by Somya Devi | Jan 29, 2018 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses
Has anyone else been feeling the tension mounting for the last week or two? My life generally feels pretty smooth, and thanks to my practice I am able to cope with the little waves and bumps that add more stress to life. But for some reason, when the eclipse seasons come around, I feel more distraught and like the challenges seem to come all at once and pile up. This is when daily meditation becomes extra important, and if I miss it I feel even more out of whack.
We’re in an eclipse window now, approaching a Total Lunar Eclipse on January 31st. The maximum eclipse is at 5:29 am PST (13:29 UT), with the full eclipse from 4:51 to 6:07 am. Check out for a full visual of the eclipse path, and enter your local city to see what time it is happening there. This eclipse will be at least partially visible from all of North America, Australia, Asia, and the middle East, and parts of South America, Africa and Europe.

Kala Sarpa
This eclipse is bringing added intensity due to the weighted alignment of planets in a kala saarpa yoga, with four planets joining the nodes, and the three others to one side of the nodal axis (see chart below). When the planets are aligned like this, more shadow work arises due to a prominence of the nodes. Eclipses have a similar affect, so right now we are having a double-dose of heavy nodal energy affecting the atmosphere.

Cancer-Capricorn Axis
This full Moon and nodal alignment is happening along the Capricorn-Cancer axis, with the full Moon peaking at 17 degrees sidereal Cancer, at 5:27 am PST, just before the maximum point of the eclipse. A full Moon in Cancer normally illuminates our emotional side, bringing our attention to the heart, and its open, compassionate potential. This is in contrast to the practical approach to life brought on by the Sun-in-Capricorn cycle, which began on January 16th.
Eclipse Effects
During an lunar eclipse, however, the Earth passes directly in between the Sun and the Moon, and the Sun’s light is blocked from illuminating the Moon as it normally does at this phase of the lunar cycle. The Moon doesn’t go totally black, because some of the Sun’s rays bounce around the earth through the atmosphere, so the Moon instead takes on a greyish-to-reddish hue. Energetically, the Moon relates to our heart, emotions, and peace of mind. There can be an eerie feeling of disconnection to these around a lunar eclipse and during the time leading up to it.
This month, the intensified awareness of our emotional body may take on a slightly darker tone. The nodes are the shadow planets, the subconscious parts of ourselves that our usually invisible, but during an eclipse these shadows rise to the surface and show themselves. So with the full Moon in Cancer eclipsed, it’s likely that we will see the ways in which our emotional nature can lead us astray, where we open our boundaries too wide, or may simply experience emotions that we normally avoid facing. For those who have a strong connection to their Cancerian nature already, this could be a difficult time, where the floodgates are opened and feel overwhelming, yet a lot of confusion is present until the eclipse passes.
To cope with whatever challenges are arising, it’s best to lay low during the eclipse. It’s a great time for sadhana, calling forth your higher power, and being introspective and reflective. Whatever is coming up for you during (and before) this eclipse is like an Easter egg to point you towards something deeper in your being that requires your attention and work.
Within Cancer, this total lunar eclipse will occur in the Vedic nakshatra called Ashlesha, “the entwiner.” This nakshatra can be located in a ring of stars within the western constellation Hydra, the water-serpent. Ashlesha is represented by a coiled snake, and is ruled by the Nagas, the serpent deities of wisdom. This nakshatra has a lot to do with discovering what is coiled deep within, so an eclipse here has the potential to churn up some deep-seated emotions that have not been felt for a while. It also has the ability to stir kundalini, so if you are doing spiritual practices, be prepared for some possible strong waves of energy.
At the same time, the snake also contains a poisonous venom. Because of the intensity of this eclipse and the surrounding alignment, it is quite possible for some of what gets stirred up to have a toxic quality. Like other detoxification processes, however, it is sometimes necessary for the toxins to filter through the body after they are dislodged, before being released back to the earth. Drink lots of water following this eclipse, but Indian tradition says that it is best not to eat, drink, or be outside during the eclipse, lest we absorb more of its negative affects. With any difficulties that arise, offer them back to the divine Mother, and call upon the cleansing power of water to help you through.
The effects of the eclipse may continue through mid-February, when we have the second eclipse of this cycle, a partial solar eclipse, happening on February 15th. These eclipses will bring up challenges specifically in the areas of life indicated by Cancer and Capricorn in your Vedic natal chart. There is a Free Forecast for your Rising Sign available here. (If you are new to the mailing list, you will be directed to the link. If you are already on the mailing list, please check your inbox as you would have received this forecast a while ago.)
Personal readings are also available. Please Like, Comment & Share if you enjoyed this article.
by Somya Devi | Jan 15, 2018 | Uncategorized
The new lunar cycle begins with a new Moon in Capricorn on the dark night of January 16th. The Sun and Moon join at 6:17 pm PT, at 2° sidereal Capricorn, closely joining Venus at 4°, and in the same sign as Ketu, the south node, signaling the approach of an oncoming eclipse. This is yet another cycle beginning under an inauspicious kala sarpa alignment, though thankfully the last for a while (until August of this year).
Capricorn Cycle
Saturn continues to be a powerful force throughout the beginning of this new year. The previous lunar cycle began with Sun and Moon joining Saturn, and the full Moon on January 1st was opposite the austere planet, pressuring us to be aware of the consequences of our actions. This cycle begins in a Saturn-ruled sign, Capricorn, as will the next, which will start with an eclipse in Aquarius.
Capricorn is perhaps the most practical and responsible sign. With the combination of earth sign-energy, Saturn’s long-term gaze, and a tamasic (heavy) quality, Capricorn’s energy compels us to create stable structures and routines that support our long-term goals and responsibilities. This month we may take inventory of how we are doing along these lines, and implement some practical and physical routines that take effort and perseverance, and help us to align with our broader vision. A new diet or exercise regime and a re-examination of financial planning are well-supported by Saturn’s influence right now.
Ketu & Upcoming Eclipses
The close conjunction with Ketu, however, can cast a shadow of confusion over these plans, as we approach a total lunar eclipse on January 31st. The eclipse (at 13:31 UT) will occur on the full Moon, and will be visible from Asia, Australia, India, the Pacific, and western North America. Deep introspection and self-observation is necessary to see through the muck that arises with the conjunction of the nodes on the lunar cycle.
This is the first of 3 major eclipse cycles to occur with the nodes transiting the Cancer-Capricorn axis. With Rahu’s eager, obsessive, and childish head running amok in Cancer, and Ketu’s resistant, critical pall obscuring Capricorn, these eclipses may cause us to allow overwhelming emotions to get the best of us, while disregarding the practical voice of reason. The nodal transit reveals our personal shadows, the inner struggles we face in creating an equilibrium between emotional, heart-centered living and the meeting of life’s goals on the earth-plane. This transit, and these eclipses, also bring up specific shadow work for each individual depending on the natal chart (download the free 2018-2019 Rahu-Ketu Forecast for your Sign here.)

Uttara Ashada
The Sun and Moon, along with Venus, are joined in the Vedic nakshatra called Uttara Ashada, “the latter invincible one,” as we begin this lunar cycle. This star is ruled by the Vishvadevas, the lords of dharma, which will compel us towards doing our duty as we get our ducks in a row this month. The closeness of Ketu and the eclipse cycle, however, could bring up some confusion as to what this duty is. As always, the new Moon in particular is an optimal time for meditation and introspection, especially important for the next month as we forge through the eclipse energy.
With Venus combust at the beginning of this cycle (within 2° of the Sun), we might struggle within relationships. Under this placement, it is more difficult to feel that our desires are being met, and that we are feeling appreciated and valued by our loved ones. Venus’ proximity to Ketu may also bring up a lot of criticism around partnerships, and can challenge happiness in general.
Mars in Scorpio
With Mars moving into his own sign of Scorpio on the 16th, look for Mars’ influence to be stronger in your life this month. If he is a helpful planet in your chart, then your energy, courage, and discipline may grow more acute. If he is a challenging influence for you personally, however, be wary of getting into arguments and losing your cool.
Kala Sarpa
Though we begin this lunar cycle under a kala sarpa yoga, with all planets on one side of the nodal axis (or joining it), we are nearing the end of these difficult alignments for a while. The Moon’s movement will break the cycle on January 18th, until January 30th, when we enter one last kala sarpa cycle through February 5th. At that time, Venus will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius, making these cycles impossible until August. From February through August, there will be slightly more balance in the planetary energies. The kala sarpa cycle is a type of imbalance, wherein the clustering of the planets on one side of the sky tends to bring heavier and more turbulent experiences in general.
Personal life course and 2018 readings are available by phone or Skype.
by Somya Devi | Dec 29, 2017 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Events
New Years Full Moon
Many blessings for the new year, astrology lovers! This lunar cycle will peak with a full Moon at 17° sidereal Gemini, on January 1st at 6:24 pm PST. On both December 31st and January 1st the Moon will wax into fullness, fully reflecting the light of the Sagittarian Sun onto Earth, as we step into 2018.
New Years Challenge: Look at the Sky!
Now I know that some of you are already very familiar with Vedic astrology (jyotish, the science of light) and the sidereal zodiac, but each month I get at least one person commenting or questioning why I would say the full Moon is in Gemini (for example, now), when they’ve heard it is in Cancer.
Well, one can begin to understand this by engaging in the first limb of jyotish, referred to as gola (observational astronomy). The study of astrology began as a love of astronomy, when people would actually go out and look at the sky, watching the way that light bounced off of and around the stars and planets. It wasn’t just about looking at a calendar or computer program to know where the planets are.
We can still engage in this practice when using the sidereal zodiac with Vedic astrology, because this “star-based” zodiac correlates with what we see in the sky.* Here are some screenshots for January 1st from the astronomy app called SkyView Lite, showing the Moon in sidereal Gemini, and Mars and Jupiter in sidereal Libra, Mercury in sidereal Scorpio, and Saturn, Venus, and the Sun closely joined in sidereal Sagittarius. Gemini is where you will be able to locate the full Moon on January 1st, and these photos show where one would see the other planets if not for the fact that they are currently “up” during the day (early birds might catch Jupiter and Mars).
Western astrology, following the tropical zodiac (which says this full Moon is in Cancer, and that Saturn is in Capricorn), is a system that is based more on the seasons, than how we see the stars and planets. It has its own applications and relevance, but my articles are written from the Vedic perspective, using the sidereal zodiac, hence… Full Moon in Gemini! Read the full article on the two zodiacs HERE.

Full Moon in Gemini
So then! What does the full Moon in Gemini mean, as we hurtle through space and into the next calendar year? We began this lunar cycle with the Sun, and Saturn, in Sagittarius. That type of energy compells us to be vigilant with our beliefs and opinions, and to make sure that all of our actions are in close alignment with them. It’s a very passionate and opinionated time of year, as the Sun crosses the Jupiter-ruled sign of righteous action, with stern and serious Saturn casting a strong influence. Saturn’s presence here forces us to look hard at our beliefs, and sort through the dogma to get to the most authentic core.
The full Moon in Gemini, on the other hand, offers a reflection point to all this serious philosophical digging. Gemini is a sign that is much more flexible, impartial, and willing to see both sides of the situation. This doesn’t mean that we cast our guiding principles aside, but it means that we take a moment to stand in the other person’s shoes, play the devil’s advocate, and imagine a world where there’s a synthesis between what we believe is right and the opposite of that, and are willing to engage in conversation around it.
Ardra Nakshatra
Within Gemini, this full Moon falls in the Vedic nakshatra known as Ardra, “the moist one.” This constellation is one of the most violent and stormy places in the zodiac. Its ruled by the deity Rudra, a fierce form of Lord Shiva, and has to do with the destruction and dissolution brought on by storms. After the deluge, however, the earth is moist and fresh and ready for new life to begin. As we reflect on the practicality of our beliefs and the ways we might engage our intellect to relate with and understand our opposites, we can look for ways to break down parts of our rigidity that don’t serve the situation, and let dogma dissolve so that truer sensation may arise.
On the external level, we often see major upheaval or violent events occur in society when Ardra energy is strong. All the more reason to use this New Year celebration to pray, meditate, and envision more light, peace, and positivity spreading across the globe.

Turbulent Atmosphere
In addition to the full Moon in Ardra, we’re about to enter the last major Kala Sarpa (“black snake”) period for a while, as all the planets traverse one side of the Rahu-Ketu nodal axis (from January 2nd – 19th). There will be one more partial cycle after that, from January 31st through February 5th, when Venus finally passes out of Capricorn (where Ketu lies), breaking the potential for any more Kala Sarpa cycles til August. During these periods, life can feel extra intense, and whatever karma is already stimulated in your life by the transits (in relation to your natal chart), will be magnified.
On top of that, we’re entering another eclipse cycle, as we approach two eclipses to occur on January 31st and February 15th. The total lunar eclipse on the 31st will be visible from Asia, Australia, India, the Pacific, and western North America. The partial solar eclipse on the 15th will only be visible from Antarctica and southern South America. Though there may be slightly less intensity in places where the eclipses aren’t visible, they nevertheless tend to stir up shadow work we are doing in a particular area of life (read your forecast in the free e-book available here).
Finally, we’ll be underneath a planetary war between Jupiter and Mars from the 4th through the 8th, so be aware of your animal instinct fighting with your higher beliefs. There may also be conflict between some specific areas of life, relative to your natal chart.
May you start the new year full of planetary inspiration, gazing upon the full Moon in Gemini!
Book a personal 2018 Vedic Astrology Reading with me now! Sessions done by phone or Skype.
*Save for a few cases when the observable constellation spans more or less than its 30° attributed “portion” of the ecliptic.
by Somya Devi | Dec 15, 2017 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Events
New Moon in Sagittarius in Mula Nakshatra
This Sunday, December 17th, we begin a new lunar cycle at 10:31 pm PST with the Sun, Moon, and Saturn aligning in early sidereal Sagittarius. This Sagittarius cycle will lead us into the new year, with the Moon reaching fullness on January 1st. The Sun and the Moon will come together at 2° of sidereal Sagittarius, aligned closely with Saturn at 5° and oriented towards the galactic center, and Mula nakshatra.
Sagittarius Cycle
Sagittarius carries the energy of its ruling planet, Jupiter into action. It is a fire sign, and a masculine, or yang, sign, both qualities that help us to transform our inspiration, ideas, and beliefs into real actions in the world. Whatever principles, philosophies, or beliefs you hold, this month is a time to propel them forward and spread your inspiration to others. Jupiter is also joining with Mars at this time, adding a potency of power to our ability to move with righteous purpose.
Of course, a caveat to this is to watch against acting with blind faith, but to really dive into yourself and let your authentic personal faith shine through. Sun’s and Moon’s position in Mula nakshatra, and close to Saturn, will help with this.
Mula Nakshatra
Mula (or Moola) nakshatra is the Vedic constellation which translates as “the root.” As the literal center of the galaxy (when we look past Mula, we are looking into the galactic center), planetary energy here compels us to find the deepest truth within ourselves, our beliefs, and everything. Planets here encourage us to be investigators, researching and probing until the deepest layers of truth are revealed. Though technically in the early degrees of Sagittarius, Mula aligns with the tail of the Scorpion, and brings up imagery of both poison and medicine, and the idea that poison can be medicine as it shocks us into transformation. The deity for this star is Nirritti, a dark form of Goddess Kali who relates to destruction and death.
As the Sun goes down on the night of the solstice (December 21st), we experience a little death, as the solar year ends and we await the new one to arise. This completes the cycle of the Sun from its northernmost course to its southernmost, and will be the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, and the longest in the southern. This is a powerful night for going inward, being still, and practicing rituals for letting go of the past and what no longer serves.
Saturn’s conjunction with Sun and Moon adds a level of seriousness and fortitude to this powerful transitional cycle. Saturn, or Lord Shani, is the slowest-moving planet, and stimulates us to find more maturity and wisdom. He adds a weight of seriousness that reminds us that actions have consequences, and helps us to call forth our inner old wise person. We want this inner sage to weigh in as we probe our depths to see which our beliefs are worth supporting through effort and actions as we enter the new year.

Kala Saarpa
We enter our final lunar cycle of the year under a Kala Saarpa yoga, with all planets on one side of the nodal Rahu-Ketu axis in the sky. This increases the level of intensity in everything in our lives, especially around deep inner work that we are doing. Though we may not be comfortable with letting go of our accustomed mindset, the alignment of the planets now is primed for some big changes to take place, especially around philosophy, beliefs and ideas.
The final Kala Saarpa for this season will run from January 2nd through January 19th, after which time the Sun will have passed Ketu, and we’ll have another 6 months free from this bi-monthly cycle. These cycles will continue for roughly half the month during roughly half the year, until December 2019.
Planetary Wars & Upcoming Eclipses
With so many planets so close together, we continue to have planetary wars this month as a number of planets cross within one degree of each other. Venus and Saturn come head to head from December 24th through 27th, bringing up some possible conflict between relationships and work, short-term desires and long-term goals. Mercury goes direct on December 23rd. January 4th through 8th, Jupiter and Mars engage in a planetary war, during which our animal instincts may seem to feel in conflict with our mentally held belief system.
The conflict among these planets will take form specifically in your life around the specific things each planet rules in your individual natal chart. We’ll also be entering a new eclipse cycle in January, with eclipses occurring in parts of the world on January 31st and February 15th (free forecast download at if you haven’t received it yet!).
Be sure to stay on the list and watch for a new years’ cheat sheet with important dates for 2018!
Many blessings as we head into the New Year.
by Somya Devi | Sep 5, 2017 | Astrology, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Events, Planets Changing Signs, Retrograde
Title Photo by Martina Hoffman
Full Moon in Aquarius in Shatabisha Nakshatra
The Full Moon in Aquarius in Shatabisha nakshatra is happening tonight! The Moon reaches peak fullness at 12:03 am (just after midnight) Pacific time on September 6th, in the middle of sidereal Aquarius, in the nakshatra known as Shatabisha.
Aquarius and Leo
The Aquarian full Moon draws our mind more towards the collective good, and how we can be of service to society, in contrast to the Sun, Mars, and Mercury in Leo, who draw the emphasis to personal power. The Full Moon is a time to harmonize the energy of the two sides of this zodiacal axis, and utilize our Aquarian side to reflect upon service. How we can achieve this while actually standing in our own power and using it for good at the same time?
Full Moon Medicine
Shatabisha, the Vedic star-sign where this full Moon peaks, is a powerful nakshatra for healing of all kinds. Known as the “hundred medicines” or the “hundred physicians,” the energy here drives us to explore alternative forms of healing. This includes our quest for self-healing and also the tools that we might use to help to heal others. The deity for this nakshatra is Lord Varuna, the god of the cosmic waters. Let us pray for healing waters as opposed to those that have been so destructive of late!
After the intense solar eclipse that began this cycle on August 21st, we have seen a continued onslaught of natural disasters across the globe, and this is a potent time to reach into your apothecary for whatever medicines can help. This might mean different herbs or foods as medicine, or it could also include a practice such as dance or meditation. With the pleasure-loving Venus joining Rahu, be careful of over-indulging, especially if you have a tendency to abuse medicines or drugs.
Rahu, Ketu, & Eclipse Aftermath
The nodes are now on the cusp of Leo-Cancer and Aquarius-Capricorn, respectively. You may have seen some discrepancy among Vedic astrologers in citing the date of Rahu and Ketu’s transition from the Leo-Aquarius axis and into Cancer-Capricorn. This has to do with subtleties in the astronomical calculation methods and software settings involved. It may appear as if the nodes crossed the imaginary zero-degree mark on August 17th (as I’ve cited previously) according to some calculation methods, while other astrologers are still awaiting that change to occur, later in September.
Whether the nodes have technically crossed that imaginary line or not, they are still near the “cusp” of both sign-axes either way. Whenever planets are on the cusp of two signs, they are not strongly established in the energy of either sign, but might actually behave with influences from both of the two signs. Similarly, if someone was born with the ascendant close to the cusp of two signs, they may resonate with the energies of both signs to a degree, rather than one distinctly. Thus, Rahu is now exerting his harsh force (more powerfully because of the recent eclipse) with some energy of Cancer and some energy of Leo.

Fire vs. Water by FelipeS4rg
With all of the recent flooding across the world, I believe we’re strongly seeing the energy of Rahu in Cancer coming through. I predicted the “floodgate of the heart” would open during this transit, with perhaps some overwhelming emotions arising. With this recent bout of flooding surrounding the Great American Eclipse on August 21st, there is a strong presence of Rahu-in-Cancer energy visible. Simultaneously, with the multitude of forest fires raging, and the continued intensity of the political arena, we are also still experiencing the Leonian influence on Rahu. Rahu, the demon planet of intensity, appears to be rearing his (detached) head with both the water-power of Cancer and the fire-power of Leo. This influence is acutely felt across the US, where he showed his shadow in full power to begin this Moon cycle.
Mercury, Venus, Saturn & Jupiter
Mercury turns direct today! It will take him a few days to pick up forward-momentum, however, so be aware of potential stagnancy in communication, and the ironing out of details and logistics.
Venus, in my calculations, is now joining Rahu in the open-hearted sign of Cancer. This is a tough position for the planet of pleasure and compromise. Proximity to Rahu could cause us to over-indulge in sensory pleasures, while Venus is already feeling a bit challenged in the sign of the Moon. The Moon and Cancer compel us to open our hearts and bestow loving compassion on everyone. An intelligent Venus helps us to find a balance in the give-and-take of relationships, so with Venus in Cancer we have a tendency to open our boundaries too far, and present the possibility of being (or feeling) taken advantage of. Watch your boundaries in relationships over the next few weeks while Venus transits Cancer, approaching and passing Rahu.
Saturn stationed and turned direct on August 25th, and is now making his final traverse of Scorpio for the next 27 years. This is the home stretch of Saturn’s return and Sade Sati for some people, and for everyone it is the time to really reflect on how we have re-committed to our personal transformation over the past three years.
Jupiter is getting ready for another major transit as well, beginning on September 11th when he will cross the imaginary line between Virgo and Libra. For the past thirteen months we have experienced the influence of Jupiterian expansion, luck, and grace in the style of Virgo, in the house indicated by Virgo in our charts. Once Jupiter settles fully into Libra, we will experience this effect in that area of our lives. This could add to some more collective balance and harmony in the world, as we begin to think about applying our principles in a more fair and balanced way. It will also have positive expansive influences on Libra-, Aquarius-, and Gemini-rising people in general. Each sign will gain Jupiter’s positive effects in a specific area of life, so look out for the Jupiter-in-Libra forecast coming this month! (Sign up for the free mailing list here if you aren’t already on it…you’ll also get last year’s free Jupiter-in-Virgo e-book if you want to take a look at where this transit already affected you).
Kala Sarpa
The last two weeks since the eclipse had us in a quasi-Kala Sarpa yoga alignment, with all the planets joining or on one side of the Rahu-Ketu axis. (This is using the calculation that puts Rahu in Cancer.) This intensifies everything, including those water-fire effects of the recent eclipse over the US. I’m hoping that the next few weeks will have a lessening of intensity around these themes, especially as the Moon begins his waning journey tomorrow .
If you’d like to see how all of these many influences are affecting your personal natal chart, you can schedule a personal reading with me, Here!
Praying for peace, healing, and blessings for all.