by Somya Devi | Mar 25, 2021 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs
Full Moon March 2021
The full Moon is in sidereal Virgo this Saturday night, coming in full opposition to the Sun at 2:48 pm ET on Sunday, March 28th. This full Moon is in the Vedic nakshatra of Hasta, “the hand,” signaling our opportunity to be more hands-on in crafting our own reality. The Sun joins an exalted Venus in Pisces, who is currently combust due to the close proximity of the two. Mars and Rahu are also in close conjunction, raising volatility in the world during this full Moon. Jupiter will soon transit into Aquarius, leaving his debilitated transit with Saturn.
Virgo Full Moon
The Sun is currently transiting Pisces, Jupiter’s water-sign that drives us to connect with our inner strength through deep emotional exploration, seeking a purpose greater than ourselves to which we can fully surrender. With Venus also in Pisces (exalted here), our hearts are yearning for this purpose and higher power. For some people, this alignment could stimulate a desire to escape the mundane world. There is the option to do this through intelligent means like spiritual practice and inward-looking journeys, or the potential to choose over-indulgence in escapist drugs, alcohol, or bed-pleasures. Some structured journey-work that integrates the two might be an opportunity this lunar cycle.
During the Virgo full-Moon, the Moon and our minds are illuminated with the energy of the sign that is opposite to Pisces’ deep-diving other-worldliness. In Virgo, we practice managing life’s details and being hands-on through our own efforts. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of the intellect, Virgo is an earth-sign where we figure out how to organize our lives sensibly, very much relying on the material plane to do so.
Hasta Nakshatra
Within Virgo, the Moon is full in the Vedic nakshatra of Hasta, “the hand.” Under this star we find our inner artisan, our craftiness, our skills at manipulating the world around us, both literally and figuratively. As we approach the coming Moon cycle, during which Sun will enter exaltation in Aries, and our impetus towards action and initiative will come alive brightly, we can try our hands at creating something we wish to manifest under the light of the Hasta full Moon. Hasta is ruled by the solar deity Savitri, and is also one of the Moon’s nakshatras, whose animal symbol is the powerful female buffalo.
Venus, Exalted and Combust
Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces because Pisces gives us the opportunity to align our desires, relationships, and pleasure-seeking (Venus) with something that aligns with our values and principles (Jupiter, Pisces’ ruler) and is bigger than or beyond our normal, waking, mundane lives (Pisces). Through this month of Venus’s Pisces transit, try to take the opportunity to re-align your romantic and pleasurable pursuits with that which gives you the most meaning, be it your spiritual or philosophical values or a sense of higher power in general.
During Venus’ combustion, however, the Sun is so close to Venus that we cannot see its light at all, and some of the pleasure of life may feel like it is being “burnt up” before it reaches us. Unfortunately, Venus is spending his entire time in Pisces combust this year. Venus has been highly combust (within 3 degrees of the Sun) since March 14th. He remains highly combust during his whole exalted stint in Pisces (March 16th – April 9th), save for the last few hours when he is still quite combust within 4 degrees of the Sun. This is good time to dig deep for the more austere pleasures of life… connecting with the divine energy that is still present even when worldly pleasure may not be.

Mars and Rahu
There has been an uptick in violence the past week as Mars and Rahu came closer and closer together. Their exact conjunction will be on the early morning of March 28th, the night of the full Moon, which could bring even more acts of terror or chaos. In Rohini nakshatra, a sign of commerce, this could have an impact on the stock market and might trigger some extreme volatility there, as well.
Jupiter Transit
Jupiter will transit from sidereal Capricorn into Pisces on April 5th, finally parting ways with Saturn after spending most of the year conjunct and under his debilitating rule in Capricorn. This transit could allow for more opportunity and inspiration in your life, especially in the areas ruled by Jupiter in your personal natal chart. It signals a progressive time for philosophies across society in general, and we can expect to see more progressive and less restrictive movements gaining traction across the world.
Jupiter will enter retrogression in June, putting him back in Capricorn in September for a while before he finally re-enters Aquarius again in November.
Personal Chart Readings with Coaching Are Available Here
by Somya Devi | Oct 15, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
New Moon and Navaratri
Tonight brings the dark Moon, coming towards a Moon-Sun alignment to begin a new Moon cycle on October 16th at 3:31 pm EDT, at the very end of sidereal Virgo (29°46’). This is also the start of the autumnal, Sharada or Maha Navaratri, which celebrates Goddess Durga and many forms of the goddess through on each of the first nine nights of the waxing Moon this month— October 16th through 24th in North America this year.
Lunar Cycle
Though the Sun and Moon align at the end of Virgo, they will move together into sidereal Libra only a few hours after the New Moon moment, thus beginning a lunar cycle with the Sun traveling through Libra. Libra energy is about balance. It is ruled by Venus, the planet of pleasure, harmony, and beauty. In a world that feels so imbalanced, our collective and individual energy will shift in ways that attempt to create greater balance, more compromise, and hopefully more harmony and beauty across the planet. The full Moon on October 31st will highlight Aries energy, Libra’s opposite, drawing us towards expressions of individual strength and will.
Sun Debilitated
The Sun is debilitated in Libra, because when we strive to compromise and take care of others we often do so at the expense of our own self-care. Remember that self-care is especially important this month when the Sun is at its weakest, and the seasons are changing from Pitta to Vata time across most of the northern hemisphere. In Ayurveda this seasonal junction is a good time to do some light cleansing but nothing that is too depleting as we move into vata time.
Mercury, Mars Retrograde
Mercury and Mars are still traveling in retrograde motion in Libra and Pisces, respectively. Mercury will station on November 3rd, election day in the U.S., sending his focused rays of attention and balance towards us. This could be favorable for bringing more rational and practical equilibrium into the political system. Mars will station and turn direct on November 11th, also directing some potent energy towards us, this time martial in nature which could stimulate some violence or fires, though not as drastic as we saw around his last station on October 3rd.

This new Moon aligns with the Sun under Chitra nakshatra, “the brilliant.” This star-sign correlates with Spica, the brightest star in the sky, and bridges Virgo and Libra. It is ruled by Vishvakarma, the celestial architect. Moving from Virgo to Libra it combines both the energy of precision and perfection with that of beauty and grace. What are you trying to construct in the world that could use more architectural precision as well as beauty? This is a good time to call in this energy and channel it into any projects on your plate. Be careful that your inspiration does not lead to overindulgence under this intense nakshtra, whose animal symbol is the female tiger.
Maha Navaratri
The New Moon this month brings one of the largest Hindu festivals of the year, Maha Navaratri. Navaratri means “the nine nights,” and beginning with the first Moon phase after the dark Moon, the Goddess Devi is celebrated through many forms for the following nine nights and ten days. In North America Navaratri will be celebrated from October 16th through October 25th, with October 25th being the 10th day of Victory (an auspicious time for starting new endeavors, after 9 nights of worship). In some places Navaratri celebrates the goddess Durga in nine of her forms, while in other parts of India the festival commemorates Durga/Kali, Lakshmi, and Sarasvati for three nights each.
Devi is the creatrix, the warrioress, the nurturer, the purifyer, the protector. She can be found in the innocent and fertile maiden as well as the wise and learned crone. She is both the nurturing mother, and the one who gives “tough love.” The impassioned lover, the devoted bhakta, the disciplined yogini. We see Devi appear through us in innumerable manifestations. Through her many forms, she teaches us and offers us countless blessings–love, compassion, courage, learning, discipline, surrender, success, enlightenment, and bliss.
This festival is a time for honoring and celebrating the supreme feminine power in all her glory, and the many blessings she bestows upon us. Stay tuned for daily updates on how to connect with the many forms of the Goddess.
by Somya Devi | Sep 30, 2020 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Full Moon October 1st 2020
The Moon waxes into fullness tonight during this purnima (full Moon) moon phase, reaching exact opposition to the Sun on October 1st at 2:05 pm PDT. The Full Moon is in sidereal Pisces, opposite a Sun who is traveling through sidereal Virgo. It will be in the Vedic nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada, a sign that forces us to dive deep and find inner transformation through purification (or cremation) by fire. Jupiter and Saturn have recently gone direct, and Mars moves slowly on his retrograde course.
Pisces Full Moon
Pisces is a water sign ruled by Jupiter. This is a place of deep feelings, big inspiration, and a longing for the things of our dreams and imaginations. This lunar cycle began with Sun and Moon in Virgo, setting a tone of practicality and an earthly influence, ushering us to slow down and assess whether the details of our life are in order. Under the Pisces Full Moon, the opposite side of us is illumated, wherein we allow our hearts to open wide into inspiration and higher purpose. Our biggest dreams and visions may not always be practical, but here we welcome the possibility of the impossible.
Those with a strong watery side may feel especially sensitive under the Pisces Full Moon. It is also a good time to connect with the spirit realm, while psychic forces are strong. Abstract art and work on the subconscious will be especially supported now… while those with escapist tendencies may find themselves really wanting to check out. Since the full Moon is a balancing point in the cycle, allow the earthy Virgoan energy in, and connect with something solid (like the earth itself) to make sure you remain embodied while you dive into the dreamscape.

Uttara Bhadrapada
Uttara Bhadrapada is the nakshatra (Vedic star-sign) that indicates fire and transformation, such as that of a funeral pyre. It is a place where we must learn to let go of mundane attachments and relates with the mystical energy of kundalini. We must be careful not to get lost in the rabbit hole here, but to forge determinedly into the depths instead.
Jupiter and Saturn Direct, Mars and Mercury Retrograde
Uttara Bhadrapada is ruled by Jupiter, who stationed and began his direct motion on September 12th. With Jupiter moving forward again, you may find things in your life indicated by Sagittarius and Pisces in your natal chart are also beginning to progress after some delays. Jupiter is now on the tail end of his journey through his home sign of Sagittarius. Having traveled somewhat into Capricorn in the spring before beginning his retrograde motion, Jupiter will return to Capricorn once again on November 18th.
Saturn has also stationed and just barely begun direct motion, on September 28th. His gaze is still strong and pointed at the moment, as he barely appears to move, and this brings more pressure and restraint to us as a society, and especially in governmental affairs. We will feel his weight pressing down on us more soon … with a likely resurgence of Covid-19 cases and stricter measures on society. There was some lessening of the sensation of pressure during his retrograde journey, which began in mid-May.
Mars continues his retrograde transit and will soon leave Aries heading back into Pisces on October 3rd. This may lessen the intensity of the fire energy sweeping the American West at the moment… though he will gain power again when he comes to a station and turns direct on November 11th. Mercury will run his retrograde course from October 13th through November 3rd.
Nodes Change Signs
The lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, transited from Gemini and Sagittarius into Taurus and Scorpio, respectively, on September 23rd (mean node calculation; under true node calculation they progressed on the 19th). This is an important planetary movement as they will hold their new position for the next year-and-a-half, and will stir the pot along this axis particularly during eclipse periods which come twice per year. The next eclipse period is from mid-November to mid-December, with eclipses on November 29th/30th and December 14th.
With Rahu in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio, we will feel stuck in a struggle between trying to find earthly pleasure, and a sense of “grounding,” while continually facing constant change and a call to transform and let go of material attachments. This is a very broad sentiment, of course, and the nodes will take more specific effect on each individual depending on the rising sign and the planetary positions of one’s natal chart.
To see how these transits affect and interplay with your chart and karma, you can request a personal reading here.
by Somya Devi | Sep 27, 2019 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Events, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs
Tonight brings a dark Moon as the Moon joins the Sun in sidereal Virgo. Exact New Moon in Virgo will be at 11:26 am PT on Saturday, September 28th. This begins a Virgo cycle that will help us to connect with the earth, the feminine, and draw ourselves more inward as we enter the season of the Sun’s decent in the northern hemisphere.
Virgo Cycle
We’ve just passed the equinox on September 23rd, the time where night and day are of equal lengths, and we are now entering the yin season where the hours of darkness will exceed the hours of light. This first full lunar cycle begins in Virgo, a feminine earth sign, that encourages us to ground out some of the activity of summer and turn inwards as we come upon this darker season.
Virgo is also ruled by Mercury, the planet of the intellect, which will get us thinking about practicality and logistics this month. Have you planned your store for winter, getting together everything you need and tying up loose ends in the world before your period of inward attention and maybe even hybernation? Mercury is still technically joining the Sun and Moon in Virgo as we begin this cycle, but will be passing into Libra the next day. Venus and Mars also join in Virgo now, making our nights especially dark as these three stay close to the sun and only Jupiter and Saturn are visible. Venus remains debilitated in Virgo for just a few more days, until October 3rd.

This New Moon occurs with Sun and Moon in Hasta nakshatra, the sign of the hand. Hasta is a place that allows us to hone our skills, both manual and intellectual. It offers us a “craftiness,” whether literal, or of mind. This is a good time for getting into any hands-on work that requires dexterity, as well as for business dealings or other organization that requires tact and skill. Hasta is ruled by Savitar, the Sun God, while also linked to the Moon’s influence, and its animal is the female buffalo.
Maha Navaratri
The New Moon this month brings one of the largest Hindu festivals of the year, Maha Navaratri. Navaratri means “the nine nights,” and beginning with the first Moon phase after the dark Moon, the Goddess Devi is celebrated through many forms for the following nine nights and ten days. In North America Navaratri will be celebrated from September 29th through October 8th, with October 8th being the 10th day of Victory (an auspicious time for starting new endeavors, after 9 nights of worship). In some places Navaratri celebrates the goddess Durga in nine of her forms, while in other parts of India the festival commemorates Durga/Kali, Lakshmi, and Sarasvati for three nights each.
Devi is the creatrix, the warrioress, the nurturer, the purifyer, the protector. She can be found in the innocent and fertile maiden as well as the wise and learned crone. She is both the nurturing mother, and the one who gives “tough love.” The impassioned lover, the devoted bhakta, the disciplined yogini. We see Devi appear through us in innumerable manifestations. Through her many forms, she teaches us and offers us countless blessings–love, compassion, courage, learning, discipline, surrender, success, enlightenment, and bliss.
This festival is a time for honoring and celebrating the supreme feminine power in all her glory, and the many blessings she bestows upon us. Read more about Maha Navaratri 2019 here, and stay tuned for daily updates on how to connect with the many forms of the Goddess.
Kala Sarpa & Nodal Influences
This year’s festival could churn up even more internal difficulties than usual … offer them to the Goddess! We are currently under a Kala Sarpa cycle, with all planets to one side of the Rahu-Ketu axis, and will be in this alignment until October 6th. This can bring up more shadow energy and sticky spots than usual, especially if you are running a Rahu-Ketu dasha or have these planets prominently in your chart. It’s all the more reason to join the festivities and offer worship or some kind of spiritual practice during these days.
The good news on the nodal front — Saturn and Ketu will finally be separating a bit, and will leave their 1-degree proximity on October 1st! With Mean Node calculations, Ketu and Saturn have been joined within one degree of each other since April 25th! This will begin to slowly take some pressure off in the area of your life shown by Sagittarius, or those ruled by Saturn.
by Somya Devi | Mar 20, 2019 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Events, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs
The Moon will be reaching peak waxing this cycle at 6:43 pm PDT tonight, March 20th, just before rising across from the setting Pisces Sun. This Full Moon brings with it the Hindu Holiday Holi, a joyful celebration of spring and renewal. We have a rare occurrence this year where the Holi full Moon actually coincides with the spring equinox (today!), rather than preceding it. This is a powerful setup for harnessing auspicious energy as we move into the new season and cycle of life.
Virgo Full Moon
Virgo is actually a sign of the maiden related to springtime as well, and with the full Moon here we may feel connected to the feminine earth energy more than usual. The Sun is opposite in Pisces, connecting our spirit to the dreamworld and helping us to envision our soul’s highest and most imaginative creative potential. With the Moon opposite and fully illuminated by this light in Virgo, we have the opportunity to take those dreams and visions and ground them into the earth plane. This is a potent time for planting seeds of manifestation, drawing the ethereal into the material world.
With Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, retrograde until March 28th, and Pisces’ ruler Jupiter in gandanta (see below), you may feel a little resistance or hesitation in harnessing this power. Take the opportunity to go inward and have some quiet time to tap into these energies, even though it is a celebratory full Moon.

Uttara Phalguni
Within Virgo this full Moon aligns with Uttara Phalguni nakshatra, the “latter reddish one” or the “latter fig tree,” images which also evoke the fertility associated with Virgo. This is a balanced nakshatra, ruled by Aryaman, a god of leadership and nobility, and associated with the purifying power of the Sun. Its animal symbol is the bull (the male cow), an auspicious image in Indian culture, also related to abundance and fertility. This nakshatra brings auspicious energy for marriage and romance, as well as ceremonies and new beginnings.
Holi is one of the most joyful Hindu holidays, and marks a time for new beginnings as well. During this “festival of colors,” one of the main traditions is to throw powdered colors at each other, in sport, but also as a symbolic way of getting out any latent grievances or stuck energy from the past. When we do this in fun and frolic, it is a way to forgive and forget and begin the new season with joy and a fresh slate.
Spring Equinox & Renewal
Timed near the spring equinox, this holiday also relates very much to the blossoming of life that is coming now that winter is over and the spring season is upon us. There is a very powerful potential in this time of year, as the energies of day and night are equal, all over the earth, and the Sun is passing from the southern ecliptic onto the northern. Now is the time to take the seeds of your Piscean dreams, and plant them in the fertile soil of this Holi Equinox Virgo Full Moon!
Jupiter in Gandanta
A few words of caution, unfortunately. Jupiter has recently moved into the last muhurta of sidereal Scorpio, rendering him in gandanta, a difficult karmic knot. Jupiter will remain in gandanta until May 6th. He will transit into Sagittarius briefly on March 28th, before stationing and beginning retrograde motion on April 10th. He will only reach 0°14′ of Sagittarius, however, meaning he remains in gandanta through this entire transit. After he retrogrades back into Scorpio on April 22nd,, he will leave this difficult zone on May 6th. This is quite a long stretch for Jupiter to remain in gandanta, as he usually passes this area within a few days. This could cause some stuck feelings for those who are ruled by Jupiter, and for those areas in your life that Jupiter rules.
Personal readings are available to help you understand how the current transits may affect you.