by Somya Devi | Feb 22, 2017 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Events, Holy Days
Healing Eclipse on the New Moon + Maha Shivaratri
Sunday begins the New Moon cycle and brings with it a powerful eclipse whose alignment offers some deep healing opportunities. The annular solar eclipse will be visible from much of Africa, South America, and Antarctica, and will coincide with the exact time of the darkest Moon phase at 6:58 a.m PST (14:58 UTC) on Sunday, February 26th. This eclipse occurs with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Ketu all in sidereal Aquarius within the Vedic nakshatra of Shatabisha.

Aquarius is a sign ruled by Saturn, and it is where we remember something greater than ourselves. It is where we become inspired towards universal service, and to offering effort into society and for the greater good. Saturn, the planet of pressure and time, is aspecting the planets of this eclipse from his recent seat in sidereal Sagittarius, compelling us even more deeply to stand up for our principles and beliefs, and commit ourselves to these through hard work.

Shatabisha is the Vedic nakshatra that most elicits the concept of healing. It is the star of the “100 physicians” or the “100 medicines,” and is ruled by Varuna, the deity of the cosmic waters. With many planets under the influence of this star, we are strongly called towards our journey of self-healing, trying many different medicines and healing techniques to get there. Having Ketu here, eclipsing the Sun and the Moon, presents the opportunity to go deeply into our subconscious blockages and find release from past karma and trauma.
The Greater Eclipse Cycle
This is the third solar eclipse that has occurred since Rahu and Ketu transited into the Leo-Aquarius axis in January of 2016 (download the Free E-Book and Forecast by Sign for this transit if you haven’t yet!). Throughout this time, we have experienced shadows and blockages coming up around the themes of the Leo-Aquarius axis. On a broad scale, this relates to the balance of personal power and universal service that we play out through society. On an individual level, it has raised questions around the house-themes of Leo and Aquarius in the personal Vedic birth chart.
We have been uncovering layers of our own karma through this time, and discovering where change is needed in our lives–either through a change in our actions or a change in our thoughts. Our personal challenges become most apparent during the eclipse windows, which have occurred this month, as well as during August and March of 2016. Though these windows can be difficult times, the power of the lunar nodes helps us to see where we are stuck. With self-awareness and observation it becomes less difficult, but when we are not paying attention or are clinging to our own attachments, the eclipses can feel like they are wreaking havoc on our lives.
Since this is the third and final pair of eclipses during this transit of Rahu and Ketu, it is a time for really reaching some clarity around the lessons being brought up over the last year-and-a-half. Eclipses do cause confusion and are inauspicious in general, but as we do the work of self-inquiry and practice astute awareness, we can gain insight and more light after going into the darkness of their shadows. The healing power behind Shatabisha nakshatra may present us with some different medicines, or practices, to assist in our evolutionary process, assisting us in learning how to flow better with the cosmic waters.
In addition to the healing energy of this nakshatra, we are receiving the powerful gift of deep meditation offered by the Shivaratri holiday. Maha Shivaratri (or Sivaratri) is “the great night of Lord Shiva,” celebrated in India and around the world each year on the 14th night of the waning Moon this month. This year it falls on the night of Friday, February 24th into Saturday the 25th, around the world (except for mid-Australia/Japan and Eastward, where it falls on the 25th/26th).
On Shivaratri, it is a common practice to stay up the whole night in meditation, fasting and praying. This commemorates the sacrifice made by Lord Shiva when he kept the poison that arose from the milk ocean in his throat in order to protect the entire creation. In this story, his wife Parvati held his throat to keep him from consuming the poison, and thus this holiday also commemorates the union of masculine and feminine forces, Shakti and Shiva, yin and yang. In many places this is represented by a celebration of Shiva and Parvati’s wedding, and one may see large statues of the two paraded about town and worshiped.
Shiva and Parvati represent the path towards awakening consciousness through the ascetic side of yoga, and the practices of tapas and renunciation. By renouncing food and sleep for one night, particularly on the night of Shivaratri, we can gain some of the benefit of the austerities that these two performed for aeons. Tapas, or austerities, are yogic practices of undergoing difficult situations in order to gain more patience, as well as deeper understanding that we are in fact the eternal soul and not the body-mind with which we normally identify.
On this Shivaratri, as we approach the transformative energy of the eclipse in Shatabisha, the opportunity for overcoming the challenges and shadows of our minds is great. The power of group meditation occurring all over the world also contributes to this. With the energy of Aquarius behind us, let us offer the fruits of our practice towards the peace and happiness of all beings on earth, and spread the benefit for the greater good.
Mantras for Maha Shivaratri:
Om Namah Shivaya (the panchakshari mantra – “I bow down to infinite consciousness”)
Tyagenaike Amrtatvamanashuhu (by renunciation alone, immortality is gained)
Personal chart readings are available to delve deeper into the meaning of this eclipse cycle in your life.
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by Somya Devi | Feb 9, 2017 | Astrology, Eclipses, Events, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Transformation Portal: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Friday
The Full Moon in sidereal Cancer on Friday brings with it a penumbral lunar eclipse (February 10/11) that will be visible from most places on earth, except for Australia and the south Pacific. The Moon reaches maximum fullness at 4:33 p.m. PST, with the eclipse peaking at 4:43. This eclipse is part of a longer series of eclipses that we’ve been experiencing for the last year. Rahu and Ketu, the lunar nodes, have been transiting the Leo-Aquarius axis through this time, bringing pairs of lunar/solar eclipses last March and September, and this month. Download my Free E-Book about this eclipse series if you haven’t yet!

The nodes on the Leo-Aquarius axis raise questions about personal power versus universal service. Last year through the US election cycle we saw an intense play for personal power on the large scale, with extremist viewpoints (Rahu) rising into the place of authority (Leo). With Ketu’s shadow energy casting doubt in the sign of Aquarius, ideas of oneness and service to society at large have faced heavy criticism. On a personal level, we experience the controversy of this duality in our own lives, and question where and how we seek power and offer service.
Last year, Rahu’s lust for power in Leo was highly dogmatized due to Jupiter’s conjunction with him there (through September). This brought beliefs and values under the influence of the radical, obsessive and insecure shadow planet. In August Jupiter moved on into Virgo, however, putting our values and attention under a slightly more practical perspective. Most recently, on February 5th, Jupiter’s motion turned retrograde, which gives us the opportunity to back up and rethink some of the ways that we approach our beliefs and apply them in our lives. We may be second-guessing our relationships with our teachers at this time, or considering going back to school for some more education.
Saturn also made a major transit recently, moving into sidereal Sagittarius in the end of January. This puts the planet of commitment in the sign of inspired action, and will compel us to persevere and stand up for what we believe in. This transit will span the next three years, save for a brief period later this year when Saturn’s retrograde motion takes him back into Scorpio. The influence of Saturn in our personal lives during this time can be immense (this begins Saturn’s return and/or Sade Sati for many). He will bring pressure as he helps us figure out how to really stand behind and take action for our beliefs, particularly in the area indicated by Sagittarius in your chart.
This Full Moon falls in the end of the water sign of Cancer, adding a heavy emotional component to our experience this month. The eclipse energy here can help us to see some of our deepest shadows, particularly in how we handle ourselves emotionally. Cancer is the Moon’s own sign, and the capacity for receptivity here is great. We may feel our hearts wide open during this Full Moon, but with this also comes a sensitivity and vulnerability that can throw us off balance under the shadow influence of the eclipse.
In particular, the Moon will be in the Vedic constellation (nakshatra) of Ashlesha, the sign of the water serpent. This nakshatra has to do with deeply coiled energies and hidden potential (kundalini specifically). It is ruled by the Nagas, the serpents of wisdom. There is a potential for great awakening as the Moon is eclipsed in this sign. We momentarily feel cut off from the light of emotional intelligence during a lunar eclipse, and are forced to become aware of the dark shadows that obscure peace in our hearts. Bringing awareness to these can help us to break free from them, uncoiling our own inner mess and helping us blossom into wisdom.
Connecting with the heart and the water element is important during this Full Moon. What’s more, Venus is currently exalted, having moved into Pisces at the end of January. He will transit here for the next four months, giving us the potential to elevate our relationships and the ways we pursue our desires. In Pisces, Venus is under Jupiter’s rule, which can inspire the planet of pleasure to get in line with our values. It’s also another water sign, the last of the 12 major signs, and a place that compels us to surrender to the divine flow. With Saturn pushing our commitment onto our principles, from Sagittarius, and Jupiter helping us with the earthly details, from Virgo, this all adds up to a huge growth opportunity around this eclipse.
The solar eclipse of this eclipse-pair will come on February 26th. Eclipses come in pairs, and we feel the intense energy of the cycle from a few weeks before the first until soon after the second. This is the third pair of eclipses in the larger cycle, since last January when Rahu and Ketu moved into Leo and Aquarius. During the next pair of eclipses, in August, they will be right on the cusp of Cancer and Capricorn. Between now and then we will really finalize implementing the lessons and changes brought up throughout their Leo-Aquarius transit, and we will begin exploring our shadows along the Cancer-Capricorn axis.
To help you make sense of these major astrological events, I am offering individual readings to look at Saturn, Venus, and the Eclipses, or you can request a 2017 Reading to talk about the effects of all three.
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by Somya Devi | Jan 11, 2017 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Holy Days, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Gemini Full Moon Offers a Fresh Start
The full Moon occurs in sidereal Gemini tonight! The exact full Moon time is 6:34 am EST on January 12th. This full Moon falls in the Vedic nakshatra of Punarvasu, a constellation of renewal. Meaning “good again,” or “more light,” this is a great nakshatra to connect with as we begin the new year. This star-sign comes after the stormy and turbulent nakshatra of Ardra, and represents the calm after the storm. Many people experienced 2016 as especially turbulent (and many astrological alignments contributed to that!). Now is is an excellent time to be reminded of the rebirth that can come after chaotic times.
Punarvasu can be identified in sidereal Gemini, around the stars Castor and Pollux. The preceding constellation, Ardra, is ruled by Rudra, a fierce form of Shiva. He reminds us of the destructive powers of nature, and challenges us to find peace and consciousness amidst turmoil. Punarvasu comes after Ardra, and signifies the return of light. During this time of year we begin to feel the light of the Sun returning after the December solstice, as the seasons begin to wax in the northern hemisphere. The deity for this nakshatra is Aditi, a fertile mother-goddess. After the rains, the ground becomes moist, lush and ready for new life to begin its journey upward.
What have the intense rains of winter watered in your life? What has been destroyed by them, creating space for something new to be planted? Where have you nourished the grounds thus far, and what do you desire to grow this year? Now is a time to rise up and connect with your intentions, offering your vision forward and finding the light after the wreckage. The Gemini full Moon offers a fresh start. This is fitting as it coincides with the start of the New Year, and also with Makara Sankranti (January 14th), a Hindu holiday celebrating the return of the light when the Sun enters sidereal Capricorn.
Both Gemini and Punarvasu are strongly dual in nature, enabling us to see both sides of a situation. In Western lore, the twins, Castor and Pollux are found here. In Vedic mythology, Gemini is called Mithuna, “the pair.” The two figures were seen in Vedic times as a male and a female, representing the yin and yang aspects of existence, and the dance between the two.
Gemini reminds us to be open, curious, and playful. The full Moon here offers a contrast to the strongly opinionated and purposeful energy of Sagittarius, where we began this cycle. Under a Sagittarian influence, we move and act closely in alignment with our beliefs. This can sometimes lead us in the right direction, but sometimes can lead us into dogmatism or over-zealousness. Gemini reminds us to remain flexible, and allows us to change directions if we want. The light of the full Moon here illuminates the amenable and resilient side of ourselves, and aids us in going with the flow and adapting to life’s circumstance. This lunar cycle teaches us to move with purpose, while at the same time reminds us of the need to stay open.
The energy of this month may be very tough on relationships, as we’ve had Venus, Mars, and Ketu joining together in Aquarius for the last couple of weeks. All three remain here for another week more to come, and Venus and Ketu stay joined through the 27th. Ketu with Venus brings up doubts and shadows around relationships, while Mars adds a level of passion and intensity that can result in arguing or fighting. Ketu also has the potential to break things and set us free from the past. If you’ve been trying to move forward from something or someone, this could be the time. If you’re trying to hold something together, be aware of the added challenge that is coming from this alignment. With these planets in Aquarius, work on aligning your relationships, pursuit of happiness, and actions with your highest goals. Service to society or a greater cause will help you to work with these energies now.
We’re nearing another eclipse cycle, with the nodes eclipsing the Moon and Sun (partially) on February 10th and 26th. This is the last full eclipse cycle with the nodes on the Leo-Aquarius axis. If you never read the report for your sign about this, download the free e-book now. The coming eclipse cycle is a final time to get a really good glimpse of our shadows around power and service, and particularly in relation to the house-axis aligned with Leo and Aquarius in your Vedic chart. If there are lessons you’ve been trying to ignore for the past year, don’t pass up this opportunity to pay attention to them and make some changes in your life, whether internal or external.
At the end of the month, on January 26th, Saturn will enter Sagittarius for the first time, after a 2.5-year transit through Scorpio. This will bring big changes in where and how we approach our long-term goals, and where we feel acute pressures in life. Then on the 27th, Venus will transit into Pisces, where he’ll remain exalted for four full months, including a 6-week period in retrograde motion. This has major impact potential for relationships and how we approach happiness in general. Stay updated to get the upcoming forecasts for your sign on both of these major transits!
Personal 2017 Readings are now available, as well as Eclipse Readings. If you’ve had a reading from me previously you can order the full session or a 30-minute session for either or both of these. Happy New Year!
by Somya Devi | Dec 26, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Events, Retrograde
New Moon of Cosmic Waters Begins the New Year
The New Moon cycle begins on the night of December 28th, at 10:53 p.m. PST. Sun and Moon coincide in sidereal Sagittarius in Purva Ashada nakshatra, joining a retrograde Mercury. Purva Ashada is a Vedic constellation that translates as the “invincible one” or the “undefeated.” There is a powerful energy of victory associated with this star-sign, which falls in the middle of the powerful sign of Sagittarius.
The Sagittarius cycle brings an energy of optimism, as this sign is the outward expression of the planet Jupiter. Jupiter guides our philosophy and beliefs, as well as hope and optimism, so in Sagittarius we feel inspired to put our values into actions. This can inspire a lot of charitable work and humanitarian efforts. Sagittarius is also a fire sign, so we can get incredibly passionate about working for our beliefs here.
Purva Ashada nakshatra represents the middle of the Sagittarius constellation, and is associated with both power and fluidity. The deity for this star is Apas, the deification of water. The energy of this New Moon of the cosmic waters begins the new year for us a few days later.
In 2016 we experienced a wide-scale rising of struggles for water rights even here in the “first-world” United States. Scientists and spiritual leaders alike have told us that wars will be waged over this vital natural resource, and sadly we have reached the point where that is a reality. On the Dark Moon night of December 28th may we go inward and deeply contemplate our relationship with this elemental life-giver. Connect with Apas as the living embodiment of water if this helps you to strengthen your connection and prayers.
This could be a tough month for relationships as well as societal power struggles, because Venus, Mars, and Ketu now all join in Aquarius, opposite from Rahu in Leo. Ketu brings forth a lot of shadow energy and the combination of Ketu and Mars can be explosive. The affect of these two together with Venus could take a toll on our relationships, bringing up a lot of latent unspoken grievances and arguments about them. This is a time for self-scrutiny, as we are now approaching the last set of eclipses with Rahu and Ketu on the Leo-Aquarius axis. These eclipses will be coming in February.
Personal shadow work may be arising now, especially as we are in the middle of the last kala sarpa yoga cycle that we will experience until late next year. A kala sarpa alignment is indicated when all of the planets are on one side of the nodal axis (Rahu and Ketu are always opposite each other, forming this axis). This alignment usually brings a lot of intensity and upheaval, especially on the inner scale.
There is a range of interpretation as to whether a kala sarpa yoga occurs only when the planets are in between the nodes and not in the same sign as them, or also when they are in between the nodes and joining them within the same sign. That is to say, the current alignment may be considered a looser kala sarpa by some, or not at all by others, because Venus and Mars are in the same sign as Ketu, and Mars will soon be passing Ketu. Nevertheless, the strong proximity and association with the nodes still make for the “heavy times” energy that a kala sarpa yoga tends to bring.
This New Moon joins the Sun along with a retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius. Mercury will be retrograde until January 8th. If you’re making any travel arrangements or other plans during this period, leave yourself extra time for unexpected delays and schedule changes. It’s also a good time to go back and finish conversations that were previously unresolved.
All in all, this is a time where self-awareness is very important, largely because of the strong influence of Ketu. Ketu is one of the planets of the subconscious, so a lot of the energy arising now, in our actions, arguments, and relationships, is from a place that we do not completely understand. There is much wisdom to be gained here, however. The dark Moon time is a great time to meditate and listen to your own inner voice.Remember also to honor the water element, within and without.
*Personal 2017 Readings are available now and are being scheduled throughout the month of January. Be sure to join my mailing list to stay up-to-date with the latest 2017 forecasts
by Somya Devi | Nov 28, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions
On Monday night the Moon and Sun will coincide in the heart of the scorpion, leading us into a New Moon in Scorpio in the early morning. The exact conjunction will be at 4:18 am PST on the morning of November 29th. The dark Moon night is always a time to go inward, and this new Moon in particular offers the chance to go really deep. Not only are the Moon and Sun coinciding in Scorpio, a sign of depth and intensity, but they are right in the middle of a kala sarpa yoga between Rahu and Ketu.
At this new Moon time, Rahu and Ketu fall at 13° of sidereal Leo and Aquarius, respectively, and Sun and Moon at 13° of Scorpio, exactly in between. A kala sarpa yoga is formed when all of the planets are on one side of the Rahu-Ketu axis, with none in the planets on the other side (see picture). This refers to the seven major planets recognized in Vedic astrology–Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
Kala Sarpa can be translated as either the “black snake” or the “serpent of time.” As you can imagine, whenever this alignment occurs we experience some intense or dark energy at large. One of the best words to describe the kala sarpa circumstance is heavy. The nodes, also called the shadow planets, relate to some of our deepest subconscious drives and karma. When the other planets fall on one side of their axis, a lot of the subconscious buildup can surface all of a sudden and we can feel overwhelmed with the amount that life is putting on our plate. It can also appear as the actual occurrence of intense karmic events. If we stay dedicated in practice, meditation, and focus, however, we can find clearer vision and discrimination on how we can use these circumstances for our growth.
We’ve experienced the kala sarpa yoga many times in the last year. When this alignment occurs, it lasts for two weeks at a time, from when the Moon passes Rahu until it passes Ketu, after passing all the other planets in between. This incidence will end in about a week, and then two weeks later we’ll begin the last kala sarpa cycle until late next year. Between now and then there will always be some planets on both sides of the Rahu-Ketu axis. In the late part of 2017, they will all pass Rahu and it will begin again, for two weeks at a time over a few months.
There’s even more pressure surfacing to begin this lunar cycle, because Saturn is also situated in Scorpio, joining the new Moon. It is said that when Saturn visits you, he sits on your head, like a great weight. Adding his weight to this new Moon in Scorpio, we can expect to feel some heaviness and pressure through this lunar cycle, particularly when it comes to our own inner emotions and transformational power. Saturn’s goal is to teach us how to slow down, be patient, make commitments, and persevere through hard work to reach our desired long-term goals. When we apply his energy this way in Scorpio, we can make great strides in spiritual and emotional development.
Scorpio is a feminine water sign, which brings up our inner emotions, and is ruled by Mars, the warrior planet. It is here that we face our deepest emotions and become aware of our vulnerable nature. We face the fears that are hidden deep within, and the temporary nature of all we hold dear. I think of Scorpio as the sign of the spiritual warrior, because once we become aware of these things, we can turn on Mars’ strength and courage in order to defeat these inner challenges.
Following the new Moon in Scorpio, it will be a month to get in touch with your inner warrior. Allow the passion and the tears, and use them to fortify yourself. It’s time to call upon the courage to look at our own dark sides. See the shadows in your mind that are holding you up–your fears–and strike your warrior’s sword against them.
The nakshatra (Vedic constellation) where this New Moon falls is Anuradha. Anuradha makes up the middle of Scorpio, including the bright star Antares, called the heart of the scorpion. Anuradha is an incredibly devotional nakshatra. It translates as “after Radha,” Krishna’s greatest devotee. Radha is widely recognized as the paramount example of devotion, so the one who chases after her surely wishes to embody and demonstrate devotion. Saturn’s association with Anuradha will help us to persevere in our quest to strengthen ourselves and our emotions.
Despite the difficulty that often accompanies Scorpio, the natural eighth sign, Anuradha is a place where great blossoming is possible. It is thus associated with the symbol of the lotus, whose pure beauty springs from the depths of mud and muck. The ruling deity of Anuradha is Mitra, a god of light and friendship. This reminds us that collaboration can be useful (sometimes even necessary), despite the fiercely introverted quality that the Moon in Scorpio compels. Through devotion and effort, as well as cooperation, the lunar cycle beginning around this star can lead to great successes.
This cycle offers awesome potential for growth and achievement, especially in the realm of overcoming inner fears and strengthening our emotions. An awareness of our fragility may be surfacing acutely, but the warrior spirit of Mars and the committed potential of Saturn offer tools to forge through the fears and move closer towards our goals. Mars and Saturn are considered malefic planets, but they are actually the ones who present challenges and opportunities that will make us stronger and wiser. Take some time to sit quietly on this dark Moon night, looking inward to see where you can wield your warrior’s sword and pressure yourself aptly, in order to transform and allow your inner lotus to blossom.
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