorpio. Known as “the forked one” it is often depicted by forked branches, showing the opportunity for growth by choosing one of two directions. Its rulers are Indra and Agni, the chief of the gods and fire personified, showing the great strength that comes once one of those directions is chosen. We can find a strong devotion under this Vishaka full Moon, if we choose to channel our energy towards our higher purpose.

Upcoming Retrogrades: Saturn, Venus, Jupiter
Over the next week three planets will appear to slow down and reverse direction, entering retrograde motion from our perspective here on earth: Saturn on May 10th (through September 28th), Venus on May 12th (through June 24th), and Jupiter on May 14th (through September 12th). Saturn and Jupiter are actually coming closer to the earth as they enter retrograde motion, and will be approaching their brightest in the sky when they are fully opposite the Sun in a couple of months (mid-way through their retrograde cycles). Retrogression actually lends a certain strength to planets because of this proximity and brightness, so it’s not all to be feared!
The qualities of these planets may become even more intense while we will experience their influence in a more inward manner during retrogression. Saturn, for example, has been teaching us about structure and discipline, and making tough decisions in favor of long term goals. This will continue as he goes through this period of retrogression in Capricorn, but we may begin to look more to ourselves for that discipline, rather than simply feeling burdened to it by the outside forces. With Mars moving out of Capricorn and rules loosening, for example, it is now on us to consider deeply what are the best decisions for our futures. Some sacrifices may be needed as Saturn teaches us about endurance, patience, and personal restriction.
With Jupiter brightening and approaching through his retrograde cycle, our ideas and ideals come under personal scrutiny. It can be an opportunity for our faith to brighten, while also giving us a chance to check in with our worldview in general. As the outside world is changing, is there room for our inner convictions to adapt?
Venus’s retrogression from May 12th through June 24th will cause him to remain in his own sign of Taurus for over four months, spanning from March 28th through July 31st. Under retrograde Venus we slow down and take a deep look at our most significant relationships, especially familial relationships as Venus transits the sign of Taurus. It’s often a time when we get a “blast from the past” and check in with or hear from people with whom we have not spoken for a long time. It’s also an important time to take a look at your intake, and how you relate with luxury and material things. Though these things can be favorable with Venus in Taurus, during retrogression you may notice that you have amassed more than you really need.
*Personal readings are back on but are limited. Click Here to Schedule Now
by Somya Devi | Apr 6, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Full Moon April 2020 and Covid Crisis
The full Moon will rise as the sun sets on April 7th, reaching its maximum brightness at 7:35 pm PDT. Moonrise varies depending upon your location, but in San Francisco the Moon will rise at 7:28, with the Sun setting at 7:39. This will be a beautiful sight, aligned with sidereal Virgo, which will not be visible until later in the night.
Catching Up
Since I’ve been on mostly on maternity leave since October, I’ve honestly been focusing much more on the little being in front of me than on the planetary positions. I relate with the planets in small, personal ways each day according to the days of the week, and the Moon cycle in general, and I charted the year to see what major movements would be happening. And though I analyze the current planetary positions in relationship to natal charts when I’m doing personal readings, I thus far never got the chance to put together any year-long analysis or predictions.
To be blunt … I honestly didn’t see these current events coming. I wanted to make sure I could at least visit the Covid Crisis in my next newsletter, and with baby life, sheltering-in-place, and an Ayurvedic spring cleanse on my plate a few weeks ago, I decided to skip offering the last new Moon update rather than send it out without taking the time to include this info. So, although I’m sure this situation can withstand much deeper analysis than I can offer during these few hours of sleeping baby (and many more decades of study than I have under my belt), here goes…
Covid Crisis
Let’s start with Saturn. Saturn takes about 2.5 years to transit each sign, meaning it takes him 30 years to transit around the entire zodiac (this is why “Saturn’s return,” i.e. when he returns to the sign he was in during your birth, happens beginning around 27.5-30 years of age). Saturn is the old wise person of the zodiac, the one who teaches us about the long-term consequences of our actions, and about the hard work and commitment it takes to reach our goals. When he comes around, it feels like he sits on your head, putting the pressure on and bringing an air of stern seriousness. “Time to grow up,” says Saturn.
On January 23rd of this year, he returned to his own sign of Capricorn (sidereal). Earth-sign Capricorn is where he teaches us about responsibility and structure. Where we have not been responsible, or where structures we have created are too weak, he will show us this now that he has come back home to oversee things in these areas. Crumbling infrastructure, therefore, is one possible result of this homecoming.
Capricorn is the natural tenth house, and therefore the tenth house for a chart of the entire world. Tenth house relates to government, commerce, and all the activities going on “out in the world” in the middle of the day. Saturn often brings restriction, and a sense of things drying up, so with his return here, we are seeing immense restriction on all 10th-house matters on a global scale, where we literally cannot go out in the world, and careers and commerce are suffering. The pressure is on governments to step up to the responsibility and create new structures to help us through this time.
Saturn will be transiting through this sign through January, 2023 (minus a couple of months in Aquarius mid-2022). We can expect to see some major restructuring in governments and commerce through this time. It is my hope that we end up with systems and structures that are more sustainable, more responsible for the whole. Capricorn is a feminine earth sign that, like a mother, wants to see all her children supported and sustained.
Also in January of this year, on the 15th, Ketu transited into Mula nakshatra, “the root” star at the beginning of sidereal Sagittarius. (Since Ketu moves backwards, he is counting down the degrees of Sagittarius on his way out and into Scorpio in September). Having been joined with Saturn for much of last year in Sagittarius, the combination stirred the pot in the world stage of ideology, pinning many philosophical groups against one another and causing us to analyze our own beliefs and toss out the parts that do not work. Now that Ketu is in the root of the zodiac (literally aligned with the galactic center), he is asking us to dive even deeper into what we believe in—philosophically, spiritually, politically.
Jupiter is currently the bridge between the two houses of Sagittarius and Capricorn, ruling the former (with Ketu in it), and transiting the latter (with ruler Saturn occupying it). This connects Jupiter, Saturn, and Ketu once again, as the three were joined in Sagittarius during part of the end of the year. Connecting Sagittarius and Capricorn connects the 9th and 10th house matters — the ideology of humanity at large, and the manifestation of it on the world stage (in a personal chart, it connects your higher education with your career, and your personal belief system with your outward actions in the world).
This will contribute what can be seen as a paradigm shift as the outward restructuring happens: ideologies that are old and no longer serving are coming face to face with the structures that can no longer support the world’s population to thrive. It may be my own Jupiterian idealism speaking, but I think we will see the dominant framework of corrupt capitalism usurped by one that cherishes all of humanity and cares for us and the earth herself as well. Now there’s some wonkiness due to Jupiter’s technical debilitation in Capricorn, and I’ll talk more about that a bit later…
Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn
Mars in the mix means the warrior energy is there. Mars is currently transiting Capricorn along with Jupiter and Saturn (from March 22nd through May 4th, all 3 are together here). So here’s the deal: Saturn rules Capricorn, and he’s strong here (teaching lessons outlined above, i.e. fix broken structures). Mars is considered exalted in Capricorn, meaning he’s also strong here. It’s where he’s best able to execute his warrior nature under the rulership of “consider-the-consequences” Saturn. Mars finds discipline in this sign, meaning our fiery energy (or that of mother earth) can be channeled toward a specific long-term goal, rather than just exploding out erratically. It can still feel like a war though. (On a personal level, this is a great month to recommit to sadhana, yoga, exercise, or any other practice that requires focus, endurance, and commitment.)
Jupiter is in fact technically debilitated when he’s traveling through Capricorn… This may be what is contributing to what feels like a lack of hope or faith for many people right now. Jupiter gives us these qualities through his expansive nature, but in restrictive, practical Capricorn, optimism is overshadowed by the harsh qualities of what we must endure the real world. He’s dancing with two strong malefics, while debilitated, which is giving the stern hand of Saturn and the fierce sword of Mars seemingly insurmountable power over our inner sense of grace and cheer.
However, because he’s joining both his ruler, Saturn, and an exalted planet, Mars, Jupiter’s debilitation here is also technically doubly neecha bhangha, or heavily modified. That means there’s a chance for the hope and optimism to be uplifted, or for the philosophy to be progressively modified, allowing the positive qualities of all three planets to harmonize. That means our faith could be gradually restored by the courage and strength of Mars and the maturity and endurance of Saturn. It leads me to believe that the situation will not result in the worst-case scenarios that many of us may be imagining right now.
Venus is also strong right now, traveling through his home sign of Taurus (since March 28th). Mother Nature is actually prospering right now, through the lack of air and vehicle travel that is taking place. The skies and lands and waters are actually cleaner than they have been in decades. We are also seeing a lot of person-to-person cooperation all across the globe. There is a sense of friendliness, of neighborliness, of shared humanity during this time of crisis. Venus is spending quite a few months strong this year, as he will turn retrograde on May 12th and remain in Taurus through July 31st. This is a time for kindness, compromise, and caring for nature. I think there will be some reconsideration of our approach to these things during the retrograde period (May 12th through June 24th), and some powerful signs of progress coming out of the tail end of this transit.
Saturn will turn retrograde in Capricorn on May 10th, Venus will turn retrograde in Taurus on May 12th, and Jupiter will turn retrograde, also in Capricorn, on May 14th. This gives strength to all three, and also brings forward a reflective quality around the things that they rule. The structures, the cooperation, and the philosophies by which we live will be under review and revision on a large scale (again, especially due to the positions of Saturn and Jupiter in the 10th and 9th natural houses). Jupiter returns to his own sign of Sagittarius on June 29th, which should feel like a grace-given sigh of relief. Of course, there are still the eclipses to contend with … June 5th, June 21st, and July 4th (more on these in an upcoming newsletter). Things tend to settle down after an eclipse cycle passes, so let’s say that sigh can be completely let out after July 4th.

Full Moon in Virgo
This week, the Moon is coming full in Virgo, the sign of details and control, opposite the Sun who is transiting through Pisces. The Pisces cycle simultaneously makes us feel alone and distant, while also bringing us closer to our faith in and surrender to a higher power. The full Moon in Virgo reminds us of all of the practical and rational things that we need to do, taking care of life’s details, while we are in a mindset of looking for higher answers. Balance is key. Depending on your nature this can be one of the hardest axes to find balance within, whether you tend towards the Jupiterian or Mercurial side of things. As Mercury is currently debilitated in Pisces, we may find it harder to stay focused right now but the full Moon is an opportunity to do so.
This full Moon is in the Vedic nakshatra of Chitra, “the brilliant.” It aligns with Spica in Virgo, one of the brightest shining stars in the sky. It is the sign of the celestial architect, Vishvakarma, so is also very much about structure, or restructure. There is a beauty here, and a love of art and romance. It bridges Virgo and Libra, so the full Moon here encourages us to move from attempts at strict order toward divine balance.
Hanuman Jayanti
Today’s full Moon also brings Hanuman Jayanti, a celebration of Lord Hanuman, Lord Ram’s greatest devotee. Now more than ever we need to call on his endless well of faith, devotion, humility, and service. This year staying home is the greatest service many of us can do, so let us do it not reluctantly but as an offering to the world and all of humanity.
I promise to continue my analysis of the situation and the rest of this year’s unfolding as time continues and allows. Again, I may be biased, as we all are based on our natal planets, but as your Jupiter-driven friend, I’d say, keep the faith.
May all beings be happy and at peace. 🙏🏼
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