by Somya Devi | Aug 4, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs
Get ready for a shift from radical idealistic movements and power-struggles to more practical and reflective earth-based philosophies, both individually and throughout society at large.
Jupiter in Leo
Jupiter has been transiting sidereal Leo for a little over a year now. During this time, the planet of philosophy, luck, expansion, growth and beliefs has been in the sign of power. A masculine fire sign ruled by the Sun, Leo is where we tap into our inherent divinity and strength and learn how to wield it, whether selfishly or selflessly. The Sun wants us to find our connection to source, our strength and vitality, our power, and ultimately our dharma and generous sense of responsibility.
For the last year we have seen the struggle over power and beliefs in a very prominent light. Jupiter has expanded efforts to claim power and authority through ideology, especially in the realm of government. Throughout society, we have seen the expansion and importance of many principle-based movements coming to the forefront.
The Sun, Leo’s ruler, has offered energy to help us to purify our philosophies and hold them up to its illuminating power. We have watched some progressive beliefs gain more traction in the world, while at the same time a more orthodox conservatism took hold in other places. Since January of this year, Rahu has been joining Jupiter in Leo, adding a radical, confusing and shadowy energy to this quest for ideological dominance. We have experienced radical actions throughout society based on ideologies of all sorts.
Jupiter in Virgo
On August 11th, Jupiter will be making his transition from Leo into Virgo.* After this time and for the coming year, we will experience a shift from big, bold, power-hungry philosophies to ones that are more practical and earthly. Virgo is a feminine earth sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of the intellect. Mercury is impartial, fact-oriented, playful and curious. For this reason, the proliferation of beliefs and social movements may begin to take a more rational, universal and intellectual tone.
The feminine nature of Virgo also means that Jupiter’s transit here will cause us to adopt a more self-reflective approach to our beliefs. As Virgo is a mutable sign, we may become much more flexible around ideas, compared to the dogmatic nature of beliefs we experienced with Jupiter in the fixed sign of Leo. With Jupiter moving from a fire sign to an earth sign, it’s time to take those big illuminated ideas and work out the details around how to move them from the visionary into the physical plane.
Jupiter is the planet of optimism, and Virgo is perhaps the most practical of all the signs, so it is possible that we may feel a slight deflation of our idealism as rationalist philosophies become more popular again. At least Jupiter is parting ways with Rahu, so we may actually welcome a little linear Virgoan thinking, after some of the radical ideological battles we have experienced recently.
Jupiter For You
In this coming year we will feel Jupiter’s expansive potential shift from one area of our lives to another, depending on each individual’s rising sign. Leo rising individuals have had Jupiter’s (Guru’s) grace over the last year, while Virgo rising folks may have actually experienced more loss and confusion as he transited their 12th house. Now Virgo ascendants will feel more of a sense of luck and expansion as the Gas Giant makes his way across their first house. For the next year, Jupiter’s influence will permeate four different areas of your life, those indicated by Virgo as well as Capricorn, Pisces, and Taurus in your Vedic chart, where he will now cast his aspect.
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*Jupiter is moving from Leo to Virgo according to the Vedic/sidereal zodiac, which correlates with how we see the stars and planets from Earth in real time. Just look up at night and you can see he is between Leo/Virgo now! According to the Western/tropical zodiac, based on the seasons, he is said to be in Virgo and moving to Libra soon.
by Somya Devi | Jul 29, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Events, Planets Changing Signs, Uncategorized
Tuesday’s New Moon in sidereal Cancer brings on a new lunar cycle and a month of heavy astrological changes. With the Sun and Moon in the sign of the water snake, Ashlesha, this cycle kicks off with a dark Moon on August 2nd, 2016 at 1:45 pm PDT. Other happenings in August include Saturn finally going direct (after four long months), just in time for a head-on collision with Mars around the 24th. Jupiter is also having a major shift, transiting from sidereal Leo to Virgo, after a year in Leo (and six months joined with Rahu there!)
As the Sun and the Moon meet in the middle of sidereal Cancer we will strongly feel the emotional and feminine energy of Cancer heightened for the coming month. This area of the sky is also known as Aslesha, the Vedic nakshatra that elicits serpent energy and wisdom. Aslesha can be found within the constellation Hydra, the water snake. This month will bring on the energy that will help us to probe into the deep currents of our emotions in order to find what lies coiled within. Compassion and universal love can be found in the deep well-spring of Cancer.
The Vedic deities of Aslesha are the Nagas, the divine serpents of wisdom. This constellation relates to kundalini, and offers the opportunity for us to release some of our dormant potency. This is a great time to check in with your root (muladhara) and sacral (svadhistana) chakras. Feel into these centers, and ask yourself, what lies dormant that is ready to flow or reawaken? This constellation has the power to heighten our intuition and sexuality this month.
The Cancer cycle will also draw our yin energy more into our awareness. Cancer is a feminine water sign ruled by the Moon, and is an archetype for feminine divine energy. As we have begun the descending cycle of the Sun and the days slowly begin to shorten, we can reconnect to our intuitive and feeling nature through Cancer, awakening the wisdom that our receptive channel has to offer. The Dark Moon night of August 1st, in particular, is a great time to withdraw inwardly and nourish the lunar energies. Call on the Moon energy in whatever ways speak to you — a moonlit walk, bath, or meditation, moonstones and pearls, mantra, or an altar to the Moon or the water element. Connecting with the Moon and the water this cycle will help your emotions and intuition to flow, offering valuable insights and helping the heart to open.

It is very important to maintain a solid practice to increase clarity and heighten your perception and discernment this month. The movements of Saturn, Mars and Jupiter will all have some serious impact in mid-August (and that’s just a precursor to the turbulence being brought on by September’s eclipses, yikes!).
Saturn has been in retrograde motion since late March, in sidereal Scorpio, and causing us to do some major re-thinking of our long-term commitments. (If you didn’t yet receive your Free Saturn Retrograde Guide, Download it Here to see how Saturn has affected you this year.) After a grinding period of delay, confusion and hesitation, Saturn will finally be stationing and then going direct on August 13th. This motion offers us the potential to at last commit to one direction and forge ahead with dedication.
Saturn’s direct motion comes just days before Mars finally catches up with him, and the two join in a tight and potentially explosive conjunction in sidereal Scorpio around August 24th. Mars’ passion and impetuousness threaten to destroy whatever firm commitments we have made after Saturn’s retrograde period of uncertainty. Saturn is the planet that helps us to slow down and look at things in perspective of the long-term and the bigger picture, but Mars tells us to listen to our animal instinct and lunge towards wherever it points in the moment. The days surrounding this Mars-Saturn exact conjunction are a time to exercise a lot of patience and discernment, lest we destroy something in haste. This is when that Cancerian energy of compassion and receptivity will come in handy.
Mars can also offer us courage, however, and a warrior spirit, and these may be needed to propel us forward in facing our fears. We may have set some of our responsibilities on the back burner, but we are now ready to engage with Saturn moving direct. Mars in Scorpio offers us the energy of the spiritual warrior, the courage to confront our challenges, and the power to strengthen our emotions where we are the most vulnerable. Through mindful practice, we may be able to harness Mars’ energy for some powerful inner transformation.
The other major planetary shift we will experience this month is Jupiter’s transit into sidereal Virgo, on August 12th. Jupiter has been progressing through Leo for the past year, enlarging our sense of individual power and the power of our beliefs. He brightened our ideals and philosophies, illuminated new ideas, and expanded the area of life indicated by Leo in each person’s individual natal chart.
Since Rahu joined Jupiter there in January, we have seen philosophies and beliefs become radicalized, and often confused and violent, on a large scale throughout society. Though we may still experience this to some degree as long as Rahu remains in Leo (for the next year), the fact that Jupiter is moving on should diminish the intensity of the ideological power-plays at large. With Jupiter in Virgo, philosophy and belief structures will, on the whole, become more practical and grounded. You will also feel some expansion and grace for the next year in the area of your Vedic chart indicated by Virgo.
At the beginning of this lunar cycle, we experience a tight conjunction of Jupiter, Rahu, Mercury and Venus all in Leo. Leo is a powerful fire sign, ruled by the Sun, and is where we tap into our core power and sense of connection with source. Power can be used generously or selfishly, however, and we may feel different sides of ourselves and various people in our lives trying to assert dominance this month. This will be felt throughout August, wherein we will have up to five planets in Leo on any given day.
Call forth the compassionate, watery, and loving Moon energy of Cancer as we begin this new Moon cycle, and try to carry this with you throughout the month. Harness the intuitive potential of Aslesha nakshatra and let your insight guide you through the bumpy days ahead. Oh yeah … and don’t miss the beauty of the Perseid meteor showers, brightest around August 11-12!
May all beings find peace and happiness.
Be sure to Follow Me and join the email list to make sure you get the upcoming Free Jupiter-in-Virgo Forecast for your sign. With all the powerful alignments, movements, and upcoming eclipses, this is a popular time to receive a personal Vedic Astrology reading (limited readings are available, on a first-come first-serve basis).
by Somya Devi | Jul 14, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Retrograde
Next Tuesday brings Guru Purnima on the Full Moon in Capricorn. The peak of the full Moon will occur on July 19, 2016 at 3:57 pm PDT. Purnima is the full Moon phase of the month, and guru means remover of darkness, but is commonly translated as teacher. Guru Purnima is an auspicious time for celebrating our teachers. Under the light of the full Moon, we give thanks for the illumination and wisdom that they have brought into our lives. Guru is also the planetary name for Jupiter (in Sanskrit and Vedic astrology), who represents the principles of expansion and inspiration in our lives.
This full Moon falls at 3 degrees of sidereal Capricorn, highlighting our quest for structure to support to our feminine, yin essence. Capricorn is a feminine earth sign and is ruled by Saturn, the planet that drives our focus towards the bigger picture. Saturn makes us remember the eternal nature of our soul, and through Capricorn, he inspires practical action in the earth realm to help us to protect and support our soul’s evolution. This full Moon will help us to remember to rise to meet our responsibilities and persevere through any difficulties we are facing.
This Capricorn energy offers a great time to tap into your spiritual practices. It’s time to bring them into the earthly realm, rather than just thinking about them. Capricorn is practical, and that means it’s time to practice. Sit down on the ground and connect with your crystals, cards, malas, or instruments. Practice also includes doing your duty as well as selfless service. Service that upholds the teachings of your gurus can be a special offering you make on this day.
In the Vedic calendar this full Moon and Guru Purnima fall on the nakshatra of Uttara Ashadha. This star-sign is ruled by the Vishvadevas, the 10 lords of dharma. Dharma refers to our duty in life, both earthly and spiritual. These will both be illuminated for us on this full Moon. Uttara Ashadha constellation bridges Sagittarius and Capricorn, signs ruled by Jupiter and Saturn. Its energy supports holding high ideals, and the commitment needed to support them. In remembering our teachers we will also remember our highest values and our purpose. It is said that in addition to each individual’s unique purpose in this life, we all share the higher purpose of attaining self-realization.
At the time of the full Moon, the Sun will be opposite Capricorn, in sidereal Cancer. We are at the point in the cycle where we need to harmonize the energy of these two signs, balancing our watery emotional nature with our practical earthy side. With the Sun in Cancer, we find our strength through the heart and our intuition. The Moon in Capricorn balances this by bringing our focus towards the earth realm and the bigger picture, while our emotional sensitivity and intuition is heightened.
The bigger picture and our long-term goals and commitments are definitely on our minds right now because of Saturn’s influence. This Full Moon is receiving an aspect from retrograde Saturn in sidereal Scorpio. Since March, Saturn has appeared to move backwards in retrograde motion, causing us to backtrack and reconsider our long-term commitments in a few specific areas of life. (The areas of life indicated by Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius in your Vedic chart have been under scrutinization, or may have just felt stuck.)
There is one month left during Saturn retrograde. This is our time to really go inward, finding our truth, facing our fears, and determining the long-term direction we want to pursue. We feel a lot of pressure here now because Mars is once again joining Saturn in Scorpio, and will be for the next two months. The two will come head-to-head in late August (within one degree of each other), and we will need to really stay centered to maintain balance amidst this energy.
Jupiter is also getting ready to move signs in about one month, transiting fully from sidereal Leo to Virgo. For the last year he has been in sidereal Leo, and personal beliefs and self-empowerment have been getting a lot of attention. Since January, the shadow planet Rahu has also been joining him there, inciting some very radical ideas and power-struggles. When Jupiter transits into Virgo in mid-August, we will feel a shift towards more grounded philosophies, at large, and more trends towards practical thinking. This transit will also have profound effects for each individual based on where Virgo lies in your chart. You will feel a boost of energy for the next year in this area of life. (Be sure to sign up for free updates at my site to receive your personal Jupiter in Virgo forecast, coming soon to your inbox).
As my guru says, “May we all become lamps spreading light to the world, and may grace help us to achieve this.” This Guru Purnima on the full Moon in Capricorn, connect with your teachers and that which inspires you most.
With the upcoming shifts of Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter, now is a great time to book a personal reading to see what will be changing for you. Be sure to sign up here to receive your free personal forecasts and Vedic Astrology news.
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by Somya Devi | Jul 7, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs
Venus is now in Cancer, and the Moon is joining Rahu and Jupiter in Leo for the next two days. With Venus in Cancer, we feel a lot of emotion about our desires. As we approach compromise, we may feel flooded with compassion, or maybe just flooded with emotion. It might be difficult to erect proper boundaries in both compromising and seeking to fulfill our desires. Keep an eye out for this over the next couple of weeks.
Now and for the next two days, the Moon is in the same sign as Jupiter and Rahu, which could add some intensity to our hearts and minds, especially around beliefs. As the Moon rules Cancer, this intensity could spill over into our desire and relationships, especially Friday night as the Moon is sandwiched between Rahu and Jupiter.
by Somya Devi | Jun 29, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Eye of the Storm on the Gemini New Moon
We enter the eye of the storm on the Gemini New Moon this July 4th. With Sun and Moon in Ardra nakshatra, the Dark Moon night of July 3rd offers an opportunity for cleansing and renewal. Ardra nakshatra is a stormy and transformational place in the zodiac. The new lunar cycle begins on July 4th at 4:01am PDT. Ardra (also called Arudra) is a Vedic star-sign known as “the moist one.”
Ardra is related to the deity Rudra, the fierce and destructive form of Shiva. Rudra is often depicted in a violent storm. When the clouds part, the time after intense rains is a period of renewal. The storm washes away the old and makes the ground fertile for something new to sprout.
A teardrop is another symbol related to Ardra nakshatra, signifying sorrow, but also the process of emotional purification. Tears can be very cleansing. Rudrakshas are the sacred seeds seen in malas (prayer beads) worn by Shiva. They are translated as “the tears of Rudra.” On this Dark Moon night, what calls you to shed your tears in order to clear a path and nourish the grounds for something new to grow?
Amidst the sorrow and destruction brought forth by this transformative deity, there remains a stillness at the center of the storm. Shiva is well known as the greatest of yogis, because of his ability to abide in peaceful meditation despite any chaos happening around him. He remains still in the midst of the ongoing destruction and renewal happening throughout the cosmos. By tuning into our own center, we can awaken pure consciousness, which helps us to weather any storm.
A third image relating to Ardra is the diamond, a clear and luminous gemstone formed after enduring intense heat and pressure. Like the diamond, Ardra reminds us that we are warriors who can withstand any austerity and challenge and come out clearer and more brilliant. This is definitely a warrior nakshatra. Ardra is related to Rahu, the planet who connects us to our deepest psychological shadows. By facing these, he helps us to grow and mature.
This New Moon initiates a lunar cycle abundant with Gemini energy. It begins on Monday with the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury all in sidereal Gemini. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, brings a playful and versatile energy to our lives. We begin this month in a collective energy of curiosity and flexibility. This is a great time to explore some new interests or skills. With Mercury in Gemini we are feeling very open-minded. We are ready to explore many different possibilities and look at life from a new angle. With Venus in Gemini, our desires are diverse as well, and we may seek satisfaction through many avenues.
One caveat to all this Gemini energy: be conscious of the elevated air element and vata dosha in the atmosphere. This can lead us to can easily feel overstimulated, in the mind, body, and nervous system. You may notice you have been hyperactive lately, which can quickly lead to exhaustion. Take time this month to connect with the earth and water elements. This will help to create balance with the prevalent air and fire elements. Six out of nine planets are in air signs at the time that this new lunar cycle begins, and Rahu and Jupiter remain in firey Leo. Also be aware that Mars turned direct on June 29th, and is now moving forward, giving us more fire-power, strength and courage.
The upcoming Full Moon of this cycle, on July 19th, is Guru Purnima. This is the traditional day for honoring our teachers, or gurus. The guru is literally the dispeller of darkness, and darkness is the cloak of ignorance. If we have been blessed to find someone who has helped to remove darkness or ignorance from our lives, today is a great day to offer our thanks to them.
Definitely take some time to sit on the ground and connect with the earth on this airy New Moon in Gemini. Find your heart center and call on the water element, letting the rains (or tears) wash over you in order to help you to purify and make fertile grounds for a new chapter of growth in your life. Gemini relates to the arms, shoulders and chest, so doing some heart- and shoulder-opening exercises or asanas will be helpful in this time. You can connect with Ardra’s deity, Rudra, and call in the consciousness and peace of Lord Shiva by chanting “Om Namah Shivaya.”
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by Somya Devi | Jun 29, 2016 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Events
Mars Direct
Mars, the planet of our courage and will, is coming to a stop in his reverse motion today (as viewed from earth), and then will slowly begin moving forward again through the zodiac. Mars has been retrograde since mid-April, and since that time we may have been feeling confused about our strength and courage, or may not have been feeling as much vitality as usual (especially if you are a Mars-ruled person). Mars moving forward again will help us to regain some willpower and self-discipline, but could also put a bit of pressure on our relationships for the next couple of weeks while he remains in Libra. You’ll also feel some energy returning to whatever house Libra is in your chart, and whatever themes Mars rules for you.
In a couple of weeks the forward-moving Mars will re-enter sidereal Scorpio, joining retrograde Saturn once again. If you haven’t read your Saturn Retrograde Forecast yet, now is a good time to do it. The Mars-Saturn conjunction will up the pressure on the commitments you’ve been working on figuring out since March. You will have about one month left in Saturn retrograde when Mars, who governs our force and will, joins Saturn, who relates to our long-term goals and commitments. This will be the time to really decide what direction you are moving (especially in regards to Scorpio’s house in your chart), and take a firm stand before the Mars-Saturn war in late August.
Now is still a great time for a reading if you want to explore how the Mars and Saturn are triggering you around long-term goals and decisions.