by Somya Devi | May 18, 2016 | Uncategorized
The Full Moon on May 21st gives the power to explode, or to transform (Vedic Astrology). The Moon will be full in sidereal Scorpio, where we are compelled to strengthen our emotions and embrace transformation, rather than cling to material stability. Things could be extra volatile because Mars and Saturn are joining this full Moon, which peaks at 2:15 p.m PDT on Saturday (the brightest full waxing Moon will be Friday night).
This lunar cycle began with the Sun in sidereal Aries, where we feel most empowered and sure of ourselves. We were ready to birth our visions into the world. Since then, Sun has transited into Taurus, a sign where we seek to solidify our strength by getting grounded and relying on stable material structures around us. But the full Moon will be opposite Taurus, in the most emotionally vulnerable sign, Scorpio. In contrast to our quest for stability, we are reminded of our vulnerability and impermanence. We are challenged to embrace the flow of change and allow ourselves to transform as we step up to meet the evolving world around us.
This full Moon will feel especially intense on the emotions, because Moon is also joining firey retrograde Mars (very closely), and onerous retrograde Saturn. The conjunction of Mars with the Moon makes a potentially explosive situation for our hearts and minds. His fire elicits our anger, passion, jealousy, and our courageous warrior-like nature.
This could result in intense feelings of passion or rage, perhaps with a few emotional outbursts, but the Martian fire is also the element that aids in digestion and transformation. Instead of exploding outwardly, we have the opportunity to harness this fire and use it to process and digest the changes that have been taking place in our lives. It’s a conscious choice… let your mind find fault and anger towards others, and the outer situation, or, summon your inner warrior and use that strength grow and adapt.
The full Moon joins retrograde Saturn, also in Scorpio. We are in the middle of a 2.5-year-long process of transformation with his transit here. The pressure is on to re-evaluate our long-term goals, especially around our spiritual growth and material attachments. Whichever house is in sidereal Scorpio in your chart, this is the area of life where you have been facing the most change this past year. This full Moon highlights this transformation process, as you are beginning to follow a new long-term direction in that area of your life. Saturn’s presence here forces us to face our fears, while Mars offers us the strength to withstand and digest them.
The full Moon falls in the Vedic nakshatra Anuradha, at the beginning of Scorpio. This is a constellation of friendship and success, whose deity is Mitra, meaning “friend.” Its symbol is a lotus flower, or a staff, which its three stars resemble in the sky. Both of these symbols signify the ability to overcome a challenge despite opposition. The lotus reminds us that even amidst the muck of emotional disturbance, we still have the potential to access our most pure, beautiful sattvic nature, and rise towards the light. This will be important to remember while the Moon is sandwiched in between Mars and Saturn from Saturday through Sunday afternoon (Americas).
There’s some good news! After the full Moon, Mercury will be going direct again and out of retrograde. (Phew!) Making plans and having clear communications should get a little easier.
With Jupiter (now direct) and Rahu still close in sidereal Leo, zealous fervor continues at large, and radical beliefs are on the forefront for many. Once Jupiter moves on to Virgo in August, philosophical beliefs and debates will begin to sound more practical (hopefully). Right now they are really extreme and are fueling the quest for personal power. The balance between personal power and universal service will continue to be a widespread theme as long as Rahu transits Leo, through next summer.
We may be feeling a little self-centered in our power on this full Moon, because Venus is now very close to the Sun (combust) over the next several weeks. Our ability to compromise, offered by Venus, may be burnt up so close to the hot rays of the Sun, which could put relationships at odds. On the other hand, the purification and illumination offered by the Sun could help us to elevate our petty desires into higher ones that allow us to connect with universal spirit.
Meditation and self-inquiry help us to access the higher lessons that the planets have to offer. Take the opportunity to digest some emotions and embrace transformation on this full Moon, and unleash your spiritual warrior to help you ride the waves of change.
You can get specific tips and personal coaching on how to understand and maximize your relationship with the planets through a personal astrology reading and coaching session.
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by Somya Devi | May 7, 2016 | Events, Holy Days, Retrograde
Amidst all these
retrograde planets, (Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter) we can sigh a breath of relief this weekend with the onset of Akshaya Tritiya and Jupiter direct!
We’ve just entered an auspicious alignment and a window of abundance! Now through tomorrow night, the Sun and Moon are both in their signs of exaltation (sidereal Aries and Taurus, respectively). This means we are feeling the best parts of these planets shining through us. We feel empowered and generous, connected to source, and peaceful in our hearts and minds.
Tomorrow in particular (the third lunar phase of this month), is known as AKSHAYA TRITIYA, the day of “never diminishing.” Each year, on the third day after the New Moon in Aries, Sun and Moon are both exalted. This creates a powerful portal day for calling wealth, prosperity and abundance into your life (both on the material and spiritual levels). With a full spirit and peaceful heart, take advantage of this auspicious time and plant the seeds for manifesting your dreams! Anything you begin today will grow bountifully.
Sun is exalted in Aries because Mars’ rulership there brings a feeling of courage and strength to the planet of our vitality and spiritual illumination. Moon is exalted in Taurus because the often-turbulent and ever-flowing emotional body finds comfort and stable ground in this Venus-ruled earth sign.
Even more good news… Jupiter is finishing his retrograde motion and going direct on Monday! This will open another doorway to prosperity, and we will start feeling more clear about our purpose and beliefs, as well as around matters of education and teachers. Jupiter is Guru, and when he’s going backwards a lot of things can feel confusing as we question our philosophy and the teachings we value. With Akshaya Tritiya and Jupiter direct, the flow of grace feels less obstructed!
Remember though, Saturn, Mars and Mercury are still retrograde, so we need to reflect on our long-term goals, summon our courage, and double-check details with whatever you’re putting in motion. To enhance your receptivity to the best of what Sun and Moon have to offer, honor both in your practices today. You can do both surya namaskaras and chandra namaskaras, or try some nadi shodhana (alternate-nostril breathing) to harmonize the solar and lunar energies flowing through you. In the spirit of abundance, share your energy and your gifts through loving service or charity, and that karmic investment will come back to you multiplied.
by Somya Devi | Mar 4, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Events, Holy Days
This coming New Moon on March 8th packs a powerful punch, bringing with it a groundbreaking total solar eclipse. This will be the first in a series of eclipses to occur with the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, on the sidereal Leo-Aquarius axis. The nodes moved into these signs at the end of January and will transit here until August of 2017, affecting us deeply in whatever areas of our lives are influenced in our personal charts. We will experience 3 eclipse cycles (pairs of eclipses, one solar and one lunar) during this transit–one now, one in September, and one in February of 2017. (Don’t miss my Free E-Book with lots of info on this transit and how it will affect your sign!)
This solar eclipse on the New Moon will set the tone for a tumultuous lunar cycle. The New Moon cycle begins at 5:54pm PST on March 8th, in sidereal Aquarius. The total solar eclipse (peaking around the same time) will be visible from Southeast Asia, most of Australia, the South Pacific and Indian Oceans and Hawaii. The effects will be most perceptible in these areas, but everyone will feel the disturbance at some level.
During the eclipse, the Sun’s light will be blocked out as he and the Moon align with Ketu, who casts a shadow of self-doubt and criticism on the planet of vitality. The results will be feelings of confusion and disconnection from our sense of strength, individual power, and our connection with Source (all things represented by the Sun). This is adding to our already diminished sense of personal empowerment that can come while Sun is in Aquarius, the sign of service and humility.
This solar eclipse, as well as the lunar eclipse to follow on March 23rd, will bring up a lot of our personal shadows around the quest for equilibrium between universal service and self-empowerment. This theme will continue through the broader year-and-a-half eclipse cycle we have entered.
At the time of the eclipse, Mercury and Venus join the Sun, Moon, and Ketu in Aquarius. This will add Ketu’s feelings of confusion, doubt, and aversion to our collective emotional body (the Moon), to our intellectual and analytical side (Mercury), and to our desirous, pleasure-seeking nature (Venus).
Don’t be surprised to see a chaotic departure from inner peace, rational thinking, and cooperative behavior around this eclipse.
This could be aggravated even more by Jupiter and Rahu, who oppose this New Moon cluster from Leo. Their conjunct energies are causing folks to become more and more amped up and self-righteous over their principles and beliefs. (Polarized election madness!) Saturn aspects the duo from his menacing position, joined Mars, in Scorpio, which puts the pressure on even more.
Mars casts his aspect onto the stellium in Aquarius. This could throw some fuel on the potentially explosive fire of transformation that is happening there with the eclipse. Mars in Scorpio gives us the chance to bring forth our warrior-like courage, which we will need in facing all of the disturbance and potential change arising.
This eclipse occurs with Sun, Moon and Ketu in the Vedic nakshatra called Purvabhadrapada. This star-sign falls on the constellation well-known as Pegasus (on the stars Alpha-Pegasi and Beta-Pegasi), bridging the Aquarius and Pisces regions of the sky. As such its symbol is a funeral cot, or bed, related to the fire of purification. This helps to prepare us to enter the darkness of the unknown to be met in Pisces.
The eclipse here will drive us strongly towards purification and transformation. This is for our higher purpose and spiritual development, but it may not be without some difficulty. The deity for this nakshatra is Aja-Ekapada (“the one-footed goat”), who is related to Rudra, a destructive aspect of Lord Shiva. This star is associated with darkness and black magic, which lays the groundwork for a very powerful eclipse.
Eclipses are times when we can literally see shadows in the sky, and they are opportunities to see the ugly psychological shadows lurking in our own subconscious. These need to be uncovered and released so we can free ourselves from them. This is a very important time to do sadhana (spiritual practice) and Self-inquiry, so we can know ourselves better and become enlightened by this gift of seeing what is normally in the dark.
This opportunity is amplified because Sunday night (Pacific, Monday in India) brings the Hindu holy time known as Maha Shivaratri (“the great night of Lord Shiva”). This is the most auspicious night to offer oneself into spiritual practice, in worship of Divine Consciousness. It is typical to stay up all night, fasting and engaging in worship such as mantra, chanting, meditation, and puja. With the eclipse so close at hand, this is an extremely potent time to call upon the light of consciousness and purification.
In Vedic tradition it is thought that the negative energy of the nodes pervades the atmosphere during the time of the eclipse, and it is therefore best not to eat or drink during this time. (The eclipse window is from 3:19pm to 8:34pm PST.) It is also best to refrain from looking at the eclipse directly, or being outside in its atmosphere, especially if you are somewhere the eclipse will be visible.
One more thing to add to the mix on this powerful New Moon: March 8th is also International Women’s Day! Let’s use this transformative time to honor and elevate the sisters, mothers and daughters of this world!
As a special gift to help you navigate through this time, I’ve put together a Free e-Book on Rahu, Ketu, and the Eclipses for the 12 Vedic Rising Signs , which includes a forecast for your personal sign!
Eclipse periods are some of the best times to book a personal reading to help you to understand your personal karma and to process the energy brought up by the nodes.
Top Image Credit: “Eclipsed? Not totally” by James Jordan, CC license Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic
by Somya Devi | Nov 23, 2015 | Astrology, Conjunctions
The Full Moon will peak on Wednesday, November 25th at 2:44pm PST. The night of the fullest waxing Moon is Tuesday, November 24th. This Full Moon occurs in Krittika nakshatra in the Vedic system, located where we identify the Pleiades cluster, near the mid-degrees of Taurus constellation. With the Sun in sidereal Scorpio, this full Moon will illuminate the opposing energies of Scorpio and Taurus. From the watery, emotional and uncertain depths of Scorpio, our divine light shines forth and onto the place in us that can achieve stability in the heart (Taurus).
This lunar cycle began with Sun in Libra, where we were reminded to take care of our health and vitality and that self-care is as important as caring for others. Since then, Sun has moved into Scorpio, joining Saturn, a vata planet. Saturn can feel drying and exhausting to the nervous system, so our physical strength and vitality may continue to be tested as Sun (our health and energy) joins him here. Saturn also tends to slow things down, so it is likely that our energy might feel like it just hit the brakes, even though Mars’ rulership of Scorpio fills us with the passion that makes us still want to do a lot. Try to take advantage of this alignment mindfully by consciously slowing yourself down and doing nourishing practices. Apply oil to the bottoms of your feet before bed and get as much rest as your body tells you it needs. Otherwise you may experience unwanted exhaustion that could be accompanied by illness.
With the divine light of the Sun emanating from sidereal Scorpio, we often feel the need to purify ourselves by peering into our deep emotional waters. We get to have a soul-experience this month like what Scorpio people have all the time. This can naturally be a bit scary, but Mars’ rulership here also brings us the courage it takes to face ourselves where we feel the most vulnerable. Saturn’s company here makes us look at what will really serve our spirit in the long term. This is a great opportunity for strengthening the vulnerable caverns of our hearts by facing fears.
Mercury, the planet of the intellect and communication, is also conjunct Sun and Saturn in Scorpio, so it’s a potent time for doing some serious communicating about your vulnerabilities. Call forth your Martian bravery before opening conversations (and watch that it isn’t just fear or uncertainty that does the talking). It’s okay to seek the support you need and to rely on expert advice that offers you tools for coping with delicate emotions. Meditation will also be a support that brings structure to the inner work that you’re doing.
The Moon is the planet of emotion that reflects the divine light of the Sun through the heart and interprets what it feels like to go through our human experiences. While we are working on facing and strengthening emotions and fears in Scorpio, the full Moon in Taurus will illuminate a sensation of emotional stability for us, through its fixed-earth qualities. With the Moon here, our hearts are reminded that we are safe and secure, despite whatever turbulent waves the emotions may go through while we are connecting with their depths.
The Moon will be full in Krittika nakshatra, the constellation commonly known as the Pleiades. Krittika is translated as “the cutter” and is represented by a razor or an axe. What needs to be cut away right now for you to feel peace in the heart? Its deities are Agni (fire personified) and Kartikeya (the Lord of War). Its ruling planet is the Sun, the ultimate purifier. All of this symbology indicates that with the full Moon here, we have the opportunity to bravely and boldly cut away what we don’t need and to stand in peaceful strength after forging through a purification process.
Whatever fears have come up as we face our vulnerability, regarding our physical or emotional strength (or lack thereof), now is the chance to offer ourselves to divine purification. The Moon is close to its point of exaltation (greatest strength) right now, and we are reminded that we can achieve emotional stability and evenness after the process occurs. This balancing point between Scorpio and Taurus is a powerful one, when we are able to recognize and tune into both our deep vulnerability as well as the stable energetic ground on which the divine universe offers us rest. Both Scorpio and Taurus are feminine, or reflective signs, showing that this full Moon will direct us towards taking personal inventory and Self-examination.
by Somya Devi | Jun 15, 2015 | Astrology, Planets Changing Signs
The New Moon will occur Tuesday morning at 7:05am PDT, in early sidereal Gemini (Sun and Moon at 1 degree 3 minutes Gemini). This begins the Gemini Moon cycle for the next month. Mercury rules Gemini, so we will deal with the themes of the intellect a lot this cycle. We may see our thinking accelerate and new ideas synthesize, as well as a deeper exploration of communication. It’s a time to look out for vata, as the swiftness of Mercury and its air-sign Gemini can elevate that dosha in the mind and body. Staying hydrated and well oiled is important (internally and externally), as well as doing grounding practices that connect you to the earth. Applying oil to the bottoms of the feet will be very nourishing, or to the entire body before you shower.
It’s also a time to be aware of high pitta, the fire-dosha, as the Sun and Mars are also tightly conjunct right now. This is what we call a highly combust Mars, as it is only half a degree away from the Sun in early Gemini at the time of the New Moon. This can be incredibly aggravating, as these two fire planets joined increases the heat in our bodies and minds and can cause us to feel easily provoked and prone to anger and explosions. To alleviate pitta imbalances, we can avoid spicy foods during this time, and eat cooling ones such as cucumber, coconuts, and watermelon. Make sure to intake enough liquids and use coconut oil rather than more heating oils for internal and external use. Lavender, tulsi, and rose essential oils are all calming and cooling to the body-mind, and can be used for aromatherapy by placing a drop or two on the pillowcase at night or in a diffuser in your home or office. You can also make a tea from the dried petals and leaves of these aromatic plants.

Rose is especially helpful in this time because of its ability to soothe and balance the heart and emotions, which could feel overwhelming right now. With New Moon so close to Sun and Mars, there is the potential for their fire to weigh on the heart in the form of passion or frustration/anger. At the same time we have Venus joined with Jupiter in Cancer, which expands Venus’s potential for love and happiness, and also raises the importance we place on it and makes us weigh it closely against our values. Jupiter is our potential for wisdom and higher thought or spiritual understanding. With these two in the feminine Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, we can really tap into some Divine Mother/heart-energy if we seek happiness and through spiritual practice. If we let Jupiter’s expansive quality push us to seek material pleasures too much, we will inevitably be disappointed as time goes on, as these are all temporary. Tulsi can help us to orient our love towards a place of devotion. Jupiter and Venus will be really close in the sky for most of the coming month (very tightly conjunct around June 30th), and incredibly beautiful to witness in the night sky. They will be close with the Moon in Cancer at the end of this week… a great time for open-hearted prayers.
There is the potential to feel an urgent sense of seeking during this New Moon, which falls in the Vedic nakshatra Mrigashira, located around the star Bellatrix, (on the shoulder of Orion, in the region of the sky bridging Taurus and Gemini). Mrigashira is the star of the deer’s head, often referred to as “the wanderer,” continuously searching with curiosity. Though there is a beauty and innocence to this, the restlessness of
this star can also interfere with our ability to stay focused and one-pointed. Its deity is Soma, a name for the Moon, and the Moon as it relates to our emotional mind can be easily changeable. Mrigashira also represents many positive qualities of the Moon, which is beautiful, gentle, calming, and full of compassion and Divine Mother energy. This star is also associated with Parvati, the wife of Shiva in Hindu mythology and a powerful representation of the goddess. This is a great time to get in tune with all aspects of the goddess, from the most gentle, motherly form, to the strong-willed warrior aspects of Durga and the fierce and compassionate nature of Kali (both forms of Parvati).
In Vedic thought Soma also refers to the nectar released through meditation. In this we can again see this New Moon as a call to stay hydrated in order to nourish the water element in our bodies, which is the conduit for the flow of all nutrients, including the physical and the spiritual. We can follow the searching nature of this star and the present alignments on a path to find new experiences, relationships, or temporary pleasures, or on a search for higher knowledge, wisdom, and heart-opening. Call forth the gentle energy of Mrigashira to appease the heat of combust Mars. Stay cool as much as possible and nourish the heart during this month of powerful celestial combinations.
