by Somya Devi | Mar 4, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Events, Holy Days
This coming New Moon on March 8th packs a powerful punch, bringing with it a groundbreaking total solar eclipse. This will be the first in a series of eclipses to occur with the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, on the sidereal Leo-Aquarius axis. The nodes moved into these signs at the end of January and will transit here until August of 2017, affecting us deeply in whatever areas of our lives are influenced in our personal charts. We will experience 3 eclipse cycles (pairs of eclipses, one solar and one lunar) during this transit–one now, one in September, and one in February of 2017. (Don’t miss my Free E-Book with lots of info on this transit and how it will affect your sign!)
This solar eclipse on the New Moon will set the tone for a tumultuous lunar cycle. The New Moon cycle begins at 5:54pm PST on March 8th, in sidereal Aquarius. The total solar eclipse (peaking around the same time) will be visible from Southeast Asia, most of Australia, the South Pacific and Indian Oceans and Hawaii. The effects will be most perceptible in these areas, but everyone will feel the disturbance at some level.
During the eclipse, the Sun’s light will be blocked out as he and the Moon align with Ketu, who casts a shadow of self-doubt and criticism on the planet of vitality. The results will be feelings of confusion and disconnection from our sense of strength, individual power, and our connection with Source (all things represented by the Sun). This is adding to our already diminished sense of personal empowerment that can come while Sun is in Aquarius, the sign of service and humility.
This solar eclipse, as well as the lunar eclipse to follow on March 23rd, will bring up a lot of our personal shadows around the quest for equilibrium between universal service and self-empowerment. This theme will continue through the broader year-and-a-half eclipse cycle we have entered.
At the time of the eclipse, Mercury and Venus join the Sun, Moon, and Ketu in Aquarius. This will add Ketu’s feelings of confusion, doubt, and aversion to our collective emotional body (the Moon), to our intellectual and analytical side (Mercury), and to our desirous, pleasure-seeking nature (Venus).
Don’t be surprised to see a chaotic departure from inner peace, rational thinking, and cooperative behavior around this eclipse.
This could be aggravated even more by Jupiter and Rahu, who oppose this New Moon cluster from Leo. Their conjunct energies are causing folks to become more and more amped up and self-righteous over their principles and beliefs. (Polarized election madness!) Saturn aspects the duo from his menacing position, joined Mars, in Scorpio, which puts the pressure on even more.
Mars casts his aspect onto the stellium in Aquarius. This could throw some fuel on the potentially explosive fire of transformation that is happening there with the eclipse. Mars in Scorpio gives us the chance to bring forth our warrior-like courage, which we will need in facing all of the disturbance and potential change arising.
This eclipse occurs with Sun, Moon and Ketu in the Vedic nakshatra called Purvabhadrapada. This star-sign falls on the constellation well-known as Pegasus (on the stars Alpha-Pegasi and Beta-Pegasi), bridging the Aquarius and Pisces regions of the sky. As such its symbol is a funeral cot, or bed, related to the fire of purification. This helps to prepare us to enter the darkness of the unknown to be met in Pisces.
The eclipse here will drive us strongly towards purification and transformation. This is for our higher purpose and spiritual development, but it may not be without some difficulty. The deity for this nakshatra is Aja-Ekapada (“the one-footed goat”), who is related to Rudra, a destructive aspect of Lord Shiva. This star is associated with darkness and black magic, which lays the groundwork for a very powerful eclipse.
Eclipses are times when we can literally see shadows in the sky, and they are opportunities to see the ugly psychological shadows lurking in our own subconscious. These need to be uncovered and released so we can free ourselves from them. This is a very important time to do sadhana (spiritual practice) and Self-inquiry, so we can know ourselves better and become enlightened by this gift of seeing what is normally in the dark.
This opportunity is amplified because Sunday night (Pacific, Monday in India) brings the Hindu holy time known as Maha Shivaratri (“the great night of Lord Shiva”). This is the most auspicious night to offer oneself into spiritual practice, in worship of Divine Consciousness. It is typical to stay up all night, fasting and engaging in worship such as mantra, chanting, meditation, and puja. With the eclipse so close at hand, this is an extremely potent time to call upon the light of consciousness and purification.
In Vedic tradition it is thought that the negative energy of the nodes pervades the atmosphere during the time of the eclipse, and it is therefore best not to eat or drink during this time. (The eclipse window is from 3:19pm to 8:34pm PST.) It is also best to refrain from looking at the eclipse directly, or being outside in its atmosphere, especially if you are somewhere the eclipse will be visible.
One more thing to add to the mix on this powerful New Moon: March 8th is also International Women’s Day! Let’s use this transformative time to honor and elevate the sisters, mothers and daughters of this world!
As a special gift to help you navigate through this time, I’ve put together a Free e-Book on Rahu, Ketu, and the Eclipses for the 12 Vedic Rising Signs , which includes a forecast for your personal sign!
Eclipse periods are some of the best times to book a personal reading to help you to understand your personal karma and to process the energy brought up by the nodes.
Top Image Credit: “Eclipsed? Not totally” by James Jordan, CC license Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic
by Somya Devi | Feb 18, 2016 | Uncategorized
There will be a powerful Full Moon on Sunday night, leading up to its peak on the morning of February 22nd at 10:19am PST. This full Moon falls in sidereal Leo, opposing the Sun in sidereal Aquarius. The Moon joins a heavy influence from Jupiter and Rahu, who sit near the end of Leo, ingraining a headstrong movement towards power and responsibility. Meanwhile, the Sun may feel the shadow energy of south-node Ketu joining him in Aquarius, which can bring forth contraction of the physical body or of our sense of connection with spirit.
This full Moon in Leo will really light up our sense of personal power and duty. We are able to get in touch with the emotional sensation that surrounds us when we feel responsible, in charge, and accomplished. This may come as the bounty of an active time of service, as Sun in Aquarius has motivated us to take our bodies and actions towards a place of universal service this month (though we may have neglected self-care a little in the process). We may have felt some confusion around this effort due to Ketu’s recent transit into Aquarius, and Rahu’s into Leo.
Any shadows in our personal subconscious around the relationship between service and personal power are likely to start coming to light now. We must look for how to achieve a symbiotic balance between the two, rather than pin them in our minds as a discordant opposition. Jupiter’s and Rahu’s presence in Leo can amplify any feelings of lust for personal power or greed, which are likely to flare up around this full Moon if we aren’t mindful. The key now is to activate a healthy and complementary interaction between empowered leadership and care for our own “kingdom,” and inspired, humble universal service.
We will really begin to feel the shadows of this opposition (Aquarian vs. Leonine energy) over the next two weeks as we approach an eclipse on this axis on March 8th (around 6pm PST). There are some areas of life where we may go to extremes and allow the call to duty and responsibility to become a greedy power-quest, whereas at other times we may get lost in our grand ideas for humanity and neglect responsibilities that are closer to home. You may realize that you have underlying motivations to possess and harness personal power through so-called acts selfless service, or that you are avoiding allowing your unique and individual expression of divine spirit to shine through in your crusade to enlighten the planet. There is a time and place for both service and empowerment; self-love and universal love are both necessary ingredients for a truly loving existence.
Investigating these themes will continue for the next year-and-a-half, as long as Rahu and Ketu, the north and south nodes of the Moon, transit these signs. Whatever houses these are in your personal chart will be affected, and it’s likely that you will go through a lot of change and revelation in whatever areas of life these are for you. The upcoming eclipses will amplify this energy and give you a good look at what personal work needs to be done throughout the coming year.**
This full Moon is on the Vedic nakshatra (star-sign) called Magha, “the mighty.” Falling across the first thirteen degrees of Leo, this constellation summons forth the kingly, divine stature of the Sun (Leo’s ruler). Magha constellation was often interpreted as a throne, and other times as a Lion. It is one of the brightest nakshatras in the sky, evocative of its royal nature. The deities for this star are the Pitris–“the fathers,” or, our ancient ancestors. This is a powerful full Moon for calling forth ancestral wisdom and knowledge. Furthermore, this star is ruled by Ketu, who also relates to deep-seated subconscious wisdom that may have come from past lives or ancestors.
This full Moon is also receiving a drishti (glance, or aspect) from Saturn, which could be helpful as he reminds us to slow down and not get too headstrong in our grabs for power and responsibility. The Sun receives a drishti from Mars, which may help to rev up our vitality a bit while the solar giant sits with the fatigue-inducing Ketu. Mars will have just transited into Scorpio on February 20th, where he will join Saturn for the greater part of the summer, through September. This combination will bring a lot of intense energy to the sign of Scorpio, and whatever houses and planets lie there in your chart.
Eclipse cycles, as we are entering now, are very important times to boost or maintain your spiritual practice, so as not to feel tossed about by the powerful subconscious drives and changes that arise. Meditation, routine, and grounding practices are key, as these energies can tend to throw us off-balance. Lighting a candle is a particularly helpful part of practice to incorporate, to call forth illumination to the shadowy, smokey energy of the nodes, Rahu and Ketu.
**Eclipse cycles such as now are very helpful times to receive a personal reading to understand how you will feel affected individually. We will also cover what the Mars-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio means for you.
**I am sharing a free Rahu-Ketu report to help you understand the effects of this transit and the coming eclipses for each individual Vedic rising sign, available for free at
by Somya Devi | Dec 10, 2015 | Astrology
The new Moon cycle begins in the early hours of Friday, December 11th, at 2:30am PST. The Dark Moon night is December 10th, and is a good time to stay quiet and still and to prepare for the next cycle. Feeling introverted? With Sun and Moon in Scorpio, as well as Saturn, we’re likely to be feeling extra sensitive and inward both now and throughout this cycle, due to the nature of this sign.
Scorpio is a water sign–emotional, intuitive, and flowy, yet it’s also a fixed sign, which can keep us from surrendering to those waves of emotions at times. It’s ruled by Mars, a fiery planet, which adds intensity and passion to whatever we are feeling. It is also a feminine sign, which compels us to tune inward and reflect on our own energies and emotions. We’re more likely to keep them to ourselves and brew over them than to act out right now. With celestial energies gathered here, we’re not likely to take things lightly.
Scorpio energy is also potentially transformative, however. With Scorpio energies heightened we become aware of our vulnerability. We may feel intensely passionate towards some things (or people), but the emotional intuition and watery nature ultimately alerts us to the fact that everything ebbs and flows, and despite our desire to keep things fixed, there is always movement and change. The Martian energy of Scorpio helps us to face this awareness with courage, and to strengthen our capacity to go with the flow and accept our deepest desires and the emotional waves that accompany them.
Saturn is also in sidereal Scorpio with Sun and Moon, adding his influence to the new cycle. Saturn has sat here for a little over a year now. He is the planet that makes us aware of time, and how our choices will reverberate into the long term. Saturn in Scorpio has made us face our commitment to our own process of emotional strengthening and personal transformation. Saturn also relates to fear and pressure, and his influence here brings awareness of how we handle these things. His transit here is a great opportunity to face our fear, our vulnerability, and where we are most deeply sensitive, and to find the courage to make changes that will help us in the long term. This Moon cycle will also highlight that opportunity for self-examination and our commitment to transformation. Now is a good time to re-commit to the tools and practices you have chosen to assist your personal growth process.
This cycle begins with Sun and Moon joined near the end of sidereal Scorpio constellation, in the part of the sky called Jyeshtha in the Vedas. The deity for Jyeshtha is Indra, the King of the Gods, who is associated with storms and lightning, which also bring the power of purification and transformation. This star brings courage and the potential for great accomplishment. It also relates to Vishnu and his spinning disc (sudarshana chakra). While you are taking stock of your emotional body this month, consider how best to manage your own power. Personal health is still an important factor, as Sun joined with Saturn can put stress on our nervous system.
Venus remains in Libra, his own sign, which can add pleasantry and cooperation to our relationships. At the same time, however, Rahu and Mars are joined in Virgo, which can bring out anger or intensity with others when it comes to material organization (especially when the Moon transits here later this cycle). Jupiter in Leo is still bringing a lot of power to philosophical debates. He is now aspecting Mercury in Sagittarius as well, which will make us extra loquacious about this during the coming cycle. The new Moon in Jyeshtha nakshatra in sidereal Scorpio initiates a cycle where all of these energies are present.
The New Year is a great time to receive a personal reading to help you anticipate coming changes! It is also a great holiday gift to offer to loved ones.
by Somya Devi | Nov 23, 2015 | Astrology, Conjunctions
The Full Moon will peak on Wednesday, November 25th at 2:44pm PST. The night of the fullest waxing Moon is Tuesday, November 24th. This Full Moon occurs in Krittika nakshatra in the Vedic system, located where we identify the Pleiades cluster, near the mid-degrees of Taurus constellation. With the Sun in sidereal Scorpio, this full Moon will illuminate the opposing energies of Scorpio and Taurus. From the watery, emotional and uncertain depths of Scorpio, our divine light shines forth and onto the place in us that can achieve stability in the heart (Taurus).
This lunar cycle began with Sun in Libra, where we were reminded to take care of our health and vitality and that self-care is as important as caring for others. Since then, Sun has moved into Scorpio, joining Saturn, a vata planet. Saturn can feel drying and exhausting to the nervous system, so our physical strength and vitality may continue to be tested as Sun (our health and energy) joins him here. Saturn also tends to slow things down, so it is likely that our energy might feel like it just hit the brakes, even though Mars’ rulership of Scorpio fills us with the passion that makes us still want to do a lot. Try to take advantage of this alignment mindfully by consciously slowing yourself down and doing nourishing practices. Apply oil to the bottoms of your feet before bed and get as much rest as your body tells you it needs. Otherwise you may experience unwanted exhaustion that could be accompanied by illness.
With the divine light of the Sun emanating from sidereal Scorpio, we often feel the need to purify ourselves by peering into our deep emotional waters. We get to have a soul-experience this month like what Scorpio people have all the time. This can naturally be a bit scary, but Mars’ rulership here also brings us the courage it takes to face ourselves where we feel the most vulnerable. Saturn’s company here makes us look at what will really serve our spirit in the long term. This is a great opportunity for strengthening the vulnerable caverns of our hearts by facing fears.
Mercury, the planet of the intellect and communication, is also conjunct Sun and Saturn in Scorpio, so it’s a potent time for doing some serious communicating about your vulnerabilities. Call forth your Martian bravery before opening conversations (and watch that it isn’t just fear or uncertainty that does the talking). It’s okay to seek the support you need and to rely on expert advice that offers you tools for coping with delicate emotions. Meditation will also be a support that brings structure to the inner work that you’re doing.
The Moon is the planet of emotion that reflects the divine light of the Sun through the heart and interprets what it feels like to go through our human experiences. While we are working on facing and strengthening emotions and fears in Scorpio, the full Moon in Taurus will illuminate a sensation of emotional stability for us, through its fixed-earth qualities. With the Moon here, our hearts are reminded that we are safe and secure, despite whatever turbulent waves the emotions may go through while we are connecting with their depths.
The Moon will be full in Krittika nakshatra, the constellation commonly known as the Pleiades. Krittika is translated as “the cutter” and is represented by a razor or an axe. What needs to be cut away right now for you to feel peace in the heart? Its deities are Agni (fire personified) and Kartikeya (the Lord of War). Its ruling planet is the Sun, the ultimate purifier. All of this symbology indicates that with the full Moon here, we have the opportunity to bravely and boldly cut away what we don’t need and to stand in peaceful strength after forging through a purification process.
Whatever fears have come up as we face our vulnerability, regarding our physical or emotional strength (or lack thereof), now is the chance to offer ourselves to divine purification. The Moon is close to its point of exaltation (greatest strength) right now, and we are reminded that we can achieve emotional stability and evenness after the process occurs. This balancing point between Scorpio and Taurus is a powerful one, when we are able to recognize and tune into both our deep vulnerability as well as the stable energetic ground on which the divine universe offers us rest. Both Scorpio and Taurus are feminine, or reflective signs, showing that this full Moon will direct us towards taking personal inventory and Self-examination.
by Somya Devi | Jul 30, 2015 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
The Full Moon in sidereal Capricorn occurs tonight, in the early hours of July 31st, at 3:43 am PDT. It is called a “blue moon” in the West since it is the second full moon within a Gregorian calendar month (July). In Hindu culture this full Moon is celebrated as Guru Purnima. Purnima refers to the fullest-Moon lunar day each month, and in the lunar month of Ashadha (around June or July each year), it is called Guru Purnima. This is a day for celebrating our teachers (like Teachers’ Appreciation Day!), academic, artisanal, and especially the spiritual teacher or sat guru.
Guru is often translated as “remover of darkness,” and sometimes as “one who is devoid of form or qualities.” By imparting knowledge that we did not already possess, a teacher removes ignorance or darkness from our minds. An enlightened master or sat guru is one who has gone beyond all qualities where he or she perceives themselves as separate from the rest of creation. One who fully identifies with oneness is beyond the ego, and therefore fit to help guide others along the path to freedom from it. The goal of freedom from the ego is one way of describing the quest for happiness that is shared amongst all humans. When we become free from the grips of the small ego that separates everything into good and bad, my and mine, that leaves space to experience creation as the miracle of unity and love that it is. This ultimately fosters more bliss, peace, compassion and service, spreading happiness across the world like a bright beaming light.
We all have teachers that have helped illuminate the way to bliss, and tonight under the full Moon we celebrate them! Often, when we look up to someone as a spiritual teacher or sat guru, it is because we see in them the unity consciousness that we would like to feel within ourselves. They are a reflection of our own heart in its most open state. Last year on Guru Purnima, my teacher Amma put it beautifully: “Our inner relationship or bond of love with the guru is actually the unity we feel towards our own True Self—the Atman. So, we should not mistake the love or closeness we have towards our guru as mere external closeness. We are turning inwards and getting closer to our True Self because the guru is not the mere body. The guru is also the pure God consciousness that is beyond all names and forms. This is why attraction to the guru leads us to freedom” (Mata Amritanandamayi, July 12, 2014, Toronto).
This Guru Purnima falls in the Vedic nakshatra of Shravana. The symbolism of this star-sign is very fitting for Guru Purnima. One symbol of the star is the ear, which represents hearing, listening (especially for wisdom), and learning. Under the brightness of the Full Moon in this sign we can listen closely for the knowledge that is being offered from the universe and our teachers, both external and internal. Take some time in meditation this evening to see what you hear from the ethers.
The deity for Shravana is Lord Vishnu, and its other symbol is a set of three footprints, referring to Vishnu’s footprints. In one particular story, Vishnu took the form of a small boy called Vamana and went to visit Bali, a demon (asura) king who had taken over the three worlds. Bali was still devoted to the Lord and traditions, however, and so during a festival he upheld the rule that he would grant the wishes of any Brahmin who came to him.
Vishnu appeared as Vamana and requested three paces of land from Bali. When his wish was granted, he transformed from his small size to his true enormity that could cover the three worlds. With his first step he paced off earth and the underworld, with his second he covered heaven, and with his third he stepped on Bali’s head, who offered it in humility at that point. For this humility Vishnu offered him immortality. Shravana helps remind us, on Guru Purnima, the importance of humility to God and the grace that can be achieved through it. When we remember the power of the supreme divinity behind everything, and do our best to uphold dharma, only then can we be freed from the small self and gain immortality.
This full Moon is also the midpoint of a Cancer cycle which began with the New Moon on the cusp of Gemini and Cancer earlier this month. Watery, moon-ruled Cancer compels us to look into our nurturing, motherly sides, and may bring to our attention themes of the home and where we find our comfort emotionally. With the full Moon in Capricorn, on the opposite side of the zodiac, we feel the contrast of this energy with the Saturn-ruled earth sign, which compels us to be practical. Both signs are feminine and concerned with family. The Capricorn full Moon helps us to remember our responsibilities and how to go about them in a practical way, compelling us to seek a balance between earthy sensibility and our watery emotional body.

Mars moved into his debilitated placement in Cancer today, so we may feel a bit of the fire taken out of our guts while he transits this relaxed, tender sign. Venus is making his retrograde course back towards Jupiter in early Leo, where we’ll see the two meet again on August 3rd, bringing up a contrast between our values and desires. Saturn, who has been retrograde in sidereal Scorpio since mid-March, is stationing now and will slowly start moving forward again tomorrow, August 1st. His retrograde course gave us a chance to really look at and re-evaluate our commitment to transformation, and see what possible changes we needed to make in order to achieve our long-term goals within that realm. It’s likely that we have seen where we need more discipline, or detachment, in order to achieve the goals of our inner spiritual warrior (Scorpio). This is another great reason to celebrate our teachers right now, as we begin moving forward with the knowledge we have gained through retrograde Saturn.
Cancer and Capricorn represent a certain house axis for each Vedic rising sign, and the themes of this axis will be particularly potent in your own self-reflection this Full Moon. As well, it’s a good time to re-examine what houses Saturn rules for you, as well as what house Scorpio is in your chart. You’ll likely feel stronger clarity with the themes of these houses now, and they may feel “unstuck” compared to how they have been the last few months. Career energy as well as spiritual commitment may feel like they are back in forward-motion for many of us now. Take this time to give thanks for all your teachers, tune in with your inner ear for wisdom, and bask in the lovely moonlight of the Cancer-Capricorn axis tonight.